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The 203rd chapter lifts the sky with one hand (2)

Chapter 203: Holding the Sky with One Hand (2)

With a 'wow' sound, the white-clothed bishop opened his mouth and spat out thirty-two teeth before falling upward. The clergy of the Holy See were so helpless. Their bodies were similar to those of ordinary people. If they did not use holy power, external forces could easily cause harm to them.

Gu Xiechen's sap hit was so fast and hard that the white-clothed bishop didn't even know what happened until he passed out. He suffered the loss by force.

After weighing the Qilin Seal, Gu Xiechen sneered at the horrified people from the Holy See and the Alliance of Gods: "You really want to fight me?"

A werewolf from the Alliance of Gods answered Gu Xiechen's question with his own actions. His body quickly jumped up and expanded to a height of three meters. Thick black hair grew rapidly from under his skin. The werewolf looked up to the sky and let out a cry.

With a shrill scream, he waved his sharp claws that were about a foot long and carefully grabbed Gu Xiechen.

"The pearls of rice also shine with brilliance!" Gu Xiechen sneered disdainfully, waved his long sleeve with his left hand casually, and the magical power of the waterfall sleeve brought out a continuous wave of water.

More than fifty people from the Holy See and the Alliance of Gods were unable to resist at all and were rolled up by the flying waterfall sleeves. Small Kuishui Yin thunders continued to explode in the water waves, causing pieces of blood to explode all over their bodies.

Hua, in the blink of an eye, these people were thrown to the entrance of the venue, their bones and muscles were shattered, but they barely survived.

Gu Xiechen, who has reached the virtual realm, has already reached the level of control over energy. When the sleeve is rolled out, the dark power of the waterfall sleeve not only shatters the muscles and bones of these people, but also destroys them.

Their energy core. Unless there are masters several times more powerful than Gu Xiechen who are willing to spend their life energy to dredge their meridians and re-create their energy circulation, otherwise these people will be completely disabled even if they recover from their injuries and will never be able to interact with each other again in this life.

People took action.

Under Fuya Ming's surprised gaze, Gu Xiechen, who had always been polite and elegant in front of her, rolled up the wide sleeves of Taiyin's robe, raised the Qilin Seal on his hand, and strode to the center of the Federal Assembly Hall.

In front of the door, a fierce seal was struck on the door.

With a muffled sound, the two doors neatly fell off the door frames and slammed into the venue.

The smoke and dust were so noisy that half of the wall above the door frame fell heavily to the ground. The assembly hall, which was originally noisy like a market, suddenly fell silent. Nearly two thousand members of the House of Lords and the Lower House and officials from various federal ministries in the venue turned their heads in unison, angry.

He looked at Gu Xiechen who walked into the venue carrying the Qilin Seal.

Sitting on the rostrum, Poison Wolf was first shocked, then ecstatic. He couldn't help but stood up in an instant, almost overturning the long table in front of him.

After a long silence, Gu Xiechen squinted his eyes and glanced at the federal congressmen and officials from various ministries in the venue, and couldn't help feeling his heart sink.

There are nearly two thousand federal members, more than 70% of whom are wearing white or silver robes. Other federal officials, except for most of the military generals, still wear federal black uniforms, and the other 80%

The above-mentioned federal officials also wore white and silver clothing. It seems that most of the top leaders of the federation are already members of the Papal State and the Federation of Gods, and no longer recognize themselves as subjects of the federation.

"Sorry, there was a dog in front of the door. I accidentally knocked the door down when I beat the dog." Gu Xiechen said with a sneer: "Of course, as a law-abiding federal citizen, the public property damaged is

Compensation must be made. Please send the bill to the Finance Office of Hardward Defense Company, and they will allocate the funds to repair the gate."

A member of the Federal House of Lords suddenly jumped up. He pointed at Gu Xiechen and yelled: "Who are you? This is where you are so arrogant? Get out! Guards, guards..."

Gu Xiechen fiercely smashed the Kirin Seal towards the old congressman with gray beard and gray hair. With a shrill scream, the old congressman was beaten up from his seat. Half of his face was beaten to a bloody pulp, and he could no longer see clearly.

His appearance. With a finger, the Kirin Seal 'Di Liu Liu' flew back into his hand. Gu Xiechen sneered and said, "Who are you, and you deserve to talk to me?"

A member of the House of Commons stood up angrily and roared: "He is..."

