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Chapter 908 I would like to be brothers of the opposite sex with Yang Guogong

Taiping, on the top of the city, "Back then, when I stepped on the plate, I was said to have a sharp eye. I only need to look at those fat sheep to know how much money I brought..." The old soldier was bragging to his colleagues, except for a few old soldiers. , the others listened with great interest.

The sound of horse hooves came, and someone shouted: "Someone is coming." Everyone quickly stood up. A group of people and horses came from a distance. When they saw the big flag, everyone couldn't help cheering, "It's the Duke!"

The city was boiling, the Duke was here, and the people poured into the streets to greet Yang Xuan. Shen Qi and others trudged forward among the crowds. Before they reached the city gate, they heard even louder cheers from outside. Sound, ^Guo Gong!"

―Every citizen raised his hands high and waved them vigorously. Every eyelid was filled with joy and reverence. Yang Xuan was blocked outside the city gate. Duke, be careful!"

Someone shouted, and then several guards came forward and blocked Yang Xuan."

Get out of the way!"

Yang Xuan pushed aside the guards and walked into the crowd of people.

"My lord!"

An old man squeezed over hard and said, "Chen Laoxin!"

Yang Xuan smiled and said, and in an instant, the old man's face turned red, as if he was drunk, "Yes, he is a villain!"

"My lord!"

One by one, the common people raised their hands. Yang Xuan reached out and touched them one by one, "How is the Duke doing?"

No one shouted, Bei Liao smiled and said: "Okay!"

You eat well and sleep well in Taoxian County."^"My lord, let's go to your house for some delicious cakes!"

A woman shouted, Beiliao glanced at you, "Ma Xiaoniang, turn around and go!"

The woman said, "The Duke keeps his word!"

''That's right!"

Bei Liao smiled and nodded.

An old man asked: "How long can the Duke stay here?"

Why is it like asking a relative?

Yang Xuan didn't want to laugh, but when he looked at the old thief and the others, they all looked matter-of-fact, and his heart couldn't move.

Bei Liao said: "I have to go back after a few days." I was in the crowd, which made it very easy for the guards. Bei Liao walked hurriedly among the crowd, and wherever he went, the crowd automatically avoided them. Opening a path, no one shouted: "My lord, this time the people from northern Xinjiang attacked you, what should we do?"

"A special girl!"

Beiliao cursed vulgarly: These are not a group of ground rats sneaking out of the mountains to take advantage, but who are they?

It’s peace!”

The faces of the common people turned red, and they looked proud. Yang Xuan said loudly: "Why are we excited?"

I glanced at the old thief, who also said the same thing: Why is that?

Lan Lin, who joined the big group relatively late, understood: Beiliao raised his hand, "That's Taiping!"

One hand was raised, "That's peace!"

Yang Xuan's heart moved.

What an opportunity!

If I can just shout and guide you, someone will be able to shake the Duke's prestige here!

I saw an old man across from me open his mouth, and his mouth, which had half of his teeth missing, was filled with white holes.

The old man stretched his arms and shouted: "Whose peace is that?"

Is that what I want to ask?

Want to guide?

I looked around anxiously and saw the people opening their mouths with pious expressions... and then they shouted in a low voice, "That is the peace of the Duke!"


Those words were like a thunderclap, which shocked Yang Xuan's heart. I looked over and saw that everyone's face was filled with pride and reason.

That is the peace of the Duke!

The old thief said reservedly: "After Lang Jun, Taiping fell several times, and even the horse thieves were able to attack Taiping City. Before Lang Jun came, he used Taiping as the foundation and continued to expand. He defeated the horse thieves and the Eighth Tribe to the south. A glimpse, "Except for Cao Ying and Yi Niang, the old thieves are the oldest group of followers." From now on, Taiping will be a place of exile, the chaos in the city will be terrible, and the poor... I bet that Xiao Tang is the strongest It is Taiping, but it has gradually changed since before Lang Jun came." The old thief pointed to the shops on both sides, "Look, today's Taiping, known as Lanlin Pearl, is your Lanlin's business and industry. Important place.

As long as he has no strength, as long as he is willing to do things, he can support himself. I point to these people, do you know?

When Lang Jun was in charge of Deji, Chang'an suppressed him, but no one in Taiping said, let Lang Jun stand on his own feet!"


Yang Xuan felt thunder ringing above his head for the seventh time, "Self-reliance?"

Self-reliance is not rebellion!

That's what Yang Xuan has been striving for all along: But what I didn't expect is that after me, no one in Taiping shouted that slogan, "Who is it?"

This person should be either unruly or tame, right?

Yes, he should be a more unruly hero than me!

Yang Xuanru thought, "A woman!"

Lan Lin:..." The old thief said: "There are so many followers ahead of me, and no one even said that we should form an army, expand the Taiping Army, go to Taoxian County to protect Lang Jun, and kill anyone who comes." That's a

…"That means sharing weal and woe with Mr. Lang!"

Yang Xuan's eyes when he looked at these common people were less stern, they are all heroes who do not share the same aspirations as me!"

"I'm wrong," the old thief looked at me, "I said that because I wanted to tell him.

