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Chapter 774 mentality, cracked

Coming out of Helianyan's room, Yang Xuan asked, "Has there been any results with the second child?"

The old thief said: "Nothing happened."

"You shouldn't! Go and have a look!"

Yang Xuan and the old thief went to the torture room.

You can hear the ticking sound outside the door.

The smell of blood came to my face.


Yang Xuan pushed the door open and went in, and saw Xiao Yan hanging from the beam, with blood flowing down from his wrists and dripping into the wooden basin at his feet.

As for Wang Laoer...this guy was sitting on the edge and taking a nap, his head shaking bit by bit.

The wooden basin below was already half filled with blood.

Is this person still angry?

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand to feel his breath.

"I said..."

The voice was weak but could still be heard clearly.

“How are the various parts of the state defended?”

Yang Xuan asked.

"Nangui City... the city... all the wooden houses in the city were demolished, and... mud houses and stone houses were built... the people were relocated, and they vowed to fight in the streets... Build a water city, build a water city..."

Xiao Yan tilted his head and went there.


The old thief slapped Wang Laoer on the back of the head.

"Who hit me?" Wang Laoer jumped up.

"Lang Jun asked you to drain half of the blood, that's enough. Replace it with water. Can you see how much you drained?"

Wang Laoer looked at the large bowl of blood and scratched his head, "This can be what Lang Jun said is the blood booster."

Yang Xuan walked out expressionlessly. "Call Tu Gong."

Tu Shang came and went in immediately.


Listening to Wang Laoer's miserable howl, Yang Xuan finally felt better.

Then he summoned everyone to discuss matters.

"This attack was arranged by Xiao Hongde, with the purpose of destroying our farms in northern Xinjiang."

Yang Xuan felt that Xiao Hongde's first attack was quite satisfactory.

Han Ji said: "I am going to the north to farm in northern Xinjiang, and I am getting closer and closer to Beiliao. Sir, I thought that we should strengthen our vigilance."

Yang Xuan nodded, "Of course we need to strengthen our vigilance, but this treats the symptoms rather than the root cause!"

The old thief said: "Mr. Lang, how about building a city?"

This is a custom in the Central Plains. Wherever the territory is advanced, cities will be built.

Usually when farming, when the enemy attacks, he goes to the city to hide.

This is very simple logic.

Han Ji felt that the old thief wanted to be simple, and he underestimated the ambition of his general. "Building the city is very expensive. Now Chang'an has no money and food, and there is no money."

The old thief smiled and said, "Prisoner!"


A group of people were laughing, with greed in their eyes.

Helianyan looked at these looks and felt a little weird.

Once upon a time, in the eyes of people from northern Xinjiang, the people of Daliao were simply coolies.

Yang Xuan knocked on the eucalyptus, "We need to expand our ideas and don't limit ourselves to building cities."

Everyone is thinking, is there any other way to do this?

After much deliberation, this is the only one!

Yang Xuan knocked again. "It's better to rob than to build!"

Everyone: "..."

Han Ji's eyes flashed with excitement, "Does Mr. Lang want to seize the city of Bei Liao?"

"Otherwise, what do you think I am doing here this time?"

To inspect the farmland, you can ask Liu Qing or an official to come. Yang Xuan's trip this time mainly wanted to see the defense situation of Beiliao.

Go south to the city.

After the last attack on the city, except for the old and weak, everyone in the city was wiped out by Yang Xuan. So much so that after the new guards Zhang Lu and Shi Qin arrived, the first thing they did was to accept immigrants.

A city without people is a dead city.

Bei Liao has been developing for many years and has no shortage of population. It is even annoyingly large.

Immigrants poured in like a tide, and with them came money and food.

"I swear to Shangguan that if Yang Dog breaks the city this time, I will kill myself at the top of the city!" Zhang Lu had a gray beard and a determined look on his face.

