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Chapter 1382 Betting Around

If you are willing to resign, you can sign up."

Several sergeants escorted a petty official into the village.

The villagers looked at them numbly. Several young people were eager to try. Some raised their hands and said, "I am willing."

"Come." The clerk waved, and the sergeant behind him said, "His Highness said that those who are renounced are His Highness's people. Anyone who dares to touch His Highness's people will give it a try."

"What can you do, Your Highness?" the woman asked. The sergeant said, "How about you wait to see the capital?"

These villagers have never even been to the county town on weekdays, so how do they know about it? "I don't know."

"Jingguan is a mountain of corpses!" said the sergeant: "The highest one is comparable to a mountain."

"Mountain of corpses? God!" Everyone exclaimed.

"If you become His Highness's enemy, you must have the consciousness to lie in a mountain of corpses!" "Then...that slave may be deregistered?"

the woman asked.

The husband next to her whispered: "A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood! What a cruel King of Qin!" "That's cruel to the enemy, but he is good to us." The woman raised her hand, "I like it."

"Come." The clerk waved.

The woman walked out and turned around, "Husband, eldest man, eldest lady, second lady, come here."

The man hesitated for a moment, but the three children went out. He gritted his teeth and said, "That's it."

Gradually, more and more people signed up.

Someone asked: "Master, after we are deregistered, we don't know how to make a living." "That's right! We have been farming for our family all our lives and have never left home a few times."

The clerk smiled and said: "Your Highness has already made preparations. Outside the pass, there are large areas of unowned fertile land in both the north and the south. You can choose a place to move to."

"That villain is willing to resign."

After it was over, about 40% of the people were willing to leave their citizenship, and less than 60% of the people chose to stay.

Their ancestors were all slaves of their masters, and they had long been accustomed to working as cows and horses. Looking at those numb people, the clerk shook his head, "This is all fate!" Cao Ying personally took control, Zhang Xu led the army to suppress it, and the remaining people in Guanzhong

The wealthy people below did not move.

In a restaurant in Chang'an.

A group of men were sitting in the lobby. The man at the head was stroking his beard and said in a deep voice: "The King of Qin slapped me from the air before he entered Chang'an." "What should I do?"

"Do it!"

"Idiot! Your Majesty is far away in Shu. How can we fight against those tiger and wolf warriors?"

"We have been in Guanzhong for hundreds of years, when have we ever taken action? Besides, many times, without taking action, it can chill the hearts of those who don't know what it means."

"That's right, we can't give that person any leverage."

The man at the head said: "Most of the rich and powerful families are in Shu. Send a letter immediately asking them to come back. Just say...if they don't come back...their roots will be gone."

.."Twenty-one thousand." This is the final number.

Cao Ying took the brochure and asked: "What percentage is willing to resign?" "More than 30%."

The official raised his head and said, "Most people don't dare to renounce their citizenship." "People!"

Cao Ying sighed, "This is His Highness's first attack on the Guanzhong clan, and it is also a test. Unfortunately, there are few people."

"How about..." the official said, "Let's encourage it again?"

"Too much is not enough." Cao Ying said: "After all, in this world, those people are the most powerful."

He took the document and said, "I will report to His Highness immediately." "There is a problem in the entire Tang Dynasty."

In Yuezhou, Li Xuangang returned from inspecting the army and drank tea with Cao Ying and He Lianrong.

Li Xuan took a sip of tea and said: "Local officials and powerful men colluded with each other to slaughter the people and the imperial power did not go to the countryside."

"Your Highness, this is the structure that has been established for many years." Han Ji said, "This is how the place is."

"Up above, there are aristocratic families and powerful families. These forces are huge. They join forces with each other to compete with the emperor. If the emperor is tyrannical, he will become a puppet and his will will not be able to reach the imperial city."

Li Xuan thought of another world and sneered: "If it doesn't move, it won't be long before the Tang Dynasty will be on the road to death again. If it moves, those people will rebound..."

"Knowing that death was inevitable, we could only drink poison to quench our thirst and chose to cooperate with these forces." He Lianrong said: "This is the emperor's helplessness. Your Highness took action this time, and the poor monk thought that those people would rebound."

"I don't understand. Your Highness could have waited until he went south to defeat Shi Zhongtang before taking action. Why..."

