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Chapter 578

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The weather is good today, with a few white clouds floating leisurely in the blue sky. Occasionally, a group of birds returning from the south pass by, and their chirping is crisp and full of life.

The grass on the ground has just grown, and it is tender green.

The earth was shaking, and the young grass was shaking with it.

In the sky, an eagle soared, gradually gliding down until it landed in the royal court.

"It's restless."

The owner of the falcon gently stroked the falcon's back, "I have never seen it so restless."

"The Tang army is coming," someone said.

"Yes, Tang Jun is here."

Everyone looked up.

They also felt the shaking of the earth.

Zhang Zhuo came out.

He was surrounded by chiefs and generals to the edge of the royal court.

"Those are our people." Someone said pointing ahead.

Groups of cavalry are coming madly.

"The Tang army is coming!" these scouts shouted.

Needless to say, Zhang Zhuo and others looked beyond these losers and looked into the distance.

At the end of the sky, a black line is beating.

Puff puff puff!

"They actually let the infantry take the lead?" someone exclaimed.

It was not just the infantry that led the way, but also the flags.

The morning wind blew the flag and made a hunting sound.

The flag bearers looked determined and held their heads high.

This will be the battle that ends the three major parts!

If they win this battle, they will go down in history forever!

Puff puff puff!

The footsteps were neat and vigorous.

The black line spreads endlessly.

The cavalry protected the two wings, leaving the front to the infantry.

"The Tang Army's special skill is infantry!" Wang Zhan said: "Back then, the Tang Army used infantry to block Daliao's cavalry. When our Daliao cavalry was stagnant, the cavalry launched an assault and won the battle."

That happened many years ago. Emperor Wu ordered his generals to attack Hu, and the weak defeated the strong, and defeated the arrogant Northern Liao army in one battle.

In that battle, infantry was the mainstay.

Today, the infantry of the Tang Dynasty appeared on the grassland again, and no one knows what role they will play in the subsequent war.

Puff puff puff!

The sound of footsteps gradually approached.

"Leave the camp and form an array." Zhang Zhuo nodded.

Yu Shui shouted: "Array."

Someone said: "Just rely on the fence to hold on!"

Wang Zhan said: "The fence can only stop wild wolves, but it cannot stop the army."

"The only thing that can stop the army is the sea of ​​humanity!" Zhang Zhuo raised his hand.

The army passed him and began to form array.

"This is the royal court of this Khan. Here are countless weapons and food, countless people, countless cattle and sheep, and war horses.

We were hungry, and someone brought us food behind us.

When we are tired, we can go home and rest.

If our war horses are lost, we can replenish them at any time.

And what does the Tang army have? Each of them dies and one of them loses one, and one of them eats less. This battle will be won!"

Zhang Zhuo's words inspired everyone's morale.


This is their territory.

As the saying goes, the time, place and people are favorable, the place and people are all on their side.

No, the same is true for the weather.

They prefer the climate on the grassland, while Chenzhou's army is huddled in the city and is used to the less temperate climate. The wind in the grassland will make them uncomfortable.

The right time, the right place, the right people and the right people are in hand. This battle cannot be won. It is unjust!

The two armies arrayed themselves opposite each other.

Enter the silent period.

"The Tang army has a neat lineup and seems to have high morale."

Yu Shui said.

"Are you afraid?" He Xin sneered.

Yu Shui said calmly: "I have followed Khan for many years, and I have never known what fear is!"

He is a direct descendant of Zhang Zhuo and looks down on people like He Xin, the former Khan.

Zhang Zhuo said: "Be on guard, our army will not move in this battle!"

His plan for this battle was to hold on.

On the opposite side, Yang Xuan smiled and said: "The layout is good, just like a hedgehog."

Nan He said: "Lang Jun, it seems that Zhang Zhuo won't move."

"Our army is the main attack." Han Ji cheered up, "This is a rare training opportunity."

