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Chapter 81 New Refuge Information

Fang Yu silently put down the newspaper, then picked up the book with hope and started reading.

But it is a pity that these books basically tell the relevant knowledge about the construction of air raid shelters and shelters.

Although Fang Yu felt that she had learned something, the key shelter information was not obtained.

Fang Yu was not too frustrated, but first found all the map information in the information room.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a resource map or a food map, as long as it’s a map, spread it out, and then gradually update your system map.

This is also the second purpose of coming to the reference room.

After updating the map, Fang Yu looked at the extremely detailed map of Yunhai City and nodded with satisfaction.

Now in Fang Yu's map, not to mention other areas, just Yunhai City, subway routes, city routes, including nearby mineral resources are all marked!

Now Fang Yu is no longer afraid that she will get lost or find nowhere in Yunhai City.

With this map, Fang Yu's survival index skyrocketed!

If plan a to obtain shelter information fails, then you can only execute plans b and c!

Since the information room could not find the shelter information, Fang Yu could only go to the mission hall to post the mission, or ask the higher-ups.

Originally, Fang Yu's original plan was to release the mission first, but the mission didn't work, so he asked the senior management. The staff had already thought of it, and it was Hong Yuanjun.

There is no way, at that time, he may be the only person who can successfully obtain information.

Although this is a bit inappropriate.

After all, if Hong Yuanjun started to ask the top management of the shelter to ask him this, wouldn't it be equivalent to telling him face to face that Fang Yu wanted to escape?

However, Fang Yu doesn't have to worry about it now.

He has a more suitable candidate!

Outside the infirmary, after Fang Yu arrived, she watched Mr. Tang busy back and forth inside. She originally wanted to go up to help, but she thought that she was not a professional after all and would be more likely to be unhelpful, so she stopped moving.

This wait lasted all morning.

It wasn't until noon when Mr. Tang was changing his shift for dinner that he saw Fang Yu standing at the door as soon as he came out of the shed, looking at him.

"wait for me?"

Mr. Tang looked at Fang Yu and asked.

Fang Yu nodded.

Yes, Fang Yu’s choice is Mr. Tang. It’s not difficult to guess.

Faced with this, if conditions were met, almost all the residents in the shelter would give Mr. Tang the hidden high-level longevity card.

Mr. Tang is almost the perfect source of information.

He has the most contact with residents, and everyone respects him very much. For Mr. Tang, if he wants, he can become the most powerful information vendor in the shelter.

Therefore, after learning about Mr. Tang from Tan Wanjun, Fang Yu knew that the breakthrough in her mission of [New Hope] was probably due to Mr. Tang!

"Let's have a meal together~"

Mr. Tang smiled and did not ask Fang Yu anything, but asked Fang Yu to go to dinner with him first.

As people get older and their physical strength is exhausted, Mr. Tang just wants to eat first.

Along the way, Fang Yu supported Mr. Tang and walked towards the logistics department. For some reason, Fang Yu felt that Mr. Tang seemed to have changed a little, but he couldn't say what the change was.

The two of them came to the logistics department one after another.

Fang Yu wisely took out two meal tickets and exchanged them for two portions of tomato-fried pork rice bowl.

When Mr. Tang saw Fang Yu's actions, he smiled and put the meal ticket back in his pocket.

Tomatoes are grown in greenhouses in the shelter. Due to limited conditions, each one is as small as a cherry tomato, but it is a rare fruit after all. In this apocalyptic world, if you can eat some fruit, it is happiness.

It's just that there are few vegetables, and the meat in the rice is also pitiful now.

Fortunately, there is still a lot of rice.

Fang Yu and Mr. Tang both had a tacit agreement to eat first.

Fang Yu learned from Tan Wanjun that Mr. Tang didn't like talking while eating, so he tactfully ate first.

Fang Yu finished her meal quickly, and Mr. Tang stopped using his chopsticks after eating half of the meal.

