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Chapter 1584 Cruel King, Arrogant Devil

It's very hot in Western Xinjiang in early summer. The prince even felt it was hotter than midsummer in Chang'an. It's not only hot here, but also a little dry.

When he led his men back to the camp, he found a crowd of people waiting outside the camp.

Standing in front is his father, Emperor Li Xuan of the Tang Dynasty.


The prince quickly dismounted and walked over quickly.

He walked up to the emperor and was hugged by the emperor just as he was about to salute.

A very warm hug.

"Congratulations, kid!"

The emperor whispered in his ear, "This is more worth remembering in your lifetime than the wedding party."

The emperor patted his shoulder, let go, held his hand, turned back to look at the soldiers, and slowly raised the prince's hand.

These are the two most important men in the Tang Dynasty.

He personally ended the chaos of the Tang Dynasty and made the Tang Dynasty strong again.

One is the future emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Today he used a clean victory to tell everyone that the future of the Tang Dynasty is still bright.

"Long live!"

Countless soldiers raised their arms and shouted.

The Loro army arrived at the border area.

The army continued to advance into the camp. Yas dismounted, unable to conceal his tiredness, "Have all the food and grass been in place?"

"It's in place, enough for half a month." Danbas said.

"It's been half a month and the shipment is still going on. But maybe I'm a stingy emperor! Just thinking about the cost along the way makes me heartbroken."

"Frugality is a virtue, Your Majesty."

"How about the other side?" Yas threw the reins to the attendant and walked into the camp.

"Our warriors are fighting with the Tang army, and they are inseparable."

"Really?" Yas glanced at the general who spoke.

"Yes." said the general.

"Take a rest for three days." Yas said.

From the day it was mobilized, the army was consuming huge amounts of supplies every day. After setting off, the loss of food and grass transported along the way made people want to vomit blood. In order to stock up on the front line with enough supplies for two hundred thousand horses for half a month

The supply of food and grass has already made the country miserable. If it drags on any longer, there will be riots in Luoluo without the Tang army coming to fight.

With the arrival of the army, Luoluo's scouts became more sharp.

"Long live!"

The cavalry from Urlington held their heads proudly...more than ten of them had beautiful swan feathers on their hats.

"This is the Imperial Guard!"

On the opposite side, the Xijiang cavalry rushed forward without showing any signs of weakness.

"Your Majesty, Luo Luo has sent out guards."

The emperor, who was discussing the war with his ministers, asked: "How?"

"Quite sharp."

The emperor suddenly laughed, "Back then, I took the Chang'an cavalry, known as guard dogs, to Linton City, but was provoked by Luoluo's elite. I practiced for several days, and then accepted the challenge. Under the watchful eyes of Luoluo's dignitaries, I was defeated.

I killed them. I was in a hurry at that time, but now... tell the men in front to beat their shit out for me!"

"Take orders!"

The prince's face turned red when he saw the excited sergeant who brought the message. He looked at the emperor with admiration and then left.

This is a way to boost morale... But if it weren't for Aye's glorious past, these words would only be laughed at.

All means are based on strength, otherwise they will be castles in the air.

The prince was thoughtful.

The emperor's words reached the front line, and the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty burst out with even more fervent fighting spirit, rushing towards their opponents in waves.

This battle at the outpost was particularly fierce. Elite cavalry from the west came one after another, while the powerful cavalry from the east gradually suppressed their opponents with overwhelming momentum.


The generals under Yas's command made their decision without hesitation.

They could not accept the result of losing the first battle, which was a huge blow to morale.

"Maybe I shouldn't allow them to use the guards."

Yas looked at the generals discussing with serious expressions and said to Holden: "They are too hasty. They want to defeat the Tang Dynasty now, but that is impossible."

Holden walked over and said, "Stop."

The generals raised their eyes from the map.

"What we want is not a small victory." Holden said: "The purpose of the two hundred thousand troops coming is not for a scout battle, but to defeat the evil Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. The current fighting is enough.

It’s time to stop.”

"But we are weak now." A general said: "This will affect our morale."

"But if it continues, can we win?" Holden asked.

The general said: "With enough reinforcements, I think we can win."

"Sufficient reinforcements will trigger the opponent to increase troops, and then we will be forced to increase troops... and eventually it will evolve into a decisive battle. But what is the purpose of our coming? Isn't it just a decisive battle? And the current scout battle is just to win for the army.

It’s just time to rest. Stop and let the army rest!”

Holden nodded and retreated to Yas.


A general clapped his hands.

Bang bang bang...

There was more and more applause, and the generals looked at Crown Prince Luoluo with admiration.

"I'm proud of you, my child!" Yas said softly.

"All these are your teachings, father." Holden said humbly.

Yas walked to the front.

"Morale comes from motivation and the justice of this war. So, why are we fighting?"

Yasi looked at the generals, "We are fighting to resist the invaders. This must be informed to the soldiers. In addition, we must get rid of the evil Emperor of the Tang Dynasty and rescue the people of the Tang Dynasty who are in deep misery... This is justice.

