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Chapter 44 The Admiral's Promise (Part 2)

He gently clenched his fist with his right hand, and heard an explosion in the air, as tens of thousands of sharp metal objects exploded around him at the same time.

A purple light flashed in Gu Xiechen's eyes, and nine oval purple light groups exploded from Yingli's side. Nine strong men stepped out of the purple light in long strides. The nine people glared at Yingli and shouted in unison:

"How dare you be rude to the Supreme Being! Look at the power of our Nine Palace Demon Subduing Formation!"

The big man Kujo occupied the position of the Nine Palaces, formed a thunder seal with his hands at the same time, and muttered something in his mouth. He saw the sun light on the roof flashing wildly for a few times and then suddenly extinguished. Nine red thunders as thick as the mouth of a bowl followed the deafening thunder.

The sound fell on his head. Nine bolts of crazy thunder hit Yingli without missing a beat. He only heard Yingli scream, and the hair on his body and the last pair of pants turned green in the flash of lightning.

The smoke flew away, and a three-meter-deep pit was blasted out of the ground. Ingrid, naked and blackened, twitched and fell to the bottom of the pit, staring blankly at the ceiling of the flower garden with a pair of white eyes.

The tall man Kujo exclaimed at the same time: "Hey... our souls have been damaged and our strength has been greatly depleted. The Nine Palace Demon-Suppressing God's Thunder actually failed to kill this monster?"

Shaking his head in disbelief, the big man Kujo clenched his fists the size of a bowl and rushed towards Ingrid. Judging from their momentum, it was clear that they were going to beat Ingrid to death.

With a slight cough, Gu Xiechen flicked his fingers, and the nine big men immediately stopped their hands. A burst of silhouettes flashed past, and the nine people stood neatly in a row behind Gu Xiechen, with eighteen shining big men.

He scanned Admiral Valkyr and the others with vigilant eyes, intent on taking action immediately if the momentum went wrong.

Admiral Valkyrie was silent for a while. He stretched out his hand to stop the other four young people who wanted to rush towards Gu Xiechen. After applauding vigorously a few times, Admiral Varghery praised: "Very good, very powerful. I

Very satisfied. Colonel, I think we can have a good talk now."

Gu Xiechen looked at Admiral Valkyr and said happily: "Formal?"

Admiral Valkyr nodded seriously: "Formal."

A team of white-clad medical soldiers rushed into the garden that was beaten into a mess. Ingrid, who was seriously injured by lightning, was stuffed into a medical cabin and then quickly transported to the medical center of the base. Admiral Valkyr signaled to Siren,

Aredia and others stayed in the flower garden, and he took Gu Xiechen to his private study.

The treatment enjoyed by a federal admiral is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Admiral Vagli actually has a private study room covering an area of ​​about 200 square meters in the headquarters hundreds of meters underground. The furnishings of the study room are gorgeous and luxurious, if not

The person who brought the drinks was a female orderly in uniform. Gu Xiechen even thought he had walked into the family study of an ancient nobleman.

Sitting comfortably on the leather sofa, Admiral Vagli took out a golden check from his pocket. He deftly rolled the check into a paper roll, and Admiral Vagli struck a match and lit the check.

, and then lit a cigar with the burning check. He took a strong puff of the cigar and exhaled a mouthful of strong disgust. Admiral Valkyrie smiled at Gu Xiechen and said: "The bearer check from the Federal Bank, 10 billion!

My cigar is worth 10 billion, and it really tastes very good."

Gu Xiechen twisted his butt vigorously to make himself more comfortable on the sofa. He chose a bottle of his favorite gold foil brandy on the wine cart pushed by the female orderly. Gu Xiechen picked a wide-mouthed cup for

He poured himself a full glass of wine, and then drank it all. The check worth ten billion turned into a plume of smoke between the fingers of Admiral Valkyr. Gu Xiechen knew that Admiral Valkyr had already

Made some kind of promise to myself.

Ten billion, this was the price Gu Juechen used to buy General Valkyr.

After savoring the fragrant wine with satisfaction, Gu Xiechen exclaimed: "It's been a while since I drank fifty-year-old gold leaf brandy."

Admiral Valkyrie flicked the ashes of his cigarette, crossed his legs and said with a smile: "Ingrid and the other five little guys drink this stuff like water. You have to know how much I pamper them, I pamper them too much. Jun

The Ministry sacrificed 980 great young men to produce five of their successful works, so their treatment..."

Gu Xiechen glanced at Admiral Valkyr, and he sneered: "I will not be your little guy." After a pause, Gu Xiechen poured himself another full glass of brandy, and he leaned comfortably on the sofa.

He came up and said comfortably while sipping the brandy: "If I remember correctly, you are listed as a five-star VIP in the Gu Group's secret VIP list, Admiral Valkyr. Let's talk frankly about some useless things.

You don't want to use small tricks, and I don't want to use them either, everyone...be honest."

After a comfortable belch, Gu Xiechen looked at Admiral Valkyrie and said with a smile: "Harmony brings wealth!"

"Harmony brings wealth!" Admiral Vagri exhaled a puff of thick smoke. He repeated the words Gu Xiechen said word by word. He actually read these four words with an unforgettable aftertaste.

