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Chapter 1177 Chasing and Killing

"Yunshan is also unlucky."

Amidst Ning Yayun's long sighs, several riders were heading towards the north.

When he arrived in Jiangzhou, Wu Rong went to see He Liantong.

"I have met the king."

After only a few months, He Liantong looked more focused and thinner than at home.

"Is this trip going well?"

It was He Liantong's idea to ask Yunshan to take action to scare Yang Xuan.

"Failed." Wu Rong looked calm.

"I understand." He Liantong said calmly.

Wu Rong said: "What kind of person is Yang Xuan?"

"Very gentle." Heliantong said.

"That's good."

After leaving Zhoushe, Wu Rong said to Fu Heng: "He Liantong is lying."

Fu Heng coughed dryly and said, "Go back to Yunshan!"

Wu Rong said: "Jiangzhou has a strong atmosphere of preparing for war. It seems that the next battle is not far away. It would be good if we win, but if we lose, Yunshan will be worried."

"Yang Xuan will not offend Fang Wai, otherwise he will never have peace in the future." The accompanying disciple said proudly.

"He Liantong is a famous general of the Liao Dynasty. Now he has many powerful generals under his command. This battle will be a draw in the end."


In the prefecture, Chen De, an aide, said with a smile: "Yang Xuan is not gentle. Yunshan was brought into the situation by the king this time."

He Liantong looked at the map and said: "Da Liao is facing a life and death crisis. At this time, let alone Fangwai, beggars have joined the army. There are many good soldiers in Yunshan. If they are gathered together, they can assassinate and spy on the news.

Call it a sharp weapon."

"But these guys look quite depressed."

"Ning Yayun's strength is unfathomable!" He Liantong dropped the question, "It's getting late autumn, and more scouts will be sent. As long as we get through this late autumn, Chang'an will gather a large army, and next year, they will hunt for northern Xinjiang.


"Now everyone knows that we are at a critical moment and there is less slack."

"That's good. By the way, how about the eldest princess?"

Regarding Changling who invited him out, He Liantong always felt a little more like a soldier dying for his confidant.

"The eldest princess manages the government very effectively, and she teaches His Majesty very well."

"What a pity."

What He Liantong said was a pity that Chen De knew about it.

"I also feel it is a pity."

If Changling were a man and Helianfeng died, she would be able to successfully succeed him, and Daliao's national power would not be like this.

"The pity I am talking about does not refer to the male body, but the pity to the late Emperor."

"The late emperor?"

"The day before yesterday, Ningxing sent a batch of weapons, which were quite sharp. I asked the officials from the Ministry of Industry who were accompanying them, and found out that the late emperor personally arranged many means when he was there. The Ministry of Industry is now building trebuchets, but they are not as powerful as those in Northern Xinjiang.

It's far over there. There are also ballistas, and they are also being tried. Late Emperor, it's actually not bad. It's a pity."

Chen De was silent for a long time, "If the eldest princess were a man, that night banquet would not have been spared."

He Lianfeng was suspicious of the prince, so the prince simply tried to drain him out of the cauldron and kill all his children and grandchildren.

If Changling were a prince, he would not be able to escape death.

Instead, because her daughter was Helianfeng, she left a trace of blood.

"This is life!"

He Liantong sighed. Thinking of the time when the father and son of the royal family killed each other, and the brothers killed each other, so that the Liao Kingdom was on the verge of collapse, the two of them couldn't help but sigh.


An official came in, "They're in place."

Heliantong nodded, "Okay!"

Chen De looked at the map, "Yang Xuan likes to do things by himself the most. He just got the three states, and he will definitely go to inspect and comfort them before the end of the year. The king's plan is wonderful. If it can come true, it will be a life-or-death situation!"

He Liantong narrowed his eyes, "I have been dormant at home, and even built a pond for fishing. When I arrived in Jiangzhou, I did not go out for anything. I am afraid that the outside world thinks that I am conservative, right?"


Chen De smiled and said: "Many people outside say that the king is..."

"What is it?"

"The black-tailed snake is lazy."

He Liantong smiled, "The last time I encountered Yang Xuan, I retreated decisively. I think he also thought I was steady.


"The king's troops are invisible to smoke and smoke. A sudden attack is like an antelope hanging its horns, leaving no trace behind!"

"The guide from Sanzhou has taken a good look at it. The road he mentioned needs to be walked a few times until you are familiar with it before you can set up an ambush."


Chen De resigned.

He Liantong watched him go out, stroking his beard and said: "The eldest princess has placed such great trust in me, how can I be a person who waits and does not want to make progress? I have been forbearing until now just to paralyze Yang Xuan. With a thunderous strike, I turned my hand into a cloud and overthrew him.

Hands for rain!”

Yang Laoer's status in the family gradually changed.

Ah Liang used to like teasing his younger brother, and now he does so too, but he doesn't dare to touch his hand.

