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Chapter 860 Thank you

As the lord of Northern Xinjiang, Yang Xuan has a lot to do.

Before he arrived at the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion, some minor officials came to look for him.

"Deputy envoy, another group of refugees has arrived."

"Just take it."

"Deputy envoy, the granaries in the city are constantly delivering food, and we are a little panicked." The clerk said cautiously.

Everyone panics when they see the full granaries gradually dwindling.

Boss Yang is not among them.

"Peace of mind."

When He Lianyan arrived, the clerk trembled and hurriedly left.

"What are you afraid of?"

Yang Xuan asked.

Lin Feibao said: "There are rumors outside that Jin Yiwei specializes in arresting officials."

He Lianyan came over and heard the words and said: "These rumors have bad intentions. I will ask someone to investigate later."

"No need." Yang Xuan felt that this would mean that there would be no silver in this place, "Those who are pure will themselves be pure."

"Yes." He Lianyan nodded, "Lang Jun, someone gave a small official in Tao County a note with the names of three people's residences, saying that they were the informants of the King of Yue."

Yang Xuan was startled, "What does this mean? Who does good deeds without leaving their name?"

"Take it for questioning." Yang Xuan paid no attention to the matter, "By the way, keep an eye on Li Zheng. Follow my rules. If you break my rules, you should be arrested or killed."

"He is a member of the royal family after all." Although Helianyan is quite courageous, she is still a little afraid of killing the royal family - she herself is a member of the royal family, but from Beiliao.

"Do you think the royal family cannot be killed?" Yang Xuan asked.

He Lianyan's heart skipped a beat, "Yes."

"That's it."

Yang Xuan said: "Kill if you should."

Lin Feibao followed Yang Xuan back and whispered: "After all, we are of the same race."

"Your idea is a bit wrong." Yang Xuan said: "The biggest worm in the world is the royal family.

This group of people are not interested in production, but are greedy for pleasure. They have a title, money and food from birth.

Where do these come from? The support of people all over the world.

Let's take Li Zhen from Prince Liang's palace. They eat, drink, go whoring, gamble, do all kinds of evil, and have a litter of cubs.

Tell me, why do people in the world raise children for this kind of people?"

Lin Feibao has a habit of thinking and thinks that the royal family is noble.

But in Yang Xuan's eyes, the royal family is a big trouble.

But Li Han is also Li Zhen’s son! Lang Jun, all you have to do to get along with him is wear a pair of pants. Lin Feibao secretly cursed, "After all, he will be a helper in the future."

"No, it's trouble." Yang Xuan said coldly.

Lin Feibao was stunned.

Zhang Xu whispered: "Stop talking."

When they arrived at the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion, the two stood outside talking in low voices.

"Mr. Lang is dissatisfied with the royal family?"

Lin Feibao thought for a long time, "It stands to reason that the royal family has not offended Mr. Lang!"

Zhang Xu said: "Commander, you ignored Lang Jun's words."

"What words?"

"Why should the people of the world raise children for such people? If you think about it more, what Lang Jun means is, why should the people of the world raise children of the royal family?"

"The royal family...hasn't it been necessary to support the royal family for thousands of years?"

"Lang Jun doesn't think it should be."

Lin Feibao suddenly realized, "That must not be the case."

"You've been a little slow lately."

"The dog at home disappeared last night. The woman was timid and didn't sleep all night. I had to comfort her and find out where the dog died."

"Did you find it?"

"Follow the blood drops all the way to the wall and then disappear."

"This is strange. What you said about the wall..."

"Over there at Lang Jun's house."

"A bodyguard under Uda?"

"Do you think those people under Uda dare to sneak into my home?" Lin Feibao said calmly.

"Yes! Again, why didn't you notice?"

"I didn't notice it. I was wondering if I have been slacking off a bit recently."

Helianyan watched the two of them chattering outside, then entered the check-in room and got herself a glass of water.

Sit down, your mind relaxes, and your whole person feels more comfortable.

