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Chapter 147 Gwen's First Battle: The Hand

New York, west of the Bronx, on the edge of the Hudson River.

Over a huge factory with many industrial towers and a large number of criss-crossing pipes, the sound of whirring engines sounded, and a black helicopter with an FBI yellow logo slowly flew over and landed at a building marked with a white "H"

On the tarmac.

The hatch opened, and an Asian woman with maroon hair wearing an FBI body armor walked out and walked toward the center of the factory.

"Madam, you have no right to enter here!" A strong man in a gray-blue uniform ran over and shouted to the woman.

Due to the presence of the helicopter and the uniform, the staff member was not wary of the woman in front of him.

"FBI, I suspect there is a security hole here." The woman turned a blind eye to this and directly showed her ID and used an excuse.

"No, ma'am." The security guard refused without any accommodation: "Ma'am, you and your men must leave immediately!"

Hearing this, the Asian woman's expression turned cold, she put a knife to the security guard's throat, grabbed his head and smashed it against the iron frame nearby.

With a loud sound, the security guard fainted.

"Shet!" The other two security guards who were following the security guard yelled angrily and reached out to grab their own weapons.

But before they could take out their weapons, the helicopter door opened, and two strong men with guns stepped out, holding silenced pistols and shot the two security guards to death.

"Thomas, the infiltration mission is completed." The woman pressed the headset and said.

"Go on, Mai." Thomas said, "Get it done."


The five people carried several boxes and filed into a floor, which was the central console of the factory.

"What the hell are you doing here?" A fat black supervisor shouted angrily: "Non-staff members are prohibited from entering here!"

However, the Asian woman named Mai turned a deaf ear to his words, raised the gun with an indifferent expression, and directly pulled the trigger.


The black supervisor died on the spot, and the four people behind him fired their guns, killing all the staff before they could react.

"Let's get started." Mai raised her chin, opened and took out the computer and data cable to connect to the console, and the remaining four people followed her in the same action.

Not long after, a progress bar appeared. If they wanted to shut down the power on the entire east coast, they had to invade the control system. Direct violent destruction was not impossible, but it would lose the sense of mystery they had created before, and... they were not that

Lots of explosives.

In the sky, helicopters with NYPD printed on them flew from the horizon.

In the cabin, the police officer who had spoken to George before shook his head: "Sir, I still can't contact them. They didn't respond to my call at all."

"Okay, stop." George took a deep breath. It seemed that something had really happened to the power exchange center.

George sighed. There were only six people in the cabin now, including the pilot. Everyone still held a small pistol like a Glock. There was no danger against that group of unknown enemies.

"Sir, do you want to ask the police for help?" the police officer asked.

"Do you think there are still police officers in the department to help us?" George asked: "And even if they can mobilize police officers, how long will it take?"

The police officer who asked the two questions was speechless. If the other party had already completed the damage and left, then it would be useless to bring in more police forces.

At the bottom of the airport, Gwen felt a chill in her heart when she heard her father's words. Fortunately, she followed her, otherwise she wouldn't know what kind of danger her father would face.

"Sir, there is an FBI plane below, and it has occupied the apron," the pilot said.

George looked at it and found that there was still some distance to the tarmac, and said in a deep voice: "Can we land?"

"I can give it a try, but for safety's sake, you should rappel down first."

"Okay, just hover!"

"Copy that!" the pilot controlled the plane to land slowly.

At the bottom of the cabin, Gwen stretched out her hand, and silk threads shot out from her wrist, which stuck to the iron fence. She suddenly used force to pull herself over.

Then the spider silk was shot out again, and passed through the tower to the building where the central console was located.

The whole process was silent, even the six Georges who were close at hand did not notice it at all.

Inside the building, Mai and the other five people moved their hands. They heard the loud sound of the engine. Obviously, someone was coming!

The four strong men looked at each other, took out the MP5 submachine gun and a few flash bombs from the box, and walked out slowly with these weapons.

Mai didn't react at all to this, and continued to operate the computer. The progress bar was already 62%, and she had to hurry up.

High in the sky.

Bang bang bang!

Balls of air exploded under Cao Gui's feet. With this push, Cao Gui's body rushed forward again and again, running quickly through the air.

"Damn it... If I had known I would have exchanged it for the Germa battle uniform directly." Cao Gui was sweating on his forehead. It was okay, not too tired, but Yuebu was for fighting, not for running.

Cao Gui never thought that he would run such a long distance using moon steps.

In the distance, the outline of a factory was faintly visible. Cao Gui breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, I was not on the way here on horseback.

On the tarmac, six NYPD officers in George slowly walked past the building with their guns drawn. They had already seen the bodies of three security guards lying on the ground.

Just as they thought, something was really going on here.

The six people formed two inverted triangle formations and advanced slowly. The six Glocks were pressed into the second fire by them. As long as they exerted a little more force, the bullets would be shot out.

However, in the shadow of the corner of the corridor, two strong men stood one on the left and one on the right. The flash bombs in their hands had been unbolted, waiting for the prey to arrive.

Gwen lowered his feet and landed on the iron fence that connected the open-air passage between the apron and the building. It was more than ten meters above the ground.

However, at this moment, Gwen's expression suddenly changed.

With two bangs and bangs, two flash bombs landed at the feet of the six Georges.

"Damn it!"

Without thinking, Gwen suddenly shot out spider silk and stuck it on her father's back, dragging him out of the corridor and back to the outdoor passage.

As soon as George landed, there were two booms and flash bombs exploded. The five NYPD members screamed in agony. The huge roar and bright light made them miserable.

But they still retained the muscle memory caused by previous training, and simply lay down on the spot to reduce the exposed area.

"Damn it!" George didn't have time to check who saved him, so he pulled the trigger one after another into the corridor.

Bang bang bang!

The magazine was emptied instantly, and the attack of the two strong men was interrupted instantly, and they retreated into the corridor again.

Taking this opportunity, George replaced the magazine and started the magazine-clearing design again.

Seeing this, Gwen breathed a sigh of relief and raised her hand to shoot out two lines of spider silk. She wanted to go back and kill the enemies in the building.

With a clang, Gwen smashed the skylight and entered the building. After identifying the direction, she started running.

But at this time, Mai in the center console saw a warning on the computer screen that the sunroof was broken. Another enemy came in, and his skills were extraordinary!

She put down her computer, took the pistol and walked out.

As soon as he went out, he saw Gwen constantly flying on the wall.

"Die!" Mai raised her gun and shot directly.

On the wall, Gwen suddenly felt a warning sign in her heart. She loosened her grip and fell from the ceiling, avoiding the incoming bullets.

At the same time, he twisted his waist, changed his body position, bent his right wrist, and shot a ball of spider silk at Mai.



A ball of yellow light lit up strangely, and then Gwen's spider silk ball exploded instantly.

Mai slowly retracted her slapping palm, her eyes were slightly cold, and she said slowly: "Intruder, who are you... what are you?"

Gwen didn't speak, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he immediately took a fighting stance.

Mai sneered: "If you don't say it, forget it, but you are dead!"

As she spoke, she raised her palms up, and a dull yellow light lingered on them.

This chapter has been completed!
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