Gu Xiechen pointed his hand, and a gray-white sunflower thunder exploded. The congressman was blown dozens of meters away. His chest was bloody and bloody, and he could only breathe out but not in.

After sneering a few times, Gu Xiechen said proudly: "I don't care what he is. Don't let these little minions waste time here. Find a few people with enough weight to talk to me."

"Boom", it was like a flock of sparrows flew into the assembly hall. The federal members wearing white and silver robes stood up angrily and yelled at Gu Xiechen.

Gu Xiechen glanced at these congressmen coldly, and suddenly laughed loudly. Amid the laughter, the roof of the venue was suddenly blasted through by dozens of violent thunders, and dense electric lights slanted down like raindrops. Each of the more than a thousand congressmen burst into laughter.

They were struck by a bolt of lightning, and all of them were electrocuted and covered in black smoke. The strong wind brought heavy rain and rushed in from the broken roof of the conference venue. In the blink of an eye, there was an inch of rainwater accumulated in the venue, and the biting cold air

As water mist sprayed in, lightning flashed wildly outside the large broken hole in the roof, and rolling thunder exploded overhead one after another.

Amidst the crazy sounds of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, Gu Xiechen's cold and arrogant voice resounded throughout the audience: "I said, don't let these minions show up, find someone who can make the decision!"

Poisonous Wolf smiled "hehe", and his haggard face suddenly turned red and shiny. He happily sat back in his seat, crossed his legs and hummed a tune. As soon as he saw Gu Xiechen, he knew that things had turned around.

.As soon as he saw Gu Xiechen's ruthless and unsparing attacks, he knew that the Asian Taoist Alliance had finally made some moves, and his backers were about to make an effort.

Stepping on the scorched body that was constantly twisting and twitching on the ground, Gu Xiechen strode to the rostrum and jumped up to the rostrum lightly.

He bowed his hands to Poison Wolf very affectionately, and Poison Wolf laughed and returned the favor to Gu Xiechen.

Grabbing the microphone in front of Poisonous Wolf, Gu Xiechen shouted loudly: "The envoys of the Papal State and the envoys of the Federation of Gods, get out of here! Don't let your bunch of bastards jump around in front of the stage and cause trouble.

If you kill me, start an all-out war immediately."

In the corner of the venue, there were about three hundred men and women wearing white and silver robes occupying the two most remote corners of the venue. After listening to Gu Xiechen's words, a Vatican bishop in red robes spoke slowly

Standing up in despair, he sneered: "A full-scale war? The Earth Federation has this..."

The unicorn seal smashed through the air again with a harsh whistling sound. With a 'snap' sound, the red-robed bishop spat out his big teeth and fell to the sky, spurting blood.

Gu Xiechen sneered and said: "Don't talk nonsense to me. Come and find someone who can take charge. We will make it clear that the conditions are met."

After a long silence, one person each stood up in the camps of the Holy See and the Alliance of Gods.

Standing on the other side of the Holy See was a young man wearing a white robe. He raised his neck and said loudly: "I am Gu Yuru, the special envoy of the Papal State to the Earth Federation."

Standing on the other side of the Alliance of Gods was a gentlemanly blond man wearing a black tuxedo and holding a gold cane. He bowed gently to Gu Xiechen and said with a smile: "Dear Gu Xiechen

Your Excellency, I am Jack, the special envoy of the Federation of Gods to the Earth Federation and the chief financial officer of the Federation of Gods. Maybe you have heard of my nickname, others call me Black Jack!"

Gu Xiechen looked at the two people strangely, and the two people also looked at Gu Xiechen with complicated eyes.

After a long time, Gu Xiechen suddenly laughed: "What's Black Jack, do I know you? That guy named Gu Yuru, who am I?"

Gu Yuru was stunned for a long time. After a while, he finally said with a grimace and a low voice: "You are my uncle!"

Nodding with satisfaction, Gu Xiechen laughed loudly and said: "Weird grandson, you actually got involved with the special envoy of the Papal State? Well, it seems that you are quite capable. Speaking of which, the Gu Group has also followed the Papal State.

Really? Gu Juechen, is he wholeheartedly working for the Papal State?"

Gu Yuru puffed up his chest and said with a smile: "Yes, the Gu Group is now the royal arms dealer of the Papal State. The most powerful 1,300 Seraphim-class heavy battleships in the Papal State are produced by the Gu Group

.All the armaments of the 30 million heroic warriors of the Papal State are also manufactured by the Gu Group."

