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Chapter 1244 Piranha

 Wang Teng, Ye Wuchang and others were not very fast.

Although they have all recovered their cultivation and magic power, they have even broken through to a higher realm.

However, in the Land of the Fallen God, there are dangers everywhere, and they dare not speed up hastily. They need to be vigilant at all times.

The red land is endless. The further you go, the heavier the color of the land becomes.

The red ground looked like blood. As it moved forward, the color of the ground became darker and darker.

After walking 50,000 miles, a vast ancient ruins appeared in everyone's sight.

The ancient ruins lie across the front, covering a very vast area, so vast that if you look to the left and right, you can't see the end.

The ruins and ruins are mottled with ancient ruins and have been invaded by the years. Some of the broken walls have some mysterious carvings, like some kind of mysterious writing.

But it's already very blurry and can't be seen clearly.

"Sir, is there any chance in this ancient ruins? There may be some ancient treasures in such a vast ancient ruins."

"Should we go in and take a look?"

Ye Qianzhong looked at the vast ancient ruins in front of him and said.

Everyone walked up. Wang Teng took a glance, shook his head and said, "No need, this historic site has been searched for a long time ago. Even if there is a chance treasure, it has already been taken away."

Among this huge monument, there are some traces that are not too old and that someone has been active.

It should be that many people had explored this place before the sudden change occurred in the Land of the Meteoric God.

The 50,000-mile area has not yet left the fringe area of ​​the Land of the Fallen God. Before the accident occurred in the Land of the Fallen God, many people were active in this fringe area, "mining for gold."

I hope to pick up a pure divine crystal.

Therefore, the monuments within this safe area have basically been explored. If there is a chance, it is impossible to leave them to them.

"That's right, there's nothing here. There's nothing left except a pile of bones."

The bald-headed crane also said: "Let's go directly to the Huangquan Holy River.

The Holy River of the Underworld is the real opportunity. I want to drink the Holy Water of the Underworld to my fullest. There are also those holy medicines. You can’t even imagine how tender and delicious the holy medicines there are..."

The bald crane drooled.

Everyone continued to move forward, and when they passed through this ancient ruins, they found that the ancient ruins were covered with white bones.

The luster of these white bones has not disappeared, and there is still a faint flow of power in them. It is assumed that his strength was not weak during his lifetime, and his cultivation was extraordinary.

Everyone did not stop and continued moving forward after passing through the ancient ruins.

The ground ahead turned even redder, and at first glance, no living creatures could be seen.

The red earth, the dim sky, the endless ruins, and the dangerous rumors about this land of the fallen god make this land of the fallen god seem extremely depressing.

"This land of the Meteor God is really desolate, with no life at all. Now I have some doubts. Bald Hair, you said that there is the Yellow Spring Holy River ahead, and there are countless holy medicines. Is this true?"

Ye Qianzhong was inexplicably upset by the depressing thematic atmosphere of Land of the Fallen God.

The red earth is like pouring blood, the endless desolation, and the dim sky give people a kind of spiritual oppression.

There is even some special power substance floating in the air.

"Keep your mind and your Taoist heart. The aura here has an impact on people's spirit. If you are negligent, you may fall into the Tao. Qian Zhong, your mind is confused, and your state of mind needs to be improved."

Wang Teng reminded.

Ye Qianzhong's heart suddenly trembled when he heard this, and he quickly held his mind, stabilized his Taoist mind, cleared his mind of distracting thoughts, and suddenly found that the light in the Land of the Fallen God became a little brighter.

"so close!"

"I thought there was no danger in this safe area, but I didn't expect that the atmosphere of the Land of the Fallen God itself would become a dangerous factor, which almost made me

I went crazy, but fortunately the young master reminded me in time."

Ye Qianzhong was frightened for a while, and was almost affected by the depressing atmosphere in the Land of the Fallen God, leading to the invasion of inner demons.

"The state of mind needs to be improved!"

Ye Wuchang glanced back at Ye Qianzhong and said excitedly.

Ye Qianzhong's face turned dark immediately. If he couldn't beat him, he would definitely pounce on him.

"Hoola!" .??.

At this moment, a black storm suddenly blew up not far away.

The black storm was like a knife, very strange and powerful. It passed in front of Wang Teng and others, strangulating the void into pitch-black nothingness!

"Be careful of that black storm, it contains very strong power!"

Wang Teng was shocked and quickly reminded him.

Afterwards, everyone ran and flashed to avoid the black storm.


A black storm swept up a piece of Gobi, and the entire Gobi evaporated directly from the eyes of Wang Teng and others, disappearing directly, leaving nothing behind.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

This is still a safe area, but there are still some dangerous things.

Fortunately, the black storm had no purpose and did not pursue Wang Teng and the others. Wang Teng and his party calmly avoided it.

Not long after, a sea of ​​flowers appeared in front of everyone.

This sea of ​​flowers is very abrupt and strange. It is really difficult for plants to take root on the solid red soil, but there is a sea of ​​flowers growing here.

Moreover, this flower grows very tall and has strong rhizomes.

"These are the flowers!"


cried the bald crane.

Wang Teng also stared.

These flowers are really beautiful and attractive, especially the stamens exude a strange fragrance, which makes people feel happy when they smell it.

The mind is so intoxicated that one cannot help but rush into the sea of ​​flowers.

Lingmu Sword Master, Jingzhe Sword Master, and Ye Qianzhong were all attracted, their eyes full of intoxication, and they rushed towards the sea of ​​flowers.

"What a mental disturbance!"

Wang Teng shouted loudly, rolled up his sleeves, and a tyrannical force rolled out, pulling Ye Qianzhong and others back.



Just when Wang Teng pulled Ye Qianzhong and others back, the originally beautiful sea of ​​​​flowers suddenly set off a wave, and slender tongues shot out from the stamens of some flowers in the front, like arrows.

, came towards the cave of Ye Qianzhong and others, intending to kill them and drag them back.

Ye Wujian's eyes suddenly turned sharp, he shouted loudly, raised his hand and slashed out with his sword.


The sharp sword light slashed across the slender tongues, cutting off the slender tongues that were driven towards him.



Ye Wuchang's move seemed to instantly anger the piranha flowers, and suddenly the sea of ​​flowers surged, and countless roots and vines came towards everyone.

At the same time, countless piranhas spread their legs and ran on the ground at an alarming speed, surrounding Wang Teng and others.

The bald crane suddenly jumped up in shock and said to the man-eating flowers: "Don't eat me. We have seen it before. You couldn't digest me and vomited me out..."

Ye Qianzhong and others suddenly woke up and found that they had fallen into trouble again. They looked ugly and felt ashamed at the same time.

"These piranha flowers have spiritual intelligence, and they are extremely intelligent. They also have strong mental interference. If their mental strength is not strong enough, they will be confused by it."

Wang Teng spoke, and as soon as his words fell, his whole body suddenly surged with sword energy, rising into the sky.

The vision of Sword Dance Lingxiao bloomed directly, and the endless sword energy and sword shadow passed through, killing the entangled vine roots.

This chapter has been completed!
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