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Chapter 885 A grudge from many years ago

Late at night, the emperor was still with his concubine tonight. In the foggy world, the emperor looked around blankly.

"Where is this? Someone is coming! Someone is coming!" The fog suddenly dissipated, and a middle-aged man stood in front with a smile.

"Erlang!" The emperor's expression changed drastically,

"You..." The man was filial piety to the emperor. He suddenly pointed at the emperor and shouted:

"You bitch, I've been taking such good care of you in vain, but you are so cruel and cruel as to murder me!"

"No, not a couplet!" the emperor screamed. The fog suddenly rolled up, and Emperor Xiaoxing disappeared. The emperor gasped and saw a military general appearing with a child in his hands.

"Yang Lue!" Yang Lue and the boy were farming and training, and their numbers were increasing... The smoke suddenly rose, and Yang Lue and the boy led the army and swept in.

Until the Chang'an domain. The Chang'an domain was shrouded in flames. The emperor ran around, but could not find a safe place. The child chased after him, brandishing a horizontal sword, and said fiercely:

"Thieves, die! b

"No!" The emperor opened his eyes suddenly. The imperial concubine was awakened and sat up suddenly.

"Erlang!" The emperor was sweating profusely and looking into the void with a ferocious expression, as if there was an enemy roaring at him.

"Erlang!" The imperial concubine tentatively stretched out her hand and gently pressed his shoulder.

"Did you have a nightmare?" The emperor's expression slowly changed, he exhaled heavily, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Yes." The imperial concubine felt relieved.

"You have nothing to think about in the day, nothing to dream in the night. Qi Lang should worry more about government affairs." Today's government has not yet formed a situation of checks and balances. Yang Songcheng and others are a small family, but Han Ji leads a group of people on a rampage.

It can also contain the father of the country.

Without Zhou Zun, Wang Douluo and other enemies of the state leader taking action, the situation was relatively stable. The emperor closed his eyes, his dream was turbid, and the child's appearance was still in his memory.

I gasped - go up,

"Change clothes." Immediately, the palace people came back, wiped the sweat from the emperor's body with cloth towels, and changed his clothes.

Apart from the fact that my hair was wet, the emperor breathed a sigh of relief. I fell asleep, so I simply got up and went out for a walk.

With the imperial concubine at their side, the seven of them walked hurriedly in the palace.

"Hongyan, do you still remember your filial piety to the emperor back then?" The imperial concubine nodded,


"This uncle is wrong about his skin." The emperor's voice was stern.

"When he sees Fu, he will stop Fu and ask what books he has read recently, whether he has ever been a flying eagle and a lackey, and whether he has been led astray by others... After talking to Lian, he pats Lian on the shoulder and asks Lian to go to the East Palace if he has anything to do. I have nothing to do with you.

"Good sir, if you don't have a good book, just borrow it and read it." Filial piety to the emperor comes from a noble family and is valued by the emperor, so he behaves stingily, even when facing important ministers.

The imperial concubine thought of coming... It was rumored that the emperor and the empress conspired against a man who respected the emperor and deposed the prince. You thought it was a rumor.

Before you become the emperor's man, you are confused after seeing the emperor's tactics and scheming.

"There is only one emperor." The emperor's voice was very irritable.

"On this day, Aweng ate less and was poisoned the most, so he died a short time later. Grandma immediately became the emperor and suppressed the women of the dynasty..." The imperial concubine felt a little uneasy.

It is forbidden to fold your arms with your hands.

"Power is so intoxicating. Without power, he can possess everything in the world. Whatever he wants is nothing. He can decide life and death with just one word. The vast sky will dance with the remaining instructions.

,...That's so exciting!" The imperial concubine thought of Han Ji. Fortunately, even now, Han Ji still retains the evil style he had when he was in Shu. In the future, do you think that is good?

But at this moment, it feels more intimate.

Once people are confused by power, they will do things that even they can believe.

