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Chapter 351 It turns out that being a robber is so promising

It was late at night, but Lang Fei didn't sleep. He was sitting in the study drinking alone.

The night breeze blew away the heat of the day, making it quite refreshing.

Lang Fei put down his wine glass and threw the chopsticks in his hand on the table, with a look of anxiety on his eyebrows.

"Why don't you come?"

The sound of footsteps came, very light.

"Han Ji?" Lang Fei stood up suddenly.

A big man walked to the door.

"How?" Lang Fei asked impatiently.

The big man said: "The sound of thunder just came from outside the city."

Lang Fei looked relaxed and said with a smile: "It's done."

Lang Fei's business was so big that he had a group of thugs under him, and the big man Han Ji was the leader of the thugs.

"Han Ji."

"Mr. Lang!"

"Come, have a drink with me."

"The villain dare not."


Lang Fei's face turned red and he handed over the wine glass, feeling joyful in his heart.

Han Ji bowed to take the wine glass, maintained this posture, and raised his head suddenly.

“Good wine!”

Lang Fei smiled and said: "The big deal is settled!"

Han Ji put down his wine glass, raised his sleeve and wiped the corners of his lips, "Lang Jun, our original business was doing well, why should we start smuggling again?"

"Originally, the business was good, but..." Lang Fei squinted his eyes, "Who doesn't mind having too much money? You?"

Han Ji shook his head, "The villain naturally thinks that the more money, the better."

"That's it." Lang Fei sighed: "Pay taxes and pay taxes. When we do business, we communicate whether we have it or not. What kind of tax should we pay? Look, I! Businessmen should be tax-free."

Han Ji smiled and said: "If we can get tax exemption, I'm afraid everyone in the world will go into business."

Lang Fei shook his head contemptuously, "Do you know what is the greatest skill in doing business?"

Han Ji said: "If you can fight, dare to fight!"

"Vulgar." Lang Fei said lightly: "The greatest skill of a businessman is not doing business, but being a human being."

"Be a human being?"

"Look at those wealthy businessmen. How many of them got prosperous by their business skills? They all relied on their ability to be a good person."

Han Ji scratched his head.

"Mr. Lang is talking about coaxing people?"

"If you want your business to grow, you must deal with the higher-ups and those who are in charge of money, and win them over, and the business will naturally go unfavorably."

This is the secret to doing business. It seems simple, but knowing how to be a good person will eliminate 99% of people.

"It doesn't matter whether the person sitting on it is a ghost or a god. If you use money to hit them, they will bow their heads and bend over. You will hit them until they are so happy that they will become brothers with us. At that point, what kind of business will not make money? Even if it is

Even a fool can get rich! Hahahaha!"

Zhou Ning opened up a small plot of land in the yard and planted some medicinal herbs.

Before breakfast, she liked to watch at the edge of the medicinal field, watching the morning light fall on the medicinal materials.

"Bright and full of life?" Yang Xuan asked, squatting beside him.

Zhou Ning nodded, "Aren't plants and trees healing diseases to be full of vitality? Zitai."


Standing in the courtyard with his wife, listening to her talk about housework and even complaining, Yang Xuan felt that this was life.

"Why aren't the businessmen coming?" Zhou Ning felt that this matter was either big or small.

"Someone wants to make me unable to stand in Chenzhou." Yang Xuan reached out and pulled out a piece of grass and stuffed the root into his mouth.


"I just cleaned up the three major departments."

"No He Lianchun?"

"Of course. I have increased the price of the Rejuvenation Pill this time. He Lianchun is not happy, and he doesn't want to see me gain a foothold in Chenzhou, so he supports the three major ministries behind the scenes."

Huahong squatted beside him and said after hearing this: "That's really troublesome. I won't have anything to buy in the future."

Yang Xuan asked with a smile: "What do An Ning think?"

Teasing your wife is a kind of fun, but of course, you must know the appropriateness, otherwise it will not be teasing, but irritating.

Zhou Ning leaned over, separated the two entangled branches and leaves, clapped his hands and said, "In the worst case, let some businessmen come to the family."

If my father-in-law is angry, he can throw away some of Zhou's business without any hesitation...

Yang Xuan asked: "Aning, is this considered a soft meal?"

"It doesn't count!" Zhou Ning felt that his attitude was not firm enough, so he turned around and said affectionately: "It doesn't count!"

"A-Ning, actually, you don't need to be so cautious."

"My husband is the head of the family, so of course I should put my husband first."

"Really, it doesn't have to be like this."

"Why?" Zhou Ning thought of the feedback from the women in the family after they got married.

If a daughter of the Zhou family comes into the house, it will be fine if the family status is of equal strength, and there will be no problem between the couple. If the man's family status is much worse than that of the Zhou family, some inexplicable barriers will arise between the two.

The wife will be involuntarily reserved, and the husband will involuntarily feel aggrieved.

Yang Xuan should naturally be like this!

