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Chapter 1153 righteousness, surprise attack

When He Lianfeng was in power, he and Lin Yaming fought secretly for many years, and the two sides maintained a situation where they could not break through the fight.

He Lianfeng wanted to kill Lin Ya, but Lin Ya had many gang members. Once he did it, He Lianfeng was not absolutely sure.

The richer you are, the less you dare to take risks.

In the city, both sides used rat weapons to form a balance of power.

But outside the city, it was the emperor who had the upper hand.

After He Lianfeng's death, the situation outside the city suddenly changed drastically. Changling relied on He Yanguang to control tens of thousands of troops as his own team.

In this way, He Lianchun's power was weakened and Lin Ya was ready to take action.

Fortunately, He Lianchun turned around in time and reached a compromise with Changling again.

In this way, Lin Ya went into hibernation again.

It's a tug-of-war to see who makes the mistake first.

After He Lianchun died, he asked Changling to hang the curtain, but even so, the troops outside the city were still somewhat distracted.

Changling ordered He Yanguang to gather tens of thousands of horses and horses, plus the original ones, forming an army of 60,000.

Moreover, after Changling came to power, the elders of Helianfeng came closer. For a moment, outside the city, the power of the eldest princess crushed Lin Ya.

This is why Changling dared to put aside conflicts and clarify the government affairs first.

He Yanguang has been sharpening his sword and training his subordinates, waiting for the eldest princess to give the order to clear out Lin Ya's group of traitors.

Lin Ya has been thinking of ways to enhance her strength outside Ningxing City. He Yanguang has reported it many times, and Changling said that it only takes half a year!

She needs half a year to completely rectify the court, rectify Ningxing, and firmly return power to the palace.

Some people suggested that it should be cut off, but Changling pointed to the north and then to the south, but the man was silent.

Changling wanted to clean up Lin Ya since he took charge of the government, but Northern Xinjiang launched an attack, and the Shegu people launched an attack.

In the storm, people's hearts are gradually scattered.

Taking action at this time will provide the enemy with an opportunity.

Therefore, we can only put it on hold for now.

He Yanguang is watching the soldiers.

The eldest princess found the soldier in the palace and gave it to him.


A general came outside the door.

"Wang Yan?"

He Yanguang put down his troops and asked, "Why didn't you sleep?"

"It's still early!"

Wang Yan came in and glanced at the soldiers, "General, you work so hard every day."

"I don't want to be like this, but the country is in a difficult situation and the eldest princess is trying her best to support it. We should not slack off."

"The Shegu tribe has calmed down, but I think this is the beast's rest after eating. After the food in its belly is consumed, they will attack again."

"Yes!" He Yanguang was obviously worried when he mentioned the Shegu people. "Northern Xinjiang is a serious danger. At this time, the Shegu people suddenly rose up, making Daliao enemies on both sides."

"General, your Majesty has just thought of an excellent way to contain the Shegu people."

"Oh!" He Yanguang's eyes lit up, "Tell me."

Wang Yan came closer and said, "Over there with the Shegu people, Asibao drove away his father and brother. He seemed majestic, but he forgot."

"What did you forget?" He Yanguang asked.

"I forgot, I'll kill you!"

In the night, the heavy cavalry was marching slowly.

"Your Majesty, we have lost more than a thousand riders along the way."

“Not bad.”

"Your Majesty, Mr. Shen is here."

Shen Changhe rushed over on horseback and gasped, "Your Majesty."

In the darkness, Lin Jun turned around and said, "Old Shen."

"Your Majesty!" Shen Changhe swallowed even more.

He once thought that he had become Lin Jun's abandoned son, but he didn't expect that at the last moment, Lin Jun actually left behind a few good men just to take him out of Tanzhou City.

I drove slowly and hurriedly all the way, and finally caught up with Lin Jun.

Ahead is the military camp under the command of He Yanguang.

"A long time ago, I was sent to my uncle's house. I always thought that I was his child. Until one night when I was five years old, someone took me to my father's side."

"My father told me that he was very pleased with my studiousness and even more impressed by my intelligence.

I'm so happy. He made me happy to study, learn the art of war, and practice."

