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Chapter 1995 The Year Without Summer

"Oh, how did I fall asleep last night?"

After waking up in a daze early on Saturday morning, Shade realized that he was curled up in a ball on the bed, with a blanket thrown over him.

I got up from the bed with a dazed head, and finally recalled that I leaned against the head of the bed and closed my eyes last night, and then fell asleep suddenly for some reason:

"What's going on, ha~"

Yawning, I felt my head was finally awake. I lowered my head and looked at the little Mia next to me. The cat did not lie down on the pillow, but instead leaned against Sha De's side. Sha De's body was probably caused by him sleeping cold at night.

A small corner of the blanket that was pulled over was resting on the cat's body.

Little Mia's body is not big to begin with, and the edge of the blanket can cover half of her body. But Shade's movement of standing up exposed half of the cat's body from under the blanket. She was dissatisfied.

He raised his head and shouted at Shade, and then stood up, obviously realizing that it was time to have breakfast again.

"The temperature is really low this morning. Did it rain last night?"

Shade muttered, looking up at the silver-white morning view of the city outside the window. He saw the heavy snow flying in the sky under a ray of sunshine in the morning, and then he understood the reason for the cooling:

"It turns out it's snowing heavily, huh? Snowing?"

Shocked, she picked up the cat and went to the window. She even opened the window because she was worried that it was an hallucination. The cold wind suddenly poured into the warm bedroom, making little Mia scream even more dissatisfied.

He was still wearing a shirt before going to bed, so he immediately felt the low temperature in the wind. Shade stretched his hands out the window again, and snowflakes fell on his palms filled with blood and warmth, and the cold snowflakes melted in his palms:

"Is it really snowing? I slept through the entire summer and autumn at once?"

He was greatly frightened.

[You fell asleep at 8:03 last night, and now it is 5:33 on Saturday morning. Your sleep time is nine hours and thirty minutes.]

"She" reminded me in a very considerate and gentle way.

"Then let me confirm again, the current date and season are."

He looked out the window at the city that had been covered in silver. The roofs of the neighbors across the square had been completely dyed white. The St. Teresa Square below was covered with soft snow, and because it was too early, there were no pedestrians, so it was neat and tidy.

It makes people want to go down and step on a row of footprints.

There is a statue of a girl holding a water bottle in the fountain in the center of the square. The girl's head, shoulders and top of the water bottle are also covered with snowflakes, and the two feet of the statue are completely stuck in the snow. This snow should have fallen in the middle of the night.

[The current time is: the sixth era of this world, late spring of 1854 in the universal calendar, Saturday, the 24th of the month of praying for rain.]

"She" told Shade the time, and according to Tobesk's climate characteristics, there would be no such heavy snowfall this season.

"Wait a minute, isn't this what the guardian of the earth wants to talk to me about?"

Not only was the weather in Tobesk abnormal, but after having breakfast with Mia, Shade went to other locations in the Old World to confirm the situation.

Swimming out of the cave under the sea cliff of Lengshui Port, and emerging from the water, you can see snowflakes falling to the sea, and the Lengshui Port not far away has also been covered in silver;

Walking out of the old mountain tower in Sikar Mountain, the snowflakes have dyed the mountain forest white, complementing the deep green of the tree crown;

Opening the door from the underground wine cellar of White River Valley Vineyard in Huntington and entering the yard, there is no snow here, but the gloomy sky and slightly cold wind are obviously not a normal late spring scene;

Walking out of the lighthouse basement on the island in the center of the Pantanal, which is still cursed by evil things, you can see the heavy rain outside mixed with pebbles without leaving the damp and rotten smell of the lighthouse.

of hail;

Walking out of the secret passage under the Night Temple, we came to the ancient sacrificial site on the cliff, overlooking the forest of Randall River Valley. The white forest made Shade feel like he had returned to his adventure in the early spring of this year;

Arriving at the familiar basement of the Green Lake Hotel, you can hear the chefs in the kitchen discussing the light snow falling outside through the wall;

Finally, I took little Mia to the Randall Valley. The skylight came in through the hole in the roof of the Forgotten Church, and the snowflakes seemed to be spinning and dancing around the beam of light.

The church was still empty, but when the church door was opened, the courtyard outside the church was indeed covered with snowflakes.

Mr. Lassus, who appeared to be the guardian of the earth, was standing in the yard and looking up at the sky. He turned around when he heard the door opening behind him, and then motioned to Shade, who was wearing a thick coat, to talk with him inside the church.


"What's going on? Why is it snowing everywhere in the Old World?"

