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The 176th chapter ancient evil dust's anger (2)

Chapter 176 Gu Xiechen’s Wrath (2)

"Oh my god, Sister Fuya, don't you know how dangerous this guy is? If you cooperate with him, aren't you afraid that your Yafik Kingdom will be swallowed up by him?" Jin shook his head vigorously: "If you really need it,

Assistant, I can mobilize all the people I can command in the Broken Hook Regiment to help you, but you must not have anything to do with this guy."

Fuya Ming patted Jin's head gently, and she sighed: "You can only help me deal with the Exorcist Knights. Those who can help the Yafik Kingdom on the surface, at least until now, I can only deal with.

He cooperates."

"Why?" Jin jumped up. She knelt on her seat, put her hands on her hips, and said angrily: "In addition to helping you deal with the Exorcist Knights, I can help you more."

Sighing softly, Fuya Ming smiled bitterly and said: "Do you want the people from the Star Alliance's Council of Experts to find out that you are helping me train Kingdom soldiers?"

Silently, Jin and several of the supernatural beings from the hook-breaking group around her were silent at the same time.

Long Danfeng eyes narrowed into a thin line. Fuya Ming gently tapped the armrest of the sofa and said lightly: "At least now it seems that working with him is quite good. According to him, the one he belongs to

Civilization has just mastered the ability of interstellar voyage, and their technological level is not high. Perhaps this is why he killed too many people."

"Historians of the Star Alliance have proven that large-scale killings only occur in the early stages of the development of civilization. When civilization develops to a two-star level or above, the casualties caused by war will decrease exponentially. The higher the civilization index

, the smaller the casualties caused by the war. This can be counter-proven, the greater the casualties caused by the war, the lower the index of civilization. Since Xie Chen. Gu has directly and indirectly killed more than a million people, this proves that as he told me

Living like this, their civilization level...is not high!"

Fuya Ming said confidently: "According to my understanding, low-level civilizations, especially low-level civilizations that have just mastered the ability of interstellar voyages, have a natural defensive mentality against high-level civilizations, the so-called alien civilizations, and at the same time they have

A contradictory yearning mentality. Therefore, Sir Xiechen Gu will become a very good ally of mine."

Smiling and patting Jin on the head, and gently combing her thick and shiny hair with her fingers, Fuya Ming smiled and said: "Jin, you have superpowers, and I have my intuition, my intuition

I think... Mr. Xiechen Gu is a reliable person. Of course, I am not saying that he is a kind person, but he is very reliable. As long as I don't take the initiative to calculate him, he will not do anything harmful.

Something about our friendship.”

"But I don't trust him!" Jin looked at Fu Ya Ming fiercely: "A man who can't get angry even after I spit on him... is either a pervert... or he is terrible."

"Maybe!" Fuya Ming clasped her hands on her chest and showed a faint smile: "Maybe so? But, I choose to trust him."

Jin wrinkled her little face, her eyes twinkled, and her two little hands were twisted into a ball. The cabin fell into silence, and Gu Xiechen, who was attached to the cabin above, sighed depressingly. These two women

Why don't you say more useful things? Now it seems that Fuya Ming's attitude towards herself is pretty good, but this little woman named Jin...

Through the porthole, Gu Xiechen glanced at Jin's flat buttocks and shook his head helplessly: "Little girl, even if I spank you, I'm afraid it will hurt your hands."

The shuttle continued to fly forward, but the flying height gradually decreased. In the end, the shuttle was almost flying close to the treetops in the mountains. Gradually, Gu Xiechen noticed that there was a strange magnetic field emerging from the air around him.

, this magnetic field slightly distorts the surrounding space. When light enters here, it will be refracted to other places by the distorted space. In other words, any optical instruments and scanners will lose their normal function in this mountainous area.


The shuttle flew forward rapidly along a narrow channel in the magnetic field. After flying forward for about three minutes, two mountains nearly 10,000 meters high suddenly appeared in the empty air in front of it. The steep and dangerous peaks faced each other, and there was a road in the middle.

A dark, narrow gap. Thousands of metal forts are densely inlaid on the mountain peaks on both sides, and countless high-energy artillery are scattered on them. The shuttle is still nearly a hundred kilometers away from the mountain. At least half of the high-energy cannons on the forts have locked onto the shuttle at the same time.


In the cabin, Fuya Ming's arm guard on her left hand flashed with a faint light. She gently pushed her palm forward. The high-energy cannons that had just appeared on the mountain retracted neatly, and the shuttle quickly got in.

He entered the crevice between two mountains and finally penetrated a hundred-meter-tall metal portal made of heavy alloy.