"I am his second son."

The stars were shining brightly tonight, and Lin Jun's side face looked particularly tough and indifferent.

"The gentlemen who taught me how to study, I later found out, were all great talents, but they disappeared without a trace a few years after they taught me. The one who taught me cultivation was the guard chief next to my father. The one who taught me the art of war, It’s the father!”

Shen Changhe's scalp went numb after hearing this.

"I learned the art of war very quickly. My father said that if you talk about war from the palm of your hand,

He was no match for me, so he ordered me to join the army in the north."

"When I first fought with the Shegu people, I suffered several losses. My father wrote to me to comfort me, saying that war on paper will eventually lead to losses, but losses are blessings. Later, I gradually became familiar with the battle formations and turned the situation around step by step. Three Three victories shook the Liao Dynasty."

Shen Changhe finally couldn't help but ask: "What about the conflict between the Prime Minister and Prime Minister Lin?"

"False!" Lin Jun said, "Father said that I am the only one who can inherit everything from him."

"Those two gentlemen are indeed useless."

Lin Xi and Lin Sui are famous dandies, which is one of the reasons why many people in Ningxing don't think highly of Lin Ya.

"Father did it on purpose."

In the front, someone went to connect with the internal line, and also sent a sentry to investigate the situation in the camp.

"Deliberately?" Shen Changhe suddenly understood, "Did Prime Minister Lin confirm that the envoy would take over, so he deliberately raised the two princes to waste?"

"Yes, in this way, He Lianfeng and others will feel that their father has no successor, so they will relax their vigilance."

Lin Jun smiled and said, "After I won three battles and three victories in the far north, He Lianfeng was extremely afraid of me, so he made an exchange with his father and asked me to go to Tanzhou. My father pretended to be dissatisfied, and finally reluctantly agreed."

"Actually, if I stay in the far north or even return to Ningxing, I will only become a target and the target of public criticism. After going to Tanzhou, I can organize my troops and unite the three states as the foundation. This is the right way."

"My father and I pretended to have a falling out. This was to paralyze He Lianchun and Changling."

"Father has always wanted to take action, but He Lianchun and Changling are extremely vigilant, and it is difficult to find good opportunities. And what they rely on is the army outside the city."

Shen Changhe put the whole thing together in his mind, "The emperor had a falling out with Prime Minister Lin and wanted to expand the army in the three states. To this end, he did not hesitate to wipe out the powerful people in the three states and offended everyone. This was a sign of weakness and made the outside world think that the emperor You are trapped and the beast is still fighting."

His thinking became clearer and clearer, "The reason why the commander ordered Tanzhou to take the initiative was to make people think that the commander had no time to take care of him. But at this moment, the commander personally rushed out of Ningxing City with his troops. Unexpectedly, he launched a surprise attack on He Yanguang. army."

Changling lost He Yanguang's army and was almost in a certain defeat!

Such a far-reaching and meticulous plan made Shen Changhe tremble with admiration.

"Everything is my plan!"

Lin Jun said calmly: "Tonight, my father is taking action in the city, and someone in the palace is also launching a palace coup to control the little emperor. And I only need to defeat He Yanguang to take control of the overall situation."

Shen Changhe was silent for a long time and sighed, "The plan has reached this point, which is almost Taoist. I admire it very much. It's just that after the death of He Lianchun, Changling put everything aside and focused on reorganizing the court and Ningxing. What he holds in his hands is It’s quite powerful!”

"Worried about father?"


"Father has been preparing for this day for many years. He will not be defeated!"

"Dog thief!"

He Yanguang leaned back violently to avoid the knife, and then rolled several times.

The long knife chased after him, cutting deep marks on the ground.

He Yanguang rolled to the corner of the wall, put one foot on the wall, flew up from the side, and punched in mid-air.


In a hurry, Wang Yan punched him and staggered back.

Someone outside heard the noise and poked his head in to take a look.

He Yanguang flew over, kicked the long knife away, bent his legs, and put his knee on Wang Yan's face.

Wang Yan fell suddenly.

