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Chapter 63 Coercion and inducement, subdue Valkyrie (1)

Chapter 63: Conquering the Val'kyr through coercion and inducement (Part 1)

It's raining, and it's pouring.

A squadron of thirty high-altitude fighters roared past the clouds at high speed. A bolt of lightning struck a fighter plane. The anti-lightning energy shield flashed, and large pieces of tiny lightning exploded nearly a hundred meters away. Fighter formation

He broke through the clouds upwards without any hesitation, and rushed towards several Roman fighter planes in the distance that were frantically strafing and dropping bombs on the ground.

A dull roar came from an anti-aircraft missile site hundreds of meters away. Twelve consecutive heavy-duty anti-aircraft missiles flew off the ground with long flame tails, just in time to meet a group of eight Roman ground attack aircraft in formation.

The Roman fighter planes that were preparing for a sneak attack were caught off guard by the anti-aircraft missiles. Five fighters were hit and exploded in the air. The fighter pilots ejected in a hurry, and hurriedly fled away in the distance in their individual aircraft. A team of two fighters on the ground

The ten-man special forces also controlled the individual aircraft to fly off the ground and chased the five fleeing Eldar pilots.

A group of 12 patrols huddled under a big tree not far from the anti-aircraft missile position. Dozens of banana trees more than 30 meters high covered them tightly. The heavy rain hit the banana leaves, and there were only sporadic branches.

A few drops of rain could fall on the patrols through the banana leaves. These soldiers huddled together to resist the sudden cold air in the dense forest. A few soldiers even violated the rules of the patrol and lit cigarettes and puffed away happily.


Gu Xiechen, who was wearing a Taoist robe and crane cloak, floated over on the branches. As he gradually approached the patrol, the Taoist robe and crane cloak gradually turned into a federal army uniform, and the epaulettes clearly read the rank of captain.

.Gu Xiechen flew onto a banana plant, stepped heavily on the banana leaves, and landed in front of the patrol.

The soldiers were startled. Everyone's guns were pointed at Gu Xiechen at the same time. They saw clearly the military uniform on Gu Xiechen's body and his rank insignia. The muzzles of their guns dropped three inches in unison.

A soldier who was smoking dropped his cigarette heavily on the ground with trembling fingers, causing several of their bodies to tremble.

The sergeant leader of the patrol team reacted very quickly. As soon as he lowered his gun, he raised it and aimed it at Gu Xiechen's eyebrows. He shouted sternly: "Your unit number and your name!"

Gu Xiechen shrugged his shoulders and chuckled: "Robbery!"

'Robbery'? The minds of the soldiers on the patrol went blank for a while. They could not figure out what was going on. A purple light suddenly flashed behind them, and Xin Jia strode out of the purple light with eleven subordinates, waving his big

The fist knocked twelve soldiers unconscious instantly.

Gu Xiechen fumbled around with the sergeant leader of the patrol for a while, then slowly took out his military nameplate and the military walkie-talkie he wore on his wrist, and then quickly left the scene.

Passing through dozens of anti-aircraft missile and ground-to-surface missile positions along the way, and passing hundreds of bunkers and firepower points, Gu Xiechen easily entered Pangu Base. There were several Pangu Base scanners along the way.

It scanned Gu Xiechen's body, but the soldier nameplate embedded with an identity chip on Gu Xiechen's body proved his identity as a federal soldier. The officer on duty in the duty room also asked Gu Xiechen once why he returned to the base instead of patrolling.

, Gu Xiechen casually found an excuse for having a fever and a headache and passed it by, and no one asked about the reason for skipping work.

"The management is too lax, too lax!" Gu Xiechen looked at the entrance of the Pangu Base headquarters less than 300 meters ahead and couldn't help but shook his head heavily.

The sergeant leader of a patrol team did not ask for instructions from his superiors. He just found an excuse to come back for treatment because he had a fever and a headache after being caught in the rain, and then entered the base without any hindrance. The management of Pangu Base obviously had a lot of flaws. Gu Xiechen

He dropped the soldier nameplate in his hand and walked swaggering towards the lieutenant colonel he had spotted.

This lieutenant colonel is very good at choosing places. The small forest where he is is surrounded by people. Unless he is a smart person like Gu Xiechen, ordinary people will have to get within ten meters to find someone in the dense forest. He is handsome and handsome.

The lieutenant colonel was chatting with a beautiful female doctor in a white robe. Both of them looked at each other with smiles. The distance between their bodies was getting closer and closer. It was obvious that they were in love. If Gu Xiechen continued to

Come over in a while, maybe the two of you will find a place to accomplish good things.

"I'm very sorry! But it's not spring now, and it shouldn't be the season of estrus yet."

Gu Xiechen picked up an iron plate that fell from a heavy truck from the ground, and knocked the handsome lieutenant colonel unconscious with the iron plate from behind. The beautiful doctor opposite opened his mouth and was about to scream, when Gu Xiechen suddenly

He came closer and used his big mouth to firmly cover the beautiful little red lips. "Squeak~squeak", after a long passionate kiss, Gu Xiechen was stunned with a palm and his eyes were suffocated.

A female doctor who is quick to turn pale.

Wiping his lips with the back of his hand, Gu Xiechen licked his lips with the tip of his tongue, nodded with praise and said: "This lipstick tastes good, this guy has a good eye!"

Placing the two of them side by side on the ground under a dense tree, Gu Xiechen tidied up their raincoats and quickly put the lieutenant colonel's identity plate, various documents and wristbands on their wrists.

Gu Xiechen took off his communicator. He hung the identity plate on his chest, clasped the communicator on his wrist, and Gu Xiechen pulled down the big-brimmed hat transformed into a jade crown to cover most of his face.

Shi Shiran walked towards the entrance of Pangu Base Headquarters.

The sentry at the entrance of the command department carefully checked the certificate handed over by Gu Xiechen - the lieutenant colonel staff officer of the Group A aircraft war room of the Expeditionary Army. The sentry checked the certificate over and over again, and finally put it in

The card reader conducted a verification process, and then respectfully handed the ID back to Gu Xiechen with both hands. However, without even looking at Gu Xiechen himself, Gu Xiechen was allowed to enter the Pangu Base headquarters!

After sneaking in so smoothly, Gu Xiechen turned around in disbelief and glanced at the sentries standing at the door as tall as green pines, seriously and responsibly checking the IDs of all people entering and leaving. "Fuck you! That's all!

Is it dark under the lamp? Uh... I really sneaked in like this? I was originally planning to let Xin Jia take me to escape, but I didn't expect..."

Shaking his head, Gu Xiechen made a sign of the cross on his chest devoutly, and walked into the Pangu Base headquarters with a swagger.

The journey was smooth, and Gu Xiechen went deep into the headquarters of Pangu Base. He walked around the outside of the combat command center and walked into the officers' living area.

Two sentries with stern eyes and tall figures stood outside Admiral Valkyr's room. Gu Xiechen held a folder he took out from an empty office on the way in his hand, pretending to be on fire.

As anxious as his buttocks, he strode to the door of Valkyr's private living room. A sentry dutifully stopped Gu Xiechen, and asked in a low and powerful voice: "Sir, may I ask..."

Gu Xiechen glared at the two sentries sternly, and his powerful mental power turned into a tangible cold light through his eyes and severely gouged the sentinels. The two sentries took a step back in horror, and they only

I felt a trance in my head, and my heart was filled with awe for Gu Xiechen. Gu Xiechen said coldly: "The admiral's personal letter!"

A sentry said blankly: "The general is in the command room."

Gu Xiechen snorted impatiently: "Of course I know that the general is in the command room, but this is the general's personal letter, do you understand?"

"Yes, sir!" The two sentries stood at attention and saluted with a snap, and moved their bodies to both sides to get out of the way at the same time.

Nodding approvingly at the two sentries, he pushed open the door of Admiral Valkyr's private residence, which was made of mahogany and imitated European medieval style, and strode in.

Inside the door was Admiral Valkyr's luxurious private study. Gu Xiechen quickly searched around, and he was delighted to find the fifty-year-old gold foil brandy that Valkyr used to entertain distinguished guests, and sat down comfortably.

He drank by himself on the sofa in the study. He still felt that the atmosphere was not relaxing enough, so he found the console in the study and chose to play a set of high-pitched and melodious operas from the ancient Italian era, which were clear and highly penetrating.

The singing echoed in the study room, and half of Gu Xiechen's body sank into the leather sofa. He drank wine comfortably, listened to the opera, and kept praising: "Is this still a battlefield? This is paradise on earth!"


Crossing his legs, Gu Xiechen suddenly laughed in a low voice. Valkyrie was trapped in a cocoon. The crazy Yulis even dared to attack Taoist Xiao Zhang and other elite disciples of the Asia Tao Alliance. The furious Taoist Zhang learned about it

After the attacker was Juris, he also remembered that among the people who snatched his bamboo slips were Yingli and others sent by General Valkyr. He immediately decided to support Gu Xiechen to come to Valkyr to settle the general account. Gu Xiechen

He sneaked all the way in from outside the base arrogantly, and Zhehua who came with him was following him underground.

If it weren't for the cover of Zhehua underground and the support from hundreds of Asian Taoist League disciples outside the base, Gu Xiechen would not have dared to sneak into the Pangu base in such an arrogant way.

Of course, wouldn't it be too easy to sneak into Pangu's base and kill Val'kyr directly? Gu Xiechen was drinking while thinking about what he should do.

Not long after, heavy and steady footsteps were heard outside the door. Two sentries stood at attention and saluted. Gu Xiechen clearly heard one sentry say: "General, there is an officer waiting for you inside.

He has your personal correspondence."

"What? My personal letters? Damn it, Natalya, shouldn't my personal letters be sent directly to you? Damn it, those bastards in the confidential room, I'm going to give them a good beating."

Admiral Valkyr complained angrily, pushed open the door and walked in.

This chapter has been completed!
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