"I haven't heard this saying for several years. It was your father's mantra back then!" Admiral Vagri nodded to Gu Xiechen and said, "Your brother Gu Juechen is different. He has always been consistent.

I’ve always liked to eat alone.”

Speaking of the name "Gu Juechen", Admiral Valkyr raised the corners of his mouth and smiled sarcastically.

Gu Xiechen also smiled and said calmly: "There has to be someone to take over my father's mantle, right? In this world, it is impossible for one person to monopolize all the profits."

"I like this sentence!" General Valkyrie straightened up suddenly. He lit his cigar and Gu Xiechen said with a smile: "Your father also often said this sentence back then. There is too much profit in this world.

It is impossible for one person to monopolize all the profits! Therefore, everyone must be harmonious to make money. Only when we are harmonious and help each other can the business continue."

Gu Xiechen and Admiral Valkyr looked at each other. After a while, they both laughed loudly at the same time.

Gu Xiechen laughed so hard that he drank all the brandy in the glass while laughing.

Admiral Valkyr laughed for a while, put out his cigar in the ashtray, and said to Gu Xiechen with a smile: "I have reviewed the battlefield records you submitted, and you noticed the special alloy you used to avoid the Roman scanners.

It's very valuable. I want you to master the formulas of those special metals. In addition, you temporarily join the Rangers led by Ingrid, whose mission is to destroy all activities of the Holy See, the Alliance of Gods and the Asian Taoist Alliance on Paradise Star."

After slamming the table hard, Admiral Valkyrie shouted in a deep voice: "All activities, no matter what they do, stop them, destroy them... But, I will not admit that you were sent by me!"

After a while of silence, Gu Xiechen nodded slowly and said, "What can I get?"

Admiral Valkyrie narrowed his eyes: "The legalization of the Hell's Angels mercenary group, your due interests in Paradise Star, and... the military will remain neutral in the competition between you and Gu Juechen."

With a snap of his fingers, a voluptuous and beautiful blonde female major general twisted her waist and walked out from behind a moved bookshelf. This charming female major general placed a document in Gu Xiechen's hands.

In front of him, Gu Xiechen opened the document and quickly glanced at the contents. He took a deep breath.

This is a document that converts the Hells Angels mercenary group into a defense company affiliated with the federal military.

The mercenary group is just a private commercial armed group. The strongest force it can possess is the heavy patrol boats that have been eliminated by the federal military. The most profitable contracts are nothing more than security work for major multinational companies. They are on mineral planets and colonies across the federation.

Only ordinary mercenary regiments can be stationed on the planet, and the number of stations is limited by federal military regulations.

The Integrated Defense Company under the Federal Ministry of Military Affairs has a semi-official status. All employees have formal federal reserve military ranks and can own powerful ships below the second-class battleship. The defense company can own all the equipment on major mining stars and colonial stars.

Armed military bases can station a considerable number of troops. Powerful defense companies have their own military research and development capabilities and their own ordnance production lines. They can obtain arms orders from the federal military and receive a certain amount of funding from the federal military every year.

Military aid.

"What a high bargaining chip." Gu Xiechen sighed lightly. If Captain Qiubeard saw this document, he would definitely go crazy with joy.

"The price is also very high...the three parties, except for the bamboo slips you have already traded with them, will not allow them to take away any plants or trees from this planet." A fierce light flashed in Admiral Valkyr's eyes.

: "Everything on this planet belongs to the Federation! If you can make them get nothing here, this document belongs to your Hells Angels mercenary group."

"I... will go all out!" Gu Xiechen dropped the wine glass, grabbed the bottle of brandy and drank it in one gulp.

"Three Witches Sect, I have a good excuse." Gu Xiechen squinted his eyes and chuckled.

Admiral Valkyrie brought the document in front of him. He smiled and said: "When you complete the commission, this document will belong to you. I reiterate again, I will not admit that I sent you."

"Yes!" Gu Xiechen responded. He stood up, turned around and walked towards the study door.

"The Hell's Angels mercenary group will not participate in the war with the Romans. This time our contribution is great enough." Gu Xiechen said lightly: "I will do a good job in other things."

It's really an offer that no one can refuse.

After walking out of Admiral Valkyr's study, Gu Xiechen sighed helplessly. The chips Valkyr offered were too heavy and he really couldn't refuse.

In the study, Admiral Valkyr led the blond Major General into the secret communications room behind the bookshelf.

A curtain of light fell from the ceiling, and Gu Juechen appeared in the curtain of light.

Admiral Valkyrie nodded to Gu Juechen in a relaxed manner: "Don't worry, I have never broken my promise. Patriarch Gu, your father and I have been old friends for so many years, and you and I have been friends for so many years.

Old friendship, I have already taken care of this matter."

"very good."

The light curtain flickered, and Gu Juechen's face disappeared in the shattered light curtain.

× × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×

Collapse, I struggled with the Internet and Zhutou for a long time today, and I was in a bad mood...


Not much to say, if the network continues to have problems, you may not be able to access the Internet today, so you can only update in advance while the network is smooth now

This chapter has been completed!
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