Zhou Ning looked at Yang Xuan with more determination in his eyes.

Yang Xuan spat out the grass roots in his mouth, "The soft rice... smells so good."

Zhou Ning: "..."

Huahong, who was squatting beside him, was stunned. He loosened his feet and sat down on the ground.

After breakfast, Yang Xuan went to Qianzhou Restaurant.

Yi Niang and Zhou Ning discussed some family matters and then went out.

The backyard gradually became quiet.

The sun shines in the courtyard, and everything seems to be frozen.

Zhou Ning remembered that his grandfather once said something, which roughly means: When he was young, he always felt that life was too quiet and boring, and he wished he could shout a few times, jump a few times, find a few people to talk to, or drink.

I was so drunk that I felt like I was alive.

But when I got older, I tried every means to find that kind of peaceful life.

But by this time, everyone has a family and their own affairs, and their minds are filled with family affairs, official affairs, all kinds of troubles, all kinds of interests, all kinds of worries...

I can’t even think of peace!

Zhou Qin said with a smile at the time: "People are all cheap. When you are happy, you think happiness is suffering. When you are suffering, you want to pursue happiness, but happiness will never come back."

Zhou Ning looked at the sunshine outside, feeling peaceful and spotless in his heart.

Is this the happiness Aweng talks about?

If your husband respects you, everything at home will go smoothly, and you will have no worries.

At this time, many people will become very restless and want to have some fun.

Zhou Ning touched his belly, and the maid Hua Hong said: "My wife must be pregnant."

Yan Xiao gave her a warning look, "My wife is a doctor herself, so there is no need to worry."

"A doctor doesn't heal himself." Zhou Ning walked to the bed and "brought a pen and paper."

She started writing letters.

——Zitai was very good to me. He used other methods to encourage me to go out for a walk, even if I had to leave the city, just bring more guards.

——Aweng was worried that Zitai would be dissatisfied due to the disparity between the two families, but Zitai had no such thoughts and comforted me by saying...

“The soft rice is so delicious.”

Boss Yang doesn't think there's anything wrong with eating soft rice, but obviously the situation in Chenzhou doesn't allow his father-in-law to intervene.

"Mr. Lang!"

The old thief and Wang Laoer are back.


"They made a deal last night, but it was only about ten carloads of furs."

"This is a test, you want to play art of war with me? Interesting!"

Yang Xuan ordered: "Keep an eye on the merchants in the city, and also check out the officials they had good relationships with in the past."

The old thief asked: "Do you want to rectify the officialdom?"

"Every once in a while, you have to clean up a group of pests."

"Envoy." Lu Qiang came in, "An envoy has come from Taoxian County."

An official came in, saluted and said, "Your Majesty, Mr. Yang said that you should be commended for your trip to the grassland to show off your power."

Yang Xuan looked behind him, "Where are the things?"

The official took out a scroll.

Yang Xuan blinked, "Where's the money and food? Don't tell me, my husband is planning to use this as a reward."

The official smiled dryly and said: "My husband's character... is so unique!"

Yang Xuan felt that he was still not thick-skinned enough, at least not as thick-skinned as the big guys.

Open the scroll and you will see four vigorous and powerful characters.

"Northern Xinjiang Tiger Ben!"

Lu Qiang praised: "Vigorous and powerful, good calligraphy!"

Seeing his greed, Yang Xuan said: "Lao Lu wants it?"

"Is your Majesty willing to give up your love?" Lu Qiang was obviously tempted.

"Ten thousand dollars, pay it to the public account."

"Hey! I have something else to do, but I forgot about it. I shouldn't have!"

Lu Qiang ran away in a flash.

Lu Qiang is very busy, and Yang Xuan is not relaxed either.


On the school field, Chen Zhoujun was practicing.

"The Northern Liao Army in Tanzhou that we saw this time has a formidable formation and majestic troops. It should not be underestimated."

Nan He saw Yang Xuan staring blankly at the array and thought he was worried, "If the Tanzhou army comes, Taoxian County will also take action."

Yang Xuan shook his head, "The Tanzhou army is dispatched, which is the prelude to the war."

"Chen Zhou just be careful." Nan He felt a little aggrieved.

"Why must we defend to the death?" Yang Xuan said softly: "The enemy can go, and I can go too."

Nan He felt the blood rushing in his chest. Yang Xuan patted his shoulder and said, "Just train the troops according to my method. We have few people, so everyone must be an elite."

The old thief is here.

"Lang Jun, Lang Fei's side is moving. His top thug, Han Ji, led his troops out of the city. The second brother followed quietly and found that he was heading to the grassland."

"I opened the net and waited for a long time, hoping that the harvest would not disappoint me."

Yang Xuan felt that this was an opportunity to supplement his health.

"Bring back the rangers that were sent out the day before yesterday."

Han Ji led dozens of thugs out of the city in batches and quietly headed toward the grassland.