For a long time, due to its inferior strength, Chenzhou Army's attitude in every battle was to defend and then counterattack.

"The main attack is in my hands!"

Yang Xuan looked around.

The old thief held his head high and his chest high.

Wang Laoer looked hopeful.

Nan He remained silent.

Several Taiping generals gathered together and looked at him eagerly.

"We have few people. When attacking, we have to be careful of the two wings." Yang Xuan looked at it and said, "Tu Gong!"

Tu Chang, who was looking at the other party, was startled and said, "Lang Jun!"

"General Nanhe, Tu Shang leads the attack on the left wing. In the middle, Lao Huang!"

"Take the order!" Tu Chang didn't expect Yang Xuan to be entrusted with such an important task, and he couldn't help but have mixed feelings for a while.

"Tu Gong, let's go together!" Wang Laoer came over with a smile and held his arm, like a filial grandson.

"Okay! Together!"

Lin Feibao nodded and led the Qiulong Guards out of the queue.

"Be fierce!" Yang Xuan said: "The enemy will be breathless."


As for the right wing, Yang Xuan and his cavalry were watching, waiting for the opponent to attack.

"I'm afraid Zhang Zhuo doesn't dare!" Nan He said.

Yang Xuan said: "Be prepared and be prepared."

He raised his hand.

The trumpet sounds.

"Crossbowmen, archers, come forward!"

"The crossbowmen suppressed the opponent's archers." Nan He said.

Immediately the infantry followed.

Nan He held up his hands and said, "Lang Jun, I'm going!"

Yang Xuan nodded.

"Lang Jun, I'm here!" Tu Shang held his hand.

Yang Xuan smiled, "Just go, I'll wait for you!"


Groups of infantry marched out.

Their pace is slow, but their rhythm is steady.

"The Tang army is dispatched!"

Opposite me, Yu Shui said, "Khan, how should we deal with this?"

Zhang Zhuo glanced at the Yang-character banner and said, "Yang Xuan didn't move, but ordered his general to take command. So..."

He slowly looked at everyone.

Everyone has the ambition to command thousands of troops, and everyone has the dream of defeating their opponents and achieving a good reputation.

"Yu Shui!"

"Take the order!" Yu Shui was overjoyed.

He Xin's eyes darkened.

He knew that he was not a direct descendant of Zhang Zhuo, so it was not his turn to command such wars.

Yu Shui stepped forward.


Rows of archers came forward.

"We don't have crossbows." Zhang Zhuo felt a little regretful.

This was a weapon used by the Central Plains Dynasty to restrain cavalry, and it required skilled craftsmen to make it.

Strangely enough, most of the skilled craftsmen are found in the Central Plains.


someone shouted.

Ahead, the Tang army stopped.

Nan He raised his hand.

The crossbow is tilted upward.

"Fire the arrow!"

After the sound of the crossbow being fired intensively, a dark cloud flew over.

"Protect yourself from arrows!"

From the enemy array, the general shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Raise your shield!"

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

The crossbow arrow pierced down.

The screams were dense and frightening.

A huge gap appeared for the archers.

Yu Shui said calmly: "Fill it up!"

The following archers came forward.

The crossbow is ready again.

"Fire the arrow!"

A wave of black clouds came.

This time, the enemy was obviously much better prepared and had fewer casualties.

"go ahead."

Crossbowmen return to the middle.

Chen Huagu and more than ten disciples were also inside.

Their mission is to rescue the wounded.

There are also a group of civilians.

The role of the civilian husband is to carry the injured soldiers back.

"Protect yourself from arrows!"

Someone in front shouted.

Chen Huagu heard a crackling sound, followed by screams.


He turned around and waved, and more than ten civilians rushed up from the gaps in the array and carried back the soldiers who had been hit by arrows.

Chen Huagu led his disciples to deal with it on the spot.

"This is an arrow in the calf. Don't be afraid. It didn't penetrate. Just pull it out."

"Clean the wound, apply medicine... everything is ready, carry it to the back!"

