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Chapter 8 Achievement System

Fang Yu was startled by this sudden scene.

This game-like reminder made him suddenly realize that this world is actually a simulated world.

This is just a game!

Fang Yu said to herself.

But looking at the bonfire in front of her, feeling the pain in her body, and thinking of her experiences in the past two days, Fang Yu really couldn't admit that this was just a game.

Whether it's touch, somatosensory, environment, or movement.

Everything in this world is too real to be true.

Even if Fang Yu breaks open a piece of wood, the jagged section is completely unlike the reality that the game can achieve.

When the realism of a game is infinitely close to reality, is the game still just a game?

The only unreal person in this world seems to be Fang Yu herself.

However, Fang Yu then thought about it, so what if this world was real.

If you can't accept that this is a virtual world.

Then it is better to just regard this world as the real world and you are the winner of cheating with your own system.

I have to say that after thinking about it this way, Fang Yu felt much more accepting, and even felt more comfortable.

After thinking clearly, Fang Yu threw away these unnecessary entanglements and started to click on the pattern that just popped up.

Then a list appeared in front of Fang Yu.

There are round holes everywhere on this list. In the first row at the top, there is a hole with a round gray badge embedded in it.

There is a bonfire pattern on the surface of the badge, with snowflakes looming on top of the bonfire.

With a thought, the badge enlarged in front of my eyes, and a line of large characters unfolded on the badge.

"Hope in the winter"

Below is an introduction to this badge.

"Fire is the starting point of civilization in human history. In this cold winter, will it be a new hope?"

"Conditions for obtaining: Successfully light the first bonfire in the world"

"Badge Reward: Mask Grid Point +1"

After thinking about it carefully, Fang Yu understood.

This should be another function of this simulated world. It looks a bit like the achievement system in the game.

From a literal point of view, this badge is like a free gift.

After all, after inheriting the knowledge from the novice gift pack, it should be quite simple to use this knowledge to light a fire in this building. I just don’t know what this so-called mask grid is?

Fang Yu looked at this so-called mask grid, a little confused, but the simulator did not give an explanation.

"Gu...Gu Gu..."

The sound coming from her stomach made Fang Yu give up the idea of ​​continuing to struggle.

Forget it~ Never mind~

Anyway, you will naturally know later that the top priority now is to fill your stomach first.

Fang Yu turned off the screen with her mind, and then took out a stainless steel soup pot from the corner of the room.

The soup pot is not big, it seems to be specially used for cooking instant noodles.

This is also one of his gains today, along with a set of tableware.

Putting the pot on the fire, Fang Yu poured in a bucket of crushed ice.

Under the burning of the flame, the ice cubes quickly turned into water, and then boiled into boiling water.

Fang Yu unpacked two packages of Master Kong instant noodles that she had collected and placed them on both sides first.

Take out the diced raw beef that you found earlier, thaw it in the pot and cook it, then pour in the bread and seasoning packets, then cover the lid and wait.

He had eaten this Master Kong last night, and it tasted very similar to his Master Tang from the Ming Dynasty. He suspected that this Master Kong was modeled after Master Tang.

As time went by, the overbearing aroma of instant noodles began to slowly spread in the room, and after the diced beef inside was cooked, the smell of beef was even more stimulating, making Fang Yu's mouth water.

After the soup in the pot boiled for about half a minute, Fang Yu quickly took off the soup pot, opened the lid, scooped out a spoonful of hot soup, took a few breaths, and then brought it up to his lips to inhale.


A stream of hot soup slid along Fang Yu's mouth for a short while, then fell into the esophagus, all the way down, as if swallowing a ball of fire, straight to the stomach.

After taking this mouthful of hot soup, Fang Yu felt a sense of happiness that she had not felt for decades before.

Scooping another piece of beef, he swallowed it in one gulp, and the juice burst into his mouth. The beef melted again after being frozen, but it still had a tender taste, which made Fang Yu extremely satisfied at the moment.

Warmth, food, water.

As a game planner, Fang Yu had previously been exposed to a relatively alternative view of human behavior.

Human survival actually has a formula: air, water, sleep, food, safety, activities, social interaction, sexual needs, and self-realization.

Each of these conditions requires the preconditions to be met before the next condition can be activated.

For every two satisfactions, the next one will develop, for every four surpluses, a self-need will be generated, and for every six fulfillments, one self-need will be realized.

For example, in the beginning, air and water were necessary for human survival.

Only after these two conditions are met can a person restore his or her spirit through sleep.

Only by eating food can the body's functions be maintained. Therefore, when the four basic conditions of air, water, sleep, and food are met, a self-need will arise.

This need may be wanting to eat delicious food, wanting to sleep more comfortably, or wanting to have a companion.

When living conditions are met, activities will occur, and humans will begin to go out, socialize, and work.

When the conditions for social interaction and activities are met, the body's reproductive instinct will prompt humans to perform the most basic behavior of reproduction - sex.

Until the reproductive needs are met, the rest is considered self-fulfillment, such as dreams, life ideals, or fantasies.

At this moment, Fang Yu had achieved the first four basic conditions: he could breathe, had water, had food, and could have a good sleep.

Naturally, Fang Yu now felt the need for activities.

He wants to see what the outside of this building is like, wants to know if there are any living people in this world, wants to communicate with people in this world, and so on.

These thoughts appeared more frequently after Fang Yu drank a large pot of noodle soup.

However, self-needs are still relatively low-level conditions after all. Although Fang Yu temporarily met the four major conditions at this time, the time was too short after all, and he still felt insecure.

So even though he wanted to go out now, he still restrained his thoughts.

Of course you have to go out, but you have to make the necessary preparations.

I came to this world to experience the end of the world, not to live in a humble place. What's more, the resources here are not enough to survive here for a long time.

Going out to search is the inevitable result.


Tonight, Fang Yu was in a very good mood.

Flame is indeed one of the totems of human civilization.

Compared with yesterday, today's situation is simply a different world.

In order to save firewood and keep warm, Fang Yu specially moved in a few iron cabinets and surrounded his bed and fire in them, so that heat could be stored more effectively in a limited space.

Because the wood in the office is basically artificial wood, although it burns well, it burns very quickly.

Fang Yu placed a pile of wood next to the fire to make it easier to add firewood, and then got into the bed she made.

The touch of the quilt and the feeling of being wrapped in the quilt, even though it had only been two days, gave Fang Yu a feeling of being in a different world.

After adding a few handfuls of firewood, Fang Yu fell asleep peacefully in the warm heat wave...

This chapter has been completed!
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