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Chapter 2 Pickles and Lard

Fang Yu's physical condition is so bad.

Part of it is because of my youth, and part of it is also because I haven’t eaten well since I was a child, so my physical fitness is extremely poor.

Fang Yu even suspected that his body might not even be able to catch a chicken.

It's really hard to restrain the chicken.

Therefore, after eating a portion of hot soup with an egg, Fang Yu immediately felt that her body seemed to have recovered a little.

Fang Yu got off the bed.

He was still a little weak. He always felt light when he walked, and his legs felt as if they were stuffed with cotton, a little weak.

After walking a few steps, I felt like I was down to earth.

As soon as I walked out of the door, a wave of heat came directly to my face.

Although it was already evening, the temperature outside had not dropped and it was still hot.

No wonder I got heatstroke.

This temperature must be at least 35℃, right?

When Fang Yu came out, she felt that her body was already secreting sweat.

He was so frightened that he quickly retreated into the eaves.

Although this adobe house is neither beautiful nor strong, it is undeniable that its structure effectively blocks the temperature outside.

The temperature in the room is obviously much cooler than outside.

Fang Yu didn't know exactly what the principle was, but at least it didn't prevent him from sitting on the threshold to relieve the temperature.

He turned his head and looked to the left, and sure enough, there was a chicken pen next to his room. He walked close to the wall and saw two chickens, a male and a female, walking inside.

There are earth walls on the left, right and back of this chicken pen, and there is only a fence in front.

Fang Yu's room was originally the room where his grandfather lived. The old man passed away suddenly a few years ago.

Uncle, he is not surprised. After all, the old man is already over fifty. At this age, any disease can be cured.

I simply cleaned it up, spent money to buy a grave from the county government, and then buried it.


Not only in modern times, but also in ancient times, you have to spend money to buy land for burial.

In ancient times, all land was owned by the court. As long as it was within the country, any land belonged to the public or the landlord.

If someone wants to be buried, unless you plan to bury them directly in the ground without worshiping or erecting a monument, then you can bury them however you want, as long as they are not discovered.

However, this kind of approach is obviously done to those enemies who hate it to the core.

In ancient times, it was emphasized that one should be buried in peace, and if one did not pay homage or erect a monument, then the person would be a lonely ghost for the rest of his life and would not be able to rest in peace. This was considered a very vicious approach.

And when you pay homage and erect a monument, it is obvious. As long as people find out that you have not registered with the county government or purchased something, the grave you buried in the morning will be dug up at noon, and someone will go to the jail in the afternoon.

Not to mention that having a grave dug up is even more vicious than not erecting a monument, it is like whipping a corpse.

Just after entering the cell, whether you can get out is still a question.

Therefore, here, no one dares to bury the body at will without registering to buy a cemetery. They will put the body at home first, buy the land, and then bury it.

Therefore, there is the origin of the so-called story of selling one's body to bury one's father.

I simply didn’t have the money to buy a cemetery, and I couldn’t keep my loved ones buried, so I had no choice but to sell myself and then bury them.

Not long after his grandfather was buried, this room became Fang Yu's room. There was a large clay room next door, which was Huang Mei and Fang Sanduo's room.

There is an aisle between the two adobe walls, and the back is sealed to become a chicken coop.

These two chickens were surrounded in the middle of the two rooms. Whenever there was any movement, both sides would react immediately.

There is no way around it. These two chickens are the most valuable assets of the family.

To put it bluntly, if these two chickens were stolen, his uncle would cry more sadly than if his grandfather died.

In the chicken coop, the big rooster with the red crown was pacing around with high ambition. Fang Yu wondered if it knew its status.

He licked his lips and swallowed.

Just one egg, thanks to Fang Yu's iron stomach, was already digested by the time she left the house.

Looking at the two chickens at this time, Fang Yu's mind immediately pictured the naked bodies of the two chickens sliding into the pot, then adding the mushrooms, wolfberry, angelica, and ginger slices, and then stewing them like this.



Fang Yu swallowed hard, then quickly turned her head away from looking at this alluring figure.

Huh... I can't help it, I can't eat it, so I still expect these two to lay eggs!

Next to Fang Sanduo's house, Fang Yu saw her aunt burning a fire and cooking in a half-open earthen house.

There is a pile of firewood outside the earthen house.

Fang Yu went to half-cut and half-gather the firewood.

I got heat stroke today because I was exposed to the sun while chopping firewood.

His main job at home now is to cut firewood. He needs to pile up five bundles of firewood within a week. One bundle of firewood is about one load, about 120 kilograms.

Among the five bundles, there are two bundles of hard firewood, two bundles of soft firewood, and one bundle of straw.

The so-called hard firewood refers to branches and trunks about two inches thick. They are the main force for making fires and have strong fire resistance.

