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Chapter 442 Extra Chapter Speculation

 Chapter 442 Extra chapter speculation

"This sign came extremely suddenly, but the line of cause and effect has not increased..."

Ji Yuexiang shook his head lightly, and temporarily put his thoughts away. When he turned his palm, a map jade talisman with clear light condensed out.

When he passed by a boundary water palace last time, he took out this jade slip of a map of the Suihe water boundary based on his status as a patrolling demon general who was admitted to the East China Sea spiritual register.

The water area of ​​Suihe River is the most bustling and prosperous underwater area in the northern part of Linbo Water Palace.

"If you want to get the water map of the Second True Palace, you need to go to the famous Suigong Water Market."

Ji Yuenian wrote down the location marked on the jade slip on the map, and used the thirty-six transformation techniques. In a moment, he transformed into a middle-aged demon general in the realm of true palace spirits.

"We are still more than 6,000 miles away from the Suigong Water Market. It should be in time when the market opens at midnight."

The plain-looking middle-aged demon general waved his palm lightly, and a long sword with cold light appeared in his hand. The sword light split into thousands of parts, and finally turned into a brilliant curtain of sword light, which lifted his whole body.

Get up, bring along countless turbulent underwater undercurrents, and rush towards the location of Suigong Water Market.

The detailed map of the Second True Palace is extremely important. Only by holding this object can Ji Yuenian begin to arrange the magical formations in the "Prajna Heart Sutra".


Suddenly, a bone-chilling voice surged from the depths of his mind.

Ji Yuenian was stunned for a moment, and the sword light curtain gradually stopped.

This voice came from the bottom of his heart, and it was so weird that no matter how Ji Yuenian felt it, he couldn't detect the slightest clue.


The mysterious and low vibrating sound swept out and turned into an extremely twisted dark cage, directly covering the middle-aged demon general Ji Yuenian transformed into.

In the void deep in the cage, a three-sided, eight-armed horse-headed stone statue appeared. Its three wide, single eyes were full of coldness, looking straight at Ji Yuenian.

As soon as he looked at it, three gray-white true lights shot out from the depths of his pupils, with countless twisted lights and shadows torn apart, directly penetrating Ji Yuenian's eyebrows!


The middle-aged demon that Ji Yuenian transformed into shattered into pieces, and the azure divine light gathered and dispersed, condensing Ji Yuenian's true appearance.

"Why is Your Majesty King Ming so angry?" Ji Yuenyan said with a smile, without any panic in his expression.

The stone statue of the Horse-headed King Vairocana had a ferocious expression. As he spoke, a voice from the sky seemed to vibrate, and he slowly said: "What is your explanation for the seal of the Water God in Anyang?"

The fundamental reason why this stone statue has never truly awakened is the broken Anyang Seal planted by Ji Yuenian.

Although Ji Yuenian still had a slight smile, his eyes had turned cold and he said: "When I call you 'Your Majesty Ming Wang', I am looking at the face of Horsehead Vairocana Bodhisattva behind you. You are just

It’s just a stone statue, don’t really think of yourself as Mingwang Bodhisattva.”

The three single eyes of the three-sided and eight-armed horse-headed stone statue stared at Ji Yuenian and said: "If you dare to destroy the layout of Horse-head Vairocana Bodhisattva, if you alarm the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, even if you are really Luojia Saint

The creatures of the mountain will inevitably go through the six paths of reincarnation in the future!"

There are many sects of the Origin Sect of Buddhism, and there are many Bodhisattva sages and true Buddhas. Most of the monasteries of these Bodhisattva sages are not in the Holy Mountain of Sumeru, but are scattered in the Three Realms.

After the last immeasurable calamity, the nominal co-owner of heaven and earth was the Thirty-Three Heavenly Courts. However, after the great calamity, the Thirty-Three Heavenly Courts were unable to put pressure on the original religion of Buddhism. This also led to the failure of many Bodhisattvas.

In order to compete for merit and luck, the conflicts between the sages have become more and more serious. If the creatures in their respective dojos are not careful, extremely violent conflicts will break out.

"Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is indeed the most noble and supreme power in Netherworld Fengdu." Ji Yuenian took out a lifelike Arhat wood carving with a flick of his sleeves. "But if I don't enter the six paths of reincarnation, this Bodhisattva will

You can't control me, and you, this stone statue that is destined to remain silent here, don't need to pretend to be powerful."

As soon as he finished speaking, he threw the Arhat wood carving directly!

At the same time, the expression of the three-sided and eight-armed horse-headed stone statue changed dramatically the moment it saw the wooden sculpture!

"It turns out that you are not a creature from Luojia Holy Mountain at all, but..."


Before he could finish his words, the Arhat wooden sculpture cracked and shattered, and a brilliant and overwhelming Buddha light shone across the heaven and earth!

Under the shining golden Buddha light, the three-sided and eight-armed horse-headed stone statue melted silently, and was eventually annihilated into fine dust that was imperceptible.

This chapter has been completed!
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