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Chapter 2179 Sword of Light

As Miss Denister spoke, she controlled the documents to fly around Shade:

"The first definite case of 'photo-spontaneous combustion/photo-melting' phenomenon in this era occurred in 403 of the Universal Calendar of the Sixth Era, and subsequently occurred every more than a hundred years. In modern times, that is, the record in 1513

Later, the frequency of such unexplained accidents suddenly increased, but it only resulted in the death of one or two people every few decades. Compared with other threats facing the material world, this kind of thing is actually extremely dangerous."

Although what she said is cruel, it is also true. After all, even the sacrifices brought by the advancement of science and technology for ordinary people are not so low. This weird "photo-spontaneous combustion/photo-melting" phenomenon is not only harmful to a certain unlucky individual.

, and this phenomenon will not be contagious or spread. Even if it is an event relic, it will probably only be classified into the poet level or the clerical level.

"After entering the nineteenth century of our current sixth era, similar things have happened more frequently. Especially in recent decades, there have been one or two confirmed cases of 'photospontaneous combustion/light' almost every month.

The melting incident occurred. Therefore, the church has specially set up a case file to record this series of situations in recent years. According to your description, the methods used by the [Light Worshipers Training Group] are very similar to similar incidents."

The last few photos in the file bag are records of the remaining limbs of victims of the "Light Spontaneous Combustion/Light Melting" incident. However, due to the rapidity of "Light Melting", even if there are ring warlocks around, they will pull the limbs outside the light and remove the victim.

After being pulled out of the "light", all that was finally rescued were severed limbs with a flat cross-section.

Shade just took a few glances and then came up with a guess:

"Actually, light spontaneous combustion/light melting is a disaster caused by the world itself, similar to the 'earth pollution'. And the 'Light Worshipers Training Group' has mastered this strange light due to unknown reasons?"

"It's very possible. And even the church has not found any measures to counteract this light. If you can't avoid it, no matter who you are, you will melt into this light."

Miss Denister looked at him worriedly:

"So you must be careful when operating in Moon Bay. Natural phenomena don't care who you are."

"Don't worry, I actually have a way to resist that light, but it also requires reaction time."

This refers to "Calamity Solitaire·Shadow of the Deep".

"But according to the previous rules, this kind of disaster caused by the distortion of the world's rules will first and frequently appear in the area where the chosen one is about to appear."

Shade said again, and Miss Danister nodded:

"Yes, so it is almost certain that Yuewan City will face trouble. In other words, this kind of thing has already happened in Yuewan, but the local people are not aware of it. Among the headless serial murder cases you mentioned, those

The cut surface of the corpse's neck is quite smooth, much like the cut surface after melting. It seems that someone has indeed mastered the method of taking advantage of this hazard."

Shade took a deep breath:

"In this way, the [Dragon Feast Order] and the [Light Worshipers Training Association] are cooperating with each other. One is exploring the secret of dragon blood creation, and the other is pursuing the answer to the light. The dragon and the light are the ancient gods.

Two important powers. These two organizations probably don't mind destroying Yuewan City in order to qualify for the election. After all, the projection of the evil thing was summoned last weekend."

Miss Denister knew what he meant:

"Even if I ask you not to interfere in Yuewan's affairs, I'm afraid you won't agree. When the coordination between the college and the church is completed and people can be sent to the Yuewan area, I think I will lead the team. Before that, you must pay attention


"I understand. Speaking of which, there is also Emilia's matter."

He stopped mid-sentence, and Miss Daniste also heard about it:

"That girl from the Yuexi clan was targeted by cultists while she was in Tobesk? Do you want to plead for her and let her stay in Tobesk until the end of the summer off-campus practice? If you open your mouth to me,

I can help you do this."

Shade originally wanted to say this, but he was also worried that Emilia would encounter something else in Tobesk, so he thought about it again and again, and finally shook his head:

"Listen to the school's arrangements. If she is allowed to go back, I will send her to the train station; if she can stay, I will let her report to my place once a day. I also really want Amelia to be free to play during the summer vacation

It will take a few days, but after all, safety is important. She is an elf, she still has a long life, and she will have the opportunity to go to Tobesk City again in the future."

The red-haired sorceress smiled:

"Very good, perfect answer.

Although she has left the school in violation of the rules so many times, it is no longer pursued, but it is still necessary to let her know how dangerous the world is. This is also the meaning of off-campus practice. I think Emilia will learn a lesson this time

Of. Where does she live now?"

"She lived in my house and was still helping me when setting up the projection ceremony."

