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Chapter 109: Taiyin Xuanyan; I just bully people! (Part 1)

Chapter 109 Taiyin Xuanyan; I just bully people! (Part 1)

In the underground base of Hadward Company, Gu Xiechen stood alone in front of the tester.

More than a month ago, after merging the cold white orb from the ancient ruins, Gu Xiechen had been so busy that he didn't even have time to test his own strength. Now it's easy for the Secret Service agents

It has been completely subdued, and the work of the training school for superpowers has come to an end. It will soon be tested in actual combat with the Gu Group's improved version of the Thor III individual combat armor. Therefore, Gu Xiechen specially came to Harder in Copenhagen.

Wo Company Headquarters.

Facing the huge tester, he took a deep breath. The true energy in his body remained motionless, and he slowly punched out purely relying on his physical strength.

The punch speed is not very fast, it is very slow, but in this way we can truly test the pure physical power that the body now possesses - not the kinetic energy after the fist is accelerated, but the pure physical strength.

The finger bone sank into the test pad of the tester, and it was fully three inches deep. It was only after his fist could no longer go in and a strong repulsive force surged out of the test pad that Gu Xiechen retracted his fist.

The light screen displayed a number that shocked even him—twenty-eight hundred tons!

After a long silence, he slowly stepped on the test mat again. This time, his right leg sank into the test mat more than a foot deep before he could no longer go deeper. The numbers displayed on the light screen made Gu Xiechen's heart skip a beat.

It beat violently - nine thousand five hundred tons of pedaling force. It's hard to imagine how terrifyingly destructive it would be if the legs were swept with all their strength.

After calming down and modifying the tester's mode, he pressed his hands on his temples and mobilized all his mental power using the method of concentrated mental impact taught by Siren, and slowly condensed it into an almost substantial spirit.

Bo.'s eyes were fixed on the light in the center of the energy shield emitted by the tester. He did not use the amplification function of the Christo crystal ball, but directly shot the mental wave towards the light shield.

A blue laser as thick as a bowl shot out from between Gu Xiechen's eyebrows. Along with the tearing sound of the air, the mental impact hit the energy shield hard. Thick Damishu's energy shield was actually exploded by the mental impact.

It was more than a foot thick. The various indicator lights on the tester flashed violently, and dozens of extremely fine light patterns quickly swept across the light shield. About five minutes later, Gu Xiechen's message appeared on the light screen.

The data of this spiritual shock - 1.75 million standard Zakla index, low-level spiritual power on earth!

"1.75 million!"

If calculated based on the sixty-fold increase after the crystal ball increase, Gu Xiechen's mental impact value will exceed 100 million!

He clenched his fists with both hands, and Gu Xiechen punched the sky excitedly. The true energy in his body began to circulate vigorously. After quickly modifying the test mode of the tester, he stood firmly on the tester.

In front of him, he concentrated all his energy and slowly and carefully condensed the true energy into the palms of his hands. The white cold air slowly gushes out from the palms of his hands, and gradually his hands turned into a pure and almost completely transparent color, with transparent bones and flesh.

Only a few meridians flashing with white light were faintly visible.

The beating speed of the heart slowly increased from less than thirty beats per minute to three hundred beats per minute. Waves of cold energy as white as jade continued to pour out from the heart, and the new Han Yuan Tao Fetus

It spurted out the strange energy from that magical white orb.

The cold air emitted from both palms suddenly became extremely terrifying. The terrifying cold energy condensed in the palms. A huge amount of cold energy was compressed rapidly towards the center. Gradually, the quantitative change led to qualitative change. When the cold energy emitted from the heart also merged into that

After a sudden burst of cold energy, two groups of weak translucent white flames burned with a roar, and the flames as thick as molten glass wrapped around both fists, and countless fine blue ice crystals continued to flow.

Ejected from the flames.

Every time an ice crystal fell on the ground, the floor made of alloy steel was frozen into countless ice crystal fragments with a "snap" sound. In the blink of an eye, there were fist-sized dents on the alloy floor next to him.

, the pit is filled with extremely fine alloy particles that emit a faint blue light like flowing water waves.

"This is……"

Gu Xiechen couldn't allow himself to wonder why the cold air he had condensed turned into two weak flames, but the huge power contained in the flames already made him unhappy. He let out a deep shout, and the sound of his breath was as loud as thunder.

The four walls of the test room trembled, and he rushed towards the tester like a strong wind, hitting the tester with all his strength with both fists.

