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Chapter 974 The old silver coin pretends to be a dead dog

Right wing.

As soon as the war started, the enemy launched the most violent attack.

At the front were more than a hundred tall and powerful soldiers wearing heavy armor. They held large axes and swords, and one guy unexpectedly rushed in.

The cause was that a cavalryman from the Northern Xinjiang Army stumbled, causing his comrades behind him to fall off their horses.

This is a bit like a story where one nail determines the success or failure of a battle.

But it was really happening right under Tu Shang's eyes.

"Kick them out!"

Tu Shang said.

A group of cavalry went up and strangled most of the enemy soldiers with all their might, and then the rest retreated.

But just like that, the morale of the Northern Xinjiang Army's right wing dropped.

"The enemy's morale is low, don't stagnate, keep launching attacks!"

The enemy troops attacked fiercely, like huge waves.

The Northern Xinjiang Army was like a rock, motionless under the attack of huge waves.

"My lord, the right wing is stable," Han Ji said.

Yang Xuan had already seen it, "It must have been an accident just now, Tu Gong responded promptly."

"Actually, Tu Gong is pretty good." Han Ji and Tu Chang have a normal relationship, so this is a recommendation.

"He's good, but he's a little less enterprising."

As he said that, Yang Xuan couldn't help but look to the left wing. The old thief had already rushed up with his men and horses and was fighting with the enemy.

Compared with the old thief's desire for fame and fortune, Tu Shang is like an enlightened monk.

On weekdays, he likes to stay at Yang's house when he has nothing to do, sitting under the eaves, calmly watching the flowers, trees, and people coming and going.

When people get old, they will remember.

Although the first half of Tu Chang's life was mediocre, it could still be considered a peaceful period.

In a sudden change, all his family members were burned to death, forcing this old man with superb marksmanship and military skills to go to Liangshan, and finally followed Yang Xuan to northern Xinjiang.

But what can the future hold?

Tu Shang didn't know.

His only concern is that Wang Laoer is like a wild bull, running rampant all day long. Of course, he will always accompany him.

Time flows, as if it were the past.

But the past of Tu Shang can never happen again.

Yang Xuan didn't know what he was thinking about, whether it was memories or a daze.

But he knew that Tu Chang had hatred in his heart.

Hatred for the Southern Zhou Dynasty.

If the officials of the Southern Zhou Dynasty had performed their duties more diligently, that tragedy would not have happened.

As long as the officials of the Southern Zhou Dynasty acted more fairly, no one would be unlucky afterwards and would be punished with three drinks of wine.

"Perhaps, we need to force it." Han Ji said: "The world is too big, and the Duke needs many talented people to help him."

Tu Shang is not said to be a great talent, but if he can survive from the past, then being in charge will not be a problem.

Yang Xuan said: "Only the second brother can persuade him to do this."


Wang Laoer was eating dried meat. When he heard his name, he rode over and asked, "But we want a decisive battle?"

This stick!

Yang Xuan said angrily: "Go and help Tu Gong."


Wang Laoer threw the dried meat into his mouth and said, "Follow me!"

Yang Xuan said: "Even if it's not for himself, he still has to fight for his second son!"

Han Ji smiled and said: "Who doesn't like the second child?"

"Everyone likes simple people," Yang Xuan said.

The group of people around him are not simple, from Han Ji to Nan He, to He Lian Yan... not to mention that they are all full of conspiracies and tricks, but they are also ruthless in their methods.

And everyone has a story.

He Lianyan wanted to kill the Northern Liao Emperor.

Han Ji wanted to rebel.

Nan He wanted to kill the false emperor.

Pei Jian wanted to seek justice for his father Pei Jiu.

The old thief wants to be far-sighted and become the best general among tomb robbers.

Even Jiang He'er has her own ambitions... Yang Xuan once heard her whispering that she wanted the disciples to look at her differently.

It is not an exaggeration to say that these things are combined into one big quagmire.

Once people get used to living in a quagmire, they will ignore many problems.

The smelly ones will feel delicious.

When I saw someone in this big quagmire without getting a trace of dirt on them, I immediately became agitated.

When they saw that the person was Wang Laoer, they all let out an ooh, and then they did whatever they had to do.

As the old thief said: "Who doesn't like dicks?"

Anyone who doesn't like dicks either has ulterior motives or is a psychopath!

This is the consensus of everyone.

Even A Liang likes Wang Laoer.

Children's intuition is close to Tao. Although they cannot hear those words, they can know who is friendly to them and who is dissatisfied with them based on their intuition.

Wang Lao Er can play with A Liang, and the two of them can look at the ants for a long time.

Another person, like Zhang Siniang, would feel sore all over after watching for a while, and would find an excuse to run away.

People are innocent and look at everything in this world as the simplest and most beautiful.

Yang Xuan sees everything in this world as multi-layered and complex.

Also, dark.

On the left wing, the Northern Xinjiang Army continued to attack. The enemy army looked a little weak, but Lin Jun turned a blind eye.


