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Chapter 1586 Dragon Flag

Every time Mo Daoshou swung his sword, he would always bring out a burst of blood.

The Luoluo people have heard of the reputation of the Tang army.

——They are weak and incompetent and have been suppressed by powerful enemies in the north for hundreds of years.

——They can't even destroy the small countries around them.

——It was reported that there was a rebellion in the border areas, and the emperor was actually driven out of the capital and fled in confusion.

——They ended the civil strife, but it will probably take a long time to recover.

——They are not our opponents!

Every army has its own pride.

Before every war, the emperor would instill in his ministers the belief of victory, and the ministers would instill in the generals...the generals would instill in their subordinates...

Until everyone from top to bottom feels that this battle must be won, then it is time to go to war.

The Luoluo people, who have not fought a war for hundreds of years, think highly of themselves.

In the past, they were trapped in internal fights and could not extricate themselves. When external threats emerged, the emperor and prime minister shook hands and made peace, deciding to deal with the outside world unanimously.

The dignitaries praised the handshake, and the bards used poetry to mock the Tang emperor's foolish actions, uniting Luoluo like never before.

The people waited eagerly for the army to loot everything they needed.

Everything was frozen at this moment.

The corpses of those men and horses fell to the ground piece by piece.

Those indifferent opponents are advancing step by step.

The crossbow arrows are still flying back tirelessly...

This is an opponent whose body is covered with thorns.

The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, under the banner of the Chinese Army, must be laughing at Yasi's stupidity.

Danbas looked livid, "We need to fight back! Now! Otherwise we will be defeated."

"Reinforce them!" Yas shouted.

Compared with the emperor who had experienced hundreds of battles, Yas...

Danbas looked at Yas and said softly: "The stupidest thing I did was to believe that he could defeat Li Xuan."

From the beginning of the war until now, Yas has never taken the initiative.

"He is like a child in front of that emperor. Prime Minister, we can't go on like this." A confidant said angrily: "All our elites have been thrown into it."

"Wait a minute." Danbas said, "He still has the cavalry in his hand."

The confidant looked behind Yas, where five thousand cavalry were resting peacefully, as if everything in front of them had nothing to do with him.

This is Yas' personal guard and the last strength he relies on to maintain his throne.

These personal guards are all composed of family members loyal to the emperor. They have a supreme sense of honor and are proud to die fighting for the emperor. Their equipment is the best in the entire Luoluo...

If it weren't for this cavalry, Danbas would have launched a mutiny long ago.

But now that the war situation has reached a critical moment, Yas is hesitating.

"His Majesty!"

Danbas said: "Look, the barbarians have been defeated. They are breaking up our formation without discipline. If this continues, we will definitely be defeated."

Facts have proved that the so-called ferocity of the barbarians is a joke in front of the Tang army.

Mo Dao Shou made those barbarians frightened with just one attack.

They turned around and ran away, ignoring the general's shouts and breaking up the formation.

"Those damn barbarians!" Yas cursed, and then looked at Yas coldly, "Prime Minister, it's time for your people to go too."

Danbas looked back at his more than a thousand elite troops and said, "Okay!"

At this juncture, the two old enemies have put aside their past grudges.

"Attack!" Yas drew his sword and shouted.

Behind him, five thousand personal guards attacked.

The last strength of Danbas also set off.

The two old enemies stared intently at the Chinese army banner opposite.

"What else do they have?"

"Yasi misjudged at first that our elite team was all out, so he followed suit. But he didn't know that this was just my regular method. He was all out, but I still have methods."

The bed is on.

"Fire the arrow!"

Each shot of the huge crossbow can penetrate several people, causing few casualties, but it is frightening.


The trebuchet, which had been dormant, was started.


Stones flew into the sky.

"What is that?"

The galloping cavalry raised their heads, and then the stones fell.

Kill them both man and horse.

"It's a stone, Your Majesty!"

Yas was equally confused and heartbroken.

Those are his personal guards, each representing a family loyal to him.

Losing one person means losing a foundation for him.

But before he could engage the enemy, he was severely beaten with crossbows and stones.

"Your Majesty, they are going up." Danbas said softly, his eyes shining brightly, "Just like this... to boost morale, and then launch a general attack..."

Opposite, under the banner of the Chinese Army.

"Zhang Du!"

"His Majesty!"

"Prepare to attack."

"Take orders!"

The reorganized Xuan Jia mounted the horse.

"Erlang, Sanlang!" The emperor looked at his two sons, "Do you dare to follow your father to kill the enemy?"

"Dare!" Li Laoer was even a little impatient.

"Dare!" He Lianguang looked at his father with a look of reverence, but when he first arrived in Chang'an, he was dissatisfied.

The emperor nodded and pulled down his visor.

Pull out the horizontal knife.

"Pei Jian."


"Command the central army."

"Take orders!"


The emperor rushed out immediately.

The emperor attacked, and the flag of the Chinese army wavered crazily.

"Your Majesty has launched an attack."

The soldiers looked back at the emperor, who was still majestic and heroic, and cheered.