There were two crisp sounds of 'Puff', and there were two holes the size of human heads on the test pad that could withstand a peak Mercury-level blow. Two black and blue 'liquids' were slowly flowing down from the tester, 'liquid'

'When it dropped on the ground, a piece of alloy floor covering a square mile made a crisp sound, and also turned into flowing particles.

The light screen on the tester flashed, and a line of numbers floated out - 3.7 standard Zakla index! This is the power of this blow measured by the tester!

"You're kidding! I broke the test pad, but this blow only has so much power?"

Looking in surprise at his hands that were still exuding the cold air, Gu Xiechen seemed to remember something. The flame-like thing born from the cold air, although it looked like a flame, was actually the cold elite condensed with absolutely cold ice energy.

.Extreme high temperatures can melt objects into liquids, while absolute low temperatures can destroy the organizational structure of all objects. Whether it is stone, wood or hard metal, they will be broken into the smallest particles when faced with this kind of flame, and

It becomes as fluid as running water.

"This is?"

After thinking hard for a while, Gu Xiechen held his head and walked around the ground a few times. He had definitely seen information about this kind of thing, but there were so many things on his mind recently that he kind of forgot about it.

After pondering for a long time, he suddenly slapped his forehead and said with a smile: "That's stupid, it's the record in the Yunshi Jian that was given to me!"

When he was in Tiantang Star, Ji Huan, who was good at identifying Zhou Tian's treasures, imprinted all the "Zhou Tian Yi Bao Lu" he still remembered into a Yunshi Slip and gave it to Gu Xiechen. In the fierce battle on Tian Tian Star

During the fights and intrigues, Gu Xiechen only treated Zhou Tian Yi Bao Lu as anecdotes for entertainment, and only occasionally took out a few articles to pass the time after a certain operation. That is, in Zhou Tian Yi Bao Lu,

, he had read similar information.

He hurriedly dug out a thumb-sized piece of Yunshi Jian from the Little Universe Kit, put all his mental energy into it, and finally found out the origin of this terrible flame.

Taiyin Xuanyan - an innate thing, the first ray of miraculous energy condensed by the innate Taiyin energy between heaven and earth. It is the coldest thing between heaven and earth, parallel to the innate true fire of the sun. The true fire of the sun is the limit of masculine energy, Taiyin Xuanyan

It is the limit of negative energy. The Zhoutian Yibaolu even records that after the ancient monks used magic weapons to collect Taiyin Xuanyan, they were first-class weapon refining aids.

"Taiyin Xuanyan, refining weapons?"

Gu Xiechen, who was all focused on Taiyin Xuanyan's introduction, suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and he recalled the magic formula recorded in the three silver cloth scrolls left by Taoist Wochen.

It is truly a blessing to the soul. The formulas that were so complicated and difficult to understand in the Heaven Star have now become clear and clear for him to see through at a glance. Countless wonderful methods are like the drizzle in the spring field, and they are quickly understood and absorbed. Three volumes

Among the silver cloth rolls, one records the refining experience of Taoist Chen; the other contains the method of purifying raw materials using the Golden Crow Sky Fire; and the last volume is the use that Taoist Chen has inferred through his thousands of years of experience in refining weapons.

Taiyin Xuanyan is a method for refining weapons with Yin flames.

Using absolute high temperatures to melt metal materials, no matter how sophisticated the technique is, there will always be some impurities mixed in the finished product that are difficult to remove. Even using the innate sun's true fire, the raw materials cannot be purified 100%.

However, using Taiyin Xuanyan, the raw materials can be broken into the smallest particles - atomic structures in an instant. If the spiritual mind is strong enough, Taiyin Xuanyan can be evolved into a 'sieve', and the raw materials can be sieved according to the size of the atoms.

After several passes, what remains is the purest raw material with exactly the same atomic size, without any impurities!

Not to mention the use of pure Yang flame refining tools such as Sun True Fire and Golden Crow Sky Fire. All finished products must go through a quenching process. How many precious materials and how much hard work have been spent on the magic weapon Flying Sword because the final quenching step is not sure.

Well, because after the body that expands rapidly at high temperature is rapidly compressed, the impurities in it that cannot be purified cause the shrinkage ratio to be unequal. The sudden thermal expansion and contraction destroys the body of the magic weapon and destroys the formation patterns in it. In the end, the success is in vain and it is wasted.

A lot of materials and energy were spent.

