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Chapter 6 The Sunset That Never Sets

Ten times, about 8 hours each time.

In other words, if no new air bombs are found, Fang Yu will either be suffocated to death after 80 hours, that is, three days later, or take off his helmet and absorb the outside air.

But the problem is that if Fang Yu wants to recharge the gas bomb now, it means that he must take off his helmet.

Because manual oxygenation, the whole process takes about 30 minutes.

And within half an hour, it was obviously impossible for him to breathe.

He had to take off his helmet and try to breathe the outside air.

This made Fang Yu hesitate.

Although looking at the plants and even the turtles outside, one can confirm that the air here should be oxygenated.

But if there is really no problem with the oxygen in the air, why does my body still need to wear this protective suit?

All this made Fang Yu a little hesitant to confirm.

But in the end, he decided to give it a try.

Considering that the number of times of oxygenation is limited, Fang Yu planned to wait until the oxygen content dropped to 1% before performing air bomb oxygenation.

Well, I just spent some time checking the encyclopedia, and now the oxygen level has dropped to 21%, from 21% to 1%. There are still more than two hours in between, and he can still move for a while.

At this time, the timer rang, and Fang Yu needed to look at his sundial.

Walk towards the beach before.

The setting sun was still the same as it was half an hour ago.

Fang Yu came to the beach and saw the wooden sticks he had set up and the shadows projected on the ground.

The expression on his face froze.


I saw that the wooden stick standing on the ground cast a shadow. After half an hour, it did not move.

The pebble that initially pressed against it was still firmly pressed against the top of the stick's shadow.

Fang Yu knelt down and observed carefully, desperately trying to find out the result of the shadow's movement.

But unfortunately, the positions of the shadow and the stone were exactly the same as when he first put them down, without any change.

Fang Yu looked up at the setting sun in confusion.

He looked down at the time again.


More than three hours have passed since he came to this world.

When he first landed on the island, it was already dusk, and the sun was hanging diagonally on the sea.

But now, three hours have passed, and the setting sun is still hanging there.

The distance between it and the sea level seems to be fixed, with no limit to shortening at all.

Isn't it? Could it be...that it takes so long for this world to rise in the east and set in the west?

Could it be that there are 24 hours during the day...or 48 hours?

Otherwise this cannot explain this situation.

Fang Yu was a little confused, but in fact, he had an even more outrageous guess in his mind.

It's just that this guess is too outrageous. If he hadn't considered that this world itself is a simulation world and a world of future technology, he would have thought that he was crazy.

Fang Yu did not move the branches and stones on the ground, they still left them there.

He planned to take a look at it some time later.

He didn't believe it. Is this shadow really motionless?

Returning to the lifeboat, Fang Yu looked around, first found some stones, and placed a circle of stones around the lifeboat.

Fang Yu plans to make a fire bed.

Clear an isolation strip of turf on the ground.

Then, use a wooden stick to dig a small hole, and then place the stone outside to form a stone pit.

In this way, the fire pit is ready.

Fang Yu climbed onto the lifeboat, dug into the first aid kit, and took out a set of flints wrapped in a sealed plastic bag.

As mentioned before, there are usually some first aid survival items in the first aid kit on the lifeboat.

Fang Yu has read it before.

In addition to the bundle of red safety ropes and a paddle, the first-aid kit contained a set of flints, a bottle of antibiotics, a bottle of radiation-reducing tablets, an epinephrine, a bottle of disinfectant water and a small bundle of bandages.

When Fang Yu saw the bottle of radiation-eliminating pills, she was really shocked.

Co-author: Is there really radiation in this world?

No wonder you have to wear protective clothing!

Fang Yu searched for this radiation elimination pill on the encyclopedia.

The results showed that this medicine was indeed effective against radiation sickness!

Although he didn't know where the radiation came from, fortunately, the protective clothing could detect his physical condition, which made him feel relieved.

It's an oxygen problem again, and it's radiation.

This world won’t be a world after nuclear peace, right?

But looking at these creatures, they don't seem to have mutated or anything.

But in short, through this, Fang Yu knew that once he took off his helmet, he would not only face oxygen problems, but he might also get radiation sickness!

After knowing this, Fang Yu smiled bitterly again.

The mentality of being invincible in the previous world completely collapsed at this moment.

Fang Yu originally thought that even without the ability of [Scarlet Evolution], the skills solidified on his mask would make him fearless.

Level 3 Tiger Walking Fist, Breath of Steel, and Shura Heart.

Even when facing a Gundam, he felt confident that he could defeat it in two moves.

But who would have thought that two unsolvable problems would arise directly from the beginning of this world.

One is oxygen.

One is radiation.

Even though Fang Yu's strength was superb at this time, it was of no use at all.

As long as he still needs oxygen to breathe, as long as he can't resist radiation.

Even if he could kill a shark with one punch, he would still have to suffocate himself to death without oxygen.

Even if his constitution is level three, being infected with radiation sickness can turn him into a weakling little by little.

Fang Yu put down her slightly emboldened courage after entering this world.

Trying hard to recall the mentality of the first world.

At that time, I didn't say it myself.

Learn to be in awe of nature!

It seems that I have expanded a bit too quickly, and my sense of awe has also been discarded.

Today, Fang Yu has completely adjusted her mentality.

I no longer have that inexplicable self-confidence, and start to value and awe all the unknowns at the moment.

Back to business.

Apart from the lack of communication tools and weapons, the lifeboat's first aid kit is actually quite rich with these items.

Of these, the most important ones are naturally flint and radiation elimination tablets.

Needless to say about radiation elimination pills.

He has other medical supplies in his system backpack, but he only has this bottle of radiation elimination pills.

A bottle of ten tablets, one tablet a day, can protect yourself from minor radiation hazards.

As for flint, its importance is unquestionable.

Everywhere on this island is wet, even dry firewood has high humidity.

In such a situation, if there is no flint, it would be even harder to make fire by drilling wood.

With these, Fang Yu has several important prerequisites for survival in the wild.

After taking out the flint, Fang Yu did not start the fire.

Because he is still wearing protective clothing, it is not suitable for starting a fire.

The fire protection level of this protective suit is not high, at most it is flame retardant.

Moreover, wearing a helmet makes it difficult to blow air when igniting a fire.

When Fang Yu took out the flint, it was just to hit it twice first.

"Click" "Click"

The flint rubbed back and forth on Fang Yu's hand, causing sparks to appear.

Well, there is Mars, which means there is oxygen in the air!

After confirming this, Fang Yu felt relieved a lot.

He continued to seal the flint to prevent it from getting wet and put it back in the pocket of the lifeboat. Then he went to the beach and picked up the stones under the sea surface.

Because there are no weapons and suitable tools.

Fang Yu can only climb up from the Stone Age now.


This chapter has been completed!
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