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Chapter 354 look at him

Li Suo laughed. The afternoon sun was blazing, and what should have been a gentle smile turned into a wolf's roar because of the scar.

"There are many strange things happening in Prince Liang's palace. When I was young, my respected father rode horses and horses in Zhangtai, and he was very good at eating, drinking and having fun.

It’s just fun to play outside, and I have a lot of fun playing at home.

When I came to your place, I didn't take it easy. When I was a child, I killed my father's concubine and was beaten to death.

When I was older, I went to the grasslands to look for beauties for His Majesty, but never returned.

I heard that you are hanging out with King Wei now, so I think you will be an idle clan member in the future... By the way."

Li Suo said seriously: "When you were in Chang'an, you were very capable. Everyone said that if you took over Prince Liang's Mansion, you would be able to reverse the decline. But look behind you, there is no one, it shows that you are hanging around in Northern Xinjiang.

It took a long time, but nothing was found."

He smiled and said, "Hey! Tell me, what else do you have?"

Li Zhiqian smiled and said: "Brother, how about... you go back first! I will go and drink with you later."

He said that, but he leaned closer to Li Han.

Li Han slowly drew his sword, "This is Northern Xinjiang. Once you take action, you won't be able to leave Chenzhou."

Li Suo laughed, "Hahahaha!"

Zhang Wen sneered, "Even if Yang Xuan was here, he wouldn't dare to say such things!"

The clan of the Tang Dynasty seems to have no real power, but when they join forces, they can fight against the emperor. This is why Yang Songcheng is willing to throw his daughter out and marry them. As long as he has a good relationship with the clan, he can pave a smooth path for the King of Yue.

Li Suo shouted: "Do it!"

A group of guards rushed forward.

"Brother!" Li Zhi shouted and drew his sword.

The two brothers resisted side by side.

Li Suo and Zhang Wen stood behind, their brows that had been gloomy since the accident gradually relaxed.

"Li Zhi was stabbed twice in the face and his legs were broken."

"Xiao Langjun, where is Li Han?"

"You have to leave an heir for Prince Liang's family, right?"

"Young gentleman is kind."

"Actually, I just want to see the fight between father and son Li Zhen and Li Han."

"I think it will be exciting."

Ahead, the two brothers Li Han could no longer hold on.


Li Han whispered.

Li Zhi glanced at him, "What about you?"


Li Zhi's heart trembled, "I never thought you would come."

"Hey!" Li Han sighed.

Li Zhi said: "Take care!"

"It's too late!" Li Han said calmly.

Li Zhigang was about to mount his horse when an arrow flew towards him.

The war horse was hit by an arrow and hissed, jumping on the spot. After a jump, it fell to the ground and struggled.

Li Zhi turned around and saw Zhang Wen retracting his long bow.

Li Suo smiled, "Take it, I'll do it myself!"

The guards shouted in agreement.

Zhang Wen said: "Be careful not to kill me!"


Li Han's horizontal sword was blown away, but he still stood in front of Li Zhi.

Because there is a requirement that no one be killed, most of the guards' attacks are aimed at the legs.

Li Han was stabbed in the thigh.

"Brother!" Li Zhi scolded: "Li Suo, Prince Liang's Mansion is not done with you!"

Li Han knelt down on one knee, and a horizontal knife was meant to cut his thigh, but because he knelt down, it passed by his chest.

Bloody arrows shot.

Li Han supported his body with a horizontal knife and said with a smile: "Is that enough?"

The sound of horse hooves could be heard in the distance.

Li Suo sneered, "I heard that there is not much friendship between you brothers, but you want to stop me, Zhang Wen."

Brother Li Han was a good man, but the guards were restrained by the order not to kill anyone, so the stalemate lasted for a long time.

Zhang Wen flew over.

Li Zhi said desperately: "Brother, what should I do?"

Li Han said: "Don't scream when you take action later."


"At least save some face."

The sound of horse hooves sounded like thunder, and someone shouted, "Stop!"