Soft firewood is the leafy branches picked from the tree. They are all twigs and are burned with hard firewood.

Caozha mainly refers to mountain thatch. In addition to being used for building houses, it is also generally used to start fires.

All this firewood can be sold. A bundle of hard firewood costs about 10 cents, and a bundle of soft firewood and straw costs 7 cents.

One penny can buy two pieces of sesame seed cakes, and a bucket of old rice, which is about ten kilograms of rice that is a mix of old and new and even has gravel, costs about forty penny.

The purchasing power of one penny is equivalent to two yuan in modern RMB.

If things went well, Fang Yu could sell about fifty coins a month, or about ten bundles, sometimes more, sometimes less.

However, it is impossible to sell out anyway. After all, although it is a rigid need, there are too many people cutting firewood to sell, and the market is only so small.

This fifty cents is equivalent to about ten loads a month, weighing seven to eight hundred kilograms of firewood.

The firewood was carried back little by little every month on Fang Yu's teenage shoulders.

The earthen house next to the firewood is the kitchen.

But it's actually just a fire house.

All wooden bowls, clay pots, rice, oil, etc. are placed in the room and will not be placed outside.

There was no iron pot in the kitchen, just a stove with a large clay pot inside. White steam rose from the pot, and Fang Yu could vaguely smell a faint fragrance of rice.

It seems that stir-fried vegetables have not yet appeared in this world, and everyone eats boiled food.

The most I can do is make steamed buns, pancakes or something like that.

No wonder there are only earthen jars.

Fang Yu was really observing the environment outside. Suddenly, there was the sound of the fence opening in front of him.

He turned around and saw that his uncle was wearing a gray sweatshirt and a gray tattered turban that was already soaked. He opened the fence door on the wall and walked in.

Well, the height of this fence is only about one meter at most. Its main function is to divide areas and stop weasels and other chicken-stealers. It cannot protect against people. If there are real thieves, they can come in directly by just stepping over it.

Fang Yu saw that although his "uncle" was only in his twenties, he was even younger than himself in the real world.

But his slightly curved back, the calluses on his hands, and the tanned skin made him look a bit like a grandpa.

Fang Sanduo opened the fence and walked into his yard with a bored look on his face.

When he looked up, he saw Goudan, the boy, sitting on the threshold in a daze. The wood next to the house was basically the same as when he went out in the morning.

Fang Sanduo frowned, and said to Fang Yu with a hint of reproach on his dark face.

"Goudan? Didn't you go chop wood this morning?"

Don't blame Fang Sanduo for having a bad look. After all, Fang Yu is now thirteen. In this era, Fang Yu can already be said to be an adult and a direct labor force.

Fang Yu didn't make enough money this month, so everyone will have to tighten their belts next month.

It was fine before, but in the past few months, for some reason, the price of rice and noodles on the market has increased a lot, and the harvest in the fields is not good. It has been too dry recently, and the crops in the fields have withered.

Pull a few.

Fang Sanduo has been doing farm work all his life, and his past experience told him that something was wrong.

He had a guess in his mind, but he couldn't believe it.

When he went to the field today, he picked up water all afternoon again, but the flow of the small river seemed to have become much smaller, and the water level had dropped. Now when he scooped up water, it was all slurry. In addition, Fang Sanduo felt even worse after being so exposed to the sun recently.

Hair feels bad.

Not only him, but also the villagers who went to the fields with him felt this way.

When we came back, everyone was silent, and there was no atmosphere of chatting and bragging like when we went back together before.

As soon as Fang Sanduo finished speaking, Huang Mei, who was cooking in the kitchen, heard this and hurriedly came out. She waved at Fang Sanduo, sighed and explained.

"Master, don't look at what day it is in the past two days. Goudan went out to chop wood early in the morning. The sun in the morning was a bit too strong. At noon, when he came back, he was holding the hatchet and shaking his head.

, I thought he must have contracted Sha, so I pulled out some medicinal herbs for him and just finished drinking them!"

After hearing Huang Mei's words, Fang Sanduo's sullen face immediately lost his composure. He looked anxious, stepped forward and touched Fang Yu's head, looked at Fang Yu's face seriously, and asked eagerly.

"Gua Wa Zi, why did you get sunburned? You went up the mountain and didn't know how to hide. How are you doing now?"

Fang Yu was a little unaccustomed to having her head touched like this, but she finally endured it, showed a slightly artificial and innocent smile to Fang Sanduo, and then said.

"It's okay...Uncle, it's much better..."

Then, Huang Mei came closer and whispered next to Fang Sanduo.

"Well... the boss, I think Goudan is a little weak, so I boiled the egg and gave it to him... this..."