A battle."

"The lies are misleading the public..." Danbas stood together with a few of his confidants and said softly.

"A just war must be fearless. I will send an envoy to negotiate with the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. If he can change his mind, then I will take back the long sword in his hand. If he has no regrets, then the long sword will stab him.

into his chest."

"Long live your Majesty!"

The messenger set off with cheers.

"The morale is really good!" the messenger praised.

"The warriors are all looking forward to grabbing one!" said the accompanying general.

"Isn't it to save the people of the Tang Dynasty?" asked a petty official.


The general glanced at the envoy and wondered who brought this silly little official?

The messenger coughed dryly and said, "Yes, our mission is to rescue them."

Then, the messenger whispered to the general: "His wife... is the mistress of a powerful person."

"Oh!" The general smiled knowingly, "This is really a moment in bed, which can be worth ten years of work in bed!"

"That's right."

The silly little official said firmly: "We are just."

"Messenger?" The emperor was watching the military drill. He turned around and said, "Take him to the big tent."

The emperor waved, "Prince, Erlang and Sanlang are all here."

When the envoy entered the tent, the emperor was sitting in front, with the prince standing behind him, and two and a half young men standing on both sides of the prince.

"I have met His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty." The envoy saluted.

"I'm very busy." The emperor slowly took a sip of tea, "What do you want Yas to say?"

"Your Majesty has committed endless crimes in the Tang Dynasty. I heard that His Majesty likes to pile up corpses into mountains. This is simply appalling... Luoluo wants to change all this..."


The emperor waved his hand, "Are you saying that Yas feels that there is something wrong with Beijing?"


"Excellent." The emperor said, "I like to see the fear of my enemies the most. You go back and tell Yas that I hope to build a big Jingguan here, and the head on top of the Jingguan will be his!"

"Cruel king, arrogant devil!"

After listening to the messenger's report, Yas said to the generals: "It seems that the devil is not ready to change his ways. Then, we will use swords and guns to teach him how to behave!"

Someone asked: "What is Jingguan?"

This is a fool who didn't do his homework... One general said: "Just use corpses, or pile up mountains of human heads."

"How many corpses are there?"

"a lot of."

The two sides maintained contact at the center line, but as Luoluo's side retreated, the scale of the scouting battle also gradually decreased.

Wang Laoer was a little dissatisfied, but the emperor strictly ordered not to break into Luoluo territory, so he could only yell and curse at the opposite side.

The Luoluo people on the opposite side were naturally unwilling to be outdone, and both sides exchanged insults under the command of the interpreter.

At first, the Luoluo people were in high spirits, but as the scolding war escalated, Datang sent a team of civil servants to lead the fight, and their combat effectiveness instantly exploded.

"They scolded me for a long time and never repeated it!"

The Luoluo people were scolded and had no power to fight back.

On the third day, the army general brought the following situation.

"The soldiers still have not recovered."

Yas was silent for a long time, "How about the follow-up food and grass?"

"It's being transported. But...it will be difficult after that."

"Then, let's rest for two more days."

"The sad thing about Yas is that he doesn't have a deep understanding of the Tang Dynasty."

The emperor smiled and said to his ministers: "The white skin of the Luoluo people cannot be disguised in the Tang Dynasty, so it is difficult to get information about their detailed work. Especially in the past few years, I have ordered various places to strictly check the entry of the Luoluo people. It is estimated that Asia will

Si thought that the Tang Dynasty was still the Tang Dynasty."

The people are in dire straits.

Food and grass are in short supply.

Han Ji said: "After incorporating the old land of Northern Liao into the territory of the Tang Dynasty, the cultivated area has been expanding over the years, and the harvested food has been increasing year by year. Not to mention the south. With the continuous immigration to the south, those seemingly

The wild areas have also become a land of plenty. This time we send troops, there is no need to worry about food and grass..."

"Cao Ying of Hubu said, just fight, fight all the way to the end of the world."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone laughed.

"I only brought an army of 100,000 people. It's not because I lack manpower and food and grass, but because I feel that I can destroy the country with only 100,000 troops!"

The emperor glanced at the ministers, "What is the most important thing in a war? Don't let your opponent lead you by the nose. When to fight and how to fight, I have the final say!"

The emperor stood up and said, "Send the order, the army will attack!"


Amidst the desolate sound of horns, the army continued to walk out of the barracks.

"Your Majesty's order, attack!"

Zhao Yong shouted fiercely on horseback. He turned his horse and looked at the west, his eyes blazing.

"Your Majesty's order, attack!"

Troops walked out of the barracks one after another and assembled outside the camp.

The emperor came with the prince.

"Long live your Majesty!"

The neat formation suddenly became shorter.

"No gift!"

The emperor pointed to the west, "Are my tigers and warriors confident that they can defeat their opponents in a single battle?"


"Then, follow me. I will take you and others to build a huge Jingguan!"

This chapter has been completed!
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