Shade sat on the bench next to the carpet illuminated by the skylight, and the guardian of the earth stood next to the beam of skylight:

"It's not snowing everywhere, but about 53% of the area has experienced snowfall. Only a few of them have moderate or heavy snow like here, and only a few parts of the northern part of the Old World have experienced blizzards.

Everything else is just snow."

He corrected, and Shade shook his head to show that he didn't care:

"When you said something else happened on Thursday, is this what you were referring to?"


The guardian nodded:

"There is an abnormal phenomenon in the climate, and the root cause is the change of the four seasons. This snow is just the beginning of everything. The weather this summer will be very abnormal. I have relied on the 'Heart of the Earth' to re-stabilize the four seasons of the material world.

But this year will still be a 'year without a summer'."

The ancient god of the earth, "Mother Earth", has the power of the earth and the four seasons, so the heart of the earth can also regulate the climate.

"The Year Without a Summer?"

Guardian explains in more detail:

"Although it won't snow very often, it won't be as hot as it should be in summer."

Shade frowned deeply:

"But why is this happening? This is wrong. Haven't we successfully solved the spatial anomaly in the Green Lake area?"

"This has nothing to do with the Battle of Green Lake, or in other words, it's not something you failed to prevent."

The middle-aged man shook his head slightly and stretched out his hand to catch the snow in the beam of light:

"The disasters and collapses that symbolize the out-of-control world order cannot be completely eliminated. Just like the changes in the earth, even if we prevented the complete distortion of the earth in early spring, we have not completely eliminated the pollution in the earth.

The original chosen ones appeared last summer, and the world was peaceful at that time, so there were no signs of disaster. Now more and more small changes are added together, and even if you prevent each disaster, the world is still affected by

It has an impact. It’s not that you couldn’t do something, it’s just that this is what must happen.”

When Shade and Luvia prepared the Chosen Ceremony for Iluna last year, nothing else happened. All they had to do was help Iluna take revenge and defeat the "Silver Eyed One". And the dark Chosen One

At that time, there was a "dark chaos" event affecting the city of Tobesk; when the death was chosen later, the loss of control between life and death would endanger the entire area; the chosen person of knowledge corresponded to the disaster in the Pantanal region, that

The scope of the impact was larger; when it reached the Randall Valley and Green Lake areas, it further evolved into an accident that would affect the entire world.

Suddenly, I have experienced so many things, and the situation escalated again and again, and finally it became like this:

"How to stop it?"

"It can't be stopped. It's a natural phenomenon. And why should we stop it?"

He asked Shade who was sitting there:

"The earth is the foundation stone, and the foundation stone affects the four seasons. Now that the collapse of the earth has been calmed down again, the abnormality of the four seasons has only caused the temperature this summer to become abnormal. This is not a disaster, it is just a natural phenomenon. Even if it does not cause

The world is heading towards various abnormal disasters step by step. Is it possible that the Year without Summer will occur in ordinary years? For example, the year 369 of the Universal Calendar and the year 1244 of the Universal Calendar."

Xia De looked at him, opened his mouth, and then remembered that the other person's way of thinking was indeed different from his own.

Then he looked at the cat lying on his lap, and knew that what the other person said made sense:

"So, this is actually a good thing. It means that the accumulation of abnormalities in the world has only slightly affected the climate, rather than causing more terrible things. But will this kind of thing become more and more frequent?"

"Judging from the current situation, yes. The Year Without Summer is just the beginning of everything. More and more other strange natural phenomena will occur one after another. It is just like now, it is surprising, but it will not directly affect the world.

Toward destruction. That's it, but it's not just that. This is destined, no matter what you prevent, it will come. It's just that you make its impact smaller. Civilization will thank you, Xia

De Hamilton."

He stopped talking, leaving Shade time to think about everything. Shade's thoughts spread outward, thinking about the past life and everything he had experienced:

“It can’t be stopped, can it be contained?”

"The power of the chosen ones can contain those abnormalities to a certain extent. Just like if I were not here, I'm sorry, I'm not boasting."

He smiled at Shade, so that he could see that although the "Guardian of the Earth" has hundreds of souls, he can actually express his emotions:

"If there were no chosen ones of the earth here, what we would see today would be more than just heavy snow."

"The chosen ones have the ability to maintain normality in the world?"

"Wouldn't it be weirder if we didn't have this ability?"

The middle-aged man next to the hole in the ceiling asked:

"At least, until all thirteen chosen ones appear, each chosen one has his or her own role."

Shade immediately thought of the dead Dark Chosen One, Ivan Darkness, of the Chosen Ones with knowledge and wisdom who had not yet appeared, and of the Space Chosen Ones who could not appear at will:


"It doesn't matter. The most important candidate is still here, so that doesn't matter."

PS: There is not much content left in this volume. When this volume is updated, a free extra chapter will be updated.

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