Yang Xuan laughed and said: "Are you trying to induce me to mobilize troops to bet on a breakthrough on the left wing? It's okay, mobilize troops to the left wing!"

"Take your orders!"

Two thousand cavalrymen swarmed away.

"Your Majesty, the enemy's left wing has increased its troops."

Lin Jun saw it.

"Tell the right wing that if you die, you must die there!"

"Take your orders!"

Lin Jun's expression was indifferent, and there was no trace of the excitement or tension of the battle.

"Da da da!"

The cavalry came from behind, "Your Majesty, there is an envoy from Ningxing."

Shen Changhe was startled, "The news of Yang Xuan's troops has not reached Ningxing yet! Is this... a warning or a warning beforehand?"

Lin Jun was looking at the battle situation and said, "Gone!"


The emperor's envoy will just disappear after saying he won't see you?

Shen Changhe said softly: "At least I'll meet you and I won't let anyone blame me."

Lin Jun looked at the attack and defense on the right wing and said: "Yang Xuan opened his mouth and marched north in the spring. After Ning Xing found out, he sent an envoy just to compete for status.

Why should the soldiers use their lives in this battle? I am eagerly awaiting victory in Ningxing. These words were just words in the past. If the soldiers heard them during the war, they would become a reminder!"

The Lin family and the royal family were sworn enemies. During the war, the emperor sent envoys to deliver messages, whether good or bad, which was a blow to the morale of the troops.

"Then...I'm going to take a look?"

Things like this are big if they are big and small if they are small, but it would be best if Ning Xing is not given any leverage.

"Don't worry!"

Lin Jun's voice was soft but decisive.

Later, the messenger started making a fuss.

"What, Ambassador Lin didn't see me?"

"The envoy said that during the war, you will not be subject to your orders!"

"Reverse, reverse!"

The messenger made a fuss.

Just when everyone was at their wits' end, one of Lin Jun's guards arrived.

"The envoy asked, do you want your head or something else?"

In an instant, the messenger stopped.

But he still refused to bow his head, "I am the messenger..."

"Even if the emperor is here at this moment, he still has to condescend!"

The guard said with a cruel smile: "Killing you in wartime is like killing a chicken!"

Looking at that malicious look, the messenger became timid.


If Lin Jun ordered someone to kill him, he would be accused of disturbing the morale of the army... Not only would the envoy be unlucky, but the emperor would also be embarrassed.

War, my dear, what trouble are you making?

The messenger was silent.

On the right wing, the old thief kept upping the ante. He even ordered the crossbow arrows to approach, sending a wave of arrow rain to the opponent from time to time.

If the enemy is at ease, this kind of arrangement will lead to disaster... Once the enemy makes up its mind, abandoning the front and attacking the crossbowmen from the flanks, it will collapse.

The enemy suffered heavy casualties, but they gritted their teeth and endured.

"The Duke."

King Yong is here.

There is something wrong with the riding posture.

"Your Majesty, please rest!"

Yang Xuan can understand his hard work.

From the night of the palace coup, King Yong has been imprisoned in the palace. Maybe he can practice cultivation in the palace, or practice sword skills. But he has never traveled long distances or galloped on horses.

This trip from Chang'an to Northern Xinjiang caused him a lot of hardships. Yang Xuan didn't want to bring him here, but he couldn't resist King Yong and asked him to come!

Except for occasional breaks, I have been on the road all the time.

King Yong's legs were most likely worn out. He tried to move his legs away at this moment, which looked particularly weird.

"How's this battle going?"

King Yong took a closer look and saw that on the right wing, the Northern Xinjiang army and the enemy army were inextricably killing each other.

On the left wing, the Northern Xinjiang Army's attack went smoothly, and the enemy's situation was somewhat difficult.

"Evenly divided?" King Yong asked.

Yang Xuan nodded, "Absolutely."

From the beginning of the war until now, Lin Jun has not given him a chance.

Not even an accident.

"A formidable opponent."

King Yong was a little surprised by his praise for his opponent and asked: "Facing such an opponent, can the Duke be confident?"

Yang Xuan glanced at him, "A war horse was shod before the battle, and the groom missed a nail. After arriving at the battlefield, the horse's shoes fell off, and the horse stumbled and fell down... Follow-up colleagues

After being tripped, the already outnumbered enemy counterattacked and won a great victory... Grasping this thing and talking about it is just a means to boost morale."

"That's it!" King Yong praised: "This story is thought-provoking."

"I have confidence, of course."

King Yong was stunned.

Yang Xuan pointed to the right wing, "The enemy troops are attacking madly on the right wing. If Tu Shang had dealt with it well, he might have collapsed long ago."

"Is the Northern Liao Army so powerful?" King Yong looked solemn.

"No, they are weak." Yang Xuan said: "Their first wave of attacks was amazing, but then, they were like useless men. Look, they are fierce in the front, but weak in the follow-up."

