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The 215th chapter strong visit (1)

Chapter 215 A strong visit (1)

On the sixth planet of the Thirteen Stars, in a majestic palace nestled against the mountains and the sea, the bright lights illuminated the clouds in the sky and turned them silvery white.

The melodious music was fluttering with the sea breeze. Pairs of Roman men and women with heavy makeup, heads held high, served by servants of all ethnic groups, came from all directions in ancient animal-drawn carriages decorated with gorgeous and luxurious materials.

There was a long and spacious corridor in front of the palace. Under the gaze of the tall knight statues on both sides of the corridor, he walked into the palace with a smile on his face.

Wherever there are people, you can hear the praises of the Roman god of war, Maier Aluda. Even the thinnest Roman boy will gnash his teeth and put on a heavy armor on his body, and wear an ancient belt around his waist.

A pure metal knight's sword, with the posture of a qualified Roman knight.

And all Roman men wearing metal armor are favored by Roman women of all ages. Countless eyes are on these 'valiant' Roman knights from all directions, just like a bonfire on a winter night, burning these Roman men.

The bones were almost melting. Occasionally, a few disheveled Roman men and women would hurriedly come out from a wooded corner of the palace. Their faces with golden blood showed that they had just done something inside.

In the tallest and most majestic hall of the palace complex, Nankert, dressed in the color of a king's robe, sat in the center holding a scepter. Thirty Roman noble ladies were dressed in colorful clothes, surrounding them like a group of gorgeous poppies.

Nanct. These Roman noble ladies are all the wives of Nanct. They are all nobles with ancient and noble Roman aristocratic blood.

Among these Roman noble ladies, one was wearing a long silver dress studded with black diamonds ranging in size from mung beans to fists. On her head was a hat weighing about thirty kilograms, made of gold, silver and

The lady with a triple crown inlaid with a large number of precious stones is particularly eye-catching. This lady's snow-white and delicate fingers are densely packed with more than twenty rings, and each ring shines under the bright light.

Intoxicated firelight. This noble lady is Nankert's wife and Pol Pot's mother.

From time to time, a Roman lady stood up and kissed Nankert passionately on the cheek. Nankert returned the kiss to these ladies with such passion that it was enough to melt the steel plate.

Only Polport's mother sat motionless on the throne alongside Nankert, looking down at the flattering women with arrogant eyes. In fact, even if she wanted to move, it would be impossible for her to move. The three crowns on her head were heavy.

It weighs thirty kilograms. The scepter she is holding on in her left hand weighs one hundred and twenty kilograms. The gorgeous palace dress woven with platinum wire weighs three hundred and fifty kilograms. It is equipped with thousands of large and small black diamonds.

The total weight of this palace dress exceeds half a ton.

For a pampered Roman lady, such an outfit is too much of a burden. If she hadn't used the Roman Knights' secret physical enhancement technology to strengthen her body more than ten times before attending this palace banquet,

This noble lady who came from a wealthy family and whose ancestors had been the ancestors of hundreds of Roman kings had long been crushed to death on the spot.

Pol Pot stood in the most remote corner of the hall, with two pretty Eldar girls standing close to him, gently touching his chest and abdomen.

The well-dressed Mad Angel stood next to Pol Pot, holding a wine glass and looking at the group of jeweled people on the throne. He smiled and asked: "Today is the first palace banquet of the First Roman Kingdom, don't you go to your

Father, would you like to send your congratulations? Be cheerful, Polpot, and don't look as sullen as an old king who is about to die of natural causes!"

Pol Pot snorted, he weakly picked up the wine glass, and clinked the glass with Mad Angel. Looking sideways at Nanket on the throne, Pol Pot asked in a low voice: "What do you think, my father?"

Are those words true? Is he really just acting in front of that bastard Dukat? If so, I really have to admire him, for the benefit of the family, he acted really well!"

Mad Angel glared at Pol Pot solemnly, and shouted in a low voice: "That's enough, Pol Pot, forget those ridiculous relationship issues. A true Roman man always only cares about power, strength, wealth, and feelings.

"That's just a little embellishment in a boring life. Female? That's just a tool used by a real Roman man to vent excess male hormones."

After draining the wine in the glass, the mad angel warned: "You have to care about the state affairs of the First Roman Kingdom now. Many supercarriers can only barely manage the navigation. It is enough to scare people, but it will take a long time to fight.

Maintenance. We lack enough trained crews, those stupid servants, their soldiers can only be used as cannon fodder, don't expect them to learn how to operate high-tech warships. We found on these three planets

There are thousands of giant mineral veins, but the amount of construction is less than one thousandth!"

