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Chapter 802 Have You Asked Me?

"What a fierce bandit from Northern Xinjiang!"

Zhao Dora also had to praise Zhen Siwen for his bravery.

"Be careful, you guys are tired, take a rest!"

Xiao Meng advised: "The weather is too cold and the horses can't stand it. At least, let's rest for an hour and let the warriors breathe."

The soldiers of the Northern Liao Dynasty seemed to be very brave, but they looked tired.

If the number of defenders hadn't been small, opening the city wall at this moment would have overwhelmed them with a single attack.

"I also want to rest, but I can't!"

Zhao Dora said: "Lin Ya is pressing hard, and he knows that once His Majesty gains a firm foothold and takes control of the government, there will be a long struggle waiting for him.

He can't wait any longer, so he's been attacking fast and hard lately.

Your Majesty needs good news, do you understand?

Even if we all die in battle, as long as we can recapture Nangui City, it will be victory."

Many times, a stupid war is a great tonic for politics.

Xiao Meng gritted his teeth and said, "This time I will lead the team up."

"Okay! You come up, then I will come up!"

This attack was an order from the Central Government. In the order, Ning Xing asked Neizhou to take back Nangui City.

No matter what!

"The messenger is right behind us, we can't retreat!"

Zhao Duola turned around and saw that the envoy from Ningxing, a man named Yang Jia, was talking to a woman who looked like a maid.

"The guard of Nangui City is excellent, and Yang Xuan's subordinates are really full of talents."

Yang Jia squinted at the city head

Zhan Juan said: "The princess asked us to negotiate with Yang Xuan this time, but if Nangui City is destroyed and Yang Xuan is furious, what else will we talk about?"

Yang Jia said: "The Liao Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty have been fighting for many years, but have they ever delayed the exchange of envoys from both sides?"

Zhan Juan didn't understand this, "Oh! It can still be like this!"

There was a burst of cheers from the front. Zhan Juan looked up and saw several sergeants ascending to the top of the city.

"There will be reinforcements in the follow-up." Yang Jia said softly: "So, this is why Zhao Dora dared to use his men until they were exhausted. Otherwise, it would be difficult for these fifteen thousand people to break the city."

"There are reinforcements!" Zhan Juan felt that the scale of this battle was really big.

"Everyone around is supporting Neizhou. This is a must-win battle! Do you understand?"

"Got it."

There was a burst of cheers on the top of the city. It turned out that the enemy troops who had just rushed to the top of the city were driven back. Some of them jumped down and broke their legs in a panic, and howled miserably below the city.


Zhao Dora finally showed mercy.

Clang clang clang!

The people of Bei Liao retreated like a tide.

Zhen Siwen said: "These people also want to break Nangui City and dream."

Although the defenders suffered considerable losses at this moment, the Northern Liao Army, which was on the attacking side, suffered even greater losses.

There are still men in the city who can be replenished, and if the Beiliao people fall, there will be one missing.


As the horn sounded, Dora Zhao looked happy and said, "The reinforcements are coming."


Amidst the long sound of the horn, a dark shadow appeared in the distance.

The cheering defenders at the top of the city slowly looked over.

The dark shadow comes from the north.

The north is the boundary of Bei Liao.

Big flags are vaguely visible.

It is the flag of Northern Liao.

The laughter dissipated.

The defenders looked solemn.

Zhen Siwen smiled and said, "Are you afraid?"

Yanzheng shook his head, "Afraid of a ball!"


Zhen Siwen looked at his subordinates and roared: "Afraid of birds! My messenger has three horses per person. At this moment, the deputy envoy's reinforcements are definitely on the way. Once the deputy envoy arrives, he will not be afraid even if He Lianchun comes!"

But everyone has gone through the process.

The news was sent to Taoxian County. The deputy envoy needed to gather troops and pull out food and grass... Without food and grass, what would the army eat?

All this takes time.

"As soon as tomorrow!"

An old soldier sighed: "Today will be the last day for many people. Take a good look at the sun and blow in the cold wind.

Next, all we can do is blow the cold wind."

The atmosphere was a bit solemn.

Zhen Siwen said: "Let Ding Zhuang come up."

With reinforcements coming from Bei Liao, there is no need to consider morale issues anymore.

Just one word, death!

Die to the last person.

The enemy troops were cheering.

There were many long knives held high.

The 7,000 reinforcements were also cheering, and the small group of scouts in front were even playing tricks on their horses and rushed to the city.