After a pause, Gu Yuru looked at Gu Xiechen and said, "My great-grandfather has held a family meeting to expel you from the family tree, so..."

Gu Xiechen glared at Gu Yuru and sneered: "Shut up and sit down!"

Gu Yuru sat down obediently. He took out a handkerchief from his sleeve and wiped his forehead vigorously, as if he had been frightened into a cold sweat by Gu Xiechen.

Poisonous Wolf narrowed his eyes. The Papal State actually has 1,300 Seraph-class heavy-armed battleships? This information is very important. The Papal State has 30 million ground troops? Well, this should not include the Europe and Africa he controls.

The 30 million ground troops of the federal army in the two major military regions should be the newly armed troops of the Holy See. He glanced at Gu Yuru from the corner of his eye. It seemed that this little guy was from Gu Xiechen. He was very well-behaved.

Little guy.

After sneering a few times, Gu Xiechen looked at Black Jack: "Why did the Federation of Gods ask you to come here?"

Black Jack coughed lightly and said simply: "Since you are so unscrupulous, let's talk about it."

After a pause, Black Jack reported all the plans of the Federation of Gods.

First of all, the Federation of Gods instructs the federal members they control to create chaos in the Federal Parliament as much as possible to prevent the federation from functioning normally.

Secondly, in the name of democracy, mobilize the federal people to attack the federal military, which wastes people and money, and is aggressive in military affairs, and strives to remove the poisonous wolf from the throne of the chairman of the federal military, and make every effort to attack the military generals of the poisonous wolf lineage. It is best to let the federal army operate without a single person.

Effective generals are available.

Once again, in the name of democracy, the people of the Federation were mobilized to jointly submit a petition asking immigrants to go to the thirteen stars in heaven. The initial goal is to migrate at least 10 billion more people from the Federation. At the same time, federal citizens who are ready to migrate will run on the federal banks.

, completely disrupting the federal financial order and leaving as many messes as possible.

Finally, in the name of democracy, the people of the Federation were mobilized to call for the convening of the Federation's million-member congress in advance, to vote for the Papal State and the Federation of Gods to replace the Earth Federation, and then completely dismember the Earth Federation and usurp all the Earth Federation's heritage - various strategic reserves.

Supplies, research institutes, military production lines, and the elite federal army that have been tested by war.

To put it bluntly, the ultimate goal of the two missions is to dismember the Earth Federation, divide the Earth Federation, and establish their own religious empire.

"You're very frank!" Gu Xiechen glanced at Black Jack approvingly.

Black Jack shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and said with a smile: "When you show up with such direct and violent means, I know that the forces behind you are going to make big moves. In this case, we little people can't decide anything at all. I

Why not be honest?"

Gu Xiechen gave a thumbs up in approval: "Hercules is very discerning, you can even be considered very wise."

Black Jack laughed: "Of course, I helped Mr. Combs a little bit, so he took a fancy to my ability. Well, wisdom is not considered, I am just a very smart person." He waved.

, waved his cane, and the people from the Alliance of Gods behind Black Jack stood up one after another. They glared at Gu Xiechen and followed Black Jack toward the exit of the venue.

"Take these bastards of yours with you!" Gu Xiechen called to Black Jack and pointed at the congressmen on the ground.

"Who cares whether they live or die!" Black Jack sneered without looking back: "This group of incompetent wastes are useless now. When the Dao League decides to participate in this game, they will be completely useless. Now it depends on the three parties

High-level dialogue, these incompetent little people, don’t even think about me spending a single coin on them.”

After snorting a few times, Black Jack muttered and left the venue. Everyone could clearly hear his muttering: "A bunch of trash. It will cost at least hundreds of thousands of medical expenses for each person to be sent to the hospital. These hundreds of trash

, wouldn’t it cost nearly 100 million in medical expenses? It would be better for them to die!”

Gu Xiechen looked at Gu Yuru: "What about you?"

Gu Yuru jumped up quickly, nodded and bowed to Gu Xiechen and said with a smile: "You are busy, you are busy, I won't disturb you anymore."

Gu Yuru hurriedly led the people from the Holy See toward the gate of the venue. Gu Yuru vigorously stamped a member of the House of Lords on the head: "Trash, I also think that we shouldn't waste money on you."

Officials from various federal departments wearing white and silver robes stood up one after another and were about to follow Black Jack and Gu Yuru away.

Gu Xiechen snorted coldly and stopped the group of people.