Deputy General Shi Le patted the city head, looked at the people coming and going below the city, and said: "Most of the wooden houses in the city have been demolished and turned into mud houses or stone houses. If Yang Gou dares to come again, even if we are defeated, we will

Able to retreat into the city and fight in the streets, shedding all the blood of the Northern Xinjiang army!"

This is the lesson learned after the city was breached last time.

"As mentioned above, Yang Gou is now on the same level as Chang'an, so he should not send troops this year." Zhang Lu felt that this was the only good news, "Seize this opportunity to repair the city."

"Is it time for the scout to come back?"

Shi Le asked.


Zhang Lu looked into the distance and saw some black spots, "You are very diligent. Remember to remind me to reward the scouts."

Shi Le nodded, "You are very diligent, look! How fast that war horse is... Be careful, I, Daliao, are still an invincible army on horseback! Datang, it's not even that interesting."

Zhang Lu said reservedly, "The Northern Xinjiang Army also has good cavalry, for example... the Black Armor Cavalry!"

Shi Le didn't respond, just looked at the returning scouts.

"This is wrong." Shi Le said, "Why, it seems like he is running for his life!"

In the distance, hundreds of riders appeared.

"It's Tang Jun!" someone shouted.

"Hundreds of riders dare to come." Shi Le said: "It's a good opportunity. Let's fight!"

Zhang Lu moved, "Wait a minute and see if there is a large group of people behind. Also, please give me a warning!"

Clang clang clang!

When the people in the city heard the bell, they ran to their homes.

These are all unlucky people... On the way, they heard about the people in Nangui City being swept away. Almost no one wanted to come to Nangui City.

"Come home quickly!"

The family rushed into the home, closed the door, and bolted it.

The male host knelt down and gasped, clasping his hands together: "Please God, please don't let Yang Gou come. I don't want to build roads..."

The city fell silent at an alarming speed.

Those hundreds of riders were chasing and killing them without restraint.

"Sure!" Shi Le was eager to give it a try, "It's almost done."

Zhang Lu looked into the distance again to make sure there were no people or horses, "Be careful!"

"Be careful and rest assured."

Shi Le ran down excitedly, "Assemble!"

Two thousand cavalry quickly gathered.

The morale is high!

Zhang Lu looked at it with a smile.

Suddenly, he noticed that an old pawn had a strange look on his face, as if he had seen a ghost!

The mouth was opened wide, and you could see that 30% of the teeth were missing, and there was a black blood bubble on the tongue... A pair of eyes were bulging.

"Be careful!" the old pawn shouted as fiercely as killing a pig.

"shut up!"

His superior kicked him, and the old soldier fell down and rolled several times on the ground.

Logically, he should have knelt down to apologize, but the old soldier got up as fast as he could, coughing and shouting: "It's him, it's him...cough cough!"

He spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Who are you talking about?" Zhang Lu's question stopped Shangguan's second kick. This one hung motionless in mid-air. Obviously, this general's kick was extremely solid.

The old pawn spit out a mouthful of blood and his face became more rosy, "It's Yang Gou!"

Shangguan's feet went weak and he fell down. He probably hit his tailbone, and he couldn't get up after a few hits.

Zhang Lu said in a deep voice, "How do you recognize him?"

The old pawn suddenly collapsed and gasped: "I know that horse!"

Zhang Lu suddenly rushed to the battlement, holding his hands on both sides, looking ahead with wide eyes.

That horse...


The key point is that those hundreds of riders are centered on one person, with the posture of stars looming over the moon... Even Xiao Hongde's trip will not be like this, it is just a normal formation.

Those who can and dare to use this kind of guard formation are definitely not ordinary officials and generals.

Under the city, Shi Le excitedly rushed out of the city gate with two thousand riders.

"Shi Le!"

Someone was shouting at the top of the city.

Shi Le turned around.


Zhang Lu was waving, as if he was crazy, "Come back! Come back quickly!"


Shi Le looked back again, but he didn't see any enemy troops in the distance!