Han Ji didn't understand why Li Xuan was anxious.

"The false emperor and his son entered Shu, followed by aristocratic families. They were powerful and powerful, and the officials and people of Shu did not dare to slack off." Li Xuan said calmly: "But what if those people come back?"

"Then the false emperor and his son will be alone." Han Ji stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Your Highness's move is wonderful. It can not only test the great clans in Guanzhong, but also weaken the false emperor. Kill two birds with one stone!"

If not, Li Xuan would have entered the customs well-fed.

He looked at the map and said, "Be prepared. Once the rain stops, prepare to go south."

The false emperor has entered Shu.

Along the way, officials saw the huge crowd of people behind him and immediately knelt down. "I have seen your Majesty."

"Prepare food and fodder." "Yes."

The emperor was still the majestic emperor, and no one in Shu dared to slack off. Li Mi sat on the horse, looking quite majestic.

Looking at the respectful soldiers, civilians and officials, he confidently said to Han Shitou: "This is a beginning. I will train troops in Shu and wait for action to destroy that evil species."

"Your Majesty is wise." Han Shitou praised. He looked at the back of the false emperor's neck for a long time.

Later, the emperor went to Yang Songcheng to discuss the matter. Han Shitou got some free time and dismounted from his horse to rest.

Sun Laoer came to him, "Hey! Why were you looking at the back of the old dog's neck earlier?"

"We are thinking how to chop off his head with one knife." Sun Laoer was stunned for a moment. "That is something only His Highness can do."

Who doesn't want to have a happy relationship? But the rightful owner is not here.

"Yes!" Han Shitou said regretfully, "We have been enduring it, but sometimes we can't bear it anymore, so we pinch our palms."

He opened his hand, and there were deep nail marks on his palm.

Sun Laoer shook his head, "I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to bear it if we were by Lao Gou's side. By the way, is there any news from His Highness?"

"They say they are preparing to go south." Han Shitou said, "If His Highness can destroy Shi Ni, then it will be the end of the world and the restoration of the Tang Dynasty."

"The ZTE Emperor is second only to the Founding Emperor!" Sun Laoer was very happy.

"Can the emperor's men in Guanzhong be brought to Shu?" The emperor and Yang Songcheng drank tea together.

Yang Songcheng looked calm, "Your Majesty, I don't know that after those evil men entered Guanzhong, they guarded Guanzhong very strictly. Especially in the direction of Shu..."

The emperor said a few words casually and then ran out of words.

"I take my leave."

After leaving the emperor's residence, Chun Yushan and others were waiting outside. "But something happened?"

Yang Songcheng sneered: "He wants Yang's manpower, do you really think I am a fool?"

Zheng Qi said: "Then I won't give it to you." "No." Yang Songcheng shook his head, "I want to give it to you." Zheng Qi: "...."

"Everyone can return to Guanzhong, but I can't." Yang Songcheng said: "I have fought with that scoundrel many times, and the hatred between them cannot be resolved. In this case, at least I have to gather popularity for His Majesty."

"But I won't give it to him at this moment." Yang Songcheng said: "If the Yang family has another... thousand years, it cannot be destroyed in my hands."

He glanced at Chunyushan. Both of them had grievances with Li Xuan. "I will not go to Guanzhong." Chunyushan said.

"Okay." Yang Songcheng said, "I have gone to Xin's home and asked Dalang to take over the Yang family."

This is how aristocratic families respond to crises. Chunyushan said: "I am the same way."

Yang Songcheng’s eldest son was Yang Xinxiang, but his second son died at the hands of King Wei. Chun Yushan’s eldest son was Chun Yudian.

We are in Guanzhong at this moment.

"Mr. Cao, Yang is here."

Cao Ying received the news with confusion and led people out of the imperial city. Outside the imperial city,

Yang Xinxiang saluted respectfully, "Mr. Yang is extremely grateful to learn that His Highness will lead the army south to suppress the rebellion. I am incompetent and cannot fight for Your Highness, so I only have this intention."

He pointed behind him. There was a huge convoy and the carts were filled with grain.

Cao Ying squinted her eyes, "I need to ask Your Highness for instructions." "Another convoy is coming."

This time it was the Chun Yu family's motorcade, led by the new head of the family, Chun Yu Dian. "This is a little bit of Chun Yu family's wishes."