"Transfer all the power in your hands, otherwise I don't mind letting you get into a car accident when you leave the federal headquarters." Gu Xiechen looked at these federal officials whose foreheads were soaked with cold sweat and sneered: "Since you no longer admit it,

As federal subjects, you no longer have the power of federal departments. Transfer your power, or we will re-select your successor after your death."

Officials from various ministries were stunned. They silently took off the personal terminals on their wrists, handed over the administrative authority of their departments, and then walked out of the venue hurriedly.

These officials were as clear as a mirror. Just as Black Jack said, if the Grandmaster of the Tao Alliance does not come out, the Papal State and the Federation of Gods can still mobilize the parliamentarians and people to create some trouble for Poisonous Wolf. However, Gu Xiechen's strong appearance proves that

The great masters of the Dao League are already ready to make a move, and the future has nothing to do with their chess pieces.

People who play chess have to compete head-on. If the chess pieces don't know how to play, they will end up like these congressmen soaked in water on the ground, nothing more than becoming abandoned pieces.

Seeing those officials leaving the venue in embarrassment, the congressmen and officials from various ministries loyal to the Earth Federation stood up one after another, and the applause sounded like thunder. The violent storm outside also joined in, and the wind and rain suddenly left the venue, and no more water drifted in, and

The sound of thunder became louder and louder.

"Brother!" Gu Xiechen turned around and stretched out his hands towards Poison Wolf.

Poison Wolf laughed "haha" and rushed over, hugging Gu Xiechen. Gu Xiechen was much taller than Poison Wolf, Poison Wolf hugged Gu Xiechen's waist several times, and then

Finding that the situation was a bit ugly, he hurriedly waved his hand and took a few steps back, holding Gu Xiechen's hand firmly: "My good brother, now that you are here, I have some confidence. What did they say?


Gu Xiechen knew who that 'them' was, and he sneered: "Master is very angry, and the consequences will be serious. In about ten days, they will look good."

Cite and Ganglulu teamed up to sneak attack on the Grand Master of the Dao Alliance. With the strength of Csite at the peak of the virtual realm, both Master Kunlun and Master Zhongnan were seriously injured. But with the immortal weapons sent by Zhehua, let alone

A Zite who is at the peak of the Void Realm, even those Loose Immortals who have survived several heavenly tribulations, and these arrogant Dao League bosses dare to fight with them.

Poisonous Wolf was ecstatic. He looked up to the sky and laughed happily and said: "It's wonderful. I have suffered from them for so long. As long as the Patriarch and the others can take action, it will only be a civil war! I'm afraid of them?"

The eyes of the federal military generals sitting next to Poisonous Wolf lit up. When it came to politics, they were no match for the congressmen commanded by Jean Joan. When it came to fighting, a hundred Jean Joan tied up could not compete.

These fierce generals under Poison Wolf!

Gu Xiechen pursed his lips and smiled: "Even if there is a civil war, we are not afraid. Fuya, Fuya, Fuya!"

Gu Xiechen was in a good mood and called Fuya three times in a row.

Fuya Ming strode in with several Yafik officers.

Poison Wolf has been around the world for a long time, and he saw at a glance the temperament in Fuya Ming that was completely different from ordinary people. He asked in surprise: "This is..."

Gu Xiechen waved his hand toward the roof of the conference venue. A cold air rose into the sky. Several huge holes on the roof were sealed tightly by ice. He pointed at Fuya, who had a serious face. He smiled and said: "Four Star Alliance Four

Your Majesty Fuya Ming, the current queen of the star civilization Yafik Kingdom, is, well, also my girlfriend."

After a pause, before Poison Wolf and the others could realize what the Star Alliance and the Kingdom of Yafik meant, Gu Xiechen continued to smile and said: "I have already registered our Earth Federation with the Star Alliance. We are the only ones in the solar system and even in the world."

The only legal human country in the galaxy, according to the Star Alliance's 'Interstellar Defense Act', when the Star Alliance's participating civilizations are invaded by alien civilizations, all the Star Alliance's participating civilizations must unconditionally help us resist the invasion."

Fuya Ming said coldly: "In accordance with the Star Alliance Interstellar Defense Act, the Kingdom of Yafik is willing to provide the Earth Federation with one hundred large-scale air defense systems free of charge. If the Earth Federation agrees, its country and its allies can provide volunteer fleets to help the Earth.

The Federation resists invasion."

Poisonous Wolf was stunned for a long time. He looked at Fuya Ming blankly and asked: "Star Alliance? Kingdom of Yafik? This is..."

