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Chapter 519: The Double Wood and the Dragon Are But Seven


The sky is torn apart by black light!

A huge black tree fell from the sky, with seventeen black dragons entwining around it, and their long chants resounded in all directions!

In the blink of an eye, it was as if the heaven and earth were turned upside down and the universe changed its position!

The strong wind merges with the black light, and it is sharp, invading the body and eroding the thoughts!

The monks involved screamed repeatedly. Not only were their bodies damaged and scarred, but their spirits and souls were eroded and showed signs of fragmentation. They were also swept by the strong wind and flew out of the city involuntarily!

Although Dang Kouzi and others were protected by magic weapons, they could not bear it. The dark lines on their bodies became denser and denser, and the magic light and the True Fire Mysterious Pearl became dimmer. They were also blown and pushed by the black light wind.

, arrived outside Chang'an City!

The gangster barely resisted the strong wind and black light coming from all directions, and tried his best to get together with the headmasters and elders of several other families, because he knew in his heart that in such a terrifying environment, even with his own moral conduct and background, once

If you are alone, you will fall into it when all your mana and aura are exhausted. The consequences are unpredictable!

"This is the projection of the Tao tree!" Chang Wuyou dispersed the black light with fierce fire and opened up a secluded area, saying: "Legend has it that since the birth of heaven and earth, the source of all things, the long history, and the extraordinary supernatural power is a boundless land, and the way of heaven is

Cultivate it! Wherever there is a way of life, there is a tree left!"

"Dao tree?" Dang Kouzi's eyes twitched, "Doesn't that mean that Taigong Dao will be completed?"

"Not necessarily!" Chang Wuyou shook his head, with worry on his face, "If it succeeds, then that's it. For us, it's just one more way to practice, but for that world, it means a great event.

Change, that’s why some people continue to obstruct it, fearing that the Grand Duke will not reach the high road and go astray..."

In the distance, there were several monks who had exhausted their energy, blood, and strength. They howled and fell into the strong wind, shrouded in black light, and finally lost their voices and body shape.

The gangster's eyelids twitched again, and when he looked at the sky, he saw several dark dragons suppressing the Canglong, the Lord of the Heavenly Palace and other great supernatural beings until they were retreating steadily!

"How can we turn this situation around?"


Jin Wuzi shook his head and said sarcastically: "Don't expect a turn of events. You have never experienced the difficulty of Taiqing, so you don't know that the emergence of such a turn of events often means a price, and monks like you and me are that price. After all,


After a pause, he looked at the gangsters and said meaningfully: "What the higher-ups want has nothing to do with our lives."

The gangster was startled, and said with a wry smile: "When the Taiqing Dynasty was difficult, many seniors understood this truth, but they still stepped forward and succeeded in order to leave a fire for the Taoist sect. Today I will discuss the Taoism!"

After saying that, he cheered up, raised the magic pestle, and took the initiative to greet him.

Jinwuzi chuckled lightly and said: "That's fine, we can't lose to the juniors!"

As he spoke, he pinched the seal and recited a mantra, regardless of the black light swarming around him, corroding his flesh and blood, and raised the hill-like Kongtong Seal to suppress the surrounding black wind!

Just then.

Boom boom boom!

Chang'an was shaken, and air waves burst out, like a tsunami!

In just one breath, the strong black light raging in all directions was shattered into pieces!

Jin Wuzi, Dang Kouzi and others were entangled with the black light. Suddenly, a strong wind came over them, so their long hair was flying, their clothes were rustling, the black shadows in front of them were chaotic, and their spiritual consciousness was in chaos. It was hard to see with eyes, and without feeling.

I can't see up and down, I don't understand things, and all my feelings about the surroundings disappear!

When they came to their senses, what they saw in front of their eyes was the towering giant trees rising from the ground in Chang'an City!

The stem seemed to be made of brass. As soon as it appeared, phantoms flew up in every market place in Chang'an and all over the Guanzhong Plain. They were projections of thousands of people and all kinds of things in the world!

They are either confused, frightened, determined, or doubtful...

The wishes of thousands of people are divided into nine, like light and mist.

Thousands of branches extend from the trunk, intertwined with the light and mist of the people's wish, turning into a trunk, branching out branches and leaves, and each leaf has complex and mysterious lines.

When all the practitioners looked at it, they immediately became dizzy.


Those monks who had already fallen into chaos because of the whispers and black light, looked at the giant brass wood again, and their thoughts were scattered. Their cultivation was showing signs of decline. They dared not look at it anymore, and they all withdrew their gazes!

Lian Dang Kouzi, Chen Danjin and other high-ranking masters also changed their expressions at the first glance, and immediately had the idea of ​​​​retreating. They did not dare to take a closer look and could only watch from a distance.

However, Chang Wuyou's face was full of surprise and his tone was low: "A tree bears Tao fruit, which breeds the Tao of Heaven. One tree and one tree, how can there be two trees in one tree? This second Tao tree is obviously different from the number of Tai Road..."

The gangster was startled and realized: "Could it be that there is another person in the city who has also given birth to a great road and wants to take this opportunity to establish a great road? This..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by thunder!

Amidst the sound of thunder, the huge dark wood falling from the sky trembled, as if stimulated by the giant brass wood, and then the tree crown twisted, and the dark dragons connected to the tree crown actually abandoned Tingyi and others, suddenly turned around, and all headed towards

Rush into Chang'an City!