With a deep sigh, Mad Angel said in a low voice: "As the military leader of the First Kingdom, and as the true successor of the Roman Knights, you still have a lot to do!"

Polpot took a deep breath, glanced at the ladies who were fawning around Nankert with disgust, and sneered: "These stupid women, do they still want to seize the position that belongs to my mother? Do they still want to seize the position that belongs to my mother?"

Want to seize my position for their stupid sons? You didn't tell my brothers how I got my position in the Roman Knights, right?"

Mad Angel glanced coldly at the dozens of Roman young men in another corner of the hall who were looking here, their eyes almost turning green with jealousy. He smiled strangely and shook his head. "No, I didn't tell them about your Roman Knights leader.

How did you get your position? I didn’t even tell them who I was! It’s so funny, they not only set their sights on your position, but also on my position as Grand Consul. Oh... these stupid, despicable people

, garbage not worth saving, they should be destroyed along with this universe."

Pausing his chest, the mad angel said proudly: "My child Pol Pot, you are qualified to be my successor. When the great God destroys this world, you will be saved because of me! In the new world

When the universe starts reincarnation again, you will become the god of that new universe just like me."

"Uh!" Pol Pot had a headache, and he laughed dryly: "Of course it is!"

Glancing angrily at the ladies who almost drowned Nankert, Polpotnu snorted. Looking at his mother who was sitting on the throne unable to move, Polbot's face showed a hint of helplessness and

Embarrassed. He muttered in a low voice: "Damn it, my mother, although I don't want to admit it, but you, like all Roman women, are so hypocritical and superficial. Keep an eye on the man next to you, otherwise

How can I trust you to stay with him while I am away fighting?"

Pol Pot's face was filled with sorrow. He subconsciously played with the wine glass in his hand and stared blankly at his mother, who was sitting upright on the throne.

The First Roman Kingdom is facing a great dilemma, and this dilemma is what Polpot must urgently solve.

The current total population of the Roman First Kingdom is close to three billion, but more than 99% of the three billion people come from the 172 star bases owned by the Roman Knights. They are all Roman servants, and there is no orthodox one.

Romans. The entire Roman First Kingdom only has less than a million Roman subjects.

These one million Romans include members of the Holdom family and several other Elector families, as well as members of the lower-class families they can influence. In addition, all pure-blood Romans are concentrated in the Second Roman Kingdom, all in

Under the rule of the three brothers Rhokin, Polukin, and Jacqueskin, there was a Roman kingdom with only one million Romans. This was undoubtedly a great irony for Pol Pot.

The Mad Angel has sent a formal letter of credence to the Second Kingdom, asking them to transfer at least 50% of the Roman people to the First Kingdom. However, the letter of credence has been sent for several days, and there is no response from the First Kingdom -

―There may be a response, that is, the Roman fleet commanded by Polukin and Jacqueskin blocked the main waterway between the two countries.

"Damn guy!" Pol Pot crushed the wine glass in his hand.

Mad Angel saw the fragments of the wine glass in Pol Pot's hand. He smiled faintly, pulled over a Roman girl who happened to be walking by, and looked out for two pieces of gorgeous white light behind his back.

Wing. "Inspired by God, I found you in the vast sea of ​​people. Beautiful lady, you have a pure soul and a holy body. Are you willing to accept the 'purification' from God? Can you transcend this

In this world, away from the danger of the Doomsday Judgment, let you become a god!"

Huge evil power enveloped the girl. The girl looked at the mad angel infatuatedly and threw herself into the arms of the mad angel with a cry.

"Shameless!" Pol Pot gave the most accurate definition of Mad Angel's behavior. He looked at Mad Angel with envy and jealousy as he hugged the girl and floated away.

Yazak suddenly appeared from Polpot's side, and he shouted in a low voice: "Sir, there are three fleets led by motherships approaching the Thirteen Stars. The other party's identification code is the Earth Federation Army!"

"It's that guy!" Gu Xiechen's unsettling evil smile suddenly appeared in Polpot's mind. He was stunned, gritted his teeth and said: "Send the signal, I want to see him!"

Looking at Nanket, who was sitting on the throne and accepting the worship of the crowd, Pol Pot frowned and strode out of the hall. His mother was sitting on the throne, looking at Pol Pot with a smile and contentment.

With his tall back, Porter proudly boasted to the ladies around him: "This is my child, and my blood is flowing in him. Oh~~~ compared with those of you children who only know how to eat, drink and have fun.

, Pol Pot is so outstanding! Nankert, is that so?"

This chapter has been completed!
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