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Chapter 2140 The Egg and the Vampire Killer

Chapter 2141 Egg and Vampire Killer


"Did you sleep well last night?"

On Sunday morning, in Spider Alley, Xiacheng District, Yuewan City, Shade walked side by side to the autopsy room with Mr. Bernhardt and yawned. The vampire beside him asked with concern.

"No, I slept well. I just dreamed of something strange. The beautiful red-haired princess was invited to my dream. That dream was really good."

Shade explained a few words casually, and then entered the corridor with Mr. Bernhardt.

Mr. Ptolemy Albert seems to have been working in the morgue forever, and Shade can always find him every time he comes here. However, the three of them have agreed to meet up this morning to exchange investigative information, so he does not have one at this time.

Instead of conducting an autopsy, the two of them were brought into the office.

Compared to the damp and cold autopsy room, which was filled with the smell of antiseptic and corpse odor, the separate office was quite comfortable. There was also a steam pipe here, and Mr. Schade and Mr. Bernhardt took off their coats.

After the three of them sat down, they first complained about the snow the day before yesterday, and then started to share their gains in the past week.

More than a week has passed since the appearance of the female corpse to the discovery of important clues in the steam bathhouse and now. Not only Shade, but also the other two people who investigated separately have also made significant gains.

The first person to speak was Mr. Bernhardt. After discovering that the memories of important people had been modified, he went to investigate the Crowley Steam Bath at 18 Gref Street:

"Remember the first information we got from the bathhouse?"

Mr. Bernhardt asked Xiang Shade:

"Important people do not enter and leave the bath through the main entrance, but through the secret passage. In the past two days, I tried to find the secret passage in the room that was once used by Wood, Hawthorne and Black, and found that it was actually an abandoned sewer.

The passage formed.”

"I've heard that when local nobles built manors, they would also use abandoned sewers as secret passages in the manor. In the past few years, some people even tried to sneak into the bank through the sewers to steal, but because the bank staff just happened to be checking the vault, they disappeared.

He came out of a hole in the ground and was caught on the spot."

Mr. Albert, a local, said, and Mr. Bernhardt nodded:

"The secret passage under the bathhouse is not deep. You can reach the bottom quickly by climbing the ladder from the room. Probably to prevent getting lost, the direction is marked with paint on the wall below. You will definitely not know where the exit is."

Shade then turned to look at the map of the city hanging on the wall of his office:

"I don't believe this passage is very long. The basement of the apartment on Miss Bell's Walk around the bathhouse?"

Mr. Albert also looked at the map:

"A few hundred meters away from the bathhouse is the Taton River. I remember there were several rows of houses on the beach by the river."

"Yes, the exit of the secret passage is in those houses on the banks of the Taton River. Those houses are usually fruit stalls, blacksmith shops and other shops. They are not inhabitable. There is no night watchman at night, so it is not possible to enter or leave one of them at night.


Mr. Bernhard got up and came to the map:

"I followed the secret passage to the exit, and found cleaned blood stains at the exit of the secret passage. Although it had been cleaned, the blood stains were still clear to us. I smelled the female body and the remaining blood.

The smell makes me pretty sure that the blood near the exit came from the deceased."

Both Shade and Mr. Albert looked at him in surprise:

"Really found it?"

Mr. Bernhardt is still a little proud:

"Don't praise me, it's just good luck. However, there was no blood inside the secret passage, and the woman was injured at the exit. I followed the blood trail out of the house to follow it, but unfortunately, the blood trail ended up in the Taton River.

.Nearly two weeks have passed since the incident, and I can no longer track it."

He took a pencil from the table and marked the location of the blood traces. The woman did not leave the secret passage exit of the house by the river and enter the river directly, but walked around in a large circle before finally throwing herself into the river.

"Unfortunately, there were no other witnesses that night, and the amount of blood scattered on the street was very small. This is probably where the clues end."

Mr. Bernhardt concluded, but Shade was quite excited:

"This clue is very important. I got part of Herman Wood's memory. That night, after the three of them took the deceased out of the bathhouse through the secret passage, they went to the sewer and saw something in the sewer."

He described that memory in detail, focusing on the "dragon beast eyes", and then stood next to the map and looked at the terrain near the steam bathhouse:

"The memories lost by Herman Wood and the others were not long-term memories, but only within a few hours of that night. Therefore, the memory I obtained most likely occurred before the blood stains discovered by Mr. Bernhardt appeared. Therefore,

It is reasonable to believe that the order of events that night was:

The three people took the deceased to see some kind of experimental product that was imprisoned in the sewer. An accident occurred during the process, which caused the egg-like object to enter the body of the deceased and parasitize it. The deceased escaped from the sewer, entered the river, and floated along the water to the Lower City area on Herring Street.

