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Chapter 4 Using Words to Promote Learning, the Millennium Context

"You sorted it out by yourself?"

Li Si frowned, looked at Chen Cuo's young face, and wanted to retort. With his knowledge, he would never think that a person of his age could create a new school of thought without any teacher!

Even if your own teachers can innovate and develop their own theories, they also rely on the inheritance and accumulation of Confucian predecessors. How can this kind of knowledge be achieved by drilling into the mountains and working behind closed doors for more than ten years?

However, before the words came out of Li Si's mouth, Chen Cuo took a deep look. For some reason, his heart trembled, and he did not dare to say the rebuttal easily!

When he came back to his senses, he was secretly shocked because he vaguely felt an aura from the other party as if he were his own teacher! But his teacher Xunzi was a great sage in the world, famous all over the world, and his spirit was great.

Raise the East, what kind of prestige is that? An aura is not only the accumulation of knowledge, but also can be shaped by decades of respecting those who are superior and looking up to those who are inferior. The person in front of me is not more than thirty years old. Where did he come from?


At this thought, Li Si hesitated for a moment, settled his thoughts, and an idea flashed in his mind, and he said: "Sir, what you said is somewhat inconsistent with the theory of the rise and fall of my family. According to you, as long as you gather the information and find the context, you can

Being able to see the rise and fall shows that the prosperity of a school of thought actually depends on previous accumulation. How can one person find an opportunity to prosper in a short period of time?"

"A gentleman has extraordinary knowledge, and he got to the point in one sentence." Chen Cuo laughed, seemingly not hearing the provocation in Li Si's words, "Those hundreds of schools of thought are spread all over the world, so naturally they will not suddenly emerge from the stone.

What pops out has its own context, and the root of its prosperity is actually very clear, and it only needs to be sorted out to understand."

In fact, when he first saw Li Si, Chen Cuo knew that this person was extraordinary. Although his magical powers and spells were suppressed, their essence remained unchanged. He also blessed the laws of heaven. How could he not notice it when he was so close to Chi Chi?

What kind of momentum is about to flourish in Li Si? Even with just a slight perception, and by intercepting the information of a few breaths before and after, he knew the identity of the person in front of him.

However, Chen Cuo could also see that Li Si had already learned it, and it was like a tree that had been shaped and had no room for further processing by himself. However, it could just be used as a springboard to spread the name of the rise and fall.

So, he didn't care about the doubts in the other party's words. Instead, he followed the trend, glanced at the people in front of him, and said with a smile: "Aren't you curious about how to see the rise and fall trends from the context? I know that there are many of you.

, I actually feel that I was just lucky and happened to get the situation right, so we might as well go in the opposite direction and use the prosperous situation of hundreds of companies to reversely dismantle the process and trace its source to find out,

Why can these hundreds of families prosper?"

When everyone heard this, they looked at each other.

However, Li Si frowned and was keenly aware of the other party's purpose. He seemed to want to make use of his own inquiry. He felt a little unhappy and couldn't help but said: "Sir, what you said is a bit strange.

Hundreds of schools can prosper because saints descend from heaven, comprehend the principles of the world, and then teach them to the world. Then the saints have disciples, and then teach disciples to practice the doctrines, and spread them all over the world. After generations of enlightenment, they can finally achieve success."

Both inside and outside the words, it still alludes to the fact that the theory was not only developed by saints, but also relied on people’s understanding and perfection from generation to generation.

Everyone couldn't help but nod when they heard this. Even the middle-aged man who was watching from a distance couldn't help but secretly nod. But then, he became curious about how Chen Cuo would respond.



Chen Cuo, however, still smiled and asked: "Even if the saints are really divinely appointed, why do they suddenly appear together? Although it takes several generations to accumulate the doctrines, why do they stand side by side now? Have you ever thought about the truth behind this?"

Everyone's expressions changed when they heard these words, which were disrespectful to the saints of various schools of thought. Who dared to answer rashly? There were even people in the crowd who were secretly complaining and wanting to give up, thinking that nothing should happen because of what happened today.

, which school of apprentices should I offend?

It should be noted that during the Warring States Period, the nobility and the head of Guizhou were still distinct, like two different worlds. And the nobles and scholars were more or less related to each other. If there was any news, it would not be delivered quickly, but the scope was real.

Not small.

Because of this, no one answered Chen Cuo's question for a while.

Li Si, on the other hand, didn't shy away from it and asked, "So what do you think it's like?"

"It is because of the disputes between the countries that the original taboos were broken and knowledge spread in two ways, leading to the prosperous age today." As he said this, he did not wait for anyone to react and picked up the book from the stone table next to him.

A scroll of bamboo slips, "Whether it is knowledge or knowledge, in the final analysis, there must be a way to learn. After all, not everyone is a saint who is born with knowledge, and not everyone can understand the principles of articles from all things in the world. But

Everyone, please think about it, where were these bamboo slips carrying knowledge hundreds of years ago? Even if you are all wealthy people, how many books do you have in your home?"