How many times can those hundreds of knights withstand my charge?

Unless Yang Gou comes

"It's Yang Gou!"

Among the desperate scouts, someone shouted.


Shi Le suddenly pulled the reins, and the horseman stood up and actually turned around.

The horse's hooves hit the ground and rushed out.


Even in critical moments, many soldiers at the top of the city still shouted, "Good horsemanship!"

Let Shi Le try this equestrian skill a hundred times again, guaranteeing that he will never succeed!

Shi Le rushed into the city. Behind him, hundreds of cavalrymen who had just followed him out of the city were turning around.

You fight for it, it's a mess.

"Yang Gou is here!"

"Close the door quickly!"

"Guanima! Yeye is still outside!"

"Don't stand in my way!"

Yang Xuan urged his subordinates, "Hurry!"

Damn, he just wanted to stop by to see the defenses of Nangui City, but Han Ji came up with an idea, pretending to be a small group of rangers to show off their power, and if the defenders attacked, they would take advantage of the situation to break through the city.

Five hundred cavalry may seem like a small number, but there are more than 20 horned dragon guards, more than a hundred guards led by Wu Da, and powerful generals such as Pei Jian... It's not impossible!

Yang Xuanxin gave it a try if he wanted to.

Unexpectedly, the defenders actually took the bait.

Just as they were about to succeed, the defenders suddenly retreated.

It's like a man who is full of interest and sees a beautiful woman. He just takes off his clothes and puts them back on again.

Such determination!

I'm not as good as that!

The city gate was closed, leaving dozens of riders behind.

The dozens of riders yelled and cursed endlessly, and Yang Xuan was upset when he saw them, "Kill them!"

Uda and his guards took out their bows and arrows and prepared to shoot on horseback.

"Hey! They rushed out."

The dozens of riders actually rushed over.

"How courageous!" Yang Xuan said with admiration: "Boy, give them a good time!"

He likes to see warriors soaked in his own blood, then changing their color and begging for mercy.

"I'm waiting for you!"

But things didn't go as planned, and this group of people came to surrender.

"Ask a question!"

Yang Xuan gave instructions casually.

He Lianyan didn't move. Although Jiang He'er's stick was fake, it had some effect. At this moment, his buttocks were still a little sore.

Moreover, she had no intention of competing with the old thief for the right to use torture. Jin Yiwei had enough to do.

The old thief didn't even move, and even raised his hand to her, "Ms. Helian, please!"


Last time the old thieves fought for the right to use torture and turned against each other. What happened?

Yang Xuan glanced at the old thief and knew that this was feedback.

He Lianyan was given a fake beating. If the old thief remained content and complacent, then he would not be of much use.

Unexpectedly, the feedback from the old thief came so quickly.

He Lianyan shook his head, and the old thief saluted again, "Please!"

I caused you to receive a beating. This is my apology!

Are you satisfied with the apology in full view of the public?

He Lianyan glanced at Yang Xuan.

It's best if your subordinates can understand each other.

Yang Xuan felt better and had a better appetite, "I'll ask."

The boss stood in front of the prisoner.

"The guard is Zhang..."

"Guardian Zhang Lu..."

"Guardian Zhang Lu, deputy general..."

"Vice-General Shi Le..."

After seeing the respected Yang Gou, the prisoners rushed to speak.

"Stop, let's talk one by one."

Yang Xuan felt a headache after hearing this.

After listening for a long time, I finally figured out the situation in the city.

The three thousand defenders... were not reluctant to part with them, but were worried about being wiped out in one fell swoop.

The seven thousand immigrants all came reluctantly. Some even fled on the way, and more than twenty of them were killed in succession.

Yang Xuan rode his horse to the city.

"Who's in charge?"

Zhang Lu forced his head and poked his head out. "Why are Deputy Ambassador Yang here?"