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

He Lianguang followed his father closely. He felt that he had been so stupid in the past... His father was an emperor. In his eyes, the love between children was important, but the primary responsibility was the country.

When he was in Chang'an, his father was busy, but he would take time to take them out for a walk.

He keenly discovered that his father was not happy and seemed a little uncomfortable.

It was only at this moment that he noticed that the aura on his father's body suddenly changed.

He is enjoying this moment!

This is an emperor whose life is to conquer!

"Long live!"

Amidst deafening cheers, the emperor rushed into the midst of the enemy troops.

Years of unremitting practice have made his inner energy extremely strong. Similarly, years of unremitting practice have made his sword skills so proficient that he can kill enemies with his eyes closed.

Heng Dao skillfully cut an opening in the human body, evacuated no more, no less, and then rushed to the next target.

"Your Majesty, Li Xuan has personally charged into the battle!"

The generals were looking at Yas.

"The morale of the Tang army was greatly boosted!"

The emperor's personal charge into the battle caused the morale of the Tang army to explode.

Mo Daoshou sped up, and the left and right cavalry attacked, forcing the enemy back continuously...

The morale is like a rainbow!

Under the circumstances, the Luoluo people were a little desperate. Many people looked back at the banner of the Chinese army, hoping that their emperor would provide a solution.

Yas looked back behind him.

He also had twenty thousand cavalry.


Yas nodded, but did not notice the disappointed eyes of his generals.

The situation at this moment cannot be changed by 20,000 cavalry... The root of it is morale. And to improve morale, the only way is for the emperor to come to the front line.

There is no need for you to imitate Li Xuan and charge in person, but you should appear among the warriors and tell them that I am with you.

But Yas never mentioned this.

But Holden was moved, "Your Majesty, I am willing to lead the army to attack."

"My child, you'd better stay by my side." Yas shook his head.

In Yas's eyes, everyone has his or her own duty, and his duty is to command, not to fight.

That's stupid.

"A sword and a gun have no eyes," Yas said.

But the cavalry led by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty had already gained the upper hand, and the elite cavalry composed of personal guards had already been defeated.

Ahead, someone turned around and ran away.

This is a signal.

"Fight in!"

The emperor followed closely with his subordinates.

The second fleeing person appeared.

"Drive them away!" The emperor's ability to command in battle can crush his opponents ten times.

The Xuanjia cavalry drove away the broken troops that had just appeared, covering them up along the way.

Before the reinforcements of 20,000 cavalry arrived, they were blocked by broken troops.

They shouted uneasily: "Get out of the way."

But at this time, everyone is focused on escaping, who will give way?

"Your Majesty has ordered that anyone who dares to flee will be killed!"

The people of Yas sent the order.

As a result, the reinforcing cavalry waved their butcher knives at their comrades.

The crossbow array came up...the bold crossbowmen followed closely behind, and now they all raised their crossbows.

"Fire the arrow!"

The steady stream of crossbow arrows created greater chaos, and a burst of shouts broke out from the rout. Then, they actually charged towards the reinforcing cavalry...

The emperor sneered on horseback: "A group of rookies who have never seen blood, order the whole army to attack! General attack!"

Someone blew the horn.

"Your Majesty ordered the entire army to attack, a general attack!"

The flag waved.

"Your Majesty ordered, the whole army goes out, a general attack!"

"Wan Sheng!"

The Tang army launched a general attack. In front, the emperor followed the route and defeated 20,000 cavalry. Further forward, there was Luo Luo's central army.

He even saw the pale face of Yas under the banner.

He stretched out his hand and shook his index finger at Yas. His contemptuous gesture was depressing even from a distance.

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

Everyone was looking at Yas, but Yas...he was confused.

"I shouldn't expect a foolish king who has never led an army to fight!" Danbas gritted his teeth and said: "Withdraw! Let's evacuate here!"

With Danbas taking the lead, most of the people turned around and ran away.

"Your Majesty, withdraw!"

Holden finally remembered the emperor and gave him a hand.

"Withdraw! Withdraw!" Yascai woke up from a dream and shouted: "Protect me, withdraw, let's go back!"

The entire battlefield was in chaos.

Loro people are running everywhere.

"It's like a rabbit." Chen Huagu, the miracle doctor of the Tang Dynasty, said disdainfully, and then shouted at the wounded man in front of him: "I told you, you can't die!"

The Luoluo people were running away like crazy.

The Tang army has been chasing and killing him.

"Keep pursuing," the emperor shouted.

After chasing and escaping, the defenders of the small city passing by looked at this scene in stunned silence, and then felt despair.

The Tang army didn't even bother to attack them.

When crossing this section, a big flag suddenly appeared in front of us.

"It's the dragon flag!" someone shouted.

The Dragon Flag of the Tang Dynasty can only be used by the emperor, prince, or prince leading the army.

Five thousand cavalry lined up quietly in the distance.

Under the Dragon Flag, Prince Li Qi drew his sword.

"I am the Tang Dynasty..."


This chapter has been completed!
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