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Chapter 70 Wuying County produces demons

Mr. Hu Da sighed: "Well, since we are all working for Li Xiu, we should work more together in the future. You accept him as the master. To be honest, it is indeed your creation, but I will not admit defeat."

, I have been waiting for this day for a long time, and I will make him look at me squarely."

The dwarf said: "I have always believed that you have this ability, but I only have two years. He gave me two years. After two years, I will return to my master and practice the method of reincarnation. This is his promise

Mine. So, no matter what you do in the past two years, I will help you complete it, and I hope you can make good use of me!"

Li Xiu waved his long sleeve and took back the Milky Way Map. Everyone appeared in the lobby. Li Xiu said: "You have made great progress in just two days of hard training, especially Wang Shuang and Yang Buqi. They deserve a reward!"

Everyone looked happy.

In the two days after arriving in Tianshui City, Li Xiu held a big class and explained many things about spiritual practice to everyone. At the same time, he also renamed the four maids. Li Xiu asked Li Ruocheng about this matter, and Li Ruocheng named the four maids.

The maids were named after spring, summer, autumn and winter, Chunlan, Xiahe, Qiugui, and Dongmei, all with the surname Li. These four maids are all orphans. They were raised as slaves by traffickers since they were young. They have no relatives or friends, but although the old woman has

Li Xiu agreed to void the contract of prostitution and send her home for no other reason. After all, the old woman was old, and practicing martial arts would probably have to endure several times more hardship than others. But the old woman did not want to go home. It turned out that

The old woman had no children, and her husband was addicted to gambling, so she had nothing to sell. In the end, even the old wife was sold to someone else. Because the old woman was well-known in the local area for her ability to work, she got more than a dozen taels of silver. Li Xiu

Seeing that she was older, he asked her what name she wanted. The old woman sighed: In the previous life, I was like a diner, and in the next life I am still drinking in the dust of the road. I can call my master whatever he wants. Li Xiu then regarded it as a kindness.

Name, it means that she can enjoy peace in her old age. Grandma is very grateful!

However, Li Xiu did not change Widow Wang's name. Widow Wang's original name was Wang Yansui. In order to thank Li Xiu for her kindness, Wang Yansui insisted on giving her youngest son the surname of Li. Li Xiu knew that his son could have become Emperor Zuo Yuan.

Due to the fate of the stars, Li Ruocheng performed a caesarean section due to a difficult delivery, which caused the fate to change. Because he was born in late autumn, he was named Li Yanqiu, which also means that things in the world are changing!

In the lobby, Li Xiu said that he would reward the two sons without any ambiguity. He used his magical power to move curves in the void and collected two streams of starry sky consciousness. Li Xiu took them out and tempered them with both palms. Not long after, they appeared.

They gave two soul-suppressing magic weapons, one knife and one axe. The soul knife was given to Yang Buqi, and the soul ax was given to Wang Shuang. They were warned to always remember to sacrifice and nourish, which was like giving the second son a talisman! The second son accepted the treasure and vowed to work harder.

Practice martial arts diligently.

This time can be regarded as truly introducing everyone to the practice of martial arts. The most important thing is to explain the meaning of martial arts. It will have a direction for future practice. This matter has come to an end.

Li Xiu came to a fish pond and saw the one-eyed old man opening his eyes and looking at him.

"In the past two days, not only have all your injuries recovered, but you also seem to have learned a lot." Li Xiu clicked his tongue.

The one-eyed old man said calmly: "Why, are you afraid?"

Li Xiu glared and said, "Am I afraid? Just because of you?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" the one-eyed old man said: "Since you have come to Tianshui City and stayed here for two days, even if you have not calculated the whereabouts of the second Zuo Yuan Emperor Star, I am afraid you have a rough location. Is it right here?

In the city?”

"Smart!" Li Xiudao: "But that's all. After all, so many days have passed and the best moment has been missed. I can only calculate an approximate location. One-eyed old man, when I asked you to go with me,

It is precisely because I think highly of you, otherwise how could such a good thing be your turn? Do you understand what I mean? "

The one-eyed old man was silent for a moment and then said: "So you came to me to ask for favors."

"That's right!" Li Xiu said bluntly, "There is no free lunch in the world. You have gained a lot in the past two days, and I still have a large family to raise, but I am empty-handed and can only get out. I can't get in."

Look at your ring, it looks pretty good!"

"This won't work!" the one-eyed old man refused.

"These rings..."


"Your belt is of good style..."


"Go to hell, Mr. Iron Rooster! Goodbye!" Li Xiulai got angry and turned around to leave!

The one-eyed old man's face was livid. He looked at his retreating figure, gritted his teeth, took off a jade ring on his middle finger, threw it over, and said, "Take it!"

Li Xiu didn't look back, and stretched out a middle finger, and the magic ring was put on the finger accurately. As for the incidental meaning, let him feel it for himself. Unfortunately, the one-eyed old man didn't look at him at all.

middle finger.

Li Xiu threw the Dharma Ring into the Galaxy Diagram, and Li Ruocheng caught it. When he saw the inventory inside, he immediately beamed and said to Li Xiu: "There are more than 150 high-grade spiritual stones and thousands of medium-grade spiritual stones."

Spirit stones, as well as some unprocessed spirit mines, should be able to produce some mid-grade and high-grade spirit bricks."