But when using the Taiyin Xuanyan refining tool, why does it need to be quenched? The body of the magic weapon is condensed to the extreme, the texture of the magic weapon is extremely dense, there is no impurity in the magic weapon, and the energy of Taiyin is the most feminine and tough energy.

, the expansion and contraction ratio of the magic weapon is absolutely balanced and perfect, and the success rate of refining the magic weapon has increased by more than ten times? And because there are no impurities in the magic weapon, the texture of the magic weapon is much denser than the magic weapon refined by the smelting method, so

The quality of the magic weapon can be improved from one to several levels out of thin air.

Extreme energy like Taiyin Xuanyan is the best choice for everyone who refines weapons!

It's a pity that I, the mortal Taoist, have worked hard all his life, but he only collected a spark of the Golden Crow Sky Fire. He never saw what Taiyin Xuanyan looked like in his dreams.

Putting the Yunshi Jian into the Little Universe Kit, and recalling the three legacy articles of Taoist Wochen that he had comprehended, Gu Xiechen smiled happily. He spread his left hand, and the true energy in his body continued to flow into the palm of his hand, a wisp of which was no more than three inches high.

The faint Xuanyan, which was only as thick as a finger, was silently sprayed out from the palm of the hand. The water molecules in the surrounding air immediately turned into countless blue ice crystals and flew to the ground when they hit the Xuanyan, and then 'burned' the alloy ground into a faint blue.

Colored pits.

In a spacious warehouse in the underground base, the two brothers Prajna and Maha were sitting cross-legged in the corner, practicing their Zen skills. However, their minds were obviously not focused on practice, and they just allowed the true energy in their bodies to flow freely.

The blood was flowing through the bodies of the two brothers, and all attention was focused on Xin Jia, Zhao Yi and the others.

Bill Rocks and other researchers were manipulating the Hercules No. 1 single-soldier armor into the warehouse. Xin Jia was gritting his teeth and tearing apart a square gold ingot with a radius of 30 centimeters. He tore off a piece with a diameter of about 10 inches.

The golden lumps were handed to the subordinates who were sitting cross-legged and with blazing flames on their palms. These golden lumps were quickly melted into golden juice, and then slowly drawn into extremely fine golden threads.

Go to Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi held a sharp dagger and carefully carved complex formation patterns on a Hercules No. 1 individual armor. Several companions gently picked up gold wire and filled in these formation patterns.

After a simple five-element defense formation was engraved on the body of Hercules One, Bill Rocks controlled the armor and walked to another corner of the warehouse. There were also several subordinates of Xinjia here.

, hummingly busy. They smashed a piece of Zakla crystal with force, used a grinder to grind it into a standard regular pentagon, and stuffed it into various nodes of the defense array.

Each armor has twelve five-element defense formations of various sizes on its body. Each defense formation must be inlaid with five thumb-sized Zakla crystals. When everything was completed, Bill Rox and others drove

The armor went to a spraying machine nearby. The bearded leader and a few of his subordinates were busy working here. They used ugly tin sheets to cover the defensive formations on the armor, and used rivets to

The iron sheet was fixed on the armor, and then sprayed with gray matte paint.

There are also some of Xinjia's subordinates who are busy working on a primitive metal boring machine. On the boring machine, a thick and sharp sword more than one meter long is fixed. They are carving hard on the blade, and gradually the blade is also

Complex formation patterns appeared. These formations were also agreed upon by Zhao Yi. They were the simplest lightning formations and sharp edge formations.

The sharpness formation can increase the sharpness of cold weapons; the thunder formation can attract a small lightning to attack the enemy when attacking. These broadswords are the standard weapons of the Hercules No. 1 armor, and these two formations are engraved on them.

After the method, it can more than double the lethality of this broadsword. In the test just now, Bill Rocks drove the armor and used this processed broadsword to open up a thirty centimeter-thick alloy with one blow.

steel plate.

Maha, who was practicing, suddenly sighed: "I don't believe that Gu Juechen's Birdman Thunder God III can be more powerful than our Hercules. Why should we be so cautious?"

Prajna glared at Mohe and sneered: "How can it be so simple? E Group is obviously hooked up with Gu Juechen, but E Group's strength lies in electronic security and the development of individual combat armors. They don't have that at all.

Technical confidence! The GE company behind Admiral Hercules is good at giant engines. When it comes to the development of satellite engines for individual combat armors, their technical depth is definitely not as good as Mr. Bill Rox and his colleagues!"

This chapter has been completed!
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