Yang Xuan likes to hold children. When holding Yang Lao Er, he is always worried that the baby will punch him.

Not to mention Zhou Ning, after being punched, he vowed to punish Yang Laoer severely when he was older, but in the blink of an eye he was happy to hug Yang Laoer and kiss him.



"What's this?"

Yang Laoer asked, pointing to the swordsman on the tree.

"This is Leopard, our swordsman!"


Yang Laoer waved.

But the swordsman paid no attention to him on the tree trunk.

At home, A Liang is the only one who can control him, but Yang Laoer is nothing!


Yang Laoer looked very serious as he pumped his fist.

Yang Xuan's heart skipped a beat, thinking that this kid is someone who likes violence, right?

Is that okay?

Parents are always worried about their children. Because of this problem, Yang Xuan was depressed all morning.

"The Duke."

He Lianyan came, "Chang'an sent Yang Yun from Zhongshe to Ningxing to discuss with Beiliao. The brothers of Jinyiwei got the news."

"Oh!" Yang Xuan put aside Yang Laoer's matter.

"The two sides have reached an agreement." He Lianyan said: "When Chang'an sends troops, Northern Liao will also send out a large army, and it will be no less than 200,000!"

"Two hundred thousand, we are all out." Yang Xuan said.

"Yes. In addition, the Northern Liao side requested" He Lianyan looked at Yang Xuan, "Chang'an wants to announce to the world that the Northern Xinjiang Army is rebellious!"

Yang Xuan was silent.

Helianyan knew how vicious this move was.

Once Chang'an was announced to the world, the morale of the Northern Xinjiang Army was in chaos.

Moreover, the people will also be in chaos.


Before the Tang Dynasty still maintained its arrogance, Zhengshuo was the sharpest weapon in the hands of the emperor.

"The Duke."

Yang Xuan waved his hand and said, "Inform Liu Gong and the others about this matter."


Liu Qing and others got the news.

"The timing is not right!" Luo Cai said: "Ning Xing is still there. If the news comes, we can only raise the banner of rebellion in advance. By then, Chang'an will definitely ignore it and go northward with all its strength."

"Which fool came up with the idea of ​​Bei Liao?" Song Zhen said: "Isn't this forcing the Duke to attack Ningxing early?"

This method is cruel enough.

“Time waits not for us!”

Yang Xuan summoned Liu Qing and others to discuss matters.

"First, on the grounds of military training, we sent troops to intercept the envoys. Even if we can't stop them, we still have to force them to take a detour. In addition, Lin Feibao!"


"Take some of your brothers and follow them. If you encounter the messenger, kill him!"

"Take orders!"

Yang Xuan said: "Before Bei Liao is destroyed, people's hearts must be stable."

Liu Qing nodded, "If the Northern Liao Dynasty is still there, we will raise the banner. The soldiers and civilians will be confused, and the army can only hold on. This will give Chang'an time to send troops."

What we have to fight for now is time.

Yang Xuan said: "In a word, try to delay it as much as possible."

Everyone nodded.

Yang Xuan said: "In this case, the dispatch of troops must be accelerated. In order to deal with foreign affairs, we must first settle the situation at home. I will go to the three states to inspect and comfort you in a while."

Only when the rear is stabilized can we devote all our efforts to a battle to destroy the country!

The Northern Xinjiang Army was dispatched.

Two thousand people formed a group and dispersed in all directions.

This move fell into the eyes of interested people, and the news spread.

"The Northern Xinjiang Army is dispatched?"

Zhao Yun was surprised, "Has the food and grass been assembled? The soldiers haven't rested either, right?"

"Alang, they are scattered everywhere."

"That's it!" Zhao Yun's eyes were deep.

Jiang took the envoy around in a circle and was now in the mountains around Fengzhou.

He was sitting in the forest eating dry food and choked. The attendant quickly patted his back.

Jiang rolled his eyes, swallowed the pancake, and gasped: "This is the only time in our lives that we have suffered like this before entering the palace, damn! I didn't expect that I would have to suffer another crime at the end of the day."

The follower smiled and said: "Only when you have endured hardship can you become a master."

Jiang nodded, "Yes!"

Jiang was not prepared to hide what Yang Yun said before committing suicide. Thinking about it, the emperor would definitely be furious when he heard Yang Yuan's words.

The credit is naturally all his.

After eating dry food, Jiang took a nap, and when he woke up, he urged everyone on their way.

After leaving the mountainous area, Jiang sent people to investigate.

The detective's results were shocking.

"There are Northern Xinjiang troops everywhere."

"What?" Jiang Yi was startled, "Did the news leak out?"

Only in this way will the Northern Xinjiang Army go to great lengths to dispatch.

"It's said to be a drill, but those cavalrymen are patrolling around, obviously looking for something."

Jiang said: "Find the passage."


There were experts from the palace and the mirror accompanying him, and they immediately found the gap.