"Come and take a look." Yang Xuan saw that Zhang Lu's hair was gray and he looked a little cautious, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "He actually sent an old general to guard it. This is because he is afraid of our northern border. He does not seek merit, but seeks incompetence. Can’t make it?”

Zhang Lu actually fell silent.

By default.

You can brag about it all you want, I'm just one of a kind, I won't leave my nest!

Naturally, it doesn’t count before. Seeing hundreds of riders unable to move out is not a sign of stability, but a fool.

Unexpectedly, it was Yang Gou who came. Two thousand cavalry versus five hundred cavalry, Zhang Lu still chose to withdraw his troops.

A solid batch!

"No chance." Han Ji shook his head, feeling that he had been let down for the first time when he offered advice on the battlefield.

He looked at Yang Xuan and said, "Mr. Lang, I thought that showing off your strength would damage the enemy's morale. If you come back next time, you can take the lead!"

There are still many things going on in Northern Xinjiang, and we have to be careful of people from all walks of life causing sabotage. Yang Xuan cannot leave for too long. But if he leaves like this, he will inevitably be reluctant to leave.

Han Ji did not understand much about the art of war, but he understood the human heart very thoroughly.

Yang Xuan rode over, followed by Lin Feibao and Pei Jian.

An iron rod and a horizontal knife.

But it made Yang Xuan feel safer than ever before.

He looked at the top of the city and stretched out three fingers, "Three thousand defenders and three thousand Daliao cavalry. When they saw me leading five hundred cavalry, they actually shrank. Where is the bravery of Daliao?"

"What is the bloody nature of Daliao?"

Yang Xuan's unwilling voice echoed across the city.

There was deathly silence at the top of the city.

These newly recruited soldiers were educated by the veterans as soon as they arrived at Nangui City.

When you see Yang Gou, unless our advantage is shockingly great, run away quickly. Remember, run away quickly and don’t hesitate.

Someone asked, can't you hesitate for a while?

——Many people think like you.

——What about those people?

——They are all on the roadside, stuck in stakes; or in the Beijing view; the luckiest ones are now building roads.

These newcomers still think it is exaggerated, but now look at the silent veterans with fear, and then look at the silent Master Xiang Wen...

It turns out that three thousand versus five hundred, as long as Yang Gou is around, we have to stick to it!

The mentality is broken!

Liu Qing was extremely busy. Logically Yang Xuan should arrange an assistant for him, that is, an official like Biejia. But Yang Xuan could not find anyone he could trust for a while, so he could only do it.

"I am acting as both a father and a mother!"

Taking a break from his busy schedule, Liu Qing made himself a cup of tea, drank it comfortably, and complained comfortably.

The little boy had a confidant named Cao Ying, who had been left in Chenzhou for a long time and was said to be beaten. But Liu Qing knew that there was also some intention to show it to him.

——Old man, look, I’ve even left my confidants in Chenzhou, so I can’t worry about you anymore!

A clerk came in and said, "Sima, the scholars who have not passed the imperial examination this year are coming soon."

"These autumn wind-beaters are here again!"

Liu Qing had a headache.

After the imperial examination every year, a large group of scholars who failed to pass either went home to study hard or hung out in Chang'an. There were also many who traveled to northern and southern Xinjiang in the name of traveling.

"The deputy envoy is back."

Upon hearing this greeting, Liu Qing instantly felt his waist and legs no longer hurt. "Leave this matter to the deputy envoy."

I don't care, I don't care.

Yang Xuan came in, heard about this, and asked, "Isn't it inappropriate?"

Liu Qing said while reading the documents: "These people came to Northern Xinjiang, wrote a few poems, received some gifts, and then said something... Hey! Northern Xinjiang is a good place, but it is a pity that someone is unwell, otherwise they would definitely stay and serve...

...We still have to give it to Cheng Yi."

"Isn't this just a combination of seniority and a lack of luck?"

"Yes! I don't have time to play with them, so go ahead!"

This chapter has been completed!
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