He yelled towards the city: "Yeah, right here, Tang Gou, do you dare to go out of the city to fight?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Amid wild laughter, more than ten horses galloped from the south.

"He's our scout."

Xiao Mengang withdrew, covered in blood, and said in confusion: "Why are there so many people back? Where is the brigade?"


More than ten riders were running very fast. As they approached, they heard exclamations from the front.

"What's going on?" Zhao Dora's face was dark.

A scout dismounted, staggered, and ran over.

He said in horror: "Look carefully, we found a scout from the Northern Xinjiang Army."


It is common for Northern Xinjiang scouts to be found here.

The scouts from Taoxian County often ran to the front line of Nangui City, and even crossed Nangui City to scout into the hinterland of Neizhou. They fought with the scouts from Neizhou from time to time. Both sides were used to it, so Zhao Dora said with a dark face.


The scout was still in a state of horror, "Here comes...it's Mr. Wang!"


The sound of weapons falling to the ground came from behind.

Wang Laoer only serves as a sentinel for one person!

That is the Lord of Northern Territory!

Yang Xuan!

"Yang Gou is here!"

Someone lost his voice.

"shut up!"

Zhao Duola stopped the man and asked, "How many people are there?"

"More than a hundred riders."

"How many rides per person?"

"Three cavalry!"

Zhao Dora said in a deep voice: "I was just wondering how could the reinforcements from Taoxian County be so fast? It was like one man and three riders, outrunning a horse to death, and they arrived at a gallop all the way.

This is not reinforcements, this is... harassment!"

He pressed the hilt of the knife and said, "Over there with the reinforcements, ask them to send a thousand riders to drive away Wang Laoer."


This arrangement couldn't be more appropriate.

Expulsion, not annihilation.

In this way, the reinforcements can advance and retreat appropriately.


The reinforcements dispatched 1,500 cavalry.

Dora Zhao smiled and said, "He is a cautious person, I like him."

Reinforcements arrived immediately.

After some pleasantries, Zhao Dora introduced the current situation.

"After this period of attack, the defenders in the city suffered heavy casualties. However, the defender Zhen Siwen was brave and brave. He boosted morale several times, making it difficult for our army to break the city for a while. Just before, our army almost occupied the top of the city..."

Zhao Dora glanced at the reinforcement general and said, "Let's see what I'm talking about. The defenders are at the end of their strength, and they will definitely be able to break the city today."

With this new force, Dora Zhao is full of confidence.

"Have a rest for half an hour."

The reinforcements are tired and need to rest and adapt.

Zhao Dora's men have been exhausted these past few days. If they had not known that there were reinforcements, Zhao Dora would not have dared to use troops like this.

The reinforcement general was very reasonable, "Your troops are fighting bravely to take the lead in this battle, and our troops are just supplementary."

The corners of Zhao Dora's mouth raised slightly, "You can't say that..."

The two were humble for a while, and reached a tacit understanding of giving seven or three points of credit.

In this way, the subsequent fighting can be in harmony with each other.

"They're back."

Someone is shouting.


Zhao Dora looked up and saw more than a thousand cavalry from the south galloping towards them.

He looked at the reinforcement general, "Why are your men back?"

The reinforcement general was stunned, and then his face darkened. "I'll deal with it."

He rode over with a cold face.

When the two sides approached and saw the embarrassed appearance of his subordinates, he was stunned.

"Then even if Wang Laoer is the reincarnation of Tiger Wolf, he can't defeat you with more than a hundred cavalry, right?"

"Xiangan, it's not good!"

The general leading the team shouted in the middle.

"Come out and speak!"

When the general came out, the reinforcement general discovered that his right arm was soft from the elbow down, as if he had been hit with a heavy hammer.

"Yang Gou...Yang Gou is here!"

The sound of horse hooves came from the south.

Everyone looked up.

A big flag rises first from the horizon.

The body of the flag bearer surged with the bumps of the horse, but the flagpole did not move at all.

The wind blows the big flag and makes the hunting sound.

At the top of the city, someone screamed, "It's the deputy envoy's flag!"

The afternoon sun shines from the right side and shines on the big flag.

A row of black lines appeared along with the big flag.

Yang Xuan reined in his horse, "We finally arrived."

After receiving the urgent report from the courier, it only took him half an hour to set off with his 500 horsemen.

One person and three horses, never sleep.

Just like that, we arrived at Nangui City.

He glanced at the city head.

Fortunately, the flag is still there.

Nangui City is still there.

