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Chapter 57 You listen to my explanation

Yang Xuan turned his hands behind his back, and a sergeant stepped forward to tie him up.

Wang Laoer was about to slap the sergeant who tied him to death. Yang Xuan shouted: "Laoer, follow me back."

The old thief and others quickly pulled Wang Laoer back and tried to comfort him.

"Meat!" Wang Laoer struggled.

Liang Jing walked up to Yang Xuan and suddenly sighed, "Young man is so passionate!"

Cao Ying came over and said in a low voice: "Liang joins the army, and my husband in Jinwu Guard has an enemy. If he is poisoned..."

Liang Jing patted his chest, "Yeah, let's see who dares!"

Although he was just a soldier, behind him stood a concubine who was the emperor's favorite.

Cao Ying and others hurried back.


When Yi Niang heard that Yang Xuan was arrested for murder, she was immediately confused.

"Go and beg Mrs. Wang!" Yi Niang clenched her fists, "I'll go and die on my knees to ask Mrs. Wang to come forward."

"Where is the Imperial College?" the old thief asked.

"Ahem!" Cao Ying shook her head, "If we take action, the Imperial College can still help, but the Imperial College is useless for this kind of thing."

Wang Laoer squatted there with a serious look on his face.

"Second brother, what did you think of?" The old thief felt that the atmosphere was too bad, as if the husband was dead, so he opened his mouth to lighten the atmosphere.

Wang Laoer raised his head and smiled stupidly, "I remember those sergeants today."

Cao Ying and the others felt a chill pouring down from their heads, and their whole bodies felt chilly.

"Cao Ying!" Yi Niang's eyes became more serious, "Let the old dog come!"

Cao Ying smiled bitterly, "If he comes, Lang Jun will probably have no choice but to wander around the world."

"I don't care, I just want my husband to be safe." Yi Niang had tears in her eyes, "I wouldn't have done anything if I had known. Nothing is as important as your husband."

Cao Ying slowly knelt down and said, "Calm down."

Yi Niang was furious and just about to scold her, Cao Ying glanced at her and said, "Listen to me!"

The old thief and Wang Laoer squatted together, feeling a little cold in their hearts.

"What is the root cause of this matter?" Cao Ying said: "It is only natural for Lang Jun to rescue those abducted women. Who dares to say anything wrong? The people of Chang'an City can trample him to death!"

This is a prerequisite.

"Secondly, that old bustard's crimes are so heinous, should he die?" Cao Ying's eyes became more sinister, "Damn it, there will be no atonement for it!"

"Hey!" Yi Niang was delighted, "Good kill?"

"Yes!" Cao Ying nodded, "It was a good killing, but it violated the law. Who can violate the law?"

The old thief scratched his head and said, "Noble man, the law is nothing to them."

"Yes." Cao Ying said: "Langjun can't break the law, but someone can!"

Yi Niang asked: "Who?"

Cao Ying smiled, "Your Majesty."

Yi Niang asked: "But she doesn't need to take care of this matter."

"Yes! The imperial concubine has just been favored. At this time, it is better to have less to worry about than to have more to worry about." The old thief also felt that this was inappropriate.

"You can't help her!" Cao Ying still looked upright and said slowly: "Who hates the imperial concubine the most? Queen Yang. Yang was born in the Yang family of Yingchuan, and her family's four surnames are her confidence. Today

The queen's favor was taken away by the imperial concubine, and the whole family was secretly angry..."

The old thief's eyelids were twitching wildly, feeling that the gentleman Cao in front of him was going to poison the whole family.

Yi Niang covered her forehead, "What a great idea!"

Cao Ying said: "Last time, four surnames in the family assassinated the concubine, but her husband saved her. So they became angry and the Chunyu family set a trap to kill the concubine who saved the concubine. This..."

"How vicious is this?" Yi Niang was filled with indignation.

Vegetable market.

A group of women shopping for groceries were gathering together to gossip.

These women spend their days at home cooking with their children, and they are so bored that they want to explode on the spot. Shopping for groceries is their way of reducing stress, no, it is gossip.

"...The Zhang family couple made so much noise yesterday that the bed collapsed, geez!"

For them, gossip is the stimulant of life, which can make their numb days more bright.

"Hey! Do you know about the assassination of the imperial concubine last time?" Someone said furtively.

"I know! He said he was rescued."

"Do you know who assassinated him?"

I go!

This is super gossip, and everyone's interest is greatly increased.

The woman said from the outside: "The imperial concubine has taken away the favor of the queen. The queen is a member of the Yang family. The bad handsome man actually saved the imperial concubine. Those people were extremely angry. Chunyu family took action for the Yang family, set a trap and planned to kill her.

That bad guy vented his anger."


"Is there such a thing as this?"

"Hey! Where are the people?"

"Yes! I heard from my man that the person who saved the imperial concubine was a bad handsome man."

"The imperial concubine is favored now! A fleet of horses comes back from the south every few days, saying she is sending fruits, tsk tsk! She has traveled thousands of miles just to send some fruits. I am afraid she has never been loved like this before, right?"

"Don't interrupt." Someone said with clear eyes, "Why do those people want to be so handsome?"

"Vent your anger!"

"I think it's not just a vent of anger, but also a warning. Think about it, the bad guys who saved the concubine were killed by them, who will dare to help the concubine in the future?"


The women suddenly realized it and hurried back, and the big melon spread throughout Chang'an.

Outside the gate of Dongshi, Wang Laoer squatted among the beggars with a silly smile.

"Chun Yu wants to kill the bad handsome man who rescued the imperial concubine."

In the West Market, a man with an upright face begged for a drink of water.