The person who came had his face covered and was burly in stature. He drew a knife and threw it over.

Li Han mustered up his courage, grabbed Li Zhi and threw him behind him.

The visitor came with two empty horses. Li Zhiren was in mid-air. When he saw Zhang Wen's figure stagnant, he drew his sword and slashed forward with all his strength.

The flying horizontal knife was struck by the knife and then shattered.

But this moment is enough.

Li Zhi fell on the horse, and someone shouted: "Get out!"

OK, I'm leaving!

Li Zhi shouted while beating the horse: "Brother, let's go!"

Li Han turned around and limped towards Kongma.

The visitor galloped over on horseback, leaned down on the horse, and lifted Li Han with one hand.

call out!

Zhang Wen threw the horizontal knife, but the attacker avoided it, but the horizontal knife was aimed at the empty horse.

The sword rotated horizontally and actually cut off the head of the empty horse.


The visitor threw Li Han behind him, slapped his horse, and then fled away.

"He can't run far with a man, chase him!"

Li Suo's face turned livid, "Even if we chase him to Lin'an City today, we will capture this person!"

The divine war horse, carrying two people on its back, still kept its speed.

But this pace can't be maintained for long.

Li Han smiled bitterly, "If Li Suo knows it's you, go back and shout at Prince Zhao's palace, and it will be difficult for you to try to seize the crown prince's position in the future."

"My face is covered!"

"It's a risk."

"You are also taking risks... I remember that you don't have much friendship with your brothers at home, why are you here?"

"I don't know either……"

Li Han felt a little dizzy and leaned on King Wei's back in a daze, "Back then! Hey! Do you know those things back then?"

"Li Zhen spoiled his concubine and destroyed his wife. Your mother-in-law was so proud and arrogant that she died in depression."

"Yo! You have such a good memory."

Li Han leaned his side on King Wei's back, and was transported back to the past in a trance.

Mother is gentle. Even if she loses her husband's care, she still guards her own world and is content with herself.

He was nine years old at that time.

Li Zhi is three years old.

Li Zhen lost interest in his wife, so that was it. However, this immoral man actually regarded his wife as an object of ridicule, and made fun of her and ridiculed her many times.


This class of ladies from aristocratic families pretend to be pretentious, but now they cling to an empty house and beg for my love, but I abandon it like a pair of worn-out shoes.

In this era, men are the gods.

After losing the protection of your husband, or even being ridiculed by your husband, others will despise you and want to replace you.

The first wife of the heir to Prince Liang must be a woman from a famous family, but Li Zhen is just a beast and doesn't care about this at all. And the spoiled concubine who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth has also developed ambitions...

They dare not take action openly.

So he used a soft knife to kill people.

Ridicule today, humiliate tomorrow...but I dare not skimp on the expense.

Therefore, although Li Han and Li Zhi's life with their mother was extremely painful, at least the expenses were not bad.

Every time the concubine came to ridicule, the mother would push the brothers away and face it all by herself.

Then she came back, her face seemed to be as usual, but the deathly silence in her eyes became more and more intense.

Life forced her to the point where she had no hope of life.

Li Han heard all the concubine's taunts and humiliations.

At that time, he wondered why his mother didn't fight back.

He also asked.

Mother said: "Have you ever seen a phoenix and a grass chicken quarreling?"

Mother is proud.

So she couldn't bear these days, but looking at her two children, she cleared her life again and continued to live.

But people will be tired.

I clean my heart every day, but every now and then it becomes dusty again.

Mother fell ill.

Li Zhen, that beast, has never even looked at her.

My beloved concubine still comes to taunt me every now and then.

Li Han stayed at his mother's bed every day to serve her.

The doctor came and said it was depression in the heart, which was a heart disease.

Heart disease cannot be cured by medicine.

The doctor advised the mother to cheer up and go for a walk every day to relax her mood.

My mother went out several times, but she always met her beloved concubine.

After returning, my mother became ill.

