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Chapter 477 Entering the palace to intercede

After listening to Emperor Qianxi's words, Li Chengyou did not get up, but remained lying on the ground, choked with sobs and said, "Your Majesty, I don't dare."

The more Li Chengyou behaved like this, the more frightened Emperor Qianxi became.

"Li Aiqing, if you have anything to say, let's talk about it later."

Li Chengyou shook his head and refused decisively. At the same time, he said again, "Your Majesty, I would like to ask your Majesty for your mercy..."

Li Chengyou asked him to get up twice in a row, but Li Chengyou didn't listen. Emperor Qianxi no longer forced him, but pursued him and asked, "Li Aiqing, what happened? If something happens, Li Aiqing can speak out and I will try my best to help you deal with it." .”

As soon as these words came out, Li Chengyou felt inexplicably warm in his heart. At the same time, he knew that Emperor Qianxi was thinking of his achievements over the years, and he felt a little more at ease, thinking that with his achievements over the years, he might be able to rescue his apprentice. indefinite.

However, when Emperor Qianxi mistakenly thought that he had committed a crime, Li Chengyou quickly explained, "Your Majesty, it was not Wei Chen who committed the crime, but Wei Chen's incompetent scoundrel."

Emperor Qianxi was startled and said without thinking, "Oh? Li Aiqing's scoundrel?"

Li Chengyou nodded and said, "Your Majesty, you are the villain of the humble minister."

Hearing Li Chengyou mention his apprentice again, Emperor Qianxi suddenly became interested.

I still remember when Li Chengyou said that his apprentice would take part in this year's imperial examination, and at the same time he vowed to get the top prize. At that time, Emperor Qianxi still wanted to meet his amazing apprentice, but until the imperial examination was over, Li Chengyou didn't mention it. and this matter.

Emperor Qianxi felt confused at that time and wanted to ask a question, but he was worried that he had failed the exam. After all, Li Chengyou had sworn to praise Haikou at the beginning, but remained silent afterwards. He thought that he either failed the exam or failed the exam. He didn't speak.

Now I heard Li Chengyou mention his apprentice again. Although he had caused trouble, considering his previous actions, his apprentice must be a good general.

Emperor Qianxi thought that no matter what he had committed, with his original merits and Li Chengyou's plea, he would try to save him. Maybe Li Chengyou's so-called apprentice could bring him a surprise.

So Emperor Qianxi thought about it and made up his mind, "Li Aiqing, please tell me. If your apprentice hadn't done something tragic, I wouldn't let anyone embarrass him. Besides, I don't care about Li Aiqing's apprentice, whom I have never met. I have also missed you for a long time.”

Emperor Qianxi's idea was a bit naive. Could it be a trivial matter that Li Chengyou couldn't solve even with his third rank official position?

Of course, in the eyes of Emperor Qianxi, what Li Chengyou thought was a big deal might be a trivial matter to him.

Li Chengyou paused, swallowed, and hesitated for a long time. He knew that he could no longer hide it, so he hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, actually... In fact, Your Majesty has also seen that scoundrel Wei Chen."

Emperor Qianxi was shocked and stared at Li Chengyou for half a minute. In order to confirm whether he heard correctly, he asked again, "Huh? Li Aiqing said that I...have met Li Aiqing's apprentice?"

"Back...back to Your Majesty, exactly."

"Oh? So, Li Aiqing's apprentice is also my minister."

Li Chengyou nodded again.

Emperor Qianxi was overjoyed. He did not expect that Li Chengyou's so-called apprentice would actually become an official in the court. This was an unexpected surprise.

After thinking about it again, I felt something was wrong. Based on the previous actions of Li Chengyou's apprentice and Li Chengyou's evaluation of him, he shouldn't be unknown. I murmured in my heart: Could it be that I ignored him?

"I wonder who Li Aiqing's apprentice is, what is his official position in the court, and what are his crimes?"

Although he felt in his heart that Li Chengyou's apprentice should not do nothing, Li Chengyou did not mention it and he did not dare to rule out this possibility.

In addition to the large number of people taking the imperial examination this year, in order to quickly confirm who his apprentice was, Emperor Qianxi asked all the questions in his heart at once.

Li Chengyou replied uneasily, "Your Majesty, in fact, your Majesty also recognizes the disciples of Wei Chen."

Speaking of this, Emperor Qianxi became more and more interested, but Li Chengyou's hesitant look made him very unhappy. So in order to know who Li Chengyou's beloved disciple was as soon as possible, Emperor Qianxi said in a more serious tone, "Li Aiqing, who is your beloved disciple? Come on!" Dao Lai, don't show off in front of me."

Li Chengyou hesitated, but finally gritted his teeth and said bravely, "Your Majesty, the bad guy is actually...actually Ling Yun."


Emperor Qianxi suddenly jumped up from the dragon chair and stared at Li Chengyou below. His eyebrows furrowed tightly, and a gap formed between his eyebrows. His relaxed expression tightened instantly, and then he asked coldly, "You Is what you just said true?"

Li Chengyou thumped and felt that something was not good, but that was the end of the matter. Besides, he came here to plead for mercy. If he knew it sooner or later, he would not be able to escape, so he had to admit it without hesitation.

