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Chapter 59 Personality Mask Holder!

Elk Fitness Club.

In an exercise area.

Fang Yu was exhaling and shouting, holding the barbell and pounding the iron like crazy.

The fitness instructor next to him was watching his movements and would remind him of his movements from time to time.

Fang Yu has obviously been training here for a long time.

The sports short-sleeved shirt on my body was already covered with sweat.

He also had a panting and out of breath look on his face, as if he could hardly hold on anymore.

However, according to the training plan given by the coach and his own physical test, Fang Yu actually still has the strength to continue exercising.

Moreover, this period of time is the most effective.

It can not only hone the will, but also fully exercise the muscles, so as to obtain the maximum exercise effect.

about there.

Fang Yu felt various soreness in her muscles and her slightly trembling legs.

He knew that he had reached his limit.

However, this is when the ego reaches its limit.

His true self will not admit defeat!

"Personality! Blessings! The perseverance skill is activated! Goal: complete the subsequent exercise, do muscle relaxation activities, and finally activate the iron stomach to quickly replenish energy!"

Fang Yu thought these words in her heart.

Unseen by others, Fang Yu could see his survivor mask slowly emerging from his eyes, and then the mask was fastened on his face.

Once the perseverance skill is activated and the goal is set.

Fang Yu instantly felt like she could do it again!

No, absolutely!

How could such a little muscle soreness hold me back?

At this time, even if you put a knife to my neck, I will roar with a hoarse throat.

"I want to roll the iron!"

Fang Yu's originally rich facial expression changed instantly, becoming resolute and full of determination.

The fitness instructors next to me felt that Fang Yu was different.

He knew...this guy was at it again.

As early as the first day, he was already shocked by Fang Yu's behavior at this stage.

At that time, Fang Yu was also lifting the barbell. She looked like she was about to die, but suddenly she put on a passionate, determined and sacred expression.

I... when you lift the barbell, how do you put on such a sacred expression as if you were holding the Olympic torch?

Then, Fang Yu continued to exercise with this expression until the end of the plan.

This is not over yet.

Because of such a large amount of exercise, in order to achieve better results the next day, it is best to use fascial knife and massage techniques to relieve the large amount of lactic acid accumulation caused by muscle exercise.

And anyone who has a hobby of playing iron knows that in this case, using a fascia knife is no less than torture.

How many muscular men fell under the fascia knife, crying and saying no.

No matter how strong you are, there will still be an expression of pain on your face.

But Fang Yu is different!

Every time the fitness trainer used a fascia knife to relieve his muscles, he felt like he was looking at Jesus!

This guy, when the fascia knife was used on him, the pain was painful, but he remained silent, clenched his teeth, looked holy, and had a determined look in his eyes, as if telling the fitness instructor that your knife...can't do anything.


Then the fitness instructor’s temper got angry!


Pretend it for me!

The fitness instructor used what he had learned throughout his life on Fang Yu. He used the fascial knife on Fang Yu's body to move around like a dragon and plow the ground like an iron ox.

A fascia knife almost felt like it was going to be scraped flat by him!

But Fang Yu still had the same expression, painful yet persevering.

The fitness coach became a Buddha. At that time, he felt like he was driving the nails into Jesus' body.

I feel a little guilty.

The strength in my hands is reduced.

Then Fang Yu suddenly frowned and said.

"Huh? Isn't it over yet? Are you out of strength? How long has it been?"

Perhaps given Fang Yu's state at the time, this sentence was purely literal.

But to the fitness instructor, there was a hint of ridicule in his tone.

There were three parts sneer, three parts coldness and four parts indifference in his eyes.

He felt like he could draw this pie chart for him!



I heard him correctly, he was mocking me, right?

My uncle can bear it, but my aunt cannot bear it!

With a ferocious expression on his face, the fitness instructor used a knife to shave Fang Yu like crazy.

Fortunately, he knew it well and didn't peel off Fang Yu's skin with a knife on the spot!

Then, after Fang Yu relaxed her muscles, she still showed determination and came to the dining spot.

Started my own energy supplement.

Iron stomach skill, activate!

Fang Yu's stomach made a sound like thunder.

Although it is very small, the fitness instructor next to me can hear it.

Then, the fitness coach once again saw an image that he couldn't bear.

