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Chapter 1146 Palace Banquet

In the Qingning Palace, all the concubines were gathered together.

Empress Li Bi, the three concubines, and the nine concubines, there are only seven people in office now, and Jieyu has nine people, and six people are in office. These seventeen people all have seats in Qingning Palace.

Others, such as beauties and talented people, can only wait on you.

Imperial concubine Ashina Rongzhen is on duty in the palace tonight and is always with Li Po.

As the eunuch announced the emperor's arrival in a high-pitched voice, Li Po and Ashina Rongzhen entered the main hall of Qingning Palace together.

This is a serious daughter's country. Thirty or forty people gather in the hall. The high-ranking ones sit on the banquets and invite each other to drink and talk. The lower-ranking ones wander between the seats like butterflies in flowers, pouring wine and serving dishes.

The aroma of powder filled a corner, and Li Po felt as if he had entered a field of thousands of flowers as soon as he entered.

Anyone who walks among thousands of flowers without a single leaf touching his body must be either a eunuch or a saint.

Naturally, Li Po was neither. His nose twitched a few times. He looked around and saw that his eyes were full of delicate flowers that could be picked at will. He couldn't help but feel agitated in his heart.

Do I actually have so many women? This place is much more interesting than feasting with foreign ministers.

Last year, he experienced a similar scene, but at that time the princes were still there and there were far fewer concubines. He felt dizzy, and it didn't feel as exciting as this year.

There are indeed fewer people coming to the harem. Our predecessors once said that if you don’t clean one house, how can you sweep the world? They also said that running a family is like running a country. If the family is not peaceful, the country will be uneasy. It seems that we will go home more often in the future.


All the ambitions, conspiracies and conspiracies he had thought about on the road were thrown out of the window at this time, and he was simply motivated by sex.

Seeing the emperor's arrival, the concubines and female officials bowed down to greet him. Their delicate voices gathered together, like birds singing in chorus. Li Po felt proud, his blood flowed, and his blood pressure rose a lot, but he still entered the emperor's palace sanctimoniously.

He sat down, first gave the tigress a smile, and then let everyone level up.

Keep having fun and keep dancing.


Seeing his wife's eyes looking at him with scrutiny, Li Po rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "You are the same, I asked you to follow me to meet the courtiers, but you don't want to, so what can I do if I leave this place to others?"


As expected, Li Bi became much less wary.

Li Po didn't know how other emperors and empresses got along with each other. Anyway, he always gave way to Li Bi here, based on the concept of maintaining peace and harmony in everything.

Li Bi has always been very measured, and the couple has been working well together so far, and has not caused any bad things. It is not like what people say, where you and I go back and forth and act out a lot of palace fight scenes.

From time to time, she would move her chopsticks and take a few bites, which made herself happy both physically and mentally. Li Bi would not say anything, at most she would say a few sour words.

In this way, Li Po lived a very comfortable life, and Li Bi's position as the head of the harem was as stable as Mount Tai, so there was not much trouble.

Moreover, she gave birth to two sons for Li Po, so she had no worries.

In the past two months, Li Po asked Li Bi to participate in political affairs and prepare for the upcoming alliance, which was based on this stable and harmonious relationship between husband and wife.

At this time, Li Bi smiled and said: "Not at this moment, I am living very well in the palace, and my foundation is here. It is enough to meet the courtiers with my husband in the Taiji Palace. Why bother to exploit every opportunity to make people feel uneasy about me?"

Are you too utilitarian?"

Li Po's heart brightened, and he shook his head and said, "You are thinking too much. Don't you want to compete with the Queen of Documents? How come you are here, but you still hold back?"

Li Bidao: "My husband is not Emperor Wen, so I cannot be the Queen of Wen. My husband has always been smart, so you should understand, right?"

I wiped it... Li Po blinked and looked at his wife, wondering, are you praising or disparaging her?

However, he still said without hesitation: "As long as we don't give birth to a prodigal son like Yang Er, our husband and wife will definitely not be worse than those two."

Seeing her husband's eyes rolling, Li Bi raised her wine glass in a funny way, "Husband, you don't have to belittle yourself. I may not be able to be like the queen of literature, who is almost like an emperor and has a great reputation in the world, but my husband will definitely be a promising person."

The founding king of the country."

The couple complimented each other, and when they looked at each other, they felt like they were matched. They had a glass of wine and drank it down in one gulp.

Li Po took a few mouthfuls of food and then looked towards the palace. Everyone he met was either shy, expectant, aweful or passionate. No one would avoid the emperor's attention. This was a rare opportunity to appear before the emperor.

Even the most timid person will want to seize the opportunity in front of him.

While everyone was watching, Li Poxin said, it's really eye-catching... There's just one problem, he's too young to do anything.

Several of the ones raised in Jin had grown up, and he pulled them into the bowl one after another. After thinking about it, Li Po sighed secretly, oh, what the hell have I done all these years?

Why don't you raise a few more?

Well, anyone who becomes an emperor immediately becomes a scumbag...


