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The first forty-eighth chapter is a lore, and the corner is recalcitrant

She said that she would always lose her memory for no reason. She could not remember so many people. There was only one person who loved her, a robot, who cared about her and took care of her daily life. She said that the robot was killed by that damn Li

Xiu killed Li Xiu. After she found Li Xiu, she must avenge the robot with her own hands. She held Li Xiu's palm tightly with both hands and put it next to her ear. She breathed in white cold air and smiled at Li Xiu.

With a serious expression on her face, she said, fortunately, she has Brother Sun, she will never be alone again, and she hopes to continue living this wonderfully forever...

Li Xiu always kept a smile and rarely spoke. He suddenly felt that maybe he should give her a happy life. With this stupid woman's current mentality, it would be too easy for Li Xiu to kill her. But Li Xiu gave up killing her three more times.

I wonder how he could kill such an innocent girl?

If you can do this, what's the difference between yourself and that master, and Kuang Ruoxu and his like?

From her words, it is not difficult to know that the origin of her identity is indeed a mystery. The physical treasure pill is very powerful, and the instinctive organ awareness is naturally proportional. Therefore, even if she does not go out to perform tasks, her memory must be cleared by the master regularly.

, only retaining the memories she should know. For example, the so-called human pet robot she loves most is the companion in her memory who has accompanied her since she was a girl, but that's all.

Li Xiu suddenly felt sympathy for this woman. This kind of compassion could be said to be very rare, even unique. If he had to force a comparison, maybe it was Li Xiu versus Li Ruocheng, but Li Xiu versus Li Ruocheng.

The possessive person was attracted by Li Ruocheng's beauty and temperament from the beginning. Tang Ruo walked out of the red sedan, wearing tight plain clothes and a skirt, with a small white robe draped over his shoulders.

, with little feet as bare as white lotuses, Li Xiu felt a sense of surprise and admiration for Li Ruocheng when they first met, and then he developed a sense of compassion, repaying evil with kindness, and protecting Li Ruocheng's path.

He changed her name and surname until the two became Taoist couples. However, the compassion moved by the Moon God was not possessive.

Li Xiu gave up the idea of ​​killing her and played with her on the lower reaches of the glacier for a while. Li Xiu sighed and accepted the reality that he couldn't do it!

Happy time always passes quickly. The sun sets faster in the north. The nights are long and the days are short, and the sun is already setting in the west.

Li Xiu has been thinking about whether to run away. Maybe this is the most correct thing to do now.

But he stayed.

Suddenly, something strange happened to Moon Goddess. Originally, Moon Goddess was extremely powerful. Once she lost control, Li Xiu's chance of controlling her without hurting her was almost zero. Li Xiu couldn't help but become a little nervous and walked quickly.

He passed by because Luna was vomiting.

"What's wrong?" Li Xiu asked.

"Brother Sun God, you... don't come over!" Moon God frowned and screamed. Li Xiu found that Moon God's face became extremely ugly and pale. A strong man in the late Yuan Ying stage, for no reason

Vomiting cannot be caused by eating the wrong thing. There is only one answer. Something must have happened to the Moon God. Maybe the Lord took action?

Having dealt with Penglai Xiandao so many times, Li Xiu still has some precautions.

It was too late for Li Xiu to retreat, but now part of his brain was occupied by sympathy. Seeing that the Moon God was vomiting non-stop and even vomiting out the gall water, he thought that with his own strength, he could give the Moon God help to cope with any changes.

.Besides, my medical skills are not bad, so I immediately stepped forward and stretched out my hand to help!

Huo Ran, Luna suddenly stood up and grabbed Li Xiu's wrists. Her ugly and pale face was sweating like rain, and her expression was full of pain. But the next moment, she lost her ability to act independently, and her eyes flashed.

Turning around, the green eyes turned into dark gray ones.

Eyes of Medusa!

Everything was so sudden, and it seemed that such a change was completely expected by Li Xiu, but he didn't expect that this moment would come so quickly!

Li Xiu secretly thought, it was obviously too late. He was completely frozen, and even his breathing and heartbeat stopped. At this moment, he seemed to die all of a sudden.

"So strong!" Li Xiu tried his best to break away from this state. He just hoped that Luna could still stay awake and not blow his head away from his shoulders like a meat ball like he did with the metal man.


Seeing that Li Xiu had been injured by herself, Moon God seemed to have regained some consciousness. She was stunned by her actions, but then——


A majestic radio wave command came, and Li Xiu was almost in despair. This familiar radio wave command represented the master commanding the moon goddess remotely. In an instant, the moon goddess became extremely calm and cruel. She suddenly regained all the cold-blooded killer qualities.


"Get up!" A low roar came from Li Xiu's chest!

Broken! The Temple of the Five Internal Organs opened up a world. Li Xiu tried his best and finally cracked the Eye of Medusa of the Moon Goddess and blocked her fatal blow!


The Moon God was knocked away and quickly swooped up again!