Li Han was in panic, serving decoctions during the day, and returning to his room at night, he knelt in front of the window and whispered to the gods to restore his mother's health.

But the gods happened to not be passing by.

I haven't passed by his window for a long time.

The doctor came, shook his head, and left without prescribing any medicine.

Leave a word behind.

"She doesn't want to live anymore."

Li Han went to seek help from Li Zhen but returned without success.

He went to ask his grandfather.

But grandpa can't control it either.

Mother is leaving.

Li Han knelt in front of the couch, trying hard to hold back tears.

Mother stretched out her thin hand and said with a smile: "Da Lang, please extend your hand."

Li Han put his hand in his mother's hand and felt the warmth.

The mother looked at the confused Li Zhi and said, "Erlang."

Li Zhi thought it was funny, so he put his hand on the back of Li Han's hand.

The mother closed her hands and tried hard to wrap their two little hands.


She said: "Dalang."

Li Han: “Aniang.”

"Keep an eye on Erlang!"

Li Han nodded vigorously, "Yes!"

Mother looked at them slowly.

"I'm sorry! Grandma is leaving first."

The hand slowly let go.

I can no longer wrap my hands around them.


Li Han clenched his right hand.

It's as if I can still feel my mother's warmth.

Can't you stay for us?

King Wei heard it.

"Miss you, grandma?"

Li Han nodded.

"Dog thief!"

An arrow shot through the air from behind.

King Wei struck the flying arrow with his backhand sword.


His mother-in-law is in the palace.

Back then, when Li Mi was just a member of the clan, Mrs. Qiao entered the backyard.

Love and love are a burden to such men.

Besides, after there are too many women, who will have any love?

Li Mi is an ambitious man who only sees power, and the backyard is just a place for him to vent. Therefore, except for giving some respect to his wife, other women are almost passers-by.

Anyone who wants to gain benefits must first get Li Bi's favor, which is Yulu.

In such an environment, the backyard becomes a jungle.

Although he is just a cat to vent, once he is favored, his treatment will naturally be different. If he can give birth to a son, his status will also change drastically.

So the women in the backyard competed in front of Li Mi, turned their backs and exposed their fangs, transformed into wild beasts, and bit each other.

Mr. Qiao is the kind of person who has an indifferent temperament. She hides in her house when nothing happens and lets the wind and rain pour heavily outside.

But one time Li Mi drank too much and stayed overnight at her place.

If you want to stay the night, stay the night!

Anyway, it will happen sooner or later, Qiao doesn't care.

Those women didn't care either, because Ms. Qiao was not that kind of stunning woman and was not very competitive.

Just as they continued to bite, Ms. Qiao realized something was wrong... I seem to be pregnant.

She tried her best to hide it until her belly became pregnant.

In the days that followed, Qiao's fate changed.

She gave birth to a son.

He immediately became the target of the women in the backyard.

All kinds of bullying.

King Wei didn't know how his mother, who was independent of the world, protected him and survived.

After he became wise, he saw with his own eyes some women pushing and pushing his mother, and some women fighting behind his mother's back.

At that time, my gentle mother also gritted her teeth and fought with others, just to protect him behind her.

All this changed when he discovered that his strength had increased.

The first time he threw something, he missed it. The woman laughed at him and laughed from ear to ear.

The second time he struck, he punched the woman until she knelt on the ground with her belly covered, and then punched her until her face blossomed.

His mother scolded him and even spanked him, but at night, he heard his mother say gratifiedly outside: "My son has grown up and knows how to protect his mother."

Later, his grandfather Li Yuan became the emperor and Li Bi became the prince.

Life in the East Palace is still difficult, but the increasing number of women has added a lot of trouble.

King Wei continued to wave his fists to protect himself and his mother. Every time, those women would cry and complain to Crown Princess Yang.

Every time, my mother responded to the criticism from the Crown Princess with a smile.

Gradually, my mother's back became a little curved.

Somewhat skinny.

But she was still standing in front of him as before.

King Wei opened his mouth and said silently:


This chapter has been completed!
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