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Chapter 827: The rain of celestial phenomena, the fragrance in wide sleeves


The blazing sunlight passes through the layers of leaves, casting fine and mottled light and shadow under the trees.

Ji Yuenian leaned at the bottom of the tree trunk, half-sitting, and used the small half pot of water left by Zhao Yan just now to wash away the mud on his face. There were several blood scabs on his pale face, and his black hair was a little

It hangs down randomly, still vaguely covering its true appearance.

"Falling into the realm of life chains this time is the most terrifying disaster I have encountered in the past four thousand years."

Putting down the empty kettle, Ji Yuenian's eyes were a little dark, and his thoughts and thoughts were frantically thinking about a way to solve this predicament. "The people in this world are not as good as innate, and their lifespan is not more than a hundred years."

, although my true spirit and soul are full of the breath of the state and heaven, they are still suppressed by the shackles of fate, so that at this time I have completely reduced to an ordinary person."

"If I still can't break the situation within a hundred years, then my fate will be to fall into the shackles of fate in this world and die at the end of my life."

"At that time, my true spirit and soul will also be completely washed away from the state and heaven, and will be crushed inch by inch by the wheel of fate, and will never exist again."

"a hundred years……"

Ji Yuenian sighed slightly and reluctantly raised his limp arms, looking down at his pale and slender palms with a dazed expression.

The bones of his left leg were broken and his hamstrings were torn. His right leg was still usable, several ribs were broken, and his two arms had varying degrees of bone fractures. The slightest exertion would cause severe pain.

While I was thinking about it, the sound of fighting in the distance gradually stopped, and the roars of the wolf and snake beasts also stopped.

The sound of the giant psychic snake swimming through the woods was getting closer and closer. The next moment, its huge snake head poked out between the branches of the trees and said in a low voice: "Young Master, I heard that humans like to have sex, so I specially stayed here.

I brought the life of a beautiful girl alive for you to enjoy."

Its tail hidden in the forest slowly rolled up and put down a pale and delicate girl.

When the beautiful girl saw Ji Yuenian, she screamed and said, "It turns out it's you, a loser with broken limbs! My princess was kind enough to save you, but you actually colluded with the wolf and snake beasts to murder my princess!"

Ji Yueyun raised her eyes and recognized this girl as Xiang'er, the maid beside Jiang Jiyue. She smiled slightly and said, "Where is your princess now?"

The maid Xiang'er gritted her teeth and said: "My princess has escaped under the protection of Grandma Shu. If you don't let me go quickly, otherwise I will teach you how to look good!"

Ji Yuenian looked at her quietly, with a somewhat noncommittal expression, and said: "Your princess did give me some snacks and water, but if I remember correctly, this matter seems to have nothing to do with you? What's more,

You, my maid, did something secretly and threw that piece of snack into the muddy water, but is that so?"

Xiang'er was startled for a moment, her face was a little green and red, her tone finally softened, and she said: "You are just a useless person, that 'Tongmai Pill' is so precious, the Yungu Imperial City of the entire Jiang clan cannot exceed five

"The grain of my princess's is the dowry left to her by her mother. How can it be used on a useless person like you who has lost your limbs? I am not angry in my heart, so..."

While he was speaking, several tall ferocious wolf beasts walked out of the woods. Xiang'er felt frightened and her voice became softer and softer. Finally, she shut her mouth completely and did not dare to speak anymore.

Just a few dozen breaths ago, these wolf beasts brutally killed more than ten waiters and several guard warriors. Although three wolf beasts were killed by Granny Tree, with the arrival of the psychic snake beast,

Grandma Shu could no longer withstand the siege of these monsters, so she had to escape with Jiang Jiyue alone. Under the emergency situation, she could not even take care of these two personal maids.

The giant snake looked down at the maid Xiang'er coldly and said: "Young Master, this girl's rude words are really abominable. If I hadn't kept her for you to have sex with, I would have killed her right away!"

The psychic wolf king held a kettle full of water in his mouth, walked on all fours in front of Ji Yuenian, put the kettle down, looked at the young man in front of him curiously, and let out a dull growl.

Ji Yuenian stretched out his sleeves to take out the seemingly clean kettle, drank a large sip of water, looked up at the giant snake, and said softly: "You monster, you are really an idiot. If I am what you imagined,

For those who are addicted to carnal desires, even if they have a thousand or ten thousand lives, they will have been thrown into the whirlpool of reincarnation long ago."

After saying this, he struggled to stand up, enduring the severe pain of broken bones all over his body. He held a kettle in his right hand and a thick and strong branch in his left hand, limping towards the depths of the forest.


The psychic wolf king and several other wolf beasts slowly followed up. The wolf king even used his thick tail to protect Ji Yuenian's side, always holding him before he fell down, which could be said to be an extremely dedicated effort.

Just now through the mouth of the snake beast, the psychic wolf king has learned about the mysterious things here in Ji Yuenian. Although the wolf king's cultivation is insufficient and cannot be described by humans for the time being, his mind is extremely smart. At this time, it

Here I am saddled and saddled, and I just hope that I can learn one and a half moves here in Ji Yuenian in the future, and that is enough.

After a few breaths, the psychic snake beast also followed. It shook its huge head and spit out a pile of snow-white bones. A fishy saliva dripped from the corner of its mouth, which was vaguely mixed with the scarlet color of fresh blood.

In the huge cave between the cliffs, there were broken bones and large and small pieces of meat everywhere, and the stench was overwhelming.

Ji Yuenian frowned, stepped deeper and deeper, and barely found a place to stay on the edge of the stone cave door, and then half-sat down with some effort.