She casually picked up the paper on the table and looked through it.

This is news about Tao County's powerful people.

The powerful people have been in frequent contact recently, but they are all at home.

"Being more cautious."

Helianyan sneered.

Her eyes narrowed, "Sun Xian, Lin Qian, these in-laws are really good at dancing."

These two people have long been in Jin Yiwei's sight, but according to He Lianyan's arrangement, they will be kept for now.

Sun Xian went to the Zhao family in Lu County.

"Are you trying to fan the wind to light a fire? No, Mrs. Zhao is already dissatisfied with Lang Jun. This is not a fan to light a fire, but to ask for advice."

Helianyan put the paper down and continued reading.

"Yesterday, powerful people gathered together, and today Li Zheng has arrived. What does this mean?"

He Lianyan held her forehead with one hand, and her charming eyes became stern, "Before Li Zheng came, someone in the city responded and notified the powerful people."

"The royal family is worthless. They are so grand...it can only be Jianyun Temple. It seems that the evaluation of Jianyun Temple needs to be improved a bit, and Lang Jun needs to be informed."

Unlike Lin Feibao and others, He Lianyan was a little stunned by the royal family. But as a member of the down-and-out royal family in Zeng Jin, she knew that in the eyes of those powerful people, a royal family without power and use value was not even as good as an official.

She got up and felt that she was a busy person.

Jielong was outside, "Won't you take a break, ma'am?"

"No." He Lianyan shook his head, "Many things will cause problems if they are delayed."

Jielong whispered: "But Jiang He'er is free."

"Everyone has their own use. You only see Jiang Heer's leisure, but you don't see her distress among a group of officials."

Jiang Heer's life is actually like that of a secretary in another world. Her boss is busy, so she doesn't take it easy. Even if her boss is not busy, she still has to sort out a lot of paperwork.

"Those women in the husband's backyard are enjoying themselves!" Jielong somehow managed to defend his wife today.

"You only see their relaxed side, but you don't see the hidden crisis." He Lianyan stood with her hands behind her hands, "What does a woman rely on to please a man?"

"Zise." Jielong said, then regretted, "No, there's more..."

"That's how men are." He Lianyan said: "The beauty will fade, and if you look at it too much, you will feel ordinary. Men, after all, like the new and dislike the old.

Therefore, if women want to gain a foothold, beauty is only a stepping stone, and the only thing that can really help them gain a foothold is ability and errands.

If you ask those women in the backyard if they would rather stay in the backyard or swap with me to take charge of the Imperial Guard..."

"They are definitely willing to take charge of the Imperial Guard."

"No, most of them are willing to stay in the backyard." He Lianyan saw Ru'an coming quickly, "Although there are a lot of secret fights in the backyard, you don't have to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation.

After a long time, you will feel that it is not bad to live like this for the rest of your life.

People! What I fear most is ideas like these. Once they come up, they will lose their enterprising spirit and the courage to try new things."

Therefore, she would rather work outside than go to the Yang family's backyard to be a canary.

But why doesn't the boss fall in love with me?

Helianyan was a little puzzled.

Are you tired of watching it?

The sense of crisis disappeared in a flash.

He Lianyan lowered his head and looked at Zhuang Zhuang. He was very satisfied that he didn't see his feet and thought it was nothing. No, for Lang Jun, he was still an unexplored territory. He was tired and couldn't talk about it.

Ru'an came over and said, "Commander, our people went to arrest those three people, but they all ran away. I asked the neighbors and they said they just left."

"There is a spy!" Jielong said subconsciously, his face ashen.

"That little official?" He Lianyan shook his head, "No, he's just one person, he has no time to be around, and the time doesn't match up. Who could it be? No matter, send the signal."

Jielong rushed out of Jiedu Envoy's Mansion, jumped onto the rooftop opposite, drew his bow and nocked an arrow.




Three consecutive beeps were fired into the sky.


The Jin Yiwei is dispatched.

"Get out of the way!"