He Yanguang landed and ordered: "At this moment, the soldiers have not fallen asleep, so let them

Let’s quietly come out and assemble!”

"Take orders!"

The sergeant glanced at Wang Yan, who was struggling on the ground, and felt that something big was going to happen tonight.

He Yanguang walked over and squatted down, "Who ordered you to assassinate me? Is it Lin Ya?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Wang Yan laughed miserably and spit out blood and teeth.

"It seems it's Lin Ya!"

He Yanguang stood up and heard footsteps outside.

"General, the eldest princess has sent an envoy."

The messenger was a guard around Chang Ling. When he came in and saw Wang Yan on the ground, he was shocked and handed Chang Ling's hand, "The eldest princess ordered the general to gather troops and enter the city immediately to suppress the rebellion!"

"But Lin Ya?" He Yanguang carefully verified the handwriting and seal, and then asked after making sure they were correct.


He Yanguang nodded. "I have already ordered my subordinates to assemble."

The army is slowly gathering.

The messenger couldn't wait any longer and said, "General, hurry up!"

Is the situation already so urgent?

He Yanguang's heart trembled.

"I will lead ten thousand horses into the city first!"

"That's fine!" the messenger said: "The eldest princess said that tonight, we will plow the courtyard and sweep the holes, and wipe out Lin Ya's party!"

Ten thousand horses gathered together, He Yanguang mounted his horse and said impatiently: "Let's go!"

As soon as the camp gate opened, someone exclaimed, "There's someone!"

Under the starlight, one could see a mass of things slowly approaching the camp in the distance.

If there had been no order to dispatch, no one might have discovered it yet.

"Enemy attack!"

Amidst the shrill shouts, the sound of a horn suddenly came from the dark thing in the distance.


Amidst the powerful horn sound, Lin Jun frowned, "Why are you so careless? Attack!"

Just now, his men were marching impeccably, but they were still discovered by the defenders.

Immediately, thousands of horses galloped.

Lin Jun galloped on his horse and shouted, "The powerful ministers in the court, who are monopolizing their power, have killed Prime Minister Lin's two sons in preparation for usurping the throne. Your Majesty has ordered our troops to serve the king diligently and keep the king on his side!"

Finally, something new fell into the frame beside Qingjun.

Lin Ya exchanged the lives of her two sons for righteousness.

Actually killed two sons of Prime Minister Lin!

Lin Xiang turned out to be incompetent!

In this era, the seriousness of extinction, for individuals, is almost as severe as a landslide.

Who did it?

Ahead is the camp of He Yanguang's army.

He Yanguang is the daughter of the eldest princess.

Then, the one who killed Lin Xiang’s second son must be the eldest princess!

The hatred of killing a son is irreconcilable!

Righteousness is at hand!

Morale suddenly improved.

All of this is within Lin Jun's plan.

But the two half-brothers became abandoned sons.

This cruelty made even Shen Changhe tremble with fear.

Be resourceful, decisive, and not bound by feelings.

This is the posture of a hero!

At present, Daliao is facing two powerful enemies. Yang Xuan of Northern Xinjiang is approaching Jiangzhou and is eyeing Ningxing.

Shegubu Asibao is very ambitious and is waiting to attack again.

Under such predicament, Daliao needs ZTE!

And the only ones who can revive Daliao are heroes like Lin Jun!

The night wind blew, but Shen Changhe felt the blood rushing through his body.

How satisfying is it to assist the hero to achieve great things and create a prosperous age?


The sound of horse hooves rumbled.

There are many torches and silhouettes of people on the other side of the camp.



Countless archers drew their bows and set arrows, making huge noises.

Thousands of horses galloped, as if a huge black wave was approaching the camp.

In the camp, the soldiers were breathing rapidly, waiting for the general's orders.

"Fire the arrow!"

A rain of arrows covered the past.

The war horse fell down and neighed. Amidst the pitiful howl, the general shouted: "Lance."

Spears from the fence of the camp

Then stick out.

Under the moonlight, the tip of the gun shone with a metallic glow.

The two groups of men and horses collided violently.

Death sings in the sky, and the moonlight is its glory.


This chapter has been completed!
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