Miss Denister then warned:

"Although the academy is not opposed to free love, the fifty-three-year-old Miss Emilia Siam Nord is still an underage elf girl in the traditional concept of elves. Do you understand?"

"I understand. Wait, are you implying that this means I am the one who did the bad things?"

Shade's eyes widened, and the red-haired sorceress smiled happily.

Because Emilia was also at home, after the projection ended, Shade did not immediately tell Luvia the news he had received from the cat in the evening and from Miss Danist just now.

It was still early for the meeting. After finishing the meeting with Miss Danister, Shade told Luvia and Amelia about the cat in the afternoon in his study. The girls were also very excited about this.

The story was so touching that when Shade told how the cat finally left with its mother, the sentimental Emilia even started sobbing.

Of course, Shade still didn't mention that he was in Moon Bay in front of Emilia.

Nothing else happened that night. It seemed that Luvia was not planning to leave tonight. She was probably also worried about leaving Amelia to spend the night at Shade's place. In this era, there was a lack of evening entertainment, so at night

During the rest of the time, Shade and Luvia were in the study preparing for the summer exam week at the end of the month.

As for Emilia, although there is no concept of "summer homework" in St. Byrons, Shade still remembered that she had learned ancient Elvish language here. So while reviewing the exam subjects, Shade found a few books from Green Island.

Let Emilia translate the books written in ancient elven script that she brought back:

"Let me see how much you have learned from the notebook I gave you. I will give you a grade after the translation. If you fail, I can give you tutoring a few times in the following nights. Oh, Emilia

,Although the life of an elf is longer than that of a human, don’t waste your nights reading novels written by Dorothy.”


Luvia coughed a few times.

"I mean, even if you're not in school during the summer, you can't give up studying. If you learn now, when school starts, you will be better than your classmates who haven't picked up a pen during the whole vacation. Then when school starts, you can

At night, when everyone is asleep, take more time to study. In this way, you will gradually become the best elf in the entire grade."

Shade swore that the expression on Emilia's face was really wonderful when she was holding a book in one hand and a pen in the other and listening to herself say this.

Of course, he did not force Amelia to study, he just wanted her to feel the atmosphere of the study at night. So while reading together, Shade did not forget to ask Amelia about her life today, even while they were resting

Played a few games of checkers to pass the time - Luvia refused to play Rhodes with Shade.

It was around ten o'clock that the three of them went back to their rooms to rest. Of course, Luvia followed Shade to the master bedroom, while Emilia hugged little Mia and went to sleep on her side.

After the door was closed and the purple-eyed girl in a nightgown closed the curtains in front of the window in a good mood, Shade talked about the information he had obtained today.

Luvia waited until he finished speaking before speaking:

"The abnormal light should be the cause of this disaster, but I didn't expect that someone could master the method of utilizing this disaster. What's the difference between this and pushing the end of the world to come earlier?"

"Have you heard about the Sword of Light?"

Shade asked again, and Luvia shook her head:

"Never heard of it."

As he spoke, he walked to the desk in the bedroom and looked at the three coins on the table:

"Why, are you anxious to ask me to divine now? There are too few clues. Even if you use these coins, you can't divine the entire content of the Chosen One's ceremony."

"This time it is clear that something has happened, but Yuewan is still calm on the surface. I am really worried about using a coin to divine the so-called 'Sword of Light'. I know that it is related to the ancient gods, and it is impossible to know all the information.

, then at least give me some basic knowledge, I originally thought that the Chosen One ceremony was related to those dragon scales."

Luvia naturally had no objection. Among the remaining three special coins, there were two "Thunder God's Wrath" coins, so she twisted one of them. She closed her eyes and threw it to a high place lightly, because this

The purpose is to know as much as possible about the "Sword of Light", so the divination will naturally not fail.

The relic turned into fly ash and disappeared in the process of falling. Luvia opened her eyes and groaned. She almost fell down while holding on to the table. Shade hurriedly supported her:

"Don't talk yet, sit down first."

Helping Luvia to sit on the edge of the bed, the female diviner shook her head gently:

"It doesn't matter, it's just that this divination involves gods, so the mental pressure is a bit greater. Miss Danister is right, the so-called 'Sword of Light' is indeed a creation left by the ancient gods. It is not a relic.

It’s even more mysterious than the God’s creations such as the [God’s Gift Box] and [Butterfly Summoning Flute] you own. I didn’t see the specific information about that sword. I only know that only those with a ‘heart of justice’ can pull it out.


PS: Additional update 5/5.

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