The wounded were carried back one by one.

"It affects morale."

Someone said.

In many battle cases, the dead and wounded just stop where they are. You can either continue to charge and kill, or depending on your luck, you may be able to survive until the end of the battle and be treated.

Yang Xuan said: "We are all brothers, how can we let them resign themselves to fate? As for morale, I am here, and the morale is there!"

When the banner with the word "Yang" is there, the soldiers will have confidence in their hearts!

In the middle, Lin Feibao and his men were approaching the enemy.

"It's those big men around Yang Gou!" someone exclaimed.

Yu Shui's eyes narrowed and he said, "Tell them, even if you risk your lives, you have to stop those people!"

Lin Feibao led the Qiulongwei to charge into the enemy's formation first.

In the bloody storm, the enemy troops came one after another to stop him.

From the left, gun shadows swept across.

"The enemy army is very sharp." Wang Zhan pointed to the middle road and said: "Yang Gou has a group of big men around him, and they have always conquered cities and territories. Khan, how about sending out cavalry to give them a blow!"

Zhang Zhuo shook his head, "Yu Shui knows how to do it."

Yu Shui's response is to use his life to fill it!

Lin Feibao and others kept rushing forward. The crowd behind them became denser and denser, and the iron sticks they swung became heavier and heavier.

"Fill it with human lives!" He Xin smiled.

Among Zhang Zhuo's old friends, a general asked: "So, do you have any ideas?"

He Xin said: "Cover it directly with arrows!"

The man sneered, "You don't distinguish between friend and foe, you are really vicious!"

Ahead, Yu Shui shouted: "Cover it with arrows!"

A hail of arrows flew past.


Lin Feibao raised an enemy with one hand and waved it, as all those big Han people did.

"What a damned person!" He Xin was shocked when he saw it.

"The spear is up."

Rows of long-range gunners marched forward.

From the left, Tu Shang and his men kept advancing.

"The right road is a bit dangerous!" his subordinate reminded.

Yu Shui had already seen it, "Fight back!"

The enemy troops continued to launch counterattacks, forcing the Tang army to retreat, and then the Tang army attacked again...

The two sides repeatedly charged and killed each other, and corpses gradually piled up along the entire battle line.

"The enemy's resilience is pretty good," Han Ji said.

"Zhang Zhuo has been in charge of the Tiger Control Division for many years. Not only is he brutal and easy to kill, he is also very successful in his methods!" Yang Xuan said: "In today's first battle, the enemy's morale is at a high level, so we expected something to happen."

Jiang He'er looked a little dizzy.

The fighting between the two sides was far more brutal than during the Southern Expedition.

He Lianyan has seen too much and can even analyze it.

"The enemy army is invincible, but they have many people and can be gathered with human lives." He Lianyan narrowed his eyes, "The emperor's uncle once said that Zhang Zhuonai was a tycoon. If the three major divisions were not sandwiched between the Tang Dynasty and the Liao Dynasty,

People like Zhang Zhuo will definitely become a force."

Jiang Heer said: "Then why not destroy him?"

He Lianyan said with a smile: "It's not easy to destroy. If the emperor kills Zhang Zhuo, then everyone in the three major departments will be in danger. If not, they will turn against each other and become enemies. Furthermore, if Zhang Zhuo is killed, there will be internal strife in the Yuhu Department."

, the three major departments were weakened, and Chenzhou benefited."

Jiang He'er was surprised, "Is this person so awesome?"

From the front, Yang Xuan said: "Retreat the troops!"

Clang clang clang!

The Tang army in front heard Ming Jin.


The Tang army began to withdraw in an orderly manner.


An enemy general became red-eyed and pursued him with his men.

The Tang army did not stop, but accelerated its evacuation.

"Fire the arrow!"

A wave of arrows made the enemy general wake up completely, "Go back!"

But Tu Shang took someone with him and gave him a blow from the side.

More than a thousand men went out to attack, but less than five hundred returned.

