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Chapter 727 The non-existent 'Landeng Ancient Buddha'

Chapter 727: The non-existent "Landeng Ancient Buddha"

The distorted light and shadow gradually dissipated, and the scenery in front of him became clear. Ji Yuenian opened his eyes, and what he saw was a sea of ​​beautiful blue flowers.

A bright silver moon hangs above the sky at night. The bright white moonlight falls quietly and is hidden among the endless sea of ​​flowers. The blue and white halos complement each other, making it extremely bright.

Ji Yuenian's eyes reflected the shadows of icy blue flowers, his pupils shrank, and he looked towards a pavilion in the undulating sea of ​​flowers.

Among the boundless sea of ​​flowers, only the carved pavilion stands quietly.

Ji Yuenian walked forward along the path in the sea of ​​blue flowers. Unconsciously, the light and pleasant fragrance of flowers filled his mouth and nose. Under the cover of the night, these unknown ice blue flowers bloomed wantonly.

, each flower stamen is faintly glowing with light blue light like fireflies.

"There seems to be something wrong..."

After about dozens of seconds, Ji Yuenian stopped and glanced at the pavilion again. He was extremely surprised to realize that the distance between him and it had not narrowed at all, as if he had been there all this time.

They were all walking in place.

Raising his head and looking at the bright white silver moon, Ji Yuenian frowned more and more, and said softly: "This moon wheel seems to be different from the previous one. The moon of the three realms is a 'yin moon', although it is the same."

It is bright and clean, but it contains the lunar energy that has never dissipated since ancient times; and the moonlight shed by this moon wheel is silvery white, without any lunar moonlight..."

"Am I no longer in the three realms of heaven and earth at this moment..."

"Or, like before, you accidentally entered a place similar to the 'real spirit realm'."

Thinking of this, Ji Yuenian couldn't help but shake his head and tried to connect with his soul, but he didn't get any response, just like before when he was in the true spirit realm.

Quietly, countless ice-blue petals gathered together not far away, turning into a shadowy figure wearing an ice-blue robe.

The figure's face was a little blurry, and there were countless magnificent lights escaping between the sleeves of his robe. He looked down at Ji Yuenian quietly and said: "Zhuang Zhou dreamed of butterflies. I don't know if Zhuang Zhou dreamed of butterflies, or maybe he dreamed of butterflies."

The butterfly in the dream represents Zhuang Zhou."

Ji Yuenian wanted to speak, but he realized that his current state was a bit strange, as if he was just a light and shadow with no real existence, and he couldn't say a word at all.

The faint blue light seemed to laugh and said: "Now you are here in the virtual form of your soul, not in substance. If you want to speak, just use your heart to stimulate your thoughts."

Ji Yuenian's eyes trembled slightly, and he said, "Where is this, who are you, and why am I here?"

The human figure in the blue robe sighed and said softly: "The scene you are seeing at this time is the 'past' that existed in the depths of distorted time and space countless kalpas ago."

"As for me..."

The light and shadow fell on the figure, and the blur on the face gradually faded away. A pair of deep eyes glowing with ice blue light looked at Ji Yuenian, "You can call me the 'Lamp Waiter'."

Ji Yuenian's brows furrowed even more tightly and he said, "Waiter holding the lamp?"

The creature who claimed to be the lamp attendant nodded, looked sideways at the pavilion deep in the sea of ​​flowers, and said: "Although the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng has long since disappeared in the past, the Buddha under him has left a legacy in this world.

There are many "Past Buddhas of the Three Worlds" sutras. If there are living beings who can understand the wonders of this sutra, they will naturally be affected by the power of time and space in the 'past' and be reflected here in the form of spiritual souls."

Ji Yuenian thought about the words of the lamp attendant but did not speak.

The waiter who held the lamp smiled and said: "Since you have understood "The Past Buddhas of the Three Worlds of Buddhas", you can be regarded as the 'butterfly' chosen by the Buddhas under the ancient Buddha's seat. Let me ask you, what can you do from now on?

Are you willing to stay here and practice?"

Listening to his light words, Ji Yuenian's heart palpitated subconsciously. He calmed down and said, "May I ask the lamp attendant, what kind of existence is the rumored Lantern Ancient Buddha?"

"Landeng Ancient Buddha..."

The waiter holding the lamp had a strange expression on his face, "Do you know what the 'past' is?"

Ji Yuenian shook his head.

The waiter holding the lamp evoked an inexplicable smile and said: "The past is something that can never be seen in this world. No matter when, the Buddha in the past is the ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas who existed in the 'past', so...


"Even in the 'past' here and now, the Ancient Buddha of Deng Deng is still in a more distorted and distant 'past' that no one can see and no one can know."

"Perhaps only the Buddhas under the ancient Buddha of Burning Deng can prove that this ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas really existed."