When everyone heard this, they didn't understand why.

Li Si's heart moved and he was thoughtful.

Chen Cuo ignored them and just said: "Before the disputes among the countries, the Zhou Dynasty divided the princes and gave them land and population, but not knowledge. Be it the art of governing the world, the way to win, or even ordinary poems and songs.

But they were all controlled by the royal officials, and they were academic officials. The knowledge was in the government, not among the people! At that time, the throne changed, and the world's high officials and nobles all had their own positions and performed their own duties. Only the royal officials and their heirs could

If you are qualified to teach knowledge, how can you learn geometry? If knowledge spreads to the court, there will naturally be no school."

"Ah? And this history?"

Among the crowd, people such as Xia Jing and others looked surprised and looked at each other, not knowing whether it was true or not. Finally, they all turned their attention to Li Si.

It should be noted that the articles at this time were all engraved on bamboo slips. The bamboo slips were neither light nor broad. To describe a book, it often took ten, hundreds, or hundreds of volumes! A transport required carts and horses.

If you want to copy it, you have to hold a carving knife and carve it tirelessly for a month or two. How can it be easily disseminated?

The rapid spread of knowledge in later generations has a lot to do with books that are light and easy to copy, transcribe, and print. Not to mention the era before Chen Cuo traveled through time, when information dissemination got rid of paper and turned into a torrent. With one click, it can be

You can know countless things, and even in the end, they all become countless fragments. If you look at them, you will be impetuous and gradually become a cocoon!

In view of this, even the children of nobles can only read very limited books in their lifetime, and they often read different books. One Zuozhuan commentary can create a scholarly family, and three volumes of Spring and Autumn can suppress luck.

For posterity!

As for the history of hundreds of years ago, very few people know about it, let alone these young people in front of them?

Even Li Si actually knew a little about it. He studied under Xunzi and his major was not history. He only mentioned one or two things when his teacher talked about it, so he was also surprised and confused at this time.

Chen Cuo glanced at him and said with a smile: "Xunzi once said: Follow the rules to measure, punish and draw pictures, do not know its meaning, guard the number carefully, and be careful not to lose or lose. It is passed down from father to son to protect the princes. From this we can see that among all the people,

Before the disputes between countries, there were countless classics and documents, which were managed by special royal officials and prepared for public use. In the end, it even developed to the point where these royal officials were passed down from father to son without knowing their meaning! If not for the end, these ancient classics and classics would have been passed down from the royal court.

When word spreads and reaches the people, it turns out that there are real saints, and how many of them can we learn from?"

Li Si was stunned when he heard the words. He recalled in his mind that the teacher's voice, appearance, and words were all the same, and he couldn't help but be surprised. And his expression, in the eyes of others, made everyone even more horrified. Looking at Chen Cuo again, his expression had changed.

Change is like seeing ghosts and gods!

This man is really capable and knowledgeable! You can really gain something from him!

At this thought, many people's minds became active again, especially Xia Jing's eyes, which were even more intense. She immediately bowed and asked: "May I ask, sir, what are the two kinds of knowledge dissemination that I just mentioned?"

During this time, he showed respect for the first time.

Everyone immediately listened attentively. You must know that if they want to know these true words of historians, they often have to learn from their teachers. It is easy and difficult to hear, and even most of their elders do not know it. How can they not know how to cherish it?

Chen Cuo didn't tell them what they were thinking, or in other words, he just wanted to make a name for himself, just like his "Painted Skin" article back then.

"This first type originated from the internal strife in the Zhou Dynasty. First, King Hui and King Xiang had internal strife due to the dispute between Prince Decai and his uncle, which caused Taishi Sima to flee with many royal classics and join the Jin Kingdom.

, which loosened the barriers of the royal court. Later, there was a dispute between King Jing and King Jing. King Jing died and Jing stood up. The prince failed to raise an army, so he led the Mao family, Yin family, Zhao family, Nangong family and other nobles and Bai Gong, and took the royal family

Classics and books rushed to the Chu State, which caused the knowledge to completely break down the barriers and spread southward! Strictly speaking, this cultural rush originated from the Zhou Dynasty feud. In fact, the impact was limited, but it caused the Zhou Dynasty royal court to lose control and restraint of learning.

Ability, the princes from all over the world have the ability to study and understand from now on, which is the foundation for hundreds of schools to rise together. This is the foundation before prosperity. Without this foundation, everything is a tree without roots and water without a source...


"That's it..." Xia Jing and others listened with great interest, and each remembered it, for fear of missing even a word. Even Li Si felt that it was eye-opening, and he vaguely saw a certain context.




In the distance, a middle-aged scribe was amazed, stroking his beard and whispering: "This man actually knows these old things very well. What is the origin?"

"Teacher? Is what he said true?" Beside him, the young man's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Yes, what is said is true, but people in the past focused more on the power disputes in the Zhou Dynasty, but few people talked about the officials in charge of classics and documents..."

This chapter has been completed!
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