Suddenly, there were many sounds of fighting, sounds of learning, sounds of practice, sounds of instruction, sounds of reprimands, sounds of instructions... and then they fell.

In the blink of an eye, the dark dragon wrapped around the giant tree and penetrated inside!


The two giant trees stopped together and ended up in a stalemate in the air!

The violent air flow erupted from between the two trees and swept in all directions instantly.

The ferocity of its power has caused the mountains and rivers to tremble before it even touches the earth. The spiritual beings in the north, whether they are humans, demons, or birds and beasts, are frightened in their hearts and have a sense of impending doom!

An instinctive fear arose in the hearts of the gangsters and others, and then their minds were in chaos!

They had been fighting with the black light before, and their bodies and minds were more or less infected. At this moment, the dark aura in their flesh and blood became manic, making them crazy and frantic, and they had the idea of ​​​​attacking and killing friends and foes alike!

"Keep your thoughts! I'm waiting for you to be infected by the aftermath of the road!" Chang Wuyou stretched out his finger, and a bit of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire burst out, shining brightly, not only illuminating the surroundings, but also dispelling the haze in everyone's hearts.

Everyone hurriedly regained their composure, but before they could calm down, they saw Shen Gongbao taking a step forward, reaching in front of several people, and waving his sleeves.

The hole in the sleeve opened up, and several people were included in it without any explanation.

"Although these people have little connection with Chen Fangqing, they are involved with Taihua Mountain. Taking them may be useful later." Muttering in his heart, Shen Gongbao glanced at the two trees cautiously.

But immediately the seven orifices exploded with rainbow light, and they retreated continuously, shouting: "It's terrible, it's really impossible. Although these two people are really establishing Taoism, they both have the foundation. This collision, even if the heavenly ways are not in conflict, is still a cruel one."

Tao invades each other, even I will be affected in the past, so I should wait and see the opportunity..."

Thinking of this, he rolled his eyes, and immediately stepped into the air, reaching the side of Tingyi and the old man with white bones, and bowed his hands in salute: "I have seen two emperors of the underworld."

Tingyi and the others now got rid of the entanglement of the black dragon and gathered their own magical powers and magic weapons. However, they did not pursue them. Instead, they saw the uncertain scene of the confrontation between the two trees, and their expressions were particularly solemn.

Seeing Shen Gongbao's arrival, Tingyi said: "Shen Gongbao, at this time, I really want to hear your nonsense here."

The old man with white bones exclaimed: "There really is another person who has touched the rudiment of the way of heaven!"

Shen Gongbao chuckled lightly and said: "Not only that, this man also has a good relationship with Emperor Chujiang."

"Oh?" The old man with white bones turned his eyes, "Chu Jiang, who is this person to you?"

"Don't listen to his nonsense!" Ting Yi frowned, "Do you believe what Shen Gongbao said?"

"Whether what he said is true or false, the people in the city are indeed a big change and a turning point!" With a flash of blue light, Canglong came to the side of a few people, "It's just that this person's way of heaven is still in its infancy.

, even the road signs are complete, and there is no legendary blessing, so it is no match for Jiang Ziya!"

Hearing this, Ting Yi's eyes changed slightly.

At this time, a few starlights fell, outlining the figure of the Lord of the Heavenly Palace. He also said: "The shadows of Jiang Ziya's seventeen dragons are exactly where his landmarks are, and they contain dynasties, hundreds of families, and sects."

, surnames, ethnic groups, bloodline and other laws, each of which has legends spread throughout the world! It is recognized by heaven and earth, and this sudden explosion of the master of the copper tree, although it is a manifestation of the rise and fall of heaven and earth's destiny, but in terms of the background, it is by no means

Jiang Ziya’s opponents, especially Jiang Ziya, are still infected by external forces..."

As if to confirm what they said, a few explosions were heard, and the frantic black dragon actually broke through the canopy of the giant brass tree and began to invade it!

Seeing this, Ting Yi said: "Lu's situation is extremely difficult to control. People outside the world will not hesitate to make him burn himself to avoid future troubles. But in this way, even if Lu's death, we will also be implicated. These are the people who set up the Tao behind."

, it’s the only turning point, why don’t we give him a helping hand..."

"Inappropriate!" The old man with white bones shook his head and said meaningfully: "It should be noted that this person is also a person who established the Tao, but there is Jiang Ziya standing in front of him. If the outside world knew better, he would kill him with just one glance. Now the two tigers are facing each other.

If we try to side with one side in the fight, if it turns out to be self-defeating, there will be endless troubles."

After a pause, he suddenly said: "Or perhaps, what Shen Gongbao said is true, and you really have a past with this person?"

Ting Yi's eyes were cold, but he noticed that the other people were surrounding him, so he took a deep breath, smiled, and was about to speak.


At this time, a sigh suddenly spread across all directions and reached the hearts of everyone.

Several people were startled and looked around, only to see a Taoist standing beside the two giant trees.

This Taoist has red phoenix eyes, eyebrows on the temples, a tall figure, a wide robe with big sleeves, a fly whisk in his hand, and his beard and hair are flying.

"My disciple, my master is here."

He looked at the brass wood with a look of relief and kindness on his face, then swept the whisk and made a virtual circle, and then the brilliance flowed and ripples scattered in all directions.

"Pure jade is hidden in the stone, and true gold is seen in the wood. Leave me alone to open up a mysterious path, and the three lives will transform into Sumeru."


This chapter has been completed!
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