Greedy for success!

Zhang Zhuo's eyes were gloomy, "Kill!"

Zhang De rode his horse over, and when he arrived in front of the general, he shouted loudly: "If you don't obey the general's orders and attack without authorization, you will be killed according to the Khan's order!"

As he said this, he beheaded the general with a knife and came back carrying the head.

"here you go!"

Zhang Zhuo smiled.

Yu Shui is back.

"Khan, the Tang army fought fiercely, especially those big men, they are invincible..."

He hesitated to speak, but Zhang Zhuo knew what he meant, "Next time, the experts around Ben Khan will go out to fight."

It's a bit difficult to stop those humanoid monsters with flesh and blood. The key is that it will have a huge impact on morale.

"Thank you Khan."

On the opposite side, Yang Xuan was also listening to Nan He's report.

"The enemy dares to fight and is more brave than the Jibo tribe. In addition, the enemy's armor and weapons are also the best among the three major tribes."

Zhang Zhuo manages things well!

Yang Xuan said: "We will fight again in the afternoon."

People's physical strength is limited. When the troops are insufficient, if they continuously order their subordinates to fight with high intensity, they will easily collapse once the battle situation is unfavorable.

The Tang army retreated slowly and then began to rest.

"They didn't return to camp!" Yu Shui said, "This means they want to fight again."

Chen Huagu ate a lot for lunch, and while eating, he taught his disciples.

"...the wound must be checked to see if there are any debris, and it must be cleaned, otherwise it will be very troublesome."


After having lunch and resting for a while, the Tang army set out again.

Chen Huagu and his disciples also set off.

"Chen Huagu!" Yang Xuan saw him and couldn't help feeling more friendly.

"I've met the envoy." Chen Huagu cupped his hands.

"Are you afraid?" Yang Xuan asked kindly.

"The villain used to hang out with those knight-errants in Chang'an." Chen Huagu said: "Back in peacetime, the villain treated people's wounds. Those people put the knife on the villain's shoulder, but the villain was not afraid at all."

"Good man!"

After being praised by Yang Xuan, Chen Huagu held his head high and set off with the Tu Shang tribe.

This time the fighting was even more brutal.

Chen Huagu constantly directed civilians to rob people, and led his disciples to deal with the injured urgently.

"Ah!" A civilian man was hit by an arrow and crawled back crying!

Chen Huagu cursed: "Why are you crying?"

The civilian husband was still crying. Chen Huagu came up and slapped him, and then shouted: "It will be dealt with."

A disciple rushed over and pulled out the arrow, and the cry turned into a scream.

In front, a gap suddenly opened in the enemy's army, and more than ten good soldiers rushed over.

Tu Shang couldn't contain so many people with his spear, so Wang Laoer also came forward to meet them, but there were still good men who rushed over with more than a hundred people.


Amidst the screams, the spearman bravely rushed forward.

In the middle, Lin Feibao sent Qiulongwei to reinforce.

But it takes time.

The spearmen surrounded the good ones, but the more than a hundred enemy soldiers came over from the diagonal stabs.

It's not far from Chenhuagu.

"Stop them!"

Several injured sergeants took up their weapons and stepped forward without caring about treating their wounds.

The surrounding sergeants also swarmed over.

"Kill their healers!" shouted the surrounded warriors.

Killing doctors has the greatest impact on morale!

The enemy troops rushed over with no regard for their own safety.

After some interception, an enemy soldier rushed over.

The disciples retreated in panic.

Those lying on the ground were all sergeants with limited mobility.

"Master, retreat!"

Chen Huagu slowly applied medicine to a wounded person.

The enemy troops have already charged.

The long knife flashed brightly in mid-air.

He is grinning.

"Master!" More than ten disciples forgot their fear and rushed towards him.


Chen Huagu drew his sword.

Wave it casually.

The light of the knife flashed.

The enemy fell with a sword.

Chen Huagu looked at his disciples and said calmly:


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