The Moon God was already fast enough, but then, a gap opened in the sky, and the outline of a flat world seemed to be clearly visible. An invincible sword light appeared there, ten times, a hundred times faster than the Moon God.


The light of the sword was simply more powerful than the power of law like the Haotian Drum that Li Xiu had seen. Even if Li Xiu opened the temple of the five internal organs, he could not stop the attack and was split in half by a sword directly from the top of his head!

"Pfft!" There was an explosion, blood and water splashed all over Luna Goddess's body. She suddenly jumped up and trembled. After the instruction passed, she regained her autonomy, but when she saw the scene in front of her, she was frightened.


Covering his mouth, he looked at Li Xiu, who was very close at hand, being split in half!

"Come together!" Six more temples appeared in the sky, making a total of eleven temples. The internal organs are the foundation of Li Xiu! The split body was actually forcibly put back together!

Li Xiu no longer cared about the life of the Moon God. He pointed out and directly opened the forehead of the Moon God who was covering his mouth, and pulled out a chip from the Moon God's Niwan Palace!

This is the first time that the media box has successfully deceived Li Xiu's senses. It turns out that even people like Moon God can be commanded by remote control!

This made Li Xiu furious. He didn't care that he was seriously injured, nor did he care that Yue Shen's forehead was bleeding. Yue Shen rolled his eyelids and fell to the ground softly. At this moment, Li Xiu went completely berserk!

"Lord! I, Li Xiu, will come to meet you today, you old man!" Li Xiu put his palms together and rubbed them violently, and the chip broke into pieces! At the same time, he shouted: "Ruocheng, Duoduo, protect me for me, I'll go

Just go back!" As soon as he finished speaking, the chip fragments quickly poured into the flat world at the speed of light. Li Xiu bent his fingers and quickly formed a strange seal with his palms. His whole body seemed to have taken root, firmly fixed in place and standing erect.

He did not fall down, but the look in his pupils faded rapidly. Apparently, all his consciousness, including the consciousness of his organs, left his body, traveled across time and space, traced those fragments, traced the source, and wanted to have an immortal battle with the master.

Endless battle of wits!

Li Ruocheng, Bei Gongxue and others all appeared, and Duoduo also transformed into a human form. Everyone panicked when they saw Li Xiu's appearance.

Li Ruocheng stepped forward and checked Li Xiu's breathing, but there was no breathing at all. He leaned over and listened to Li Xiu's heartbeat. His heartbeat was still, and he checked his pulse. There was no pulse, and his eyes had lost their luster.

This...isn't this just death?

Li Ruocheng staggered a few steps and almost fainted. Fortunately, Bei Gongxue supported her and gave her a burst of energy, and Li Ruocheng regained his composure.

"Sister-in-law, we have to believe in Brother Li, he will be safe and sound!" Bei Gongxue persuaded weakly, but her own tears were already flowing down her face.

"We have to believe in brother Li Xiu. Since he asked us to protect him, it means he is not dead yet!" Duoduo was the calmest.

Li Ruocheng said: "Just for this woman, is it worth it for him to do this?" Li Ruocheng looked at the Moon God, lying on the ground, and seemed to be dying. At this moment, Li Ruocheng really wanted to kill the Moon God.

She was killed on the spot, but she understood that the person Li Xiu wanted to protect at all costs must have his reasons, although this time, Li Ruocheng didn't understand his reasons.

At the moment, everyone was assigned. Except for Mr. Ouyang and Yu Wanhe, who had no magic power, and the one hundred newly accepted talents, they were not allowed to participate. The rest of the people all stood up according to the Tai Chi Bagua numbers.

Formation, Li Ruocheng himself has studied Yi Shu a lot, so setting up a defensive formation is not a problem. With Zhang Xiong and Duoduo as the eyes of the Yin Yang Fish Formation, Li Ruocheng, Bei Gongxue, Qi Zong, and ten others from

Five martial arts generals with advanced cultivation were selected and stood in eight directions: Qian, Kun, Zhen, Kan, Gen, Xun, Li, and Dui. They also talked about some changes and usages on the spot, and everyone remembered them.

He also sent the remaining people to climb up the snowy peaks on the left and right to act as eyes and ears to find out whether there was any enemy situation in all directions, so as to give timely warning.

Everything was ready. At this time, Duoduo took out a bunch of swords from the parallel space and distributed them to everyone. She and Zhang Xiong did not need to use them. People from eight directions each had a sword forged from a special metal.

In fact, the sword has not been polished yet, it has only been made into a rough embryo, but it is still better than using bare hands.

The most worrying thing did not happen, there was no attack, and after waiting for almost half a stick of incense, even though the day was like a year, after half a stick of incense, everyone only felt a wave of hot air falling from the sky, suddenly condensed, and headed towards

Li Xiu's head was pierced, and after a moment, Li Xiu opened his eyes.

"Get out of here!" Li Xiu only said five words, and his true energy began to leak out. The two halves of the body that were barely put together began to bleed. His fingers trembled, the seals loosened, and he fell to the ground.

Li Ruocheng ran over and helped Li Xiu up.

This chapter has been completed!
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