"Sven, he is full of courage!"

Yang Xuan praised.

Behind him, five hundred horsemen formed an array.

The extra horses were left behind.

Yang Xuan moved his neck and asked, "Don't the enemy dare to move?"

Zhao Dora's men suffered considerable losses, but with reinforcements, they still had close to 20,000 troops at this moment.

Twenty thousand versus five hundred.

at every turn?

Dora Zhao hesitated.

At the top of the city, Zhen Siwen said: "Clean up the debris behind the city gate!"

After discovering the number of enemy troops, Zhen Siwen ordered people to block the city gate. In this way, if the enemy wanted to break through the city, they could only break through this road from the top of the city.

"The deputy envoy is here!"

Only then did the soldiers dare to believe that the deputy envoy had really arrived.

"The deputy envoy is here!"

Cheers spread to the city.

Some of the immigrants who were panic-stricken were still scolding them.

"The deputy envoy also said that if the city is destroyed, he will carry the memorial tablet for us, which is useless!"

"Where are the people? Where are they?"

When he first encouraged immigration, Yang Xuan promised that if the city was destroyed, he would bear the memorial tablets for the dead people.

This impressed the immigrants.

But now that the situation is critical, the immigrants feel desperate, and any support has turned into curses.

"The deputy envoy is here!"

"The deputy envoy is here!"

Cheers spread to the city.

The people who were yelling and cursing were stunned.


"The deputy envoy is here!"

An old man took off his shoes and swiped off the soles. His son, who had been cursing the deputy ambassador earlier, turned the corners of his mouth blue and ran away.

"I'm telling you to scold! I'm telling you to scold!"

After a severe beating, the old man gasped and said: "How majestic is the deputy commander? Since he said he would come, he will definitely come."

The man squatted on the ground, "Yeah, I'm just making nonsense!"

The old man glared, "What if a passing spirit happens to hear it? Then I will curse the deputy envoy in all directions, and I will kill you!"

The man looked downcast.

"Why don't you wash the corners of your mouth and put some medicine on it!"

The city was gradually calming down at this moment.

"Just five hundred riders!"

When the defenders discovered Yang Xuan, they brought five hundred cavalry.

The old soldier said: "As soon as the deputy envoy received the news, he came with three people and three horses. He must have been sleepless along the way. So, what else can we say. Open the city gate, even if you try your best, you still have to secure the city.

Those bastards outside have been destroyed!"


Even though the enemy army was strong, Yang Xuan's arrival boosted the morale of the defenders.

The enemy is hesitating.

"Yang Gou has many tricks."

The reinforcement general was a cautious man. "He set up ambushes in the past and deceived many famous generals."

"But the Tao County army can't catch up!"

Xiao Meng's eyes flashed with sternness, "If we can keep him here..."

Even Yang Jiadu said to Zhan Juan: "If this person can be killed, Daliao's situation in southern Xinjiang will suddenly become clearer.

Chang'an would cleanse the northern border, and then the northern border weakened. Our Liao army pressed the border, broke through the northern border, and marched to Guanzhong...

On the day when His Majesty takes over the world, Lin Ya and others will perish themselves!"

Zhan Juan hesitated for a moment, "But princess..."

Yang Jia said: "The princess may be sad for a while, but this is the overall situation. I think the princess will also be happy."

"Can't he run away?" Zhan Juan rolled her eyes.

Yang Xuan really wasn't ready to run away.

"Zhen Siwen is leading the army. When he sees my banner, he will definitely choose to cooperate inside and outside."

"Deputy envoy, the enemy troops are close to 20,000."

The accompanying general felt that the deputy envoy was too optimistic.

"The enemy has 20,000 troops, but most of them were exhausted in the siege. Are you afraid of the remaining thousands of people?"

The general held his head high and his chest high. "I have never been afraid."

"That's good."

Yang Xuan drew his sword, "Being able to dispatch more than 20,000 troops to attack Nangui City shows that Ningxing is bound to win. Needless to say, the political struggle in Ningxing has become fierce, and He Lianchun needs a record to suppress Lin Ya

et al.

But, have you asked me?"

He looked back at his subordinates.

"Has He Lianchun asked me about Northern Xinjiang? Five hundred horses versus twenty thousand. Today, I will take you and others to create a miracle.

Follow me and keep moving forward!"

He lightly shook the horse.

The five hundred cavalry were like a whirlwind, following Yang Xuan and rushing towards the enemy without hesitation.

This chapter has been completed!
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