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Chapter 58: An accident at home

Ling Yun negotiated with Zhang Haixia about the profit sharing, and then agreed to give him a minimum of 50,000 words every half month.

The remuneration is also paid every half month, which is in line with Ling Yun's expectations.

However, Ling Yun still signed a document with him, and both of them signed and stamped it.

Once you get used to it, you still need to sign and stamp the documents.

Originally, Ling Yun thought of staying in the county town for one night and going to the academy early tomorrow morning.

Then I thought that Uncle Zhou would definitely go back soon. If he stayed here for one night, what would happen tomorrow?

We can't ask him to make another trip tomorrow morning!

Even though he was given money, Ling Yun still felt bad about going all the way back and forth.

After much thought, he decided to stay in the academy one night early.

This not only facilitates him, but also saves Mr. Zhou a trip.

However, there is no school in the academy today, the cafeteria is closed, and there is no restaurant near the academy.

Although he didn't feel hungry now, he still prepared food in advance, otherwise he would be in big trouble when he got hungry when he got to the academy.

Arriving at the academy, Ling Yun first said hello to the person in charge of the academy, who was relatively familiar with Ling Yun.

After all, he is the only one who has ranked first in his class for three consecutive years.

With his permission, Ling Yun slowly walked into the dormitory, looking at the empty dormitory, feeling lonely.

This kind of loneliness has been with him for a long time, so long that it can be traced back to his previous life.

Although he had a grandmother at that time, he mostly grew up alone.

Now he feels an inexplicable feeling of loneliness, unable to integrate with other children of the same age.

Even though he had two friends in the academy, Fatty and Zhang Jinwen, he still felt a sense of loneliness quietly accompanying him.

Faced with this feeling of loneliness, Ling Yun felt powerless.

Every time he saw others playing happily, he obviously felt like an outsider.

The fun is theirs, and I have nothing.

In his wild thoughts, Ling Yun fell asleep in a daze, and when he woke up again it was already dawn.

The weather in March was drizzling continuously, and the dirt roads in the academy were muddy from the rain.

If you step on it with one foot and lift it up, you can bring up a lump of soil.

Entering the children's class, the courses taught by Master are no longer enlightenment textbooks, but books related to the imperial examination - the Four Books and Five Classics.

The master who taught him was no longer the same master Zhang, but two new masters were welcomed.

There are three masters in the boys' class. The master who teaches the Four Books is named Xu and is named Lin Fu.

The person who taught the Five Classics was named Du Shizhang, and the master who taught calligraphy was the former master Li Pingli.

Master Xu has a very gentle personality and does not have the habit of being rude at all times. Whether he is giving lectures or speaking, he is always slow and orderly.

The good-tempered Master is particularly popular. As for the classmates in his class, they all like him and appear to be particularly serious and active every time they attend his class.

"From today onwards, you begin to practice the way of a saint. You must persevere every day and never slack off..."

Master Xu often gave the students a eloquent lecture on the philosophy of life in the first class after they returned from their studies.

In fact, it is just some chicken soup for the soul. Ling Yun has long been poisoned by its poisons in later generations and has become accustomed to it.

So much so that every time I hear his long speech, I always feel a little drowsy.

The four books taught by Master Xu are "The Great Learning", "The Doctrine of the Mean", "The Analects" and "Mencius" with Notes.

The Five Classics are the Book of Songs, the Book of Changes, the Book of Changes, the Book of Rites, and the Chunqiu Zuozhuan.

Of course, they do not need to study all the Five Classics, just choose one.

After reading and reciting these, you will start to learn the craftsmanship, that is, learn to write the essays, also called craftsmanship.

This is a long process. Unless they give up halfway, it will continue until they are admitted to Jinshi...

In fact, the road to the imperial examination is not one that everyone goes to the end of the road. There are often ten people in a class out of twenty or so. It is not easy to keep going.

A large number of people will be stuck in the childhood barrier. There are very few people who can be admitted to the scholar level, and even more rare ones can be selected from a million.

In order to urge students to study, the academy divided the children's class into four classes: A, B, C and D.

The learning progress is fast and the foundation is solid. Those who excel in the college's regular exams will be promoted to Class A to speed up the progress of teaching.

This is very spiritual. In ancient times, there was competition in studying. Just like the imperial examination, admission was based on merit.

The academy is no exception. Often the best students in a class are selected to form Class A, which is equivalent to the best students in the same batch.

They will learn the imperial examination knowledge faster and take the exam earlier than the people of the same batch.

It's like the people who attended the academy together were already studying the Five Classics, but you were still studying the first of the Four Books.

When they first entered school, they were still ignorant about the importance of Class A.

But now they are in the children's class, and they have gradually realized that only students who can enter Class A.

Only then will there be a chance to pass the examination of Tongsheng and even the coveted scholar.

Even children have a desire to compare. No one is willing to watch the same group of people who entered the academy surpass themselves right before their eyes.

Ten years of hard work, whether it is a wasted life or whether they will be on the gold list depends on them!

"Ling Yun, come out." There was a person standing outside the classroom door, calling his name out of breath.

Ling Yun was stunned for a moment, then looked at the master on the podium, who nodded towards him.

So he stood up decisively and slowly walked out of the classroom under the eyes of everyone.

"Your name is Ling Yun, are you from Guangping Village?" When he walked to the door, the speaker asked again.

Ling Yun nodded doubtfully.

"Then it's you. There is a person looking for you at the gate of the academy. He seems to be very anxious. You should go and have a look." After making sure that you have not found the wrong person, the person who came will explain his reason.

"Thank you sir for informing me! Ling Yun is very grateful." Ling Yun first bowed and saluted, took a step back, and then strode toward the academy.

As he walked, he couldn't help but have doubts in his heart, wondering who was coming to see him at this time?

I shook my head. I really couldn't understand it, so I simply stopped thinking about it. I'd better go there quickly. It would be clear where I was going.

Ling Yun arrived not far from the entrance of the academy, looked outside the door, and found that the person coming was actually Uncle Zhou.

I thought to myself, why is Uncle Zhou looking for him today? Is there something going on at home?

Seeing him clasping his hands tightly and walking back and forth as if there was something urgent, Ling Yun couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Grandpa Zhou, why are you here?" Ling Yun rushed forward a few steps, approached Old Uncle Zhou, and asked hurriedly.

When Uncle Zhou heard someone talking, he quickly looked up and found that it was Ling Yun.

Excited, he strode forward, grabbed Ling Yun's hand tightly and choked out, "Boy from the Ling family, let's leave quickly, something big has happened to your family."

This chapter has been completed!
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