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Chapter 79: Kill Out

Stop Lu Zhi!

Looking at the main mission, Xu Tong couldn't help but look solemn.

He had fought against Lu Zhi. How could he not know clearly what kind of strength Lu Zhi was? Last time, he was lucky enough to escape by hugging Zhang Haisheng's waist.

It would be too much to force myself to be tough this time.

If Lu Zhi is a jungler with a development of 10,000, and he is a shooter with a development of 3,000, and there is a level difference, if he is asked to prevent the jungler from demolishing the tower, he may lose his life accidentally.

However, space obviously does not provide such unsolvable tasks.

Xu Tong read the mission carefully, and when he saw the specially marked notes on the mission, he immediately understood.

The reminder of the mission is not to directly stop Lu Zhi himself, but to stop the Moda Cult from seizing luck.

The simplest way to prevent the Moduo Cult from seizing luck is to prevent the evil god Mododa worshiped by the Moduo Cult from appearing in the world, or to kill the evil god Moduda and complete the task of killing ghosts and gods at the same time.

Xu Tong analyzed the pros and cons in a short period of time and probably understood his current situation.

It was just that Gao Zhuo had just summoned him, and Lu Zhi's actions seemed to be aimed at him, which inevitably gave Xu Tong a sense of crisis.

He couldn't go to the western suburbs, and Lu Zhi was waiting there for him to fall into a trap.

To defeat Lu Zhi's plan, we must first figure out what he is going to do. Thinking of this, Xu Tong planned to meet up with Gao Zhuo first and take back the coffin.


At this time, Xu Tong suddenly noticed something. There was a golden stream of light in his eyes. He activated his clairvoyance and swept his eyes away. He saw a large number of strangers starting to gather outside the imperial post. It seemed that they were coming for him.


"Stay here, guard the doors and windows, and don't open the door easily no matter who it is."

"Your Majesty, I'll go with you!"

When Guo Yi saw this, he knew that the prince might have to act alone, so he couldn't help but feel worried and wanted to follow Xu Tong.

"You stay and guard the rear!"

Xu Tong turned around and glared at Guo Yi: "I still want to drink your wedding wine."


Guo Yi followed him unwillingly, but was suddenly kicked back by Xu Tong: "I can move forward and retreat by myself alone, but you, a weakling who doesn't even know Qinggong, will only distract my body. Stay and take care of me."

In the rear, if one of them has an accident, I will ask you."

Guo Yi couldn't say anything else at this time. He could only issue the warrant obediently and promise to protect Sanniang and others.

Xu Tong and Guo Yi looked at each other, then glanced at Sanniang. The two nodded tacitly. In fact, it was a bit risky to protect so many people. The key point is to protect Sanniang well. Others are at a critical moment.

Let's live and die according to destiny.

"Your Majesty!!"

As soon as I walked out of Huangyi, I saw a person quietly emerging from the bushes.

Xu Tong took a look and saw that it was Eunuch Dai.

Seeing that there was no one else around, Eunuch Dai emerged and waved to call Xu Tong.

"Eunuch Dai, the assassin is dead, come out!"

Xu Tong stepped forward and reached out to pull Dai Yude out of the bushes.

Hearing Xu Tong's words, Dai Yude breathed a sigh of relief, but then he cursed: "Those Turkic brats dared to cause trouble in the Imperial Post. Our family has sent people to notify the Forbidden Army. We will definitely let these Turkic barbarians do it later."

Death without a burial place.”

"As long as your father-in-law is fine, you can go to my other courtyard to rest first. I will protect you there to keep your father-in-law safe."

Xu Tong still has a good impression of Dai Yude. With Guo Yi guarding him, as long as he is not a Taoist master, there should be no problem. Of course, if something goes wrong, he can only hope that Eunuch Dai will be lucky.

"Your Majesty, is he going out??"

Dai Yude was keenly aware that Xu Tong was about to leave the Imperial Post, and hurriedly took his arm: "The prince's rich body must not take risks, let's wait until the reinforcements arrive."

Xu Tong also wanted to wait for reinforcements, but there were still reinforcements there at this time.

I don't know if the eldest princess has come back. If she doesn't come back, I will have to ask the old Taoist to take action.

Patting Dai Yude's shoulder, Xu Tong didn't explain anything. He just remembered his identity as Li Zheng at all times and said sternly: "Eating the emperor's salary and being loyal to the emperor are matters. I am a relative of the emperor, and I am an official of my great Zhou Dynasty.

How can we do nothing here?"

After saying that, he raised his palms towards Dai Yude in front of him and bowed heavily: "If I never come back, please ask my father-in-law to remind you that Li Zheng has never failed the emperor's kindness. Take care of yourself, father-in-law!"

Dai Yude's heart trembled. He had been in the palace for more than ten years. He was used to seeing the sinister people and deceitful people in the palace. He was also used to others not treating eunuchs like them as human beings. Today, he suddenly received such a great gift. He couldn't help but be deeply touched. His family and country were like this.

Why worry!

"Your Majesty is a righteous man and a role model for us. I only regret that if our family is not a man, otherwise we will definitely kill that barbarian with the Crown Prince!"

Dai Yude raised his hands above his head and bowed heavily to Xu Tong's back: "Our family is here waiting for the crown prince to make a triumphant return!"

Xu Tong left the Imperial Post and glanced at the clouds squeezing above his head. A golden light flashed in his eyes, and his eyes could see thousands of miles away. Although this statement is an exaggeration, at least everything around him can be hidden, and it can still be done.

Wherever he looked, he could see a large number of masters quietly approaching him in the shadows of the street and behind the backs of the buildings.