"There are no low-grade spiritual stones?" Li Xiu asked.

"No!" Li Ruocheng answered firmly.

Li Xiu was speechless. This ring seemed to be the cheapest space magic weapon on the one-eyed old man. He suddenly thought of Master Gray Eyes who was killed by him in Beiminghai. He was also one of the four major guests. How could the difference be so big?

It was so unreasonable. Li Xiu thought of the card that looked like gold but not gold, and seemed like iron but not iron. It seemed that he had to find out the origin. The one-eyed old man could be regarded as an ascetic, and he was already so rich, and Master Gray Eyes

It's better to get money faster if you have everything you need!

Two hundred and eighty miles west of Tianshui City, there is a county called Wuyin County. To the north of Wuyin County is a mountain called Wuyin Mountain. Wuyin Mountain has a total of eighteen hills, with many mountains, deep ravines and dangerous ravines.

There are fierce bandits entrenched, who refuse to obey the king's rule, robbed homes and houses, and conquered and suppressed them many times over the years, but all failed. According to local folklore, there was a demon king in the Wuyin Mountain in the early years. Those mountain kings all learned under the demon king.

In the past, Wuyin County once invited a great master of the golden elixir stage to succumb to demons, but they all failed to get in or out.

Until five months ago, the gangsters in this area were so rampant that they had no bottom line. Wuyin County suffered an unprecedented looting. Young men, women, children, money, food, jewelry, etc. were all wiped out.

The remaining old, weak, sick and disabled people were spared, but all the officials of the county government were hanged on the city walls, beaten and exposed to the sun. They all died in the end. The surrounding villages were also like locusts passing through, not even a blade of grass could grow. Fortunately, Wuyin County had learned from the past.

, the surrounding counties took precautions, organized the township warriors, and rose up to resist. The incident was reported to Tianshui, and Ma Tiancheng was furious. He ordered Ma Caifeng to personally lead 20,000 elite troops to conquer, and mobilized three mountain masters to accompany him!

In that battle, the Tianshui Army was victorious. In the end, they plowed through the caves and leveled Wuyin Mountain. In the depths of Wuyin Mountain, they captured several demon cultivators. One of them, the demon king, was a master of the middle stage of the Golden Core.

, but they were also captured during the raids by Sanshan monks. A group of fierce bandits and demon cultivators, who did not need to be tried, beheaded them outside the gate of Wuyin County to serve as a warning to others!

More than five months had passed and this incident had already come to an end. However, at dusk, the city gate of Kirigakure County suddenly collapsed, the dust cleared, and the streets of the city could be seen. Corpses were everywhere, and there were sounds of fierce fighting.

The air flow was turbulent, blood was flying, and broken legs and hands flew out from time to time. Later, heads actually rolled down or flew up to three feet high. It was obvious that someone was going on a killing spree in the city!

"Lord County Magistrate, leave quickly!" In the end, only a few county rangers and retinue mages were left desperately resisting.

"You all deserve to die! No one can leave! Die!" A voice sounded, and at the same time there was a burst of blood. The person who just spoke was a monk in the early stage of the Golden Elixir. He was the only strong Golden Elixir among the mage followers, because Kirigakure

The mountain has just been leveled, and I am worried that there are still some remaining members. This Golden Elixir is a master specially appointed by Ma Tiancheng to take charge. Otherwise, how can a small county government afford to raise a dignified Golden Elixir master? But with the bloodshed,

, this strong man in the early stage of the Golden Core could not fight for more than a few rounds, but was actually torn in half!

However, after all, they still blocked it. When two monks in the foundation building stage saw this, they were frightened and did not retreat. They shouted angrily and rushed forward desperately! Under the cover of a group of rangers, the magistrate of Wuyin County

Finally he got out of the city. This man was frightened and panicked. He had never seen this kind of scene in his life. There were still six or seven rangers who escaped death. Once they got out of the city, they couldn't care less.

After seeing the county magistrate's fate, the birds and beasts immediately dispersed, fled in all directions, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye!

"My life is at an end!" Magistrate Kirigakure cried sadly!

Outside Wuyin County, a few days ago, under the orders of the county governor Ma Tiancheng, they secretly investigated the people who had been in contact with Ma Caifeng in the past six months. Following one of the suspicious clues, they came to the boundary of Wuyin County. The four of them traveled a dusty journey all the way.

, the horses went faster and changed horses at the post station. After barely satisfying their hunger, they didn't stay long. They originally thought that they could reach the county seat before dark and have a good night's rest, and then start the investigation tomorrow. However, from a distance, they saw the blood in the city skyrocketing.

Several people were shocked!

"Look, there's someone there!"

"It's Magistrate Chang!"

The four men came forward on horseback, and before Magistrate Chang could recover, they grabbed him onto the horse and drove away! These four people were all from the military and had participated in the siege of Wuyin Mountain. For this,

While they were familiar with the area, they also knew that the county guard had later sent a powerful Jindan man to take charge here. Now that they saw this scene, they knew that the perpetrator was no match for them. Sure enough, they saw a figure blasted to pieces inside the city gate.

Two foundation builders, chase them up quickly!

"We can't escape, we are dead... we are dead..." The four of them looked behind them flawlessly and only focused on whipping their horses and whips, galloping all the way. Magistrate Chang turned around and saw that his face was ashen and he was trembling with fear!

This chapter has been completed!
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