Pedestrians on the street stepped aside and looked back.

"It seems to be that...Jinyiwei."

The Jin Yiwei are now not as arrogant as their counterparts in another world, but the mystery shrouded in them makes the outside world more wary of them.


A guard in Jinyi rode his horse to the south gate and shouted: "Seal it, you can't leave the city."

The sergeant guarding the gate reacted instantly, refused to pull out, and blocked the city gate.

Then, several riders arrived.

Sharp eyes scanned the crowd gathered behind the city gate.

The long bow in the left hand, the arrow in the right hand is lost...

"He who has the baggage, come out!"

There were three people in the crowd carrying baggage.

The three of them were a little confused and walked out slowly.

One of them suddenly threw away his baggage, his body flashed, and he rushed towards the city gate.

The Jin Yiwei on horseback sneered, "If you rush out, what are we Jin Yiwei doing?"

Three people, three longbows.

Draw a bow and set an arrow.

Shoot the arrow!


Draw your sword!

The man and the horse merged into one and rushed towards the man.

The man's body flashed and he avoided three arrows.

But the sword is coming.

He roared filial piety, blocked with the short knife in his hand, and kicked a guard in imperial robes away.

But on the other side, the horizontal knife took away a pool of blood from the back of his spine.

From the side, a horizontal knife flashed past, and the man's arm was broken.

Two horizontal knives were immediately placed on both sides of his neck.

The man who was kicked down got up, took out the iron chain, locked it around the man's neck, and pulled it, causing the man to rush forward involuntarily.

"I was discovered by my Jin Yiwei and still wanted to escape. What a dream!"

"Yeah, I won't say anything, just wait until you give up!" the man laughed miserably.


When he arrived at Jinyiwei, he used his torture skills to take action, and it didn't take long for him to find out the result.

Helianyan got the report and went to find Yang Xuan.

"Mr. Lang."


Yang Xuan is reading a letter.

The letter was written by Zhao Sanfu.

The letter mentioned some changes in Chang'an.

There was always an undercurrent between the state leader and the emperor, but it has died down recently.

——I guess it was because of the severe drought in Northern Xinjiang that the two of them stopped talking. They were waiting for Northern Xinjiang to collapse and then took action...


Yang Xuan raised his head.

"Lang Jun." He Lianyan said: "The three informants of the Yue King suddenly fled. The Jin Yiwei intercepted the two of them, and one of them escaped from the city and is still being hunted."

Yang Xuan was startled, "The three of them fled together..."


"Who is leaking the news?" Yang Xuan's first thought was internal, and then shook his head, "It's not one of our people."

He Lianyan said: "The Jin Yiwei tortured those two people, saying that someone came to notify them to flee, and that person knew everything about them."

"Who knows anything about them?"

"People from Yang Songcheng, and... people from Jianyunguan."

"The person who sent the message wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife." Yang Xuan touched his chin, "The person who informed them wanted to sabotage it."

He Lianyan said: "The people who sent the news to the officials and the people who notified the three people to escape are none other than Yang Songcheng and people from Jianyunguan. Yang Songcheng's people have no motive..."

Yang Xuan nodded, "Yang Songcheng needs the King of Yue to take over the East Palace. In this way, the wealth of the Yang family in Yingchuan can be further improved. Then, Jianyun Temple..."

He Lianyan said: "Mr. Lang, Lin is a member of the royal family, and Jianyunguan is an ally of the emperor... Li Zheng went to Jianyunguan. I thought it was Li Mi's order. His identity in Jianyunguan did not

Cultivation is so simple."

"Practice, where can't you practice? The royal family has its own Taoist temple, so why go to Jianyun Temple? Then, Li Zhengnian's purpose of going to Jianyun Temple is a bit weird."

"At that time, Li Mi was the closest to Jianyunguan. Jianyunguan wanted to follow Long and was optimistic about him. But he needed Jianyunguan's help, and the two of them hit it off immediately, and they made a strong fire..."

