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Chapter 236 Five-star Civilization Intervention Army

Chapter 236 Five-Star Civilization Intervention Army

Two clone soldiers pushed open the door to the presidential palace conference room. As soon as Gu Xiechen entered, he heard the shrill female voice's increasingly unpleasant scolding.

"Do you know whose property our Hans Chamber of Commerce belongs to? It is the property of Yuri Hiss, the second prince of the great Hiss Empire!"

"Let you become vassals of the Hiss Empire. This is an opportunity that our Hiss Empire gives you the Vol Federation. Many people want to become our vassals, but they don't have this opportunity!"

"You, the president of a small two-star civilization, who do you think you are? Can you imagine the power that a noble of a high-level civilization, even the lowest knight among the nobles, has?"

It was a middle-aged woman wearing a large purple leather cloak, a red feather crown on her head, and five or six large rings on her hands, studded with various gems. She was a hundred times more powerful than the nouveau riche. She was not

She has no beauty, all she possesses is a domineering arrogance and a unique sense of superiority from advanced civilization.

With a slightly bloated body, she waddled back and forth in front of Du Meng with square steps, and her sharp scoldings formed a sharp contrast with Du Meng who was sitting on the sofa and was as calm as an abyss.

Different from the shriveled and small image of Du Meng, Du Meng is tall and mighty, as strong as the statue of Veda, the protector at the entrance of the temple. A dark blue tunic suit is worn on Du Meng's body, clean and neat, and has an indescribable masculinity.

. His fierce appearance was like that of a knife and an axe. Although it was a little rougher, it made his masculinity stronger. He sat steadily on the sofa, half of his face was covered by the shadow cast by the curtains.

This made his invisible charm fill this spacious conference room.

The woman who was pointing at Du Meng and scolding her was walking back and forth like a big white goose in heat. Her eyes were scanning Du Meng's face, just like the greedy mouthparts of a fly.

Hearing the sound of Gu Xiechen walking in, the woman immediately picked up the thick and long fur scarf hanging around her neck with both hands, put on a very enchanting posture, and turned around to look here. Standing in the meeting

Four capable men in black uniforms in the corner of the room took a few steps forward and approached Gu Xiechen, assuming a posture of loyal protection.

With a slight wave of the Five Water Dragon Whisker Fan, Gu Xiechen shook his head at the woman: "Stop talking nonsense, the Hans Chamber of Commerce will not receive any output from the Vol Federation in the future."

The woman screamed in surprise. She turned around and looked at Gu Xiechen in disbelief: "What did you say? Say it again?"

Gu Xiechen waved his fan again and said with a malicious smile: "We will not do business with the Hans Chamber of Commerce in the future. We will ignore the relationship between the former president and you, but our current president, he and your country's three

His Highness Prince Hailis is a good friend, so the Hans Chamber of Commerce will not get any of our products!"

The name 'Hailis' was very useful. The expressions of the woman and the four capable men changed at the same time. The woman looked at Du Meng melancholy, pointed at Gu Xiechen and sneered: "Who is he?"

Du Meng stood up and patted the unnecessary dust on his clothes with his big palm. He shouted loudly: "This gentleman is our special adviser to the Vol Federation, in politics, economy, military, culture, in short, in all fields.

We will all refer to his opinion. He said that if we no longer do business with your Hansi Chamber of Commerce, we will never do business with you again!"

This woman also wanted to use her power in the background to intimidate Gu Xiechen and Du Meng, but Gu Xiechen had already called a group of insect soldiers in. These ruthless and inhuman biochemical soldiers pounced on them savagely, and killed those soldiers.

The limbs of the woman and the four capable bodyguards were shattered and fractured, and they were thrown back into the battleship from which they came.

The woman was shaking with pain, and she screamed and threatened war.

Gu Xiechen and Du Meng looked at each other for a while, and laughed dumbly. War? Is it just the hundred transport ships overhead and the dozen or so warships escorted by big cats and kittens? Gu Xiechen tilted his head towards Du Meng, Du Meng

After taking out the communicator and muttering a few words, the Hans Chamber of Commerce's trading fleet suddenly encountered a nightmare-like scene.

Hundreds of large and small warships without any markings swarmed in from all directions. The speed of all the warships was ridiculously fast. They opened all the gun emplacements from a distance, and the fire control radar locked all the ships of the Hans Chamber of Commerce at the same time.

Facing an absolute advantage in material resources, the fleet of the Hans Chamber of Commerce roared hysterically and then surrendered.

A group of Hardward mercenaries screamed loudly and rushed into the Hans Chamber of Commerce ship, gathering all the Chamber of Commerce members and security mercenaries in the fleet together. This group of wolf-like mercenaries showed up openly

Their signature - they are official members of the Hookbreakers, the third-ranked pirate group in the Star Alliance! Because the Hiss Empire destroyed their Hookbreakers' secret stronghold in the Hiss Imperial Capital, this time they did it intentionally

Come to take revenge on the Hiss Empire.

All members of the Chamber of Commerce were stripped clean, not even a pair of underwear was left. Regardless of gender, all members of the Chamber of Commerce were stripped clean and thrown into the smallest and most shabby transport ship, two 'pirate' warships

'Guarding' the transport ship and 'escorting' them out of the star field. The vicious pirate leader even roared at them crazily for a while. If they were not convinced, they could turn to their backer, the Hiss Empire.

The second prince Yuri Hiss came to talk to their group of hook-breakers.

The woman who led this merchant fleet was so heartbroken that she was almost bleeding. These one hundred large transport ships were filled with all kinds of rare goods they purchased from the spiral star field, including many prohibited smuggled goods. The total value of the goods was

More than 900 billion Star Alliance gold coins, this is also a big income for the second prince behind her, Yuri Hiss. She must avenge this revenge. Through the porthole, the woman stared into the distance

He went to Wal Star and gnashed his teeth and issued the most vicious curse to Gu Xiechen and Du Meng.

Soon, something happened that frightened the woman. All the male creatures in the cabin rushed towards her and looked at her with fierce eyes.

Accompanied by a scream that could not tell whether it was joy or panic, the woman was surrounded by hundreds of chamber of commerce members, followed by roars and moans.

Those damn 'pirates', after they escorted the members of the Chamber of Commerce into this transport ship, they unkindly threw several biological and chemical bombs into the cabin, which contained the most powerful aphrodisiac. This woman in Han Dynasty

She is the daughter of a very important person in the Sri Lanka Chamber of Commerce. After suffering such a big loss, she must try to make trouble with her master. Gu Xiechen is waiting for her to make trouble.

After staying on the planet Vol for half a month, Gu Xiechen has been helping Dukat and others completely control this two-star civilization, and has initially set up a planetary defense system at several key locations on the planet's surface. Fuya Mingcong

Star Yafik secretly transported 300 sets of large-scale anti-aircraft turrets to Wall Star. With the help of Dukat and Xiao Xiao's powerful mechanical abilities, these turrets have been installed and deployed. Wall Star already has a four-star resistance level.

Civilization's thirty standard fleet invasion air defense capabilities.

Coupled with the supercarriers and other ships hidden on several large rocky stars near Wall Star, this airspace has become a forbidden area where entrants will die even for a five-star civilization.

More than a billion Earth immigrants have settled in Vol Star, and they have started a new life of breeding and resting in Vol Star. The native residents of Vol Star did not even notice their arrival, all information has been blocked, and all earth immigrants live in Vol Star.

On the vast continent of Erxing, which is used as a nature reserve, there is basically no communication with the native residents of Volxing.

The Vol Star government led by Du Meng immediately established ambassadorial-level diplomatic relations with the newly established Yafik Empire. The Yafik Empire opened an embassy in the capital of Vol Star and proposed a very generous immigration strategy.

According to the original words of the Yafik Ambassador to Vol Star, Mr. Linghu, the Yafik Empire is a fledgling empire with a small population, so official citizens of the Vol Federation are welcome to immigrate to the Yafik Empire. The empire is willing to provide abundant materials for immigrants.

Living conditions and favorable jobs.

Being able to transform from a two-star citizen to a citizen of a high-level four-star civilization, the citizens of the Vol Federation went crazy. Immigration applications like snowflakes were constantly submitted to the Yafik Empire Embassy, ​​and His Excellency Ambassador Linghu was also reviewing and approving them day and night.

With these immigration applications, a large number of Vol Federation citizens quickly boarded high-speed passenger ships and were immigrated to various planets controlled by the Yafik Empire. All immigrants were based on family units, disrupting the random resettlement of their original places of residence.

, they have very, very few chances to meet their compatriots in Yafik. And all the cities that have become empty due to immigration will soon be quietly settled by immigrants from the Earth.

Almost no one knows that the Vol Federