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What you must know about Roam

Roam people's power consists of:

The Supreme Council composed of the nine elector families is responsible for the politics, economy, culture, art, military and other departments of the Roam people. It is the main assistant of the King of Roam.

The House of Lords is composed of one hundred and eight upper-ranking families. They are responsible for supervising the Supreme Council and maintaining the interests of the entire Roam people.

The temple is responsible for the control of the Roam people's faith and racial cohesion, and is responsible for internal supervision, spying, external assassinations, and cleaning work. The chief priest of the temple is parallel to the King of Roam, but is slightly lower than the King of Roam. After the natural life of the King of Roam ends,

chief priest

Responsible for selecting the successor to the throne.

Social structure: The social system of the Roam people is composed of families. The emperor-elected family rotates every hundred years, and the upper-ranking family rotates every twenty years. The temple scores each family according to the number of various talents that have emerged from the family within a hundred years and ten years.


The nine families with the highest scores are listed as the elector families for the next hundred years, and the other 108 families with the highest scores become upper-ranking families. The electorate families and upper-ranking families can share 50% of the wealth produced by the entire Roam society, so choose

Imperial family and superiors

The family has great interests and power. It would be extremely tragic for any family to be kicked out of these 117 privileged families. There are often hundreds to a thousand candidates for the upper family.

Unequal median family sums

Thousands of low-ranking families!

If a low-ranking family has a brilliant genius, they can join the army or a scientific research institute, and their achievements will also be recorded in the family's points. In history, there have been peerless geniuses from low-ranking families who relied on their own merits to achieve success.


Bring in the Emperor's family.

The King of Roam can only be selected from the young children of the elector family!

After the natural lifespan of the King of Roam ends, the high priest of the temple will select the members of the nine elector families and select the best among them to become the King of Roam!

The religious system of the Roam people: the complex worship of primitive gods and multiple gods, which is the primary stage of transforming from the totem god system to the dependent god system. The highest temple of the Roam people, the Pantheon, worships thousands of gods at the same time, from the God of the Universe to the God of Time.

God reaches space

From the gods to the specific gods of black holes, stars, planets, space ray craze, etc. In particular, there are hundreds of specific gods such as the god of black holes - in the long wandering career of the Roam people

All the disasters they encountered in the universe

Nandu is worshiped as a god by them. The greater the losses caused by natural disasters to the Roam people, the more likely they are to become a great god with a large number of believers. The most recent one caused the destruction of three immigrant spaceships of the Roam people, causing them to lose millions of residents.

A black hole becomes

The god with the most followers in the past hundred years.

Generally speaking, Roam people are proud and arrogant. They look down on all other civilized species. This bad temper persists even after they are forced to leave their homes and start wandering. Therefore, they habitually believe in gods and regard themselves as gods.


Humans stand closest to the gods and thus stay away from the earthly creatures they look down upon. But precisely because of their pride and arrogance, they look down on the gods believed by the vast majority of their compatriots, so when they come into contact with the religious system of the earth, some of them are the most

The proudest and most arrogant people became believers of the earth's religion. But because of their pride and arrogance, they looked down on the teachings of the earth's religion, and they arbitrarily revised the religious teachings according to their own understanding, thus creating the four Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness.


The Roam people use special energy-storing crystals to carve statues of various gods. Their huge spiritual power is concentrated in these statues to create some kind of almost soul existence, which is then transformed into their gods. Therefore, the gods of the Roam people are created by them.

It was produced by them and eventually became their spiritual sustenance.

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