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Chapter 838 Have you heard my story?

Chapter 838 Have you heard my story?

The face seemed to be sewn onto the back of the woman's head. The eyes were slightly closed, but Li Bo noticed that the hair under the man's nose was trembling slightly.

"This man is still alive!!"

Li Bo's heart tightened. There was only one thing on his mind at this moment, run!

He glanced at the door, stood up quietly, and walked to the door step by step. He gently held the door handle with one hand, took a deep breath and twisted it hard.


There was a soft sound from the door, but Li Bo was stunned for a moment: "The door can't be opened!" Seeing this, Li Bo wanted to try again, but no matter how hard he tried, the door still didn't move at all.

"You want to leave?"

Li Bo looked back and found the woman standing in the kitchen, holding a kitchen knife in one hand and staring straight at him.

"Uh... let me see if the door is locked."

Li Bo hurriedly shook his head and explained, twisting a few times casually as he spoke: "Well, it's locked, so I feel more at ease."

With that said, Li Bo let go of the door handle and sat back on the chair.

When the woman saw this, she silently put down the kitchen knife in her hand, turned around, and unknowingly took out a piece of meat from above, swung the kitchen knife in her hand vigorously and began to chop the meat.

"Bang bang!" The sound of chopping meat echoed in the kitchen. While chopping meat, the woman said to Li Bo: "My husband is an alcoholic. He beats me every day when he comes back. In fact, I also thought about leaving, but he would catch me every time."

When he came back, he was beaten and bruised all over his body."

The woman's voice was very calm, and she told Li Bo her misery.

It's just that Li Bo's left ear went in and the right ear went out, and he was thinking about how to escape from here.

"I used so much force just now that even the security door should have been opened. There is no movement at all. I'm afraid breaking the door violently won't work. If I want to get out, I'm afraid I have to deal with this woman!"

Thinking of this, Li Bo thought about it for a while. He felt that the woman was not necessarily a bad person, but just a pitiful person. If he told her well, she might not let him go.

However, just in case, Li Bo still held the Chapter 2 Thunder Talisman given to him by Xu Tong in the palm of his hand.

"Ahem, um... I don't think it's good if my friend is waiting for me outside. How about I go find my friend first."

Li Bo coughed twice and spoke carefully.

When the woman heard this, her chopping knife stopped in mid-air, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became quiet.

Li Bo stood up carefully: "Um... I'm also worried about your husband's misunderstanding when he comes back."

As he spoke, he took a step back and pressed his body against the door.


However, the thing that worried Li Bo did not appear. Instead, the woman dropped the kitchen knife in her hand, crawled on the chopping board and cried loudly.

As she cried, the woman's voice began to grow smaller and smaller.

As the woman's voice gradually disappeared, the temperature of the entire room began to become colder.

The face sewn on the back of the woman's head gradually became three-dimensional, her eyelids trembled slightly, the joints on her body began to make clicking sounds, and the joints of her limbs began to become thicker.


Immediately, the woman's clothes were torn apart, and a giant-like figure rose from the ground. Her black muscles were like tempered steel, and her long dark green hair danced in the air, gradually twisting into tentacles like giant pythons.

"Fuck me!"

Li Bo looked at the figure in front of him, and his head was buzzing for a moment. At this moment, he suddenly remembered that the woman said before that his husband had a bad temper, so he must not let his husband misunderstand her.

Could this be his husband??

I saw the man's eyelids open, his red eyes locked on Li Bo at a glance, his eyes full of hatred and anger, his huge fist smashed the entire kitchen into pieces, his hands covered his head in pain, and screamed:

"Ah ah ah, that bitch stole someone behind my back again!"

Li Bo's face turned green when he heard this, and he tried desperately to twist the door with both hands, but it didn't move at all.

Seeing the man roaring in pain and the aura on his body becoming more and more terrifying, Li Bo made a bold decision while his scalp was numb.


I saw Li Bo pushing the golden mountain and knocking down the jade pillar, kneeling on the ground with a bang, and hugging the man's thigh: "Brother, you are finally back. If you don't come back, my sister-in-law will... wu wu wu..."

The man was startled when he heard this. His long dark green hair suddenly wrapped around Li Bo's neck and lifted him up from the ground. His eyes looked at Li Bo's body, and there was a moment of confusion in his eyes.

"Who are you? Have you heard of my story?"

Li Bo was stared at by scarlet eyes all over his body, and he knew that the next wrong thing he said might cause him to have an accident.

For a moment, he swallowed the foam at his mouth and reached out to stroke the man's hair: "You don't need to hear that your hair is already full of stories."