Then he died here."

"Mr. Watson, do you mean that the strange sewer you saw is actually connected to the secret passage of Crowley's Steam Bathhouse?"

Mr. Bernhardt also understood. He thought about it carefully:

"The sewers where the secret passage is located extend in all directions, and I really haven't been able to visit every corner. If this is the case, even if the secret detention center is moved later, as long as we can attract the church's attention to the remaining traces,

The suspicion of vampires can also be greatly reduced."

"That's right. I'm asking someone to help collect the city's sewer map. We'll go there once we have the results."

Shade only told Mr. Bernhardt about Miss Belindel, and the latter also kept this secret, so he would not mention it in front of the coroner wearing a burqa.

Although Mr. Ptolemy Albert did not go out to investigate, he also obtained important information by relying on his local contacts. After the two of them finished talking about their respective gains, he said:

"I told Armand about the vampire monster. Mr. Watson, do you know about this?"

"I know, Viscount Bernhardt told me."


The coroner nodded heavily:

"The vampire monster that has been attacking citizens at night recently, I originally thought it was a deliberate release by the mastermind to confuse the church. But in the past few days, I have received news from acquaintances in the church. The vampire monster seems to be completely out of control.

And he is extremely intelligent. So far, five people have been injured, four of whom were killed and one was seriously injured."

Mr. Bernhardt frowned slightly:

"If it was just to attract the church's attention, why would they attack citizens so frequently? Doesn't this force the church to step up its investigation?"

"So, the vampire monster was not released intentionally to attract attention?"

Shade asked, and Mr. Bernhardt looked at each other, both thinking the same thing:

"The egg-shaped object that absorbed the blood of the deceased cannot have hatched."

The coroner nodded slightly:

"I think so too. We are still not sure of the true relationship between the egg-shaped object and the vampire monster at night. Even our initial guess that the thing was a vampire monster may have been wrong, but the other party must really have a vampire race.

of blood.”

He also stood up and came to the map:

"If your conjecture is correct, that night, three nobles took the deceased to a dangerous laboratory in the sewers. Then an accident occurred, causing an egg-like object to enter the abdomen of the deceased, and the deceased fled. After leaving the secret passage, he entered the river, and

She left the river downstream and died in the lower city. The egg-shaped object in her abdomen was not recovered by the owners of the laboratory, otherwise there would be no reason not to hide the body."

"What can grow so fast? It was still an egg at that time, and now it can attack humans?"

Mr. Bernhardt was puzzled. Shade had read a lot of Laplace Howard's alchemy and human body refining notes, so he had his own guess:

"I'm afraid that the experimental product originally had the characteristic of rapid growth. After absorbing the blood and life of a living person, it is entirely possible to grow in just a few days. And monsters with rapid growth characteristics should usually be able to absorb life and become

Stronger characteristics.”

"That thing will get stronger and stronger? And the more people kill, the stronger it will be?"

Mr. Bernhardt's eyes widened:

"Why do you feel like things are getting worse and worse?"

"It's just getting worse and worse."

Mr. Albert raised his head and continued to look at the map. He was the oldest among the three. His brows were furrowed and his wrinkles were almost piled up into ravines:

"But let's not take the risk to find the hatched monster. I know you two are very powerful, but don't take this risk. The only thing we can do now is to find the secret laboratory first and let the church know about this matter and

We have nothing to do with it.”

Mr. Bernhard nodded and then asked softly:

"When I tried to contact Bruce yesterday, I found that there was something wrong near his house."

Shade looked at them and knew that they were discussing their own race.

"The church temporarily took him away. He lives near the crime scene and has a record of selling banned biological products on the local black market, so he is a suspect."

“What prohibited biological product?”

Shade asked curiously, and the coroner covered his forehead and sighed:

"I don't know where I got the chocobo eggs. Although they are dead eggs, they are also the third-level contraband in the church's "Dangerous Creature Rating Catalog."

"Bruce's ability is really great. Currently, the only ones who openly breed chocobos are the church and the three major colleges. Probably only God knows where his products come from."

This is the only information obtained from the investigation for the time being. Although the exploration of the truth has taken a step further, they are getting closer and closer to the final danger. Starting from the investigation of the unknown female corpse, Shade is actually gradually moving towards the [Dragon Cult] in the local area.

The target is getting closer. And this "detective incident" that has caused the death of at least five people and made the local vampires panic is likely to bring more big news to Yuewan in the future.

PS: The previous article has been modified. The card that Shade got in the card game in the previous article was adjusted from [Ancient Fairy Tale·Mermaid] to the [Ancient Fairy Tale·Song of the Mermaid] that appeared in Chapter 502, and it was explained that this card is again

The reason for the encounter.

The card rules and points will not be modified, it is stated here.


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