"Be quick!"

On a dark and windy night, a group of people quietly passed through Fengzhou.

Fengzhou is a rather strange place, with many mountains and little land. It is surrounded by mountains. If you are not a local and enter the mountains, you will be lucky if you can get out.

After passing through this section, there is a mountain range in front of you.

"The villain has walked this road more than ten times, and he can walk out with his eyes closed!"

The guide is from Jingtai and has walked this mountain road many times.

"Okay, let's go back to Chang'an and ask for credit for you!"

Jiang Huanxi said.

It was afternoon, and a group of people in plain clothes slowly approached the mountain road.

"No one is there!" Jiang looked around and was overjoyed, "Quick, enter the mountain road!"

Entering the mountain road is like a dragon entering the sea!

Everyone beat their horses and rushed into the mountain road.

In the mountain forest, fallen leaves pile up, and the autumn wind blows, bringing with it bursts of screaming sounds.

"What a dangerous place."

Chen Dan, the accompanying general, said.

"No one!" shouted the sergeant behind him.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Jiang couldn't help laughing.


Someone suddenly shouted from the front.


Jiang's laughter stopped abruptly.

More than two hundred sergeants appeared in front.

"Who are you waiting for?" the leader asked.

"We are a caravan!"

Fengzhou is mountainous, and there are many people living together in the mountains. The caravan will bring them daily necessities from time to time.

Jiang and others brought a lot of dry food to carry on their horses, which looked quite big.

But what is a caravan?

The caravans are mostly pack horses!

The sergeant shouted: "Stop!"

Jiang knew something was wrong, so Chen Dan shouted: "Do it!"

A few of the accompanying experts flew away first.

"Fire the arrow!"

Arrows flew, and then trumpets sounded.


Jiang was furious, "Kill them quickly!"

There must be cavalry nearby. Once the cavalry arrives, they will be unable to escape.

The accompanying sergeants formed a formation and rushed forward.

The masters killed more than ten people in one charge, and one person was killed by the formation of soldiers.

When the accompanying sergeant arrived, the suspense of this battle disappeared.

But those Northern Xinjiang troops refused to retreat.

Instead, they formed formations and fought to the death.

"Kill them all

"Jiang shouted angrily.

The masters ignored the arrows and rushed into the formation again and again. They were scarred and one person was killed again, but they finally broke up the formation of the Northern Xinjiang Army.

Then came strangulation.

"Kill them all!"

Jiang waved his arms as if he was drunk.

The anger that had been simmering all this way finally burst out.

When setting out, after leaving the Northland, they were hiding like mice. The detours made him desperate and suffered a lot.

Not only did they have to take a detour when they returned, but the Northern Xinjiang Army was actually aware of it.

The news has been leaked, and the credit for this time will be discounted by Changan.

This made Jiang very distressed.

Also furious!

Seeing that the Northern Xinjiang army on the opposite side was dispersed, Jiang drew his sword and said, "Let's kill someone too!"

Killing someone and being able to brag about it when you go back is considered a military achievement.

He raised his knife and rushed to an injured Northern Xinjiang Army sergeant.

The sound of clothes flying by was heard.

Chen Dan screamed, "Withdraw!"

Jiang was shocked and quickly retreated, while looking back.

Dozens of burly and outrageous men were flying by.

——Yang Xuan is surrounded by dozens of big men, and he is invincible when he rushes into battle!

"These are the guards around Yang Xuan, retreat!"

Jiang was the first to run into the woods on the edge.

But those remnant soldiers clung to the accompanying sergeants.

"Divide into two teams!"

Lin Feibao shouted.

He flew away by himself.


Two good players teamed up to intercept.

Jiang's heart moved and he looked back.

The iron rod slammed into the horizontal knife, and debris flew everywhere, one of which grazed Jiang's scalp.

The screams frightened him.

One head was smashed with an iron rod, and the second one was knocked away with a punch.

This bitch is a killer!


Not daring to leave the mountain road, everyone ran into the dense forest.

Behind him, an iron rod roared towards him.


Chen Dan's head was smashed open, and the stuff sprayed all over Jiang's head and face.

Then, a guard flew over.


The last good fighter turned around, eyes wide open, and punched to intercept.


The guard was stopped and threw out the iron rod in his hand.

The iron rod was blocked for a moment, but still hit Jiang's back.

He spit out a mouthful of blood, and the two sergeants beside him lifted him up and disappeared into the woods.

Later, troops gathered nearby.

Lin Feibao ordered: "Seal the surrounding mountain roads."

The local guide has arrived.

"It's not easy to walk!" The guide pointed to the direction where Jiang and others disappeared and said: "There are many wild animals, and there are many years of fallen leaves. Many places look good, but if you step on it, it will be a big hole. Not to mention noble people, we

Don’t even dare to leave!”

This chapter has been completed!
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