This word is a little bit like a tiger or a wolf!

"Whose handiwork is it today?" Yang Xuan was wondering.

"Mr. Lang."


"Yang Songcheng, in fact, it is not without suspicion."

"you mean……"

"We all only know that Yang Songcheng and the King of Yue are related as grandfather and grandson, but we have forgotten the indifference with which he sat and watched his other grandson, the deposed prince, who was suppressed by the emperor for many years and eventually died tragically."

"For Yang Songcheng, the Yingchuan Yang family is the most important. For this reason, he can abandon anyone. However, Yang Songcheng overcame a chess piece and lost this chess piece. Can he...can he still master it?

Other princes?"

He Lianyan nodded, "Mr. Lang's words are very true. For people like this, the most important thing is themselves."

"Who do you think of?"

"Uncle Huang." He Lianyan's heart moved slightly, but after thinking about it, he finally spoke out his true thoughts, "When he was in Tanzhou, although Uncle Huang was cold, he still had some humanity left. On the first day he became the prince,

He has lost his humanity.”

"Power is the trigger for the destruction of human nature." Yang Xuan concluded eloquently.

He suddenly asked: "Is there anyone watching Li Zheng?"



"How many wrestlers?"

"Let Ru'an go." Yang Xuan said with great interest: "I want to know what the relationship between Li Zheng and Jianyun Temple is like."

If An takes action, there will be very few people who can keep an eye on him.

At least no one accompanying Li Zheng on this trip was his opponent.

Not long after, Ruan came back.

"Li Zheng drank two pots of tea, cold tea!"

He Lianyan's eyes sparkled, "Lang Jun, it's him!"

It's him! Comrade Shenhai... Yang Xuan was also quite shocked, "I didn't expect that!"

Everything is clear.

"Li Mi was very suspicious. Even with allies like Jianyunguan, he was still worried, so he sent Li Zheng to keep an eye on him.

Chang Sheng was not willing to be lonely. He succeeded in Conglong and made a lot of money.

Now that the emperor was old, he once again took up speculation.

This time he was interested in the King of Yue.

But as for the emperor, he had been secretly fighting with Yang Songcheng and others all his life. How could he let Yang Songcheng's grandson take the throne?

Therefore, there must be an undercurrent between Jianyun Temple and the emperor."

Yang Xuan shook his head, "What a bloody drama!"

He Lianyan said: "Li Zheng brought trouble to the situation, and the people accompanying Jianyunguan made up for it. The two sides brought trouble to each other, but they did not become angry."

"Fight without defeat."

Helianyan found her boss looking at her with an ambiguous expression, and her heart moved.

Could it be that the boss...

Am I following it? Or am I following it?

"Go and add fuel to the fire!" Boss Yang was very interested.

Li Zheng and the people accompanying him are analyzing.

"...The only people who can know the details of those three people are my people from Jianyunguan and Guozhang. Who will leak their information?"

Li Zheng thought with melancholy and said, "Who will tell them the news? Let them escape?"

The others looked at him, seemingly thinking, but in fact they all sneered in their hearts.

Everyone knows it was you!

Li Zheng looked at these people and thought to himself: These idiots actually make people stare at me. That old ghost Chang Sheng is getting more and more serious.

Everyone knows exactly what each other is doing.

You also know that the other person knows that you know what the other person is doing.

However, due to the situation, we have to maintain a situation that cannot be broken through fighting.

Li Zheng sighed, "Go back and investigate carefully, find the person who leaked the secret, and punish him severely!"


A pair of cold eyes looked at him.

It was you who did it!

Li Zheng said calmly: "Let's break up!"

Everyone stood up.

Knock knock knock!

"Who?" Lin Zheng asked.

The person holding the door opened the door and poked his head in. "The Jiedushi government sent someone here to deliver gifts."


The person coming is Wang Laoer.

He presented a chicken with both hands.

"Mr. Lang asked me to tell you."

Li Zheng took the chicken and frowned: "What?"

"Thank you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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