The person in charge of the family is Fang Sanduo, and it is Fang Sanduo who does the most work. He takes care of the one hundred acres of land outside Huang Yuan.

He is a so-called tenant farmer. He does not have his own land and can only rent land from Huang Yuan for farming.

Although you won’t make much money this way, and 70% of the harvested rice will be taken away!

But even so, the remaining 30% of rice grain can at least guarantee the survival of Fang Sanduo's family for more than a year.

Two meals a day, although it is a bit thin, but occasionally add some wild vegetables or a sesame seed cake, you can still feel full.

Therefore, Fang Sanduo has always been in charge of the family's finances, including the two chickens.

Fang Sanduo has to decide who the eggs are for.

Fang Sanduo took a look at the chicken coop. Recently, the chickens have been a bit reluctant to lay eggs. They only laid one in half a month.

Originally, he had planned to cook the eggs for a while and taste them among the three of them, but now there was no hope.

Thinking of the taste of eggs, he also swallowed.

He has been busy since he went out in the morning. He only ate a pancake with some water at noon. Now he was very hungry.

Well, although he eats twice a day, he is the main force and has a heavy workload, so he still needs to eat at noon.

The ancients were not stupid. They had two meals a day. If they worked hard, they would eat two meals a day and they would be exhausted in a short time.

It's just that eating at noon is not called eating, it's called supplementary food.

That is to say, pad it to pad your lower belly.

Not included in the two meals a day, it’s a bit like a modern afternoon tea.

The difference is that this snack is a must if you have a lot of activities, but it is not necessary for modern afternoon tea.

Fang Sanduo nodded and then said.

"Well, let's just give it to Goudan, but recently... ugh..."

"The head of the family...has something happened recently? I heard from Aunt Liu from Huang Yuan's wife's family that there has been a drought in Liutong County next door for almost two months, and all the grain there has been burned to death.

Said, there is a clamor for the government office to open a warehouse to distribute grain..."

When Huang Mei heard Fang Sanduo sigh, she also said to Fang Sanduo worriedly.

"Second Aunt Liu? Boss Liu's aunt next door?"

Fang Sanduo interjected.


Huang Mei nodded and continued.

"I think we have been suffering from drought for almost a month. If we continue like this, our fields will..."

Huang Mei did not continue, but the meaning was already clear.

Fang Sanduo nodded, remained silent for a long time, and then said.

"Eat first, then think of something after eating."

Huang Mei sighed, turned around and walked towards the kitchen. After tinkering for a while, she walked into her and Fang Sanduo's room carrying an earthen pot in a rag.

There is a bed in the corner of the room, and a wooden table in the middle. The floor is uneven, and the four corners are padded with boards and stones.

There are also three wooden pile chairs.

Several people sat down skillfully.

Then Huang Mei took down a bamboo basket hanging on the beam and took out two wooden bowls with lids from the bamboo basket.

Put it on the table and open it.

One pile was dark and looked a bit like pickled white radish cubes.

In another wooden bowl was a small lump of white paste, which tasted very fragrant. Fang Yu learned the names of these two dishes from memory.

That dark thing is the pickled radish cube.

Pickled with a lot of salt, a small piece is enough to dry a bowl of porridge.

The other bowl is filled with lard cubes.

This piece of lard is made from fat meat bought during the Chinese New Year. It is the most valuable thing in the house.

As for the lard residue, I finished eating it three months ago.

Every time you eat, use pickled radish with a little lard, and it will be the most oily dish at home.

Huang Mei opened the clay pot and started scooping porridge for the three of them.

Fang Yu could see that there was obviously not a lot of rice in the porridge, but with some rice bran, soybeans, and some wild vegetables added to the porridge, it seemed quite filling.

One person scooped out a bowl, Fang Sanduo had the largest bowl, followed by Fang Yu, and finally Huangmei. She scraped the earthen pot, dug out the last bit of porridge, poured some water into it, swung it around, and poured it again.

When it came to her bowl, it felt a little full, but it looked a lot thinner.

Fang Yu next to her looked at everything in front of her, looking very worried for some reason.

It turns out that our ancestors lived in such an era in the past.

Looking at the wooden bowls of different sizes on the table, the modern porridge inside, the dog shook his head just looking at it, and finally the two dishes.

A dish of pickled vegetables and a small piece of lard.

It can be said that I have mixed feelings in my heart.


Dayan is not exaggerating. Such dishes were still on our table when Dayan was a child, that is, in the 1990s. There were more types of pickles, including bean curd and so on. The pickles that I remember most clearly at that time were simply delicious.

It's so salty that a small piece of porridge in a bowl is no joke. There is no lard, because modern lard can be used for cooking, but in ancient times it was not fried, which means it can only be added to vegetables for cooking, or eaten as it is.


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