After speaking, Li Bo quickly continued: "Brother, I am our police officer. I heard from my neighbor that someone was committing adultery, so I came here to catch the adulterer. Look, I'm wearing a police uniform."

Li Bo quickly pointed to his police uniform.

When he heard the word "adultery", the man immediately grabbed Li Bo's head as if he was deeply stimulated. His huge palm was like an iron hoop, trying to crush Li Bo's head off.

"You lied to me! You are obviously committing adultery with my wife! You are the only one here!"

Although the man was angry, he did not completely lose his intelligence. He glanced at every corner of the room, obviously not believing what Li Bo said.

"I didn't lie to you. I really came here after receiving the police report. I can prove to you that it is impossible for me to commit adultery with your wife!"

Feeling the man's anger getting stronger and stronger, Li Bo knew that it was time to make a sacrifice.

I saw him take out the dagger from the prop book and silently said in his heart: "Brother, I'm sorry!"

As he said that, he saw Li Bo swing his sword and sweep it under his crotch.

For a moment, there was blood like a column, and the flesh on Li Bo's face was trembling with pain: "Brother, I claim to be innocent. It is impossible for me to commit adultery with my sister-in-law."

Li Bo's operation seemed to break the man's cognition.

Li Bo endured the severe pain, pointed to the door and said: "I have seen that man before. We can go out to find him together. I swear in the name of my Dragon King, I guarantee that this will not be the first time for that man!"

After hearing Li Bo's words, the man slowly let go of his hand, but the beating red eyes in his pupils became more intense. Li Bo could even feel the terrifying murderous aura emanating from the man.

The dark green hair was curled up, and Li Bo was caught in the air. Then the man turned around and looked at the kitchen knife on the kitchen display board, stretched out his hand and grasped the knife in his hand.

The originally ordinary kitchen knife, when the man held it, dark mist wrapped around the blade, turning the kitchen knife into a three-meter-long and half-meter-wide knife, which was roughly dragged to the ground by the man.

"Take me to him!!"

A low roar came from the man's throat, and it was obvious that Li Bo's last words hurt him deeply.

At this moment, on the steps on the other side, a figure slowly walked down.

When looking at the Kowloon Walled City in front of him, Xu Tong showed a bit of surprise on his face. The cave world in front of him was completely different from the last time he left.

Using the Life Eye Qimen to look around, I saw that the originally empty rooms were already occupied by people.

Those doors and windows that were destroyed were restored as before.

A layer of black hair surged on the ground, like a thick carpet, and the cave had completely changed its appearance.

Xu Tong tried to call up the team channel, but when he took a look, he found the screenshot note left by Gao Zhuo in the team channel.

Looking at the content on the note, Xu Tong frowned for a moment, raised his head and looked at the doors and windows on the fourth floor, and Xu Tong tried to jump up directly.

As a result, something unexpected happened to him. He was so strong that he couldn't even jump one meter.

"Warning! You have entered a special space. Please abide by the rules here. No climbing, no flying, no wall climbing, no, no, no..."

A series of urgent warning sounds from the props book kept ringing in his ears.

It was as if there was some kind of force restraining him.


At the same time, Xu Tong felt a muffled sound above his head. When he looked up, he saw a piece of money falling from his luck and breaking into several pieces.

Obviously, his actions just now triggered some kind of rule power here, and this money helped him block it.

The gods can create caves, and caves have their own rules.

Xu Tong had read about this in a book, but when he came here before, there were not so many restrictions, and now the restrictions have reached the point where he cannot even disobey them. What happened in the cave during this time?

The flow of time in the cave is completely different from that in the outside world. Even though it was only two days since we last left, it is already a long time in the cave.

If you want to know what happened in the cave, you can only find Gao Zhuo and the others.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong turned around and walked towards the fourth floor. His pace was very fast, and he climbed to the first floor in almost two or three steps.

However, when Xu Tong stepped on the steps and walked up the stairs step by step, when he raised his head again, he was suddenly stunned.

I saw the words "Second Floor" still written in red pen on the wall at the stairway in front of me.

"Ghost hits the wall??"

Xu Tong was startled, but soon felt that it didn't look like it. The so-called ghost hitting the wall used Yin Qi to cover the five senses of the person, so the ghost hitting the wall was also called the ghost covering the eyes.

But the yang energy in my body is like a torch, so how could I be trapped by such a little trick?

Since it's not a ghost breaking the wall, it means someone is doing something ghostly.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong looked behind him and suddenly saw a vague shadow downstairs in the shadows, appearing and disappearing behind him.

Xu Tong activated his divine vision, but before he could see clearly what the other party was, the warning sound sounded again.

At the same time, by luck, the second copper coin fell.

This chapter has been completed!
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