Li Bi filled her husband's wine glass herself and followed her husband's gaze. No matter how uncomfortable she felt, she still patiently introduced who was who to her husband.

The emperor didn't recognize his concubines... Well, that's normal. There were too many women. What was abnormal was that the emperor had male favorites as companions, and all the women in the harem had to vomit three liters of blood.

The introduction was almost finished, and regardless of whether Li Poji remembered it or not, Li Bi continued: "My husband often says that the imperial city is too deserted and unpopular. They all come from famous families, so it is better to let their relatives move in so that they can move in."

Show grace."

Li Bi didn't say anything. Li Po has been relatively indifferent to the harem these years. These daughters have only been in the harem for a short time, so they can't see much. But if it happens in another year or two, if it continues to be like this, it will be...

It’s hard to say.

Not to mention that the women in the harem will jump, their relatives will also be very disappointed, so some necessary expressions must be made. Even if the emperor has no interest in the women in the harem, he must still be kind to their parents and brothers, so as not to say anything else.

Yes, she, the Lord of the Sixth House, will have less trouble.

When Dugu Jialuo was in charge of the harem, she was not only in charge of the affairs of the harem, but also affected the affairs of the court. She also had to take care of the affairs of the harem of the ministers. For example, officials were not allowed to accept wives and concubines.

They are not allowed to favor their concubines and neglect their wives. This is under the guise of frugality, but it is actually the awakening of women's rights.

At that time, officials were as silent as a cicada, daring to get angry but afraid to speak out. Once the Queen of Documents dies, you will see how powerful the suppression was, and how bad the backlash was.

Li Bi was not as strong as Dugu Jialuo, and he did not want to cause trouble for himself. Moreover, the founding of the Tang Dynasty was not as strong as the early Sui Dynasty. Winning people's hearts was still a top priority.

Li Po agreed without hesitation. He didn't think too much about it. He just wondered if his wife wanted to bring Li Xiuning to the imperial city to keep a close eye on her, right? Well, you have to be careful. If you get too close, you might cause trouble.

, we can’t just be fooled by this woman.

After that, Li Xiuning was asked to go out and hide, and then come back when the incident was over.

He was thinking wickedly...

Li Bike didn't know that her kindness made her husband feel so troubled. Instead, she felt that her husband was very "good" today and didn't say anything unreasonable to make her angry. She was quite relieved and didn't care about it.

He looked around, enjoying his beauty with wine.

But it was difficult to cancel the prepared program, so she waved her hand.

The music in the palace started again, and several palace maidens filed into the palace, first saluting the emperor, queen, and nobles in the palace.

This was another time to sing and dance to entertain everyone. Li Po was already used to this rhythm. He looked at it casually and saw that the woman in the lead had a really good figure, but she looked a little familiar. Ah, she was the one who danced the green waist dance before. He also looked at it casually.

I wrote a poem for someone.

The southern girl seemed to be able to produce water when pinched, and when she danced, she was able to seduce people's souls. Even in the later era of national entertainment, she should be the top dancer.

Fortunately, instead of squinting, Li Po suddenly had a strange idea...

What's his name? It seems to be Shen. Li Poren is not old, but his memory is indeed a bit old.

But then my heart skipped a beat, and I looked at Li Bi next to me, thinking, "What are you doing? Can you still live a good life?"

After not seeing each other for several months, Shen E still maintained her super high level, and a group dance attracted cheers from the concubines.

Li Po no longer thought about the things that existed and didn't exist, and focused on appreciating art. His dancing was really good... Well, other than being a copywriter, he couldn't think of any other tricks. It was basically like the sea, which was full of water.

After the dance, all the concubines clapped their hands. The emperor and queen were present, and strict court etiquette was imposed. Except for the indifferent third lady who cheered like a rabbit, the others could only clapped their hands and admired.

Li Bi touched her palms and smiled: "If you dance well, you will be rewarded."

Then he told Li Poyan: "My husband must have met Dr. Shen E of Taile Department. He even wrote a poem to her some time ago. It can be said that he is famous in the government and the public.

When I heard about it, I summoned her to see her twice. She is indeed a person I feel pity for. Although she is a little older, it doesn't matter. Why don't you give her the title of Jieyu? What do you think, husband?"

Li Po, as always, nodded and said: "You can decide on the affairs of the harem, you don't need to ask me."

A simple exchange between the couple, as usual, a bit of a joke, completely changed a person's fate.

Immediately, there was an extra seat in the palace, which made the concubines who were new to the palace very jealous. They had the idea of ​​​​hurrying up the dance practice, and it would be better to have the Supreme Compose a poem.

Shen E got another benefit. She walked into the seat in a daze and danced twice. Her status suddenly rose to the point where it almost took off. Thinking back on everything in the past two years, it was like a dream.

Li Bi was confused and said, "My husband has always been very talented. Today is New Year's Eve and everyone is gathering together. Why don't you write a poem to remember today's joy?"

This chapter has been completed!
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