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Chapter 5 The Difference Between Red Devils and Zombies【Wanwu】

Fang Yu knocked the pan against the armrest again.


The sound spread out, and within a few seconds, a fierce "knocking on the door" came from the corridor next to Fang Yu.

Along with the roar, Fang Yu felt nervous for a while. After confirming that they really couldn't get out, she breathed a sigh of relief.

As they knocked on the door, the violent noise quickly attracted the attention of the two red devils below.

They were like crocodiles smelling blood, snarling and running toward the stairs.

This time, two of them came together!

Fortunately, Fang Yu was already prepared. When the two red devils climbed to the top of the stairs and turned the corner to go upstairs, Fang Yu picked up the remaining half barrel of oil and poured it on their feet.

Originally there was oil on the stairs, so it was difficult for them to climb up without Fang Yu pouring it down.

What's more, when Fang Yu poured down the bucket of oil, the shoes on their feet were instantly soaked with oil.

All of a sudden, the tiles on the ground were simply "zero friction" for them.

Fang Yu watched as their feet slipped and they hit one end of the stairs. Because they were running so fast, they could almost hear two very dull "dong" sounds from this hit.

Fang Yu's teeth were sore at the sight.

Damn it, if it were an ordinary person, half of his life would be lost if he was knocked down like this, right?

Although the Red Devils seem to have mutated, they still have normal bodies, but their strength and agility are stronger than ordinary people.

But, don't be envious.

This is all in exchange for brains.

No matter how strong and agile they are, they still give up when faced with this barrel of oil.

If they still had normal IQs, they would hold the escalator, go around the oil-free area, take off their shoes, wipe the oil from the soles of their feet, and then go up the stairs.

It's a pity that they didn't. Even if they did, Fang Yu wouldn't give them a chance.

So, one of the two red devils knocked his brains out. When he got up, the dark red forehead blood flowed out instantly, and the whole face turned from dark red to blood red.

There was a deep mark on his forehead, and his skull was probably cracked.

You can see how hard he fell.

Although they don't have much wisdom, they still have brains. If those who have brains do this, the remaining IQ will be gone in an instant.

Being knocked down by this, the red devil seemed to be stunned. It struggled to stand up, but remained motionless. The head was just dangling there, but there was no other movement.

Although the other one did not hit his head, his injuries were the most painful that Fang Yu had ever seen.

Because, this guy, he just opened his mouth and gnawed on the steps.

When she saw this scene, Fang Yu bared his teeth and hissed, feeling numb all over.

Is there any need to say what the consequences will be if this mouthful is continued?

When the red devil got up, Fang Yu could see that all the teeth in the upper row of his mouth had been cracked, the upper jaw was bloody and bloody, and the entire mouth could only be opened in an instant and could not be closed.

These red devils still seem to be able to feel pain.

After Fang Yu watched him stand up, he did not rush towards Fang Yu immediately. Instead, he opened his mouth and whimpered at Fang Yu in a low voice.

Fang Yu knows the tears that have been shed.

He cried...cryed in pain.

Oh my god, can you stop crying? It hurts just looking at it!

Fang Yu also didn't expect that just one move of pouring oil on him could have such a big effect.

Although looking at the miserable situation of these two red devils, Fang Yu ignored their identities, almost giving Fang Yu a sense of guilt for bullying an older and imbecile child.

In order to relieve the pressure in her heart, Fang Yu gritted her teeth, picked up the barbell placed on the ground, and launched a flying iron at the still whining Red Devil!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.com,) I almost feel weak when I scream!"

This barbell was made of pure iron and weighed a full 20 kilograms. With Fang Yu's current level 2 physical fitness, a barbell fell down and hit the red devil's chest directly.

His chest had a large dent that was almost visible to the naked eye.

Visual inspection showed that at least seven or eight ribs were broken.

Not only that, after being hit, he leaned back and fell to the ground.

The back of my head hit the ground hard again!

The red devils and zombies in this world are actually different.

In the final analysis, the Red Devils infected by the scarlet virus did not die. It was just because of the scarlet virus that their bodies mutated, their brains shrank, and they turned into another kind of creature.

Even more deeply, they are actually still human beings.

It's just mutated...

Their hearts still beat, they still have brains, and they still have to eat.

However, they have lost their minds, are extremely aggressive towards humans, and cannot reverse the mutation of the scarlet virus, which gave them the nickname "Red Devils".

In the entire world, the surviving people, except for a few weirdos who are overflowing with virgins, have been expelled by everyone by default.

Because of this, their injured expressions are still so anthropomorphic.

Because the organ functions of their bodies still belong to human categories.

If you hit the head with a hammer, the skull will crack if it should be cracked, and the skull will be concussed if it should be concussed.

Just like these two red devils right now.

Fang Yu's attack effect is outstanding.

The first blow to the forehead seemed to knock him unconscious. Now even though Fang Yu had just knocked his companion away, he was still standing in a daze.

Fang Yu could even see that he was already drooling.

Okay, no need to guess, I must be stupid.

The other one fell back and hit the steps and never got up again.

I don't know whether he died, but he probably fainted.

However, even so, Fang Yu still had no idea of ​​approaching them.

Fang Yu continued to pick up the things around her and threw them at the two red devils, one stupid and the other dizzy.

Computer host...smashed!

Pressure cooker... smash it!


Fang Yu smashed almost everything that could be hit, and they all hit the lower body, chest and trunk.

During this period, the silly red devil was knocked down by Fang Yu and did not move. He just twisted around on the ground.

Another person who fainted was knocked awake by Fang Yu, but after being knocked awake, his hands and feet could only twitch, but he could not get up.

After everything was smashed, the chests of the two red devils were left with only weak ups and downs.

At this time, their bodies were already covered with things that Fang Yu had smashed at them.

At a glance, it looked like Fang Yu had smashed the two people at the stairs.

Now that Fang Yu has determined that these two red devils are left alone, it is estimated that they may not be able to survive tonight.

But in order to prevent the red devil from mutating into any new characteristics, Fang Yu still took out the pan and kitchen knife hanging on his body and held them in his hand.

Then slowly walked around the oil surface and walked down the stairs.

The two red devils didn't react at all to Fang Yu's approach.

After Fang Yu walked up to them, he put down the pan, picked up the pressure cooker next to him, and hit the red devil on the head!

Everyone must be aware of the quality and hardness of pressure cookers.

Under the pressure cooker and Fang Yu's power, the Red Devil's head was like two watermelons, splitting open in just two strokes.

There is no life left at all.

Fang Yu put down the pressure cooker. At this moment, he looked like a perverted murderer. The death scene at the stairway would give any normal person nightmares for several nights.

Fortunately, Fang Yu's ability has not improved much in Ice Age, but his threshold for this kind of scene has increased a lot.

So he just felt slightly nauseous, and after turning around and retreating to the room, he felt nothing at all.

Entering the room, Fang Yu looked at the blood-stained clothes on her body and could only change her clothes into another set.

Then he sat down on the sofa and rested with peace of mind.

It wasn't that he was disgusted, it was just that Fang Yu was afraid that the scarlet pigment in the red devil's blood would aggravate his infection, so he replaced it.

The two Red Devils were handled very smoothly.

The problem at the stairway has been solved, so next is the problem in the room!

This chapter has been completed!
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