There was half a bowl left in the bowl, and Mr. Tang would save the rest for dinner.

In the shelter, anything can happen, but the only thing that is impossible is wasting food.

Once discovered, they will be immediately organized into a labor dispatch team.

But, in fact, no one alive in the shelter would waste food.

When eating, the oil will be licked clean after eating, and the cleaning staff does not even need to wash the dishes.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Mr. Tang still had a calm look on his face and a kind smile on his face. However, Fang Yu always restrained himself unconsciously in front of Mr. Tang, just like when he saw his teacher when he was a child.

"I would like to ask you, are there any other shelters nearby?"

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Tang paused for a moment, looked at Fang Yu, his expression was a little strange, and he didn't speak for a long time.

It wasn't until Fang Yu felt that her scalp was a little numb that Mr. Tang finally spoke.

"You want to leave the shelter? Why? Didn't you just come here not long ago?"

Facing Mr. Tang's question, Fang Yu didn't know how to answer.

Could it be that I feel that the shelter is about to be destroyed and you can’t handle it, so I plan to run away first?

Faced with Fang Yu's silence, Mr. Tang did not continue to ask further questions. He just sighed and spoke.

"I don't know, but someone may know. You can come to me again at night."

After saying that, Mr. Tang stood up, took out a transparent plastic bag from his pocket, poured the remaining rice in the bowl into the bag, then turned around and left with the leftover rice in hand.

Fang Yu looked at Mr. Tang's leaving figure, and his already somewhat hunched figure seemed to have become shorter.

Faintly, Fang Yu seemed to hear that when Mr. Tang turned around, he sighed again.

Mr. Tang sighed twice.

Fang Yu felt that she could vaguely understand why Mr. Tang was sighing.

Sitting on the chair, Fang Yu didn't get up for a long time.

The original excitement and satisfaction of finding the game guide is now gone.

Even though she had obtained breakthrough information from Mr. Tang, Fang Yu now felt uninterested.

Fang Yu asked herself silently.

My choice...is the right one...

But no one could give him the answer.


That night.

Fang Yu was already waiting outside the infirmary.

After an afternoon of thinking, Fang Yu gave up the unnecessary entanglement.

Although Fang Yu once proudly said that he would be the savior this time.

But the simulator allowed him to come to this world to experience the doomsday crisis, not to activate Wushuang.

From beginning to end, the various plug-ins given to Fang Yu by the simulator could only barely allow him to survive in such a doomsday.

Even so, Fang Yu also suffered from the sequelae of the character's foot disability in this game.

Based on this, Fang Yu clearly understood that the world simulated by the simulator has a basic tone.

The tone of this world is that despair and disaster outweigh everything else.

Under this disaster, you can experience the brilliance of human nature that is as precious as gold, and you can also feel the ugliness of human nature that is as malicious as the sea, but you can only feel the invincible attitude of everything going well and being sincere.

When you think you've met your companions, dawn is the chance of death; when your new companions join, a blizzard comes immediately; when you finally reach the shelter, a cold wave hits, and the flu breaks out...

Of course, Fang Yu can fight hard and use her savior mentality to try her best to achieve a family-friendly ending.

However, I want to achieve such a result when the simulator does not provide corresponding plug-in support.

For Fang Yu, who considers himself neither a super wise man nor one of the most powerful in the world, the odds are infinitely close to zero.

Even restarting is useless, because restarting the simulator is equivalent to restarting everything, returning the ability to zero, the original disaster disappears, and new difficulties are generated. You will never be able to face the same difficulties.

Faced with such a mechanism, SL Dafa is completely meaningless. If you can't get over the hurdle, you should not get over it or you can't get over it.

Therefore, if Fang Yu can do it, she can only keep her ego.

When the refuge was in danger, he also wanted to turn the tide, but after the passion passed, he still chose to preserve himself in the end.

[New Hope] appeared precisely because of this.

This chapter has been completed!
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