"Thank you sir, hey! There are not many good people in this world."


"I heard that the bad handsome man who saved the imperial concubine is going to be killed."


"Chun Yushi."

More than ten students were drinking in a restaurant and giving advice.

Next door, someone suddenly said: "The imperial concubine is the most favored nowadays..."

A student pressed his hand to signal for silence.

The love of gossip does not distinguish between men and women.

Everyone fell silent.

"Don't mention the imperial concubine."


Next door, the old thief said, "The noble concubine has stolen the queen's favor. Did you know that she was assassinated last time?"

"I know!" The old thief changed his accent and it turned out to be quite mellow.

"Chun Yu took action and killed the bad handsome man who saved the imperial concubine. Now whoever dares to say good things about the imperial concubine will be killed by the whole family if he cannot turn back."

"Isn't there a family with five surnames?" The old thief changed his accent into a sharp accent.

"Wang is not in the same group as them."

"Hey! That's all, this kind of thing has nothing to do with me and other common people, let's go."

The door next door opened and the old thief quietly left.

Indoors, a few people and a bottle of wine.

"Yang Xuan was caught murdering someone."

Someone is talking about this.

"Hey! Bao Dong, don't you love spreading rumors the most? Why don't you say anything today?"

Bao Dong said nothing.

The same was true for Ning Yayun, who said nothing in the face of An Ziyu's roar.

"Then the bitch will die when he dies. How can he still pay with his life? Yang Xuan is a bad commander and has gained face for the Imperial College. Do we have to sit back and watch him go to jail?"

Ning Yayun gently played the piano, "I'm thinking of something."

"What method?" The ruler turned between An Ziyu's fingers.

"Prison robbery!"

The portraits of the successive masters of the Imperial College moved without any wind, and then turned dark.

An air of sorrow and anger echoes in these portraits.

Unworthy descendants!

Bao Dong changed his clothes and hurried to Pingkangfang.

Today, Pingkangfang is very lively, with groups of people gathering together, not even thinking about whoring, and gossiping.

"Then Yang Xuan stabbed him, tsk tsk! The madam's head fell off."

"The Qin family knelt and bleeded, and said that if Yang Xuan was executed, she would go outside the palace gate and kill him. Ask this thief if God still has justice!"


A group of people looked at each other, then burst into laughter.

Bao Dong approached quietly.

"What are you guys talking about?"

Seeing his flattering smile, everyone turned their heads in disdain.

Bao Dong sighed, "But what about the old bustard? Actually, it's not simple."


After Bao Dong finished speaking, he left.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Someone grabbed him and said, "Tell me."

Bao Dong sighed, "Chun Yu has someone in the palace."

He nodded and left.

in the next crowd.

"Chun Yu has someone in the palace."

"Chun Yu has someone in the palace."

Over and over again, he walked all over Pingkangfang.

Finally, he stood at the gate of the square and said softly: "Yang Xuan said that three people become tigers, and a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth. It is so true."

In the palace.

"Actually killed someone?"

The imperial concubine covered her forehead.

Liang Jing was also speechless, "Mei, that young man is quite passionate."

Jiao Li said: "Mother, please be careful about this matter..."

The imperial concubine nodded, "I know that if the queen accidentally gets the handle and the four surnames in the family incite the people below to impeach, a strong wind will blow up in the palace in an instant."

Liang Jing said: "At least save your life. By the way, exile is not necessary, right?"

The imperial concubine rolled her eyes at him, "Do you think the law is for our family?"

Liang Jing smiled and said: "It's almost the same."


A waiter hurried over.

"It was widely spread outside that the last time the imperial concubine was assassinated, it was the empress who was responsible for it, but she was saved by a bad handsome man. The four surnames in the family were so angry that they set a trap by the Chunyu family and planned to kill the bad handsome man who saved the empress.


Liang Jing: "..."

The imperial concubine frowned slightly.

The chamberlain took a breath and said, "There are many people who say...Chun Yu has someone as a concubine in the palace. This is to kill two birds with one stone. Once the concubine falls, the opportunity for the beauty of Chun Yu's family will come..."

There was a hint of coldness in the imperial concubine's eyes.

In the prison, Yang Xuan stood in the middle with his arms folded.

The sound of footsteps came from far away, and among the crackling of torches, Zhou Yan's voice came.

"Kill someone?"

"Yes." The accompanying jailer said with a flattering smile: "Kill Chunyu's people."

"Oh! You should die then." Zhou Yan walked outside the cell door, with undisguised joy in his eyes, and asked the jailer, "Is there any torture method that won't show any scars?"

The jailer smiled and said, "There are plenty."

Zhou Yan pointed at Yang Xuan, "Give him a trick."


Someone coughed outside, and the jailer immediately changed his words, "It's nothing."

Zhou Yan turned around.

Vice General Han walked in accompanied by a chamberlain.

"What is Vice General Zhou doing here?" Vice General Han glanced at the jailer.

Just as Zhou Yan was about to speak, the chamberlain stepped forward and asked, "But Yang Shuai?"

Yang Xuan nodded, "I am a lower official."

The chamberlain said: "Young people do things impulsively, but they are full of passion. You must have passion, but you must use it in the right place. You must be cautious in the future."

Yang Xuan agreed, then looked at Zhou Yan and said, "Vice General Zhou just wanted to kill me without leaving any trace, what are you waiting for?"

Zhou Yan looked pale, "You..."

The chamberlain glanced at him and said casually: "Hey! The imperial concubine is having a hard time in the palace, and people outside are also looking down on her. How pitiful."

Zhou Yan felt like he was struck by lightning. Just as he was about to explain, the waiter turned and left.

This chapter has been completed!
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