The wolf king let out a low growl, his tail wagging behind him.

The psychic snake beast probed into a huge snake head and said with a sneer: "Young Master, the wolf beast said that its cave is too dirty and messy, so I have wronged you."

Ji Yuenian waved his hand, looked at the dark sky outside the cave, and said: "The sky is cloudy and sunny, the moon waxes and wanes, and now that a heavy rain is coming, it is good to have a place to hide from the rain."

The snake beast seemed to suddenly remember something. He looked down at Ji Yuenian's hands and feet, as if he had just reacted, and said in surprise: "Young Master, you can actually walk on your own! I remember that half an hour ago, you were still dying and couldn't move. Just now

Is it just because I drank two bottles of water that I recovered to this point?"

Ji Yuenian rubbed his sore left leg and said softly: "Let's go find some wild fruits to eat. It's best to drag the whole fruit tree over with its tail. It should be enough for me to eat these days. Wait until

In a few days, when the rain stops here, you can send me to Yungu Imperial City."

The snake beast nodded hastily, then turned around and swam into the woods.

Ji Yuenian took off the kettle from his waist and took another sip of water. Feeling the gradual recovery of his flesh and bones, a ray of bright light gradually came into his thoughts that were originally dark and gloomy.

"Although there is little spiritual energy between heaven and earth and no source of energy, all living things here contain countless spiritual energy. Whether it is mountains, rivers, flowers and plants, or humans, animals, insects, and fish, there seems to be an extremely rich life in their bodies.

World spirit energy."

Ji Yuenian's thoughts were flowing, and he had vaguely guessed the general rules of the world of life locks, "No wonder these monsters are born to be able to awaken the spiritual energy, because they already have extremely powerful spiritual energy in their bodies. When the time is right,

You will awaken and become a psychic monster."

"The Realm of Life Chain is really fair to all things in this world. It distributes all the world's spiritual energy to every living being equally, without any bias. When its hundred years of life is over, it will give away most of the untapped energy in its body.

The inspiration is taken back and transferred to the new life, and so on, over and over again, which is enough to keep the origin of the world alive, lasting for endless time, and almost never extinguishing."

"The reason why there are countless calamities and countless calamities in the realm of state and heaven is precisely because the origin of the world cannot withstand more and more powerful beings, and it can only rely on calamities again and again to redefine the rules of heaven and earth and trace the source of the world.

. Even so, the great world of Zhoutian still lacks more beings of the three realms of holding the realm to feed back the source of the realm. No wonder those realm-holding servants are so eager to hope that new transcendent creatures will be born between heaven and earth. Only the three realms of holding the realm of Zhoutian can feed back.

With more and more creatures in the realm, the source of the realm of the state and heaven can barely maintain a false balance before the calamity arrives."

"But in this life-locked world, which is completely controlled by fate, there will never be any so-called worries about calamity."

"Everything here involves the reason why the galaxy world can exist. Which one is better and which one is worse, even I can't fully understand..."

Ji Yuenian put the kettle back on his waist, feeling that some of his flesh and bones had recovered, his eyes became slightly colder, "Not only are these life world creatures unable to use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in their bodies, they are not even aware that they have such a huge amount of energy in their bodies."

A large amount of spiritual energy exists, but for some reason, I am able to absorb the spiritual energy contained in it. I just drank a few sips of water and absorbed so much spiritual energy from heaven and earth to nourish my body. If these few days

If you eat some wild fruits during the day, it is impossible to say that the broken bones and fascia can be fully restored."

In his view, everything in front of him contains a huge amount of life-world spiritual energy. Whether it is a piece of grass, a flower, a pot of water, or a wild fruit, the life-world spiritual energy in it can be easily absorbed by him.

In this way, his injuries of broken muscles and bones are no longer a concern.

"Under the rules of the shackles of fate, these life-world creatures have evenly divided the huge world's spiritual opportunities. They have no treasures but cannot enter. They will not be able to break this situation throughout their lives and can only be depressed when they die at the end of their century-old lives.

And in the end, it’s really a bit pitiful…”

While thinking about it, Ji Yuenian sat on the ground at the edge of the pungent smelly cave and closed his eyes slightly.

In a short while, heavy rain poured down, dark clouds covered the top of the head, and the fierce wind and rain roared, raging in every corner of the mountain forest.

I don't know how much time passed, but Ji Yuenian opened his eyes and looked at the dark rain that never stopped outside the cave, with a vague expression on his face.

Just now, he noticed a fact that was not too good for him.

Although these spiritual energies can nourish flesh, blood, muscles and bones, they cannot be truly used. Although there is no theory of heart fire in this world, there is a theory of spiritual roots.

Under the shackles of fate, no matter how excellent your spiritual roots are, you will never be able to break into the first realm of spiritual practice, the "Qi Gathering Realm."

The Qi Gathering Realm, also known as the "Xuanfa Xiantian", is a terrifying and insurmountable chasm for the creatures in today's destiny world.

Even at this time of Ji Yuenian, he could not glimpse the slightest bit of the Qi Gathering Realm, which also shows that the end of his life span in the next hundred years is still the biggest disaster he will face.

"The rain of celestial phenomena in Zhoutian seems to be the same as the scene in front of you, but in the rain curtain in front of you, there is no existence of the ghosts of celestial phenomena."

After suppressing his somewhat chaotic thoughts, Ji Yuenian sat on the floor under the cave, looking at the increasingly rapid rain outside the cave, with a vague expression on his face.

This chapter has been completed!
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