Everyone in Chang'an saw it and marveled.

"It turns out that they were enemies of the King of Qin, and the Yang family of Yingchuan was even humiliated by His Highness. This is... a reversal."

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero!" "So much food."

"Your Highness, Guanzhong has reorganized 40,000 troops."

Zhang Xu acted quickly and recruited 40,000 warriors from those who had renounced their citizenship. They are now training.


This is not only the benefit of having 40,000 more troops, but also has symbolic significance. Li Xuan was very happy, "Reward Cao Ying. In addition, spread the news everywhere."

This was a weather vane, informing the world: Guanzhong has surrendered. Bao Dong is the best at this kind of deception, so he immediately set off with his people. "Your Highness, someone from Chang'an is here to see you."

Cao Ying's envoy has arrived.

"Your Highness, the heads of the Yang family and Chunyu family have changed." "Oh!" Li Xuan said sarcastically, "Where was your courage back then?"

"The Yang family and the Chunyu family donated a large amount of grain and grass, and many wealthy families followed suit. Now there is a lot of grain and grass in Chang'an."

The envoy said: "Mr. Cao does not dare to make independent opinions, so he ordered his subordinates to come and ask for instructions from His Highness."

"If the false emperor could have had food and grass at the time, he would not have forced Dou Zhong out of seclusion to fight against Shi Ni. The lack of food led to Dou Zhong's defeat and the false emperor fled. Now, these people take the initiative to donate food. It is really embarrassing.


Han Ji sighed.

He Lianrong said: "This moment, that moment. At this moment, His Highness is so powerful that it is like an unstoppable tide. The survival of a large family for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, depends not only on money, but also on brains and choices."

Han Ji nodded, "Change the head of the family first, and then offer food. This is not only a sign of weakness, but also a gesture of surrender. Come to think of it, offering food is when there are the most people before the imperial city."

The messenger said: "Exactly." This is to incite public opinion. Look!

The Yang family and the Chunyu family admitted their defeat, were willing to submit to the King of Qin, and took the initiative to donate food.

Don’t hit the smiling person with your hand!

He Lianrong asked: "Do you want to accept this batch of money and food?" Accepting it would be acknowledging the Yang family and Chunyu family's alignment. "Gu thought of a story."

Li Xuan put down the documents in his hands and told a story. When the boss told a story, everyone naturally wanted to listen carefully.

The envoy was very happy when he saw that King Qin did not avoid him.

"In ancient times, there was the Han Dynasty. Hundreds of years later, the Han Dynasty declined, and there were the rise of Wei, Shu and Wu. When Zhuge Shi saw this, he was melancholy and didn't know which side to turn to. Then he thought of a good idea...

.Ask each of the three sons to vote for one side."

——Li Xuan changed the story of the Zhuge family, for example, he made Zhuge Dan, the younger brother of Cao Wei clan, a blood brother, but the general pattern was still maintained.

"What a great idea!" Han Ji praised: "This is a great plan, but these three sons must all be outstanding people."


The three sons of the Zhuge family are all great.

"The Yang family and the Chunyu family played this trick with Gu..." They should be punished!

The messenger almost wanted to say this, but tried his best to hold back.

"If you don't accept Gu Ruo, wouldn't you be ashamed of Yang Songcheng and Chun Yushan?" Li Xuan said with a smile: "Tell Cao Ying to accept it."

"Yes!" the messenger excused himself.

Han Ji said: "If you don't accept it, the public opinion will not be good, saying that Your Highness cannot tolerate others."

Li Xuan shook his head, "Why did you ever care about this?" "Then..." Han Ji was puzzled.

Li Xuan didn't explain either.

Later, he finished his business and got up to move around.

"Your Highness." Jiang He'er was curious and couldn't help but ask, "What happened to the third son of the Zhuge family?"

"You are the smartest!" Li Xuan said with a smile. "The Kingdom of Shu is destroyed." "The Kingdom of Wu is destroyed."

"Then there is one in Wei!" Jiang He'er praised: "Zhuge is really smart."

"Yeah! There's also one from Wei."

People always like a happy ending. Without a happy ending, settling for the next best thing would be... Jiang Heer was overjoyed.

Li Xuan shook his head, breaking her illusion.

"The Sima clan of the Wei State who rebelled against the powerful minister was executed!"

This chapter has been completed!
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