"Your Majesty, what I said is true. Wei Chen's incompetent villain is Ling Yun. Your Majesty, please forgive Wei Chen's disciple for the sake of Wei Chen's sincerity over the years. Wei Chen sincerely begs Your Majesty, please have mercy~"

Emperor Qianxi snorted coldly and said coldly, "My apprentice won the top prize and kept silent about it. It's really because of you. Now that my apprentice has something to do, he comes to me again. Haha... The Minister of Industry really knows how to think about me!"

Li Chengyou knew that Emperor Qianxi was dissatisfied with him, so when Ling Yun won the first prize, he told him that Ling Yun was his apprentice.

Now that something happened, I came here again to plead for mercy.

But no matter what, Ling Yun is his only apprentice. Not only is he talented, he is also straightforward, sincere and loyal. His wife likes him very much. When she learned that something happened to him, she shed tears all day long and couldn't eat or sleep well. Well, she kept mumbling in his ears, asking him to save her no matter what.

Li Chengyou definitely would not give up on Ling Yun, but he did not expect that his wife would love this child so much.

When Yang Ergou came to Li's house that day and said that the young master was missing, Li Chengyou didn't take it seriously at the time. He felt that in this capital city and Ling Yun was an official of the imperial court, no one would dare to do anything to him.

The reality is such an unlucky thing. When someone in the court heard that Ling Yun had committed a crime in the palace, Li Chengyou actually smiled disdainfully at that person and did not take it to heart. He even thought that those people were jealous. He loves his disciples, so he fabricates rumors.

But more and more news spread, and some people wanted him to file a memorial for impeachment. At that time, Li Chengyou realized the seriousness of the matter.

After spending the money to find out the truth of the matter, Li Chengyou was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat.

When I think about it carefully, I feel that it is wrong.

Based on his understanding of his disciple, his beloved disciple would definitely not be able to do something as bad as a beast. Furthermore, based on his observation of his beloved disciple, he would stop drinking when he drinks to a certain level, which would not make him drunk. He was drunk to the point of being completely drunk, so how could he have drunken and promiscuous sex?

So he concluded that this was definitely a frame-up and that someone was deliberately plotting to kill his beloved disciple.

After figuring out the reason, he inquired about a lot of information, but unfortunately it was related to the imperial palace and was Emperor Qianxi's favorite Princess Yucheng, so he only got some vague explanations.

Helpless, after careful consideration, he planned to get the person out first. As for the truth of the matter, I'm afraid it's not that simple. After all, he dared to set a trap in the palace. This person is definitely not a trivial matter.

"Your Majesty, I know that I am wrong. I would like to ask Your Majesty to let the bad guy live for the sake of your loyalty to Wei Chen for so many years."

Li Chengyou also knew that he was in the wrong, so he did not refute Emperor Qianxi's words, but kept pleading for mercy.

Emperor Qianxi laughed coldly and asked, "Let him go? Haha... Minister of the Ministry of Industry, do you know what kind of crime your so-called beloved disciple committed? I am not ashamed to say that kind of thing. come out."

Speaking of excitement, Emperor Qianxi felt that iron could not turn into steel.

"For a top scholar, it's not easy to find women. He should never extend his hand to my princess."

Emperor Qianxi's cold light suddenly appeared, his sharp eyes were fixed on Li Chengyou, and then he roared in a low voice, "Secretary Minister of the Ministry of Industry, do you think that my princess is something that he, a mere fifth-grade bachelor, can get his hands on?"

"Your Majesty, it's all Wei Chen's fault. Wei Chen didn't teach the bad disciples well. Your Majesty, if you want to blame, just blame Wei Chen!"

Emperor Qianxi sneered and said, "Blame you? Could it be that the Minister of Industry thinks that he can still get out of the prison after committing such an animal thing?"

Hearing this, Li Chengyou raised his throat and broke out in a cold sweat. He knelt on the ground and crawled towards Emperor Qianxi. As he crawled, he begged, "Your Majesty, please be merciful~ The evil disciple... The evil disciple has just turned seventeen this year." ,if…"

Speaking of this, Li Chengyou suddenly stopped, the expression on his face gradually solidified, his eyes suddenly became firm, he raised his head slightly and said, "Your Majesty, if you cannot forgive the villain, I am willing to take the punishment for the villain, even if I die. No matter what."

Emperor Qianxi was startled and said with emotion, "You...really want to do this?"

Li Chengyou's eyes were extremely firm, and he nodded and said, "Your Majesty, for the sake of that incompetent scoundrel, this is what I can do."

Emperor Qianxi was silent for a long time, perhaps because Li Chengyou would rather sacrifice himself than take Ling Yun's action, which made him speechless for a long time. He lowered his head and didn't know what to think about.

After a while, he sighed softly and said, "Okay, this matter has not been decided yet. I still need to consider the specifics. Please step back first!"

Li Chengyou had no intention of retreating, thinking in his mind that he couldn't just leave before his apprentice was rescued, otherwise wouldn't his trip be in vain?

"His Majesty…"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Emperor Qianxi immediately stopped him and said, "Get out of here!"

Emperor Qianxi suddenly got up and shouted, which made Li Chengyou tremble and frightened. He frowned and wanted to say something else, but he was worried that it would be counterproductive, so he could only say reluctantly, "Wei... Weichen obeys your order."

Looking at Li Chengyou's leaving figure, Emperor Qianxi looked a little solemn, and suddenly fell into deep thought again.

[Author's digression]: I've been too busy lately, so updates are slow, I'm sorry...

This chapter has been completed!
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