The space near this metal gate was also distorted by the magnetic field. The outside looked like a dark mountain rock, but the inside was brightly lit. Several ground staff in white robes waved signal batons to direct the shuttle slowly.

After landing, several bald old men stood tremblingly at the edge of the take-off and landing field, looking quietly at this side.

"This is the core national research laboratory of the Yafik Kingdom?" Jin nodded in amazement. Just looking at the size of the huge landing field in this portal, you can know the importance of this research laboratory.

"One of the only two armies with some combat effectiveness in the Yafik Kingdom is stationed here all year round." Fuya Ming walked out of the cabin and introduced in a low voice: "Of course, as you know, this army is stationed here all year round."

The Yafik Kingdom is still quite elite, but compared with foreign armies, it is really far behind."

Gu Xiechen followed Fuya Ming closely, being careful not to let others touch his body. Fuya Ming's explanation to Jin also entered his ears every word.

"This laboratory is divided into 172 sub-laboratories, which is the result of the gradual expansion of the Yafik Kingdom over tens of thousands of years. It has thirty-five floors of underground buildings, and the largest floor covers an area of ​​45

Standard square miles. The entire laboratory has 270,000 scientific researchers, and the logistics and security personnel are three times the number of scientific researchers. To be precise, this is the most densely populated and most important city in the Yafik Kingdom. We

The name for it is 'Light of Science'!"

Jin looked at the busy Yafik people around him with envy: "Oh my god, such a big core laboratory, my old father always dreamed of having his own laboratory. But we, the capable people, don't do that."

Everything is good, but if they are asked to do research quietly, well, can you imagine Dai Jin and Xiao Jin doing titration experiments carefully?"

Dajin and Xiaojin, who were three meters tall and had a waist circumference of three meters, laughed heartily and rubbed their huge palms vigorously.

Fuya Ming took Jin's hand and said generously: "If necessary in the future, the research results of the Yafik Kingdom can be unconditionally opened to the Hook-Severing Expert Group. I cannot reach an open cooperative relationship with you, but we

The two are good friends and we can become secret allies!"

Jin smiled. Gu Xiechen on the side nodded secretly, this Fuya Ming is very clever. All the research results of the Yafik Kingdom are open to the Hook-Severing Expert Group? This is great, the Hook-Severing Expert Group can

She has one foot on her chariot. Coupled with her personal relationship with Jin, once Jin takes over the power of the Able Group, the entire Able Group may immediately become the possession of the Yafik Kingdom.

The current capable group is still a pirate group, and Fuya Ming dare not let the Kingdom of Yafik have anything to do with them. But Jin has become the leader of the capable group. If the capable group can be incorporated and transformed, even if

Just swallowing half of the strength of the Able Group, the overall national strength of the Kingdom of Yafik will jump to a big level. Think about it, the strength of the Hook-breaking Ability Group that can confidently deal with the Exorcist Knights is not that weak.

Where to go.

The Exorcist Knights have more than 10,000 powerful supernatural beings.

Looking at Fuya Ming happily talking, Gu Xiechen nodded secretly. This woman is really good. According to the Earth Federation Gu Hua, she is an expert in housework.

"Ah! Why did I think of coming here?" Gu Xiechen tilted his mouth and slapped himself lightly. "But this woman is very capable!"

Looking at Fuya Ming with pure admiration, Gu Xiechen followed her all the way to the depths of the laboratory.

In a giant laboratory covering an area of ​​nearly one square kilometer, a super-large comprehensive analyzer occupies three-quarters of the laboratory. Thick pipelines extend from the comprehensive analyzer, communicating with hundreds of devices in the laboratory.

There is a sub-console, and a large number of Yafik researchers wearing white coats are busy in front of the sub-console.

A bald old man leading the way coughed slightly, interrupting the conversation between Fuya Ming and Jin. He pointed at the comprehensive analyzer tremblingly and said: "Your Majesty, the sample you sent... I'm sorry.

, we are conducting a comprehensive analysis on a piece of rare metal extracted from another space in the past two days, so the analysis of those samples... can be carried out now."

Fuya Ming's face twitched, and she smiled kindly at the old man and said: "Okay, Mr. Dean, there is no need to rush the analysis of those samples."

The bald dean muttered: "Oh, don't worry? Then~" He looked at Fuya Ming hesitantly and said: "This time we found three rare metals that have never been found from another space. If you

If you are not in a hurry, can you wait another half month for us to get all their analysis results and then analyze those samples?"

Silent. Gu Xiechen almost didn't laugh out loud. It seems that no matter where they are or what country they are, these scientific researchers are all stubborn! Looking at this bald little old man, he remembered that on Earth

The subordinates of this star... Well, how are they now? We have to get things done here quickly and find a way back!

This chapter has been completed!
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