On the afternoon of the second day, he met Boluo, Hachi and others at the predetermined location, beside a small river.

"They actually came in person?"

Han Ji stepped forward to greet him.

Boluo said coldly: "Where is Lang Fei?"

Han Ji shook his head, "Where is the goods?"

Bo Luo said: "If Lang Fei doesn't come, this product will definitely not be released!"


"There are too many goods, I can't trust you!"

"Where's the money?" Hachi asked.

Han Ji sneered, "I also can't trust you to wait!"

Bo Luo said: "We are all staying here as hostages, but if Lang Fei doesn't come, how can I dare to ship the goods?"

Han Ji felt relieved and said, "Send the signal!"

Someone blew the horn.

After a while, a large group of trucks appeared.

Lang Fei, pretending to be a coachman, smiled and raised his hands, "I'm here!"

Boluo nodded, "Send the signal."

It's also a horn.

Later, a large convoy came, and it stretched out in a mighty way.

"Count the goods!"

"Check the money!"

Since both sides took action together, the bosses would naturally not do such work. When the entourage brought food and wine, they drank beside it.

"How is Yang Gou doing?" Bo Luo asked.

"Without the panic you and others expected, it would be the same as it was in the past," Lang Fei said.

"That's because you are being too polite." Ha Chi said disdainfully: "In the southern part of the town, if the businessmen join forces, they can scare Xin Wuji."

"Then why don't you join forces this time?" Lang Fei asked.

Boluo said slowly: "The khans are afraid of making a big move against us, otherwise the tribe will be divided. But the emperor's uncle in Tanzhou has no such scruples, and he will break them if they are broken. Therefore, we can only obey."

Ha Chi asked: "Don't Yang Gou care about Chenzhou's corruption?"

Bo Luo seduced calmly: "Chenzhou businessmen joining forces can make Yang Gou panic. You are too timid to wait!"

"Hey!" Lang Fei sighed, "They had trouble last time. Yang Xuan threw a bone. A group of wealthy businessmen were like wild dogs, biting the bones and running to Taiping. In this way, joining forces has become a joke."

"What about this time?" Boluo also shoulders the important task of provoking Chenzhou merchants to attack. Wynn said that if he succeeds, his taxes can be reduced by 20%.

That’s 20%!

Just thinking about it made Bo Luo impatient.

As for provoking Chenzhou merchants to attack, Bo Luo doesn't think it is difficult.

Businessmen pursue profit and only have money in their sights. If any parent or official dares to prevent him from making a fortune, businessmen will dare to take action and use various methods to get rid of him.

Lang Fei said calmly: "He holds an army in his hands."

"Haven't you bribed the officials?" Bo Luo seemed to have heard the funniest joke, "If the officials and businessmen start making noise together, and then encourage the people to cause trouble, Yang Gou will definitely be in trouble!"

"This matter is already underway." Lang Fei said calmly: "Officials are cautious, but the people are ignorant and can be easily deceived."

"That's right!" Ha Chi said with a smile: "Those herdsmen listened to the wind and it was like rain. After being bewitched, they followed us and shouted to kill us."

After the inspection on both sides, there were slight discrepancies. For example, the quality of some furs was not very good, but these were minor problems.

Goods and money were exchanged between the two parties.

"I'm looking forward to the next time!" Lang Fei looked at the fleet, even though he had been in the mall for a long time, he was still excited.

There is no need to pay tax on the business, and the money you make is comfortable.

“Each other!”

Bo Luo handed over his hand, "I hope to hear the news about Yang Gou's distress next time."

"Benefits." Lang Fei had already seen Boluo's thoughts.

“Another 10% price reduction.”

"A gentleman's words."

"Hurry up and whip your horse!"

The two hands clapped together.


Boluo turned around and was about to mount his horse when he suddenly rubbed his eyes and asked, "Look what's over there?"

The sound of horse hooves suddenly came.

"Who is it?" Lang Fei was furious, "It must be someone from the three major ministries!"

Before he finished speaking, Han Ji screamed: "Mr. Lang, it's Chen Zhoujun!"

"Run quickly!"

Everyone mounted their horses and ran away.

"My money!" Boluo looked at those carts, his heart ached, and his men helped him mount his horse, shouting: "My life is at stake!"

"Yang Gou is here."

But Chen Zhoujun had already laid out his pockets and attacked from all sides.

"Kill out!"

Boluo shouted with red eyes, and his men rushed out to protect him.

"Fire the arrow!"

With a wave of arrows, half of Boluo's men fell.

What followed was a massacre-like fight.

Lang Fei was even worse. Han Ji protected him and rushed out to kill him. Lang Fei's horse was hit by an arrow, and he broke his arm when he fell off the horse.

Amid the miserable howl, Yang Xuan rode over and looked at the furs and money.

Both eyes shine.

"So, being a robber has such a promising future?"

Thanks to the leader of "Little Phoenix Qingsheng" for the reward.

This chapter has been completed!
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