Among these people, in addition to the Modha sect members, there were also many barbarians and Turkic warriors.

However, these people did not take the initiative, but quietly waited for something.


The four killers should have given out the signal before they died, otherwise these people would not have gathered so quickly.

After thinking for a moment, he took out the [Heaven-Repairing Pill] from the prop book.

“I still have to eat after all!”

Xu Tong held the elixir in his hand, opened his mouth and held it under his tongue for a moment. There was a wax coating on the outside of the elixir, so he was not afraid that it would melt when held in his mouth. If necessary, this might be his way to fight back.


Thinking of this, Xu Tong stood up and walked towards the Mingtang.

At this moment, on the mountains and fields outside the west gate of the city, masters from all walks of life have gathered, and even the men and horses of the Shenwu Guard have arrived.

I saw a tall tower standing in the distance in an open field.

There are four stone sculptures standing under the tower. The expressions of the stone sculptures make people feel inexplicably panic. They are a naked man with wide eyes and a ferocious face.

A dwarf with rabbit ears and a wine bottle in his hand.

A naked woman with a split chest, revealing a red heart.

And children with long dog noses and gold ingots in their arms.

These four stone statues have vivid expressions and strange expressions on their faces. If you are not sure enough, just looking at them will make your heart beat faster and your whole body feel uncomfortable.

"Lu Zhi is determined to fight Buddhism to the end!!"

Someone saw these four stone statues and knew how powerful they were, so he explained to everyone:

"It is said in the Buddhist language that the highest state of Buddhism is to turn a blind eye, not to hear, not to hear anything, have nothing to think about, and speak silently. However, the meanings expressed by these four stone statues are completely opposite. If you look at the postures of the stone statues and the objects in their hands, the corresponding

It is also the four precepts of Buddhism, drinking, sex and wealth."

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized what was happening and saw Lu Zhigao sitting on a high platform in the middle.

He held a tin staff made of a girl's leg bone in his hand. He was covered in a black cassock, and his face was painted with devilish patterns in a strange camouflage pattern.

The altar behind him trembled and emitted a gleaming light, precisely to reverse the celestial phenomenon.

"Amitabha, Lu Zhi, if you go against heaven like this, you will inevitably die!"

Monk Yuan Bian had already arrived with his people.

Just looking at Lu Zhi standing on the high platform, Monk Yuanzi was shocked and angry. He knew that Lu Zhi was crazy, but he didn't expect that this guy would dare to be so crazy. However, he was not sure of victory when facing Lu Zhi.


In the last battle, Yuan Zi knew that he had a bad move, but now, after not seeing each other for a long time, Lu Zhi's luck has already shown signs of success.

The hidden dragon emerges from the abyss, and the more he fights, the braver he becomes.

Since Lu Zhi came out of Yuyang City, he has encountered several setbacks in succession. However, this did not damage Lu Zhi's luck. Instead, it made him more courageous and arrogant as he fought. Now he has finally achieved great success, and his luck has disappeared after his death.

It is an eternal dragon that swallows the sky and the earth, which is awe-inspiring.

Faced with the words of Monk Yuan Zi, Lu Zhi was full of disdain: "I started practicing at the age of ten, joined the Taoism at the age of eighteen, and reached the peak of the Taoism at the age of twenty-nine. Dajue Temple was supposed to be my opportunity, but I was severely injured by Gu Pei Yuan.

, almost took my life. Now that I have great luck, how can I go against the will of heaven? This is the fate that your Buddhist sect owes me!"

"Amitabha! It's useless to talk too much. The poor monk should calculate the cause and effect with Donor Lu."

Monk Yuan Bei knew that this battle was inevitable, so he could only pick up his cassock, jump up, and run straight to Lu Zhi.

When everyone saw this, they retreated one after another.

Whether it's Yuan Fang or Lu Zhi, they are both the best in the world. Once they fight, it will definitely be shocking. If others don't stay away, they will definitely be affected.

It's just too late.

Before everyone could take a few steps back, they heard a muffled thunder in the void, and for a moment, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered. A terrible storm swept up, and countless sand and stones on the ground were rolled in all directions.

The ultimate fight will trigger the secrets of heaven.

For a moment, everyone didn't even see clearly what happened, and they were blown around by the strong wind.


Just hearing the Buddha's name in the sky, a five-foot-long golden body appeared out of thin air in an instant. The Buddha's light was brilliant and dazzling, like a great sun, lighting up most of the sky and sweeping away the dust in the surrounding fields.

"No form, no life, no self, no heaven!!"

A black smoke billowed up under the Buddha's light, revealing the appearance of the eight-armed Mahadharma. For a moment, demonic clouds billowed, and with the swing of the tin staff in Lu Zhi's hand, it turned into chaos.

"Get away!!"

Seeing the flying sand and rocks in front of them, everyone could only retreat hastily.

In panic, Zhao Peng could only grab junior sister Nie Haitang's hand and keep retreating.

"Someone attacked!!"

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from behind, and in the gray sand and stone, a line of black figures covered with veils quietly came out from behind, with weapons and scythes in their hands, killing everyone on sight.

These people had been prepared for a long time. Their faces were wrapped in thick silk scarves. Under the silk scarves were goggles made of polished crystal flakes. They were all experts. Everyone was caught off guard, and they suffered heavy casualties in an instant...

"not good!!"

Zhao Peng sensed that something was wrong, so he pulled out the sword from his waist. He didn't care about whoever stood in front of him, he just swung his sword to stab anyone in front of him. At that moment, several Huntian prison disciples were caught off guard and died in front of Zhao Peng.

Under the sword: "Kill, kill out!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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