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Chapter 22: Ascension to Immortals

"It's right here, it's right here, you can't go wrong. The dragon hides among the clouds and the sea, the purple energy rushes to the bullfighting. It melts three inches of the ground. In Daozang's game, there is no chance of going wrong."

Looking at the mist-shrouded and condensed sea of ​​clouds at the foot of the mountain, Zhou Huasheng held a compass in his hand and carefully compared the trends of the mountains and rivers in front of him. His eyes became more and more obsessed as he looked at them, and he couldn't help but walk forward.

As a result, as soon as he stepped out with one foot, his foot was suddenly in the air, his body suddenly slipped, and the scene in front of him suddenly started to spin.


Seeing the abyss in front of him, Zhou Huasheng subconsciously covered his hair and screamed,

Fortunately, a big hand came out from behind him at this time, grabbed his collar, and pulled him back like a chicken.

"If you want to die, it's not time yet!"

Huo Ying patted the shocked Zhou Huasheng, looked at the canyon under the mountain in the distance, and couldn't help but think deeply.

Over the years, he had traveled through countless mountains in order to find this place, but he was surprised that the rumored sacred place was hidden in such an inconspicuous ravine.

Turning around, he looked at Yang Guanjin and Old Bart who were standing aside. Their sparse white hair was fluttering in the wind, and they walked step by step in front of Yang Guanjin:

"Bah! You will be punished!"

Yang Guanjin spat coldly and glared at Huo Ying, his big watery eyes almost bleeding.

But Huo Ying didn't care. Instead, he looked at Yang Guanjin's cheek and said seriously: "You look like her. Keep it. It's a gift to you."

As Huo Ying said this, he actually took off his boots and placed them in front of Yang Guanjin.

Looking at this pair of boots sewn from human skin, the leather of the shoes has cracked several pieces and is sewn together with unknown animal skin, but you can vaguely see a hole with an eye on it, as if staring.

Same as myself.

Yang Guanjin's breathing suddenly became rapid, she held the shoes in her arms tremblingly, and knelt down on the ground with a general cry. The unpressable anger made her want to cry but she couldn't cry, and she couldn't make a sound even if she wanted to be angry.

, a heart-piercing low cry came out of his mouth.

But to Huo Ying, such a voice is undoubtedly the sound of nature.

"Hey hey hey..."

He grinned, strolled up to Xu Tong and the others, opened his thick palm toward Yang Zixuan, and saw a black insect appear in his hand.

Looking at the dark insect, Yang Zixuan's face turned dark and he was about to speak, but Huo Ying didn't seem to give him a chance at all.

He stretched out his hand and pinched Yang Zixuan's chin, then stuffed the insect into Yang Zixuan's mouth.

"What is this... vomit~~~" When the insect entered the mouth, Yang Zixuan's face turned the color of pig liver. He opened his mouth to vomit, but found that he could not vomit out at all.

The mourning dog on the side explained to him with a proud face: "This is a poisonous insect. It attacks once every twelve hours. When it attacks, it can make you feel that life is worse than death. Oh, by the way, if you eat this thing,

Just don't think about spitting it out, even if it comes back, it will still remain in your body."

As he spoke, Mangou took out a bottle from his pocket and took out a white pill: "This is the antidote. Only this can kill the worms in your stomach."

After saying that, he put the pill into his mouth and smashed it: "It's a bit sour, but it tastes pretty good, like eating plum blossoms."

In fact, there is no need for Sangou to explain, Yang Zixuan has already received a prompt from space.

[Warning! There is an unknown organism parasitizing it. The organism cannot be identified and cannot be eliminated. Please eliminate it yourself.]

Seeing Yang Zixuan's face full of pain and wanting to vomit but unable to do so, Huo Ying couldn't help but grin and looked at Xu Tong again with satisfaction.

However, he found that Xu Tong's mouth had grown, as if he was waiting for him to feed him. Seeing Huo Ying's strange eyes, Xu Tong couldn't help but curiously asked: "Well... can you sprinkle some cumin on it?"

Even though he was a ruthless person like Huo Ying, he was stunned by Xu Tong. The smile on his face faded, he threw the bug into his mouth, stood up and left.

"Hmph, you can really pretend. When the time comes, you will know what it means to be awesome!"

The corner of Mangou's mouth twitched, but he couldn't see Xu Tong's embarrassed look, so he turned around and followed him angrily.

Huo Ying gave the bugs to Xiong Tao and Team Wang. After eating them, he had them untied. Not only that, he also arranged a nice meal for them, a roasted wild boar.

This makes people a little confused about what Huo Ying wants to do.

During this period, Xu Tong saw that after these mountain seedlings applied another layer of ointment on Captain Wang's body, Captain Wang, who was already seriously injured, slowly woke up.

And it seemed like nothing was wrong, but after the guy woke up, he obviously became extremely anxious, and his whole face turned red.

