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Chapter 281 Complete trust

 I talked with Miss Carina from two o'clock in the afternoon until five thirty in the afternoon. She thought that Shade didn't know the specific situation of the two gods coming to Tobesk last night, so she explained in detail that last night shocked everyone.

world affairs.

In fact, no one knows what happened last night better than Shade.

But at least Shade understood from Miss Carina that no one connected what happened last night with him, but they were all wondering who the god in white robes was. Today in the Sixth Epoch

, except for the five righteous gods, there should be no other good gods.

The church, on the other hand, connected the mortal who summoned the Silver Moon God with the "Mask Man Under the Silver Moon". It even used some unknown means to associate the Ring Warlock who used the Mystic Chain not long ago with the "Mask Man Under the Silver Moon".

"People" are related together, and thus it is further confirmed that the mysterious man is the thirteen-ring warlock.

Since last night, the code name of "The Masked Man Under the Silver Moon" has been officially changed to "The God Caller", and there is one more thirteen-ring warlock recognized in the material world.

A mortal who becomes a vessel for gods is almost certain to die, but a thirteen-ring warlock has a chance of immortality after summoning a god. But even if he does not die, it will take at least several decades of cultivation to recover. Therefore, the Church of the Five Gods treats this "friendly" Thirteen

The Ringman felt sorry for him.

"The church is crazy to think about it."

This is Miss Carina's view. She knows that Shade is the so-called "Mask Man under the Silver Moon", but she also knows that Shade currently only has two rings. Even if she doubts that Shade may still have a way to temporarily upgrade herself to

Thirteen rings, but he is now sitting here intact, without any trace of injury.

It is indeed possible for a mortal to use the power of the thirteenth ring when he is in the first ring, and this is not the first time that this has happened. But the second day after a mortal becomes a vessel for divine descent, he can freely walk around and sit across from himself to talk, Jialin

Miss Na didn't believe anything she said. After all, the former is the difference between mortals and mortals, while the latter is the difference between mortals and gods, so she believed that Shade was definitely not the so-called "god caller" and that the church was stopping cultists.

In addition to making mistakes, I made another mistake in finding someone.

"Maybe the years of peace have been too long, and the Zhengshen Church has slacked off. They really made a big mistake this time. Detective, you are not a 'god caller', right?"

Of course, the Duchess finally asked, and Shade answered quite firmly:

"Oh, why do you have such an idea?"

He didn't lie because he didn't answer at all.

Before the day's conversation ended, the Great Witch finally mentioned the topic to Shade for the first time. The two gods appeared in Tobesk last night, which also scared her. After thinking for a long time, she decided to reveal this fatal matter to

Shade, I hope he knows something and will not be easily involved in danger.

Shade knew most of the things Miss Carina shared. In fact, the great witch did not know as much information as Luvia Anat told Shade.

Carina Cavendish didn't seem to be hiding it intentionally, but really only knew these things. This made Shade suspicious of Luvia. This sorceress with only three rings actually knew more about Luvia than she did in name.

There are even more witch heirs.

Coupled with sacrificial divination, the female fortune teller has more secrets than imagined.

After Thursday night, almost everyone now knows that the identity of the first chosen one is the sorceress of the Righteous God Church. But Miss Carina does not care about her, but reminds Shade not to get close to the other chosen ones.

Candidates for:

"The real chosen one is not worth caring about, because her identity has been determined. It is impossible to betray the church, let alone be won over. There is no benefit in killing her for the time being. Therefore, what needs to be paid attention to is that the chosen one has not yet appeared.

It’s a pity that they could be approached only by the chosen ones. The first one was a woman, but the Parliament was unable to contact her until the end.”

It was still very bright at half past five in the summer, and Miss Carina intended to let Shad stay overnight at her manor, have dinner together, and talk about other things after dinner.

But Shade had to go back, after all, there were two ladies waiting for him at home.

"Then let Tifa take you back, and bring back the [Vampire Fang] by the way. You can take the 1,200 pounds back. Oh, one more thing, detective, get me some more water. I think this will be useful for you."

I have some effect."

So before preparing to leave, Shade once again summoned the life ring and used [Full Food] to treat a full glass of water. Miss Carina only took two small sips like she did a few hours ago, and then put it down.

He stood up and prepared to leave, but Shade thought of one more thing:

"Miss Carina, do you know the Commissioner of Police at Ridwich Field?"

"We know each other, what's wrong?"

"The counterfeit Philosopher's Stone is in his hands. He is also one of the supporters of [Mercury Blood]. I want to kill him and snatch the things away. Can you help?"

The Duchess thought for a moment:

"If you take action tomorrow, I can help you move away the troublesome people nearby. Do it as soon as possible. Once the church investigates him, the relic will be none of your business. According to the current progress of the investigation, the police department

It’s impossible to hide it for a long time.”

She didn't mention receiving payment this time.

"thanks for your help."

Shade said softly, then stood up and left with the maid, Miss Tifa.

The door was closed, and other maids did not disturb the duchess who was resting here. She was fascinated by the cup of silvery water on the coffee table. She picked up the cup and stood up. Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, she saw Shade and herself.

The maid had already walked into the courtyard.

He raised his head and drank half of the clear water filled with silver aura. The red-haired witch stood in front of the window, touching her stomach with one hand, and let out a long sigh:

"Although I didn't fully recover, I was able to be treated to this extent."

She looked at Shade's retreating figure in the courtyard of her manor:

"Are you a candidate for the Chosen One? Oh, if you are, many doubts can be explained clearly. After all, if there are any strange things happening to the Chosen One, it is true that he returned to Tobesk this time."

With a smile on her lips, the witch regained her strength and showed her original grace again.

He turned around to deal with the backlog of things that had been accumulated for the day, but suddenly stopped. He frowned for a moment and then made an uncontrollable voice:



The glass in her hand was crushed directly. Carina Cavendish covered her mouth with a red face, turned around and looked around. Fortunately, she was the only one in the quiet room now.

This chapter has been completed!
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