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Chapter 2 Half-Monster and Bloodline Collection

The next day, Mo Juren left a letter and quietly left the God's Hand Valley. Fortunately, his original status was transcendent, and it was normal for the dragon to see its head but not its tail, and it did not cause any disturbance.

On the way, Mo Juren would glance at the corpse-refining iron slave beside him from time to time. It was his original apprentice Zhang Tie, who was assassinated and refined into what he is today.

It has to be said that as a person in the martial arts world, it is common for him to lick blood from his knife and kill people like hemp, so he is really not a good person.

However, it was a bit despicable to assassinate his own apprentice and then use his body to refine and use it. Later, he plotted against Han Li again and was killed in reverse, so he deserved it.

"What, you regret it?" Yu Zitong noticed his reaction and suddenly joked.

"You've done everything, what's there to regret?" Mo Juren's expression remained unchanged, but he thought in his heart that it was the original person who was despicable, what does it have to do with him.

In addition, the reason why Zhang Tie was made into a refined corpse was Yu Zitong's suggestion, and it was he who gave the method. Otherwise, how could he, a mortal warrior, know such a weird magic.

"It comes to mind. I know Brother Mo's character very well. How can he be kind to a woman?" Yu Zitong seemed to be remembering the past, with some emotion in his tone, and then said again,

"Besides, you will become an immortal cultivator in the future. To us, mortals are just ants, so why should we care."

"It's so cold-blooded." Mo Juren cursed secretly in his heart, but he had to admit that this is the reality of this world, which is cold and cruel. For immortal cultivators, the path to immortality is their pursuit, and the rest are just clouds.

Of course, there are also people who value the relationship between men and women, but this is just an adjustment, otherwise, it is destined to be impossible to go far.

"Where are you going to find the elixir?"

"I'm also worried. I've searched for most of the familiar mountains and forests, but I'm sure I haven't gained much." Hearing the other party's initiative to ask, Mo Juren was secretly happy. He has been waiting for you for a long time, and asked calmly,

"You were once a cultivator of immortality, so you must know more than me. Do you have any recommendations?"

"Haha, you are asking the right person. When it comes to being cruel and ruthless, I am ashamed of myself, but when it comes to experience and knowledge, no mortal can compare to us and other immortal cultivators." After hearing the other party's initiative to ask, Yu Zi

Tong felt a little proud inexplicably. You also asked me for help. After a pause, he said,

"The elixirs in the depths of Caixia Mountain have almost been exhausted. If you want to get more, you have to go farther. You can go all the way to the north. About five hundred miles away, there is a Jasper Mountain Range there. It is inaccessible and the elixirs are relatively abundant.


"Are there any monsters?" Before the other party finished speaking, Mo Juren suddenly interrupted and asked.

"Monster?" Yu Zitong couldn't help but be startled, a little confused as to why the other party suddenly asked about this, and then explained,

"Of course there are, otherwise it wouldn't be inaccessible. However, in a small place like this, the resources are too scarce. Even if there are monsters, they are most likely half-demon, with some blood of monsters mixed in, and their strength is not high.

Strong. Not to mention Brother Mo’s alertness and skills, plus I’m here to help, so there’s no need to worry.”

"That's good, let's go to the Jasper Mountains."

Jingzhou is vast in area, far from being comparable to the earth where it was in its previous life.

The journey of five hundred miles seems very far, but it does not leave the state border at all, it is still within Jingzhou.

Like Caixia Mountain, the area where the Biyu Mountain Range is located is also a remote place. There are not many humans living nearby, and most of them are ordinary small towns.

Mo Juren and his party replenished enough food in the city at the foot of the mountain without stopping, and headed directly towards the mountain...

Different from Caixia Mountain, Qingyu Mountain Range is larger and more dangerous. Although there are mountain people coming and going, they only collect some medicinal herbs in the outer areas, and no one dares to enter the deep areas.

Walking on the rugged mountain road, Mo Juren couldn't help but feel a little emotional. He remembered someone once said that even a piece of toilet paper is useful, and it was indeed true.

Just like Yu Zitong, at least without his guidance, it would not have been so smooth for him to enter the mountain alone. Moreover, the other party's spiritual sense is very keen, and he can detect some small dangers in advance.

The elixirs deep in the mountains are indeed rich. During the journey, in less than half a day, I have already harvested two yellow marrow mushrooms, which are about thirty years old. These are real treasures.

The only pity is that the beasts encountered on the way are all ordinary and do not have the blood of monsters. As Yu Zitong said, this kind of ordinary mountain range has extremely thin spiritual energy due to the lack of spiritual veins, so the chance of the birth of monsters is also very small.



Suddenly, Yu Zitong's voice sounded again, a little urgent.

Could it be? Mo Juren's heart suddenly moved and he turned his head to look at the dense forest aside.

What came into view was a giant python that was as thick as a bowl and more than two feet long. The python's body was green, and its huge scales were densely interlocked, emitting a green, cold light under the sunlight.

"This is not an ordinary tree python. It is most likely a half-demon beast mixed with the blood of the green-scaled python. Be careful."

Yu Zitong's reminder is not an exaggeration. Although it is just a half-demon beast, its strength is comparable to that of human martial arts masters. Even in Mo Juren's heyday, he may not be his opponent.

Fortunately, he has the corpse refining, which is his strongest weapon at present. He is as strong as steel, powerful, and fearless of death. It is enough to deal with this half-demon beast.

"Iron slave, go"

An order was issued, and Lian Zhi immediately reacted, without any fear, and rushed directly towards the giant python. In an instant, the two were fighting together.

The giant python was mixed with the blood of monsters and beasts, and it was essentially qualitatively improved. Its wisdom was naturally not comparable to that of ordinary beasts. The moment the corpse rushed towards it, it immediately felt the danger.

Therefore, he directly used his most powerful killing move, and the python body swam quickly, and soon it wrapped tightly around the body of the corpse.

If it were an ordinary person, faced with such a situation, he would definitely die. Even an innate warrior would not be able to do it. The huge force of the giant python can instantly crush the entire body of the prey into pieces.

However, the corpse refining was different. His physical body was too powerful, like steel. When faced with the squeeze, he was unscathed. A pair of iron hands was inserted directly into the body of the giant python like a sharp weapon. Suddenly, green blood burst out.


The giant python felt severe pain in its body, and the wrapping force suddenly loosened. At this moment, it had a trace of fear in its heart and planned to retreat temporarily.

Unfortunately, without the master's order, the corpse-refining attack would not stop. He grasped the giant python seven inches tightly with both hands, suddenly raised it, and slammed it down to the ground.


After the blow, the dust flew up, and the python screamed in pain again. Before it could recover, the python's body was lifted up again, and the Zhanzhi's attack came again. This time, it directly grabbed the giant python and threw it towards the surrounding ground.

He smashed it quickly.

"Bang bang bang..."

Huge muffled sounds continued one after another, and the surrounding ground was smashed out of holes. When the corpse refining stopped, the giant python was already lying soft and motionless, making no sound at all.

Mo Juren watched the whole process. While marveling at the power of Iron Slave, he was also more in awe of the methods of cultivating immortals. This kind of power beyond the ordinary is really desirable.

Standing up and stepping forward, Mo Juren suddenly squatted down and inserted one of his palms directly into the python. At the same time, the game interface also responded.

"Available materials have been detected, the blood of a first-level monster, the green-scaled python, with wood attributes. Do you want to collect it?"


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