He didn't even stand or sit. He even took off his clothes. After learning about his current situation from Old Bart, he even had an angry expression on his face and rushed to Huo Ying and roared loudly.

The result is of course predictable. Huo Ying only punched him hard, and the guy fainted on the ground again. The two were not in the same dimension at all.

Seeing this, Xu Tong couldn't help but curiously came over and pointed to the green ointment on his hand in front of a Miao man. At the same time, he took out a candy from his prop book and gave it to him, indicating that he wanted to exchange it.

Seeing the candy in Xu Tong's hand, the Miao man became alert. It wasn't until Xu Tong made a few gestures to indicate that it was time to eat that the Miao man showed curiosity and carefully took the candy in his hand.

Look carefully.

It wasn't until he tried to take a bite that he was surprised to find that this sweet thing was so delicious.

So he naturally threw the jar of green ointment in his hand to him.

In fact, these Miao people are not bad. They are simple in nature and are not the kind of demons who kill without blinking an eye. However, their leader is.

After throwing the ointment into the prop book, Xu Tong got the information about the ointment.

【Hundred Chong Huoxue Juice】

The production method is unknown, and the Miao people are addicted to drugs.

How to use: Apply to the wound to quickly stop bleeding and gain 200% recovery effect for 30 minutes.

(Note: It is a three-part poison. If used too much, symptoms of blood fever will occur.)

Seeing the effect of the medicine, Xu Tong immediately understood why Captain Wang became so anxious. However, this medicine was indeed a good thing. Xu Tong wanted to change it a little more, but in the end, no one among the Miao people was willing to trade with him.

Because they found that the tongue of the friend who had eaten the candy turned red, and they thought the candy he took out was poisonous.

In fact, it was just candy coloring, but no matter how he explained it, these Hmong people refused to come near him at all.

After a meal, everyone began to go down the mountain.

Passing through the dense woods, Yang Zixuan, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped and looked suspiciously at the grass beside him.

After he gently pushed aside the grass, he saw a mummy kneeling on the spot.

The mummy was covered with a cloak and had its hands folded, as if sincerely worshiping forward.

After everyone cleared the grass completely and took a look, they discovered that there were actually six such mummies here. They all looked the same, kneeling on the ground with their hands clasped in front of them.

"These people are like Tibetan lamas."

Xiong Tao observed it carefully and said strangely: "Why do these lamas want to die here??"

After he finished speaking, Zhou Huasheng couldn't wait to step forward and looked around these lamas carefully, his face becoming more and more excited.

"That's right, that's for sure. This is the Shengxian Bureau. These lamas must have found a place to kneel down and worship like this."

"Then why did they die here??"

The mourning dog asked with suspicion on his face.

This question left Zhou Huasheng speechless for a moment. In the end, he could only give a very vague answer: "Maybe they have other ideas. I don't know."

However, when I looked in the direction where these lamas were kneeling, my eyes couldn't help but widen, and I saw a dilapidated stone tower standing in the woods ahead.

"Yes! Yes! It must be!!"

He danced and pointed in the direction of the stone tower, and said to Huo Ying aside: "That's right, this must be the place we are looking for."

Huo Ying nodded with satisfaction, glanced away, and saw the Miao people around him immediately raising their bows and arrows, pointing their arrows at Xu Tong and others.

"You guys go ahead!" Huo Ying waved his hand and pushed Yang Guanjin towards Xu Tong and others, while grabbing Old Bart's throat with his other hand.

"Dad!" Yang Guanjin's expression changed and she wanted to turn back, but an arrow landed at her feet first.

I saw Huo Ying pointing forward. It turned out that the reason why he did not kill them and treated their injuries was not out of good intentions, but because he wanted them to clear the way for Huo Ying and others.

At the same time, Xu Tong and others also heard the sound of space prompts in their ears.

[Main Mission 2: Exploring the Ascension Bureau]

Mission goal: Find the secret of the Shengxian Bureau.

Task tip: What exactly is a fairy? Maybe you will have your own answer here.

"Hey, everyone, I wish you success immediately. Oh, don't forget the time. You only have about ten hours. If you don't come back obediently, the insects will bite a big hole in your belly."

The mourning dog waved towards them and reminded them kindly.

"Let's go. At this point, we have no choice." Yang Zixuan, with a dark face, summoned his flying blade and walked in front to clear the way.

"Bah, this piece of shit!"

Xiong Tao cursed and spat out a mouthful of phlegm, but unfortunately the mourning dog quickly dodged it.

Huo Ying and others stood there and waited for a while. Seeing that Xu Tong and the others had already walked away, they followed them leisurely.

After the group of people left, the empty forest suddenly became quiet again.


Suddenly, a strange noise came from a mummy, and the head of the mummy began to shake unnaturally, as if it had come to life.

However, as the shaking sound became louder and louder, I saw a red-headed centipede sticking out of the hollow eyeball of the mummy, and the slender tentacles on the top of its head slowly crawled out of the eye socket...

This chapter has been completed!
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