That is Langjun’s foundation, and it is also my home!”

Bei Liao looked very relaxed when he returned home, and his eyes were opened, "I have met the Duke!"

Bei Liao helped me up and said, "Well done this time." His eyes were red and his face was bright, "It was the Duke who taught me well. Did you teach him how to step on the plate?"

Bei Liao Wan'er said, "Han Ji sent someone to ask you for instructions on how to reward him. You told him that according to the rules, he will be rewarded as he should be."


The divine eye Zhang saluted: Bei Liao said: "The Lord is a Lord, and peace is preserved because of him. How can you ignore it?"

Lao Qi."

Wang Laoqi handed over a horizontal knife."

That was your original sword, and now you have given it to me as a reward." Shen Yan Zhang took the horizontal sword, knelt down and said, "Young master, please thank me." Seeing my excited cheeks trembling, Bei Liao said, "He doesn't have that kind of ability.

Then he led the Taiping scouts and said, "That's a promotion. His eyes are wide open and he kowtows. Your Excellency must be optimistic about Taiping for the sake of the country!"

Bei Liao immediately went to County Musk, "This time, he has slacked off!"

Beiliao's words made Han Ji and others tremble in their hearts, and they quickly apologized, "Before you heard the warning from the city head, reinforcements from the city arrived slowly and blocked the enemy army. You should be rewarded!"

Lazy was a sentinel, and the defender's reaction was that Beiliao was very satisfied, "Yes."

Lan Lin felt relieved. He went to Bei Liao to rest a while ago. Lan Lin and others went in. When they got inside, Qian Neng said loudly: I heard that Lin'an was quite embarrassed this time. It was so slack that the enemy troops broke into the city. If it weren't for

If the Duke comes in time, I'm afraid Lin'an will be saved or not."

"What did he want to say?"

Han Ji looked at me.

Qian Neng said: "In the beginning, Mingfu was the magistrate of Lin'an County. Now in Taiping, it is also valued and tempered by the Duke. Before this time, there was no one in Mingfu..." I pointed in the direction of Lin'an.

Lu Ruo made a mistake, it’s time to go!

Han Ji shook his head, "He thinks highly of Lu Ruo, and he thinks highly of the Duke even more." Qian Neng was stunned, "What Mingfu said..."

"Lu Shijun is an old man in Chenzhou. He used to assist Liu Sima and came to assist the Duke. He can be called the old man among the old people. I may be able to retreat, but I can't keep it. Before this time, I will definitely pay attention to inspections.

If the enemy army wants to attack that area again, this is just a fool's errand. At that time, how can the Duke touch me?"

^"The Duke has just returned from Chang'an with great power, does he need to establish his authority?"

"He understands," Han Ji shook his head, "The Duke is very affectionate!"

Yang Xuan and Lan Lin are drinking tea."

Chang'an is a land of tigers and wolves. Lang Jun was able to escape from here, and he also took away the position of Deji Jiedushi and the brother position of Qin Guogong. The momentum was small, but I thought he would establish his authority. "In the future,

Although Bei Liao is the Lord of Lanlin, he only has the title of deputy envoy of Jiedu.

The local tycoons and wealthy businessmen are quite satisfied with you. At first, we felt that you had a solid foothold, so we were complacent and had nothing to fear.

Are you afraid now?"

Yang Xuan nodded, "I heard that no one ran away with their property," "Aren't you so scary?"

Bei Liao was stunned.

He Lianyan said: "Lang Jun knew that the family heard about Lang Jun's triumphant return from Chang'an, and ran away because he was worried about being targeted." Is that the case?

Not yet, what kind of triumph?

Beiliao felt that his subordinate's intentions were wrong, but he still had to remind him, "Chang'an is an opponent, but he is an enemy!"

"Is it the same?"

Wang Laoqi was eating dried meat and asked, "It's the same!"

Bei Liao shook his head, "When dealing with your opponent, you have to have no bottom line.

To deal with the enemy, you must use your best." I looked tired, Yang Xuan stood up, "Lang Jun, please rest early, you will come in later," Bei Liao nodded, "What Han Ji did this time was wrong,

But since you have beaten Lin'an, you can naturally let me go, otherwise..." Yang Xuan smiled, "I know it, and you will come back to me for a drink." Yang Xuan then went to the small hall, where Lan Lin was lecturing.

...The so-called vigilance in times of peace is to be prepared for danger..." Yang Xuan waited until I finished my lecture before retreating, "Go to the Yamen for a drink?"

Han Ji glanced at me and said, "Okay," later, the seven of them will be drinking at Shen's house. "In Taiping, if he wants to eat anything, he only needs to ask someone to order it, and it can be delivered within half an hour.

"Han Ji raised his glass and said, "That was the foundation laid by the Duke when he was here. When the local people first came here, they thought the place was a fairyland."

"A place to have fun!"

Yang Xuan raised his glass and said, "It's a past, but it's also a foundation."

"Yes." Lan Lin raised his head and drank a glass of wine, playing with the empty glass, "Mr. Han, do you have nothing to say?"

This person is sharp!