"However, in the long time between the state and the sky, even if it can be traced back to the time when heaven and earth were not divided, the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng is still in the records of the 'past' and will never appear in the present world."

The waiter holding the lamp turned his head and his eyes fell on Ji Yuenian's face, "If you stay here to practice until countless countless calamities later, you will be able to realize the fruit of seeing the truth, and you can survive even if the world calamity comes.


Ji Yuenian's heart palpitations became more intense. He looked up at the lamp-holding attendant with dim eyes and said: "In short, the so-called 'Land-burning Ancient Buddha' has never appeared in the realm of state and sky.

, the so-called 'past' is just a falsehood separated from the present world, is that so?"

The waiter holding the lamp did not get angry, but looked at Ji Yuenian with interest and said, "If I understand it like you do, it's not impossible."

Ji Yuenian's eyes were slightly cold and he said, "Are you going to trap me here forever?"

Hearing this, the lamp-holding attendant laughed a little, shook his head and said: "You have misunderstood this matter. You can't believe that the "Three Worlds of Buddhas in the Past" is a distortion left by the Buddhas under the ancient Buddha's seat.

The force of time and space that brought you here has nothing to do with me. I'm just asking you if you want to stay and practice."

Ji Yuenian was silent for a moment and said, "What if you stay, what if you don't stay?"

The waiter holding the lamp said quietly: "At this time, the three realms are not divided, the sun and the moon have no spirit, the heaven has not been established, and the underworld is also in chaos. If you start practicing at this time, you can come earlier than those 'innate beings'.

With the blessing of this endless long time, the results of cultivating the ability to see the true nature are meager."

Although his tone was plain, his words contained a temptation that no living thing could refuse.

Ji Yuenian raised his head and glanced at the bright white moon. His scalp was actually a little numb, and he said in a cold voice: "Nonsense!"

The waiter holding the lamp raised his eyebrows and looked at Ji Yuenian.

Ji Yuenianqiang calmed himself down and said in a cold voice: "This is the distant and unknown past. Even if you can cultivate the fruit of seeing the truth, you are still in the stagnant past. Even if you cultivate a thousand more

, Tens of thousands of heaven-seeing Taoist fruits will never be able to wait until the day when the two qi of pure and turbid energy turn into heaven and earth!"

The expression of the waiter holding the lamp was somewhat frozen.

Ji Yuenian's voice was even colder, and the looming fire lotus shadow danced in his eyes: "Just like the 'past' that does not exist in this world, if the 'future' is waiting here for the birth of the sun and the moon, the division of heaven and earth, I am determined to

It is impossible to wait, and the final result will be like you, becoming the most humble prisoner in the endless long time, never waiting for the 'future' day!"

"Even if there is indeed a 'future' where the world first opens a long time later, as for the present that exists in the 'past', the period of time between the present and the 'future' is never-ending, completely stagnant, and cannot be reached until eternity.

The end!"

Ji Yuenian's voice was extremely firm, and his eyes were coldly looking at the waiter holding the lamp, never giving in at all.

The waiter holding the lamp was completely stunned on the spot.

Ji Yuenian looked around at the beautiful sea of ​​blue flowers around him and said slowly: "In this endless sea of ​​flowers, every ice blue flower is a 'past' projected here by the power of distorted time and space.

These creatures may not have understood the mysteries of this place, and could not resist the great temptation of being born before the innate beings, so they chose to stay here to practice, and gave up the true spirit in the distant world..."

"The fate of these creatures in the end is to become a flower in the sea of ​​flowers, sinking in the endless time..."

Ji Yuexiang gritted her teeth and walked closer to the lamp attendant, "If what I expected is correct, then the so-called Buddhas under the Deng Deng Ancient Buddha's seat are also terrifying monsters that existed in the 'past'. They are unable to

Breaking free from the confinement of distorted time and space can only lure more and more Buddha-origin beings to sink here, turning them into flower petals by unknown means, waiting to one day cross the extremely distant time and space and truly come to the world."

A smile suddenly appeared on the face of the waiter holding the lamp. This smile became more and more obvious, and in the end, it turned into an extremely crazy laugh!

Ji Yuenian looked at the lamp-holding waiter who was laughing wildly and remained silent.

It wasn't until tears burst out of the blue eyes of the waiter holding the lamp that he slowly put away his crazy laughter, looked at Ji Yuenian, and said with a smile and a cry: "How unfair are the three realms of heaven and earth! Just because

The record of "Three Worlds of Buddhas" gave birth to the Buddhas under the ancient Buddha in the distorted "past". They were trapped in the long and distant depths of time when they were born, completely stagnant in the "past Buddha".

In this endless period of time between 'The First Opening of Heaven and Earth', what crime can be committed!"

This chapter has been completed!
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