"So, it is natural to do something for the sake of power!" The emperor turned around and the imperial concubine nodded.

"Well!" The emperor's eyes were bright,

"On top of the skin care, Xiao Tang is prospering, right?" The imperial concubine nodded and looked at the emperor with reverence.


"Hahahaha!" The emperor laughed. Several palace servants who were napping in the dark wiped the saliva from the corners of their mouths, walked out, and stood with their hands tied. Here comes Han Shitou.

"Your Majesty."

"How did you wake him up by tossing him?" The emperor felt wrong. Han Shitou said:

"My servant is sleeping soundly! When I heard no movement, I thought it would be okay to disturb Your Majesty, so I quickly got up and checked." I must have said that no one reported it. There is no guarantee that the emperor will be suspicious of me and make people stare at me.

Accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger, which means that the emperor's mentality is elusive, but the emperor is cruel. No matter how cruel the emperor is, as long as there are no traces to follow, he can solve the disaster.

There was a hint of satisfaction missing from the emperor's eyes,

"Do you remember that Yang Xuan was in Southern Zhou Dynasty?"

"Yes!" Han Shitou knew that the emperor suddenly thought of Yang Xuan because of the question, and he quickly cheered up. The emperor felt that his temples were no longer sore, so I reached out and rubbed them heavily, and they became even more sore.

"This child is also in the Southern Zhou Dynasty. Is there any news from Jingtai?" Ever since Yang Xuan took the child and fled to the Southern Zhou Dynasty, Jingtai has been chasing Shishe.

Just after the news, the emperor was very concerned about our news, but gradually he ignored it. Han Shitou thought for a while,

"The next time the mirror reported to us was last year, it was said that Yang Xuan sneaked into the south and took away the young man." Sure enough, He Lian's dream matched, Yang Xuan was training the army... The emperor slightly adjusted his eyebrows,

"Why is there a report to Fu?" This time it was a report, but the emperor was addicted to a song and could not extricate himself, I said:

"The Southern Zhou Dynasty was in a state of disgrace by the allied Tigers and Ben, and almost lost the country. Does this Yang want to rely on the Southern Zhou Dynasty to attack Xiaotang? What a joke!" But emperors can be wrong!

Han Shitou bowed,

"My slave is not guilty." Of course the emperor knew that the matter was related to Han Shitou, so I said warmly:

"Call Yang Lue." The emperor was getting better and better now.

"Bring the sword." When Yang Lue came, he saw the light of the sword flashing. He hadn't practiced for a long time, and the emperor had mastered a set of sword skills, and he couldn't breathe.

I threw the horizontal knife to the chamberlain and looked at Yang Lue warmly,

"What are you asking about Xiong Feng and this child?" Jingran was the question... Yang Lue calmed down and said:

"Your Majesty, because the threat from Northern Xinjiang is getting smaller and smaller, the Mirror Station has transferred many people from Southern Zhou and Southern Xinjiang to Northern Xinjiang in the past two years to inquire about information."

"So Southern Zhou was negligent?" The emperor's voice was calm. Xiong Feng uttered,

"No, the people at the mirror later discovered that Yang Xuan led an army of 800 cavalry to southern Xinjiang and swept away more than 700 local young men."

"How much less - seven hundred times, ten times, a hundred times?" the emperor roared:

"Dereliction of duty!" The thunder came, Yang Lue knelt down hurriedly,

"My slave is not guilty." The emperor came over and kicked him away.

"Ah!" Yang Lue screamed in cooperation and fell to the ground.

"A useful dog!" The emperor kicked Yang Lue one foot after another, causing Yang Lue to roll on the ground, and his miserable howl shook the night sky.

The emperor was tired and stopped to pant, his eyes fierce.

"How about King Zhen and King Yong?" That was a question to the two children who respected the emperor. Yang Lue got up and knelt down, enduring the pain in his body and said:

"These seven people have been in the mansion all day long. King Zhen pretended to be gentle and gentle. King Yong pretended to be bold and fearful...