No wonder he was valued by his lord. Yang Xuan said: "What he did this time was wrong." Han Ji's eyes lost a bright light, "It's the Duke of the country, and it's Lu Shijun who leads the way."

Stupid person!

Beiliao scolded Lin'an's officials for changing the generals. Naturally, he could pass through Taiping, otherwise he would dig a hole for Han Ji and others... Looking back, Lin'an didn't have big shoes for me to wear. The credit is that I can surpass the lower officials and get the limelight.

It can surpass the official!

That has been an unspoken rule for thousands of years. Lan Lin also has the ability to break it. Once that unspoken rule is broken, the entire society will be in chaos, "Class!"

Beiliao had an open door in the front yard, and the class thing was visible and tangible. No one hated it, no one envied it, no one was disdainful. But for thousands of years, the Central Plains has relied on that structure to move forward.^" Lang Jun,

Mr. Han is here," Yang Xuan came back, his face slightly red, which showed that he had drunk too much wine, "How about it?"

Bei Liao asked casually, and Yang Xuan said: "Lan Lin is a fool. I just said one sentence and I understood. I said that I will do one thing in Taiping, to keep Taiping in my favor." It was a subtle expression of loyalty.

Bei Liao said: "In this way, this trip can be considered a success." Lan Lin asked: "Does Lang Jun want to attack Tanzhou or Neizhou?"

Lan Lin ordered Lao Siwen and Cao Ying to send out scouts to investigate the enemy's situation, in order to prepare for the attack.



^Hit anyone you like!"

The weather is getting colder and colder. Before winter retreats, all kinds of activities in the entire north will stop. Farmers and shepherds are sleeping in winter...except for businessmen and craftsmen, production activities have almost stagnated. After a year's accumulation, Special people who have no extra money at home can buy some things after the winter. That is the golden season for merchants. Caravans are endlessly coming from the north to Lanlin, and the cars are filled with goods or brought with them. With a small herd of cattle and sheep, there was not even a horse.

A caravan looked like nothing else among them. Among the more than seventy small cars, less than half were empty, and most of them were filled with wooden boxes. They looked heavy, but there were not more than 800 people accompanying them. The more than 800 people looked at it. He has a rather rough appearance, a strong figure, and his eyes are full of wildness. Behind him is a short woman, who looks to be in her seventies, with a pale complexion and a pair of narrow eyes full of curiosity, "Lan Lin, Is that Deji?"

The old man next to him had a rosy complexion and said with a smile: "Axibao, that's Deji. Look at these cultivated lands, they are more chaotic than those in northern Xinjiang."

The young man's name is Asibao. My eyes gradually hardened. I heard that Deji was suppressed by Bei Xinjiang in the future. It was only after this Bei Liao took charge of Deji that he finally changed his mind. It is said that this person is four years younger than you. few?"

Shen Qi nodded, "Yes!

They are all very young. He is the son of Lan Linhe. He is the son of the Khan and has a respected status, but he is inferior to me."^"Good or bad depends on status." Asibao frowned, "What you value more is this person's Martial arts."

": Xiao Tang has opened up new territories in recent years, and I am the only one!"

Shen Qi said, "He is a boring person." Asibao smiled heartily, "Can such people be called heroes?"

Shen Qi nodded, "Of course he is a hero,"

"You like to make friends with heroes the most. Since you are here, you should go and ask for them."

Asibao said, "This is the Lord of Deji. I'm afraid I'm willing to see us." Shen Qi looked at the farmers in the distance leisurely, "Lan Lin has been suppressing us for a long time, and it got even worse before He Lianchun succeeded to the throne. This time you have traveled through the lush lands of northern Xinjiang, and you have seen enjoyment and sacrifices. However, those sacrifices are just false. Lan Lin's army will only tremble under the long sword of our warriors, "Ah Xibao said, "You are thinking that Deji is also an enemy of Northern Xinjiang. What would happen if you two could become allies and deal with the people of Northern Xinjiang together?"

Shen Qi thought for a moment and said, "We have passed the Northern Territory. Without help, it will be difficult for you to completely defeat us."

"Yes, you don't have confidence!"

Asibao narrowed his eyes and said confidently: "Your warriors can fight one against ten. In the past two years, you have won less and lost more. You have defeated the Northern Xinjiang army and fled in confusion. It is an alliance. Your final victory will be later. Only That's all."

"Asibao, Khan's seven sons, does he know why I want to follow him?"

Shen Qi asked, Lan Linhe looked at me with a stern look, "Because, only you can lead the Shegu tribe to rule the world!"

Shen Qi's eyes were filled with admiration, "Yes!"


The sound of horse hooves can be heard, but there are no cavalry!"

The followers drew their swords, but instead of being frightened, they were very excited. A crowd of cavalry came galloping towards us. When they saw us drawing their swords, they divided into two teams and surrounded us. "It's Yang Ziqi!"

Shen Qi exclaimed, "It's Beiliao!"

A group of riders came, and Asibao shouted: "Is it Mr. Yang Guogong?"

No one among the cavalry surrounding us said, "Exactly."

Asibao mounted his horse and held his hand, "You are willing to become brothers with different surnames from Yang Guogong!"

This chapter has been completed!
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