Gu Xiechen walked to a corner of the conference venue and inserted a memory chip into the player of the venue. The light curtain hung from the top of the venue, and some basic information about the Star Alliance and the Yafik Kingdom appeared in front of everyone. Gu Xiechen used

He introduced the Star Alliance and the Yafik Kingdom as quickly as possible, and then the focus turned to the super carrier and Roman battleship he brought back.

"We need a large number of elite soldiers and skilled ship operators." Gu Xiechen looked at Poison Wolf and the federal generals who could almost stuff an ostrich egg into their mouths and said with a smile: "We will be able to form a force that is not weaker than the Stars.

The space fleet of the main force of the five-star civilization of the Alliance. The Papal State? The Federation of Gods? Let them bounce for the time being!"

‘Yohoo~~~’, Poisonous Wolf yelled loudly, jumped up excitedly, and danced a cheerful sailor dance with several tall generals around him who were obviously of Russian origin.

After jumping around for a while, Poison Wolf excitedly rushed towards Fuya Ming. He warmly held Fuya Ming's hand and said with a smile: "Your Majesty the Queen, welcome to the earth. Alas, these kind words are enough.

Let’s not talk about it anymore. From now on, we are all family members. I am the eldest brother of this guy Gu Xiechen. If he dares to bully you and mess with others outside, I won’t be able to spare him!"

Fuya Ming responded to Poison Wolf's kindness in a reserved and polite manner, while Jin on the side already regarded Poison Wolf as the enemy in life - Gu Xiechen was not allowed to mess around with women, so what would she do?

The generals of the federal army were almost suffocated with excitement. What did Gu Xiechen bring back? It was the favorite super war weapon of these violent maniacs! Super mothership, super battleship, it was like a group of people stripped naked

The beautiful beauty was thrown in front of a group of perverts. The hearts of the generals were beating violently. They wished they could snatch these battleships from Gu Xiechen now.

With such battleships and fleets, what is the Papal State? What is the Federation of Gods? These human traitors will definitely receive the severest punishment.

Even the Roman Kingdom, which has been entangled with humans for hundreds of years, it’s time to teach them a lesson!

The turbulent Earth Federation was already on the verge of disintegration, but Gu Xiechen came back. He was like a pair of big hands holding up the sky, stabilizing the chaotic situation.

Of course, the method is a bit cruel, but why is it so satisfying to see those federal congressmen lying on the ground in a coma, struggling for their lives?

Gu Xiechen was also looking at these federal members who were about to take their last breath.

After pondering for a while, Gu Xiechen sneered: "Arrest all their family members and relatives. Treat their injuries. Starting tomorrow, all news channels in the federation will broadcast their speeches. The founding act of the Holy See and the Alliance of Gods is

An act of treason, the Earth Federation will never recognize such separatist behavior."

Poisonous Wolf held his hands and laughed: "Wonderful, almost all the federal legislators are gathered here. As long as they speak with one voice, we will have an absolute advantage politically."

"Foolish people can be bullied!" Gu Xiechen said rudely: "Let the 30 billion people left on earth believe that we can give them a better life, a better future, and a better future. We control heaven.

Stars, we control two of the thirteen consecutive stars, we can get more administrative stars in the future, follow us, and you will have a bright future!"

Poison Wolf nodded and said: "Yes. However, the first priority now is... we need a new chairman of the Federal Parliament. I am a good fighter, but when it comes to showing off my words..." Poison Wolf looked at Gu Xiechen and laughed dryly.

, let alone Poison Wolf, there is no one around him who can serve as the Chairman of the Federal Parliament.

After pondering for a moment, Gu Xiechen suggested: "How about I propose a candidate."

Poisonous Wolf nodded: "Say!"

Gu Xiechen smiled strangely and said in a low voice: "The local member of the Pan-Asian District of the Earth Federation Council...Xiao Yusheng."

"Xiao Yusheng? The only child of the Xiao family who is involved in politics?" Poisonous Wolf pondered for a while, then nodded with a smile and said: "Well, he is one of our own and he plays politics, so it would be good to let him take over."

Gu Xiechen and Poison Wolf looked at each other, smiled, and shook hands heavily.

At this moment, rapid footsteps were heard, and a young man with the rank of colonel staggered into the venue.

"Marshal, millions of people rioted in Paris, London, Tokyo, New York, Melbourne, Toronto and other underground city circles."

This chapter has been completed!
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