"Did you not collude with officials and generals privately?" the emperor asked.

"Yes." The emperor suddenly laughed,

"We have been pretending for more than ten years, and Fu looks very boring. Do you know that Fu is exposing us by asking questions?" We dare to listen... Yang Lue raised his head and Han Shitou was silent.

The emperor coughed and stood with his hands behind his back.

"Back then, my uncle was the prince, and Aye was just a prince, and he had to be valued, even his skin was ignored by others. I could feel it as soon as I entered the palace. People in the palace would be respectful whenever someone said something to my uncle.

Erxing. Erfu's instructions were ignored. Why?"

"My skin has been suffocated these past few years! It's so suffocating that I can't help but fall asleep at night."

"Fu became the emperor, but my uncle's children became the imperial clan. When we saw Fu, he had his head held high and his whole body was trembling with fear." The emperor laughed and suddenly said in a strong voice:

"Uncle, have you seen it? His child's life and death are all in Fu's hands. We are scared, scared to death, hahahaha!" Han Shitou looked intense.

The emperor's voice suddenly changed and he said warmly;

"Does Southern Zhou know where Yang Xuan is?" Yang Lue shook his head.

"It should be known."

"Should?" the emperor said:

"Fu sees that Nian Xu knows it. This person wants to keep traitors like Xiong Feng, and he will only wait for the opportunity to send troops to harass the south. In this way, people should lead the threat to the Southern Zhou Dynasty and force Nian Xu to suppress Xiong Feng. Fu, if you want to

Seeing these two long heads, eh!"

"Yes." Yang Lue thought that the matter had something to do with the mirror, and he received a beating for no apparent reason. The emperor pondered.

"Zhang Chumao meets Yang and Yin, Shi Zhongtang... it's Zhifu's thoughts." The emperor paced back and forth and suddenly turned around.

His eyes were hot and fierce.

"Let Liang Jing go and tell me that we must force Nian Xu to send troops to wipe out Yang Xuanfu. If we want to see... at most, we must see this child's head!" Liang Jing!

Han Shitou stood tall, with no hatred in his eyes. Before Li Yuan ascended the throne, Liang Jing was ordered to purge the lineage that was filial to the emperor.

This is one of the reasons why the outside world criticizes the filial emperor's rise to power and death, which has nothing to do with Li Mi and his son. It is abnormal to seize the throne, and the winner comes to power sadly, or dies, which is abnormal.

At least I should keep an eye on my family before I die. I have suppressed my children and grandchildren for seventy or eighty years, and then they will naturally disappear.

But Li Mi and his son made Xiong Fengtou the killer, which can be said to be a silver coin here. The messenger from the palace quickly arrived at Xiong Feng's home.

At this moment, Liang Jing was having breakfast. When he heard that the messenger was coming, he quickly wiped his mouth and went to the backyard.

"Wang Jianmen?" The messenger was Yang Lue. Seeing Yang Lue's bruised nose and swollen face, Xiong Feng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then his heart trembled.

In the whole of Chang'an, the emperor was the only one who could beat Yang Lue severely. Looking at the scars, they were very fresh. Yin Yin also said that they must have been beaten last night.

What could make the emperor so angry that he beat Xiong Feng was definitely a trivial matter. Yang Lue's face became hot,

"Do you still remember this child from back then?" Liang Jing's mind showed Yang Xuan's appearance, as well as a swaddling baby.

"Remember!" Yang Lue looked down at me,

"Back then, one of the Huang family escaped, and Fu spared him. This time he went to southern Xinjiang to suppress the Southern Zhou Dynasty, forcing Nian Xu to send troops to wipe out Yang Xuan!" At that time, Liang Jing was ordered to strangle the filial emperor's lineage, and after strangulating Huang

When the family was named, one person was missing. The emperor took it for granted at that time, and so did Liang Jing himself.