"It can't last long." Han Ji smiled.

Why do I think there is something in your words?

King Yong said: "Actually, it would be better if this battle is fought calmly."

These words...

Han Ji's eyes flickered, "What does the king mean..."

"This king is not interesting."

King Yong regained his composure.

Fight calmly, that is to say, fight for a longer period of time and don't fight hard.

"Actually, I've thought about it too."

Since King Yong showed his kindness, no matter what his purpose was, Yang Xuan also responded positively, "If our Northern Xinjiang and Northern Liao are entangled in a stalemate, and we continue to send people to Chang'an for help... Although it may destroy our own prestige, it can make Chang'an

Don't dare to take a step beyond the thunder pool. But this is to support the bandits to respect themselves."

Yang Xuan pursed his lips slightly, "I don't even bother to do that!"

What a great Yang Zitai!

King Yong nodded slightly, feeling that this man also had a heroic side, which was very rare.

"The chivalrous spirit in the Duke is so rare!"


"This king never lies."

"How chivalrous?"

"Nature is good."

"Pei Jiuren became famous all over the world as a knight, and finally died in Chang'an."

Which pot are you trying not to open? King Yong cannot say that the false emperor is shameless, so he can only remain silent.

Tu Shang sent someone over, "Tu Gong said that the enemy is determined, but their strength is ordinary."

"Opportunity!" King Yong's eyes lit up.

Although he did not dare to make any big noise when he came to supervise the army this time, if this battle is a big victory, the public opinion in Chang'an will look at him differently regardless of his contribution or not.

"Absolutely the same as us."

Han Ji's words shocked King Yong.

"The enemy's false right wing, our army's false right wing, is interesting."

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "If we go step by step, the two armies will probably fight for a whole day without being able to decide the winner. From the beginning, Lin Jun gave me a question."

"The previous attack seemed powerful, but in fact it was anticlimactic." Han Ji smiled like a fox, "But Lin Jun didn't expect that most of the old and weak people on our trip were on the right wing."

Two sticks come together to kill, where is the main force?

Yang Xuan raised his eyes and looked at the opposite side.

The enemy forces on the left wing seemed to be in danger, but they could not be defeated.

Han Ji looked at the left wing and said, "Don't be impatient, old thief."

Yang Xuan shook his head, "He has studied the art of war with me for many years. He has learned nothing else. He is the leader in stability."

What about the Chinese Army?

Yang Xuan looked at the enemy's center.

The Chinese army was solemn, looking at their armor and uniforms in order and their flags steady.

People under the banner can't see clearly, but they can feel the calmness.

"Where are the enemy's elite?"

On the opposite side, Lin Ya said: "The enemy's right wing looks ordinary, which shows that it is not elite. However, we must be careful that Yang Xuan is looking for an opportunity to counterattack. As for the left wing, I conclude that it is mediocre and not enough to affect the overall situation."

Shen Changhe nodded, "The enemy's left wing is the main attack, so there is no need to hide their strength. If they can defeat our right wing, it will be a great victory in an instant, so it is impossible for them to hide their strength."

"Yang Xuan will also come to the conclusion that our army's left wing is weak, and he will also guess where our army's elite is."

Soldiers value elites more than many. From this sentence we can see how rare elites are in a large army.

Wherever the elite is, there is the trump card, which is the direction that determines victory or defeat.

For example, where is the Xuanjia Cavalry of the Northern Xinjiang Army? If it is in the Central Army, then the Central Army will be Yang Xuan's winner.

On the left wing, the left wing is the decisive force that determines the direction of the war.

Lin Jun looked at the right wing of the Northern Xinjiang Army, "Is he also dormant, arrogant to the enemy..."

On the opposite side, Yang Xuan looked at the enemy's center and asked, "Is Lin Jun also hiding a backhand..."

The war continues.

Lin Jun observed for a long time, "No need to wait any longer!"

Shen Changhe said: "Your Majesty, has the decision been made?"

Lin Jun nodded, "There are only two ways for our army to come from afar. One is to enter the city and help Sang Yuanxing defend it, but what I dislike the most is this situation of being passively beaten. I don't want to take it!

The second is to defeat the main force of the Northern Xinjiang Army, at least contain the main force of the Northern Xinjiang Army and give Sang Yuanxing a chance to breathe. Then reinforcements from all directions will arrive, and Yang Xuan can only retreat, and our army will pursue them..."

He looked at the Northern Xinjiang Army again.

"I conclude that the elite of the Northern Xinjiang Army is on the right wing or in the center! Yang Xuan is waiting for the opportunity."

He raised his hands, "Right wing! Fight back!"

On the opposite side, Yang Xuan said: "The enemy's left wing is unable to attack, and the right wing... the enemy has moved."

The enemy troops on the right suddenly changed their formation and moved out of the way...

Grass mud horse!

"Old silver coin!"

Yang Xuan scolded: "His elite are pretending to be dead dogs on the right wing."

This chapter has been completed!
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