God, if I am guilty, please let the law punish me and stop screwing with my outlook on life!

It's about to turn over!

Four pounds of fried beef! Three bowls of white rice! A big plate of vegetables!

Is your stomach a space bag?

In the eyes of the fitness instructor who was gradually collapsing, Fang Yu's stomach growled wildly. She ate all these "nutritious meals" and finally burped.

At this time, the fitness coach has begun to doubt that Fang Yu is not a martial arts master, right?

As far as he knew, only a martial artist could have such an appetite with such a physique.

But how could a martial artist only have such physical ability?

Not to mention the martial arts master coming to the gym.

It's almost like a college student going to kindergarten.

The martial arts they practice on their own are infinitely better than those of the top gyms on the market.

In addition, everyone has martial arts teachers to guide them and provide them with various medicinal supplements.

Therefore, no martial arts master will come to the gym and ask a coach to customize a fitness plan for him.

However, fortunately, not long after finishing the meal, Fang Yu's face didn't show up for too long, and her true colors were immediately revealed.

His whole body was in pain, and he grimaced in pain, his head was dizzy, and he was trembling when he walked.

After waving to the fitness instructor, he left.

The fitness instructor behind him looked at him, a little hesitant.

In the end, it turned into a touch of determination.

Forget it, let's continue teaching. It doesn't matter if he is a martial artist or not. Anyway, this is his own choice. If something goes wrong, you won't blame him.

At least, I will never refund the money!

The fitness coach made his own determination.

When Fang Yu returned to her home, she felt like her body was about to fall apart.

When I got home, I didn't even take a shower first. I lay on the sofa and groaned, looking like I was dying.

Click on it and look at the absorption conditions on the persona.

"Physique Level 1: |||||||||------"

When Fang Yu saw that the progress bar was more than halfway gone, her lips lit up with joy.

It has been a week since I returned to the real world.

It wasn't until she woke up that Fang Yu realized that she had spent so much time in the game and only woke up one night later.

In one night, I spent more than ten days playing the game.

So worth it!

Fang Yu went to wash up with a happy face and solve three urgent problems.

Later, Fang Yu carefully sorted out his subsequent plans.

First of all, absorbing the persona is the first priority. You must completely absorb the persona and transform it into your own abilities as quickly as possible.

Therefore, what he has to do is to take some time off and exercise well.

However, asking for leave is not that easy.

In order to prevent your vacation from turning into unemployment, you must be prepared.

quit the job?

That's a matter for the later stage. Now that you don't have the strength, don't think about it.

So, Fang Yu spent her last day at home.

First, the "Perseverance" skill was activated.

Goal: Write a game plan for "Ice Age"!

Yes, Fang Yu plans to write down the world she has experienced as a game planning plan and then submit it.

Didn’t it say before that the company planned to launch a stand-alone game?

If you make a plan yourself, whether you use it or not, it represents your work attitude.

Moreover, this game was made by Fang Yu based on a real-life simulator. The outline is detailed and very game-like.

Fang Yu felt that although it was not particularly good, it was still pretty good.

Then, Fang Yu felt that the perseverance skill was simply a magical skill!

During the duration of the skill, Fang Yu felt as if she was possessed by the god of games.

Combining my previous experience with my own knowledge, I created an outline from scratch to perfection. It only took one hour to complete the first draft!

Although after the skill ends, I will have a headache for a while.

But looking at the plan on her computer, Fang Yu felt that it was completely worth it!

Then, Fang Yu quickly washed up, went out, and took a taxi all the way to the largest square nearby.

First, I spent the whole morning basking in the sun on the rest seats in the square.

After experiencing the Ice Age, Fang Yu now felt like a sunflower, wishing she could just stare at the sun.

After replenishing the sunshine, the peaceful crowd around me and the happy little families around me filled my heart with warmth.

Fang Yu went to the food street next to the square and started eating haese.

If it weren't for the persona that she had already used today, Fang Yu would have even wanted to sweep the entire stall!

In the square, Fang Yu played until midnight, and then returned home with a happy face.

Lying on the soft bed, feeling the long-lost comfort, there was only one sentence in Fang Yu's mind.

Such a great Ming Dynasty~ It’s great!

This chapter has been completed!
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