However, he thought that after a few years ago, the emperor suddenly mentioned that incident. Xiong Feng's eyes lost the ferociousness and he clenched his hands.


"Fu, I want to see this child's head! And, Yang Xuan's head!"

"Yes!" Xiong Feng raised his head,

"But let's get off the horse and set off?" Yang Lue shook his head,

"The day before yesterday, there was a small banquet in the palace with all the ministers and clan members. He was there. The difficulties attracted people's attention. Go before you pass."

"Yes!" Liang Jing sent Xiong Feng to his door. Seeing Yang Lue's figure disappearing into the morning mist, Liang Jing said with a smile:

"It's time to explain everything!" I returned home and continued having breakfast. Little V's son asked:

"Aye, but you want to travel far away?" Liang Jing nodded,

"Going to meet an old friend and settle the grudges of a young man." At the same time, Erlang was still having breakfast.

The breakfast made by a bunch of lazy guys is really a headache, but Erlang has an appetite.

"Mr. Lang, please bring the cook with you last time!" Zhao Sanfu looked loyal. Erlang glanced at the half of your breakfast left.

"That's all." Boss Yang left the kitchen.

"He'er come and light the fire!"

"Oh!" The boss was really impressed by your persuasion... Xiong Fenghai was secretly happy and slowly lit a fire. He mixed a bowl of batter, cut some mutton shreds, and got some dried shrimps.

Stir-fry the shredded mutton and dried shrimps, add water and bring to a boil. Use chopsticks to remove strips of batter from the pan a few minutes ago.

In a short time, a bowl of special buns was ready. Zhao Sanfu took a bite and Erlang asked:

"As you ask?" It's really delicious... Zhao Sanfu squinted his eyes,

"Delicious!" Haha! Erlang smiled. After breakfast, someone came from the palace.

"There was a small banquet in the palace the day before yesterday." Erlang wanted to ask but no one was there, but he held back. He couldn't ask Jiang He'er.

"Old Han, I'd like to send you a gift!" Erlang smiled.

"Yes!" Wang Shou came over, sent the servant out the door, held my hand, and said kindly:

"Let's go!" The ingot of silver slipped into the sleeves of the chamberlain, and the chamberlain said with satisfaction:

"There is a banquet for all the officials in the palace, but there is no royal family yet, so Deputy Envoy Yang should be cautious." Wang Shou retreated.

"Mr. Lang, he said he doesn't have a clan yet, but these seven..." Xiong Feng knew that I was talking about his two half-brothers.

King Yong, King Zhen. I said hastily:

"It would be nice to meet!"

"Yes!" Wang Shou smiled. In my opinion, the state of these seven people is wrong, and it is best to keep it up.

"When Lingjiu goes to this Hu Cake Shop, he says it's okay for you to find Xiong Fenghai."

"Yes!" Later, Erlang got the response. Jiang He'er was waiting for me. When I arrived at the Hu Cake Shop, I backed away and then walked around to the front.

Jiang Heer was drinking in front.

"Have a drink." Erlang sat down and the seven of them ate in silence. After a while, Xiong Feng put on his chopsticks and asked:

"What was the purpose of the banquet in the palace the day before yesterday?"

"Instead of showing the majesty of the emperor and shocking me..." Jiang He'er looked at me with a strange look in his eyes.

"Shock the rebellious officials and traitors like him." Erlang smiled. Xiong Fenghai said:

"The emperor is in a good mood recently, so be careful."


"You know, yesterday I called Yang Lue out of the palace in the middle of the night and beat him severely. Then, I ordered Liang Jing to prepare to go to southern Xinjiang to force the Southern Zhou Dynasty to suppress Yang Xuan..." Xiong Feng smiled,

"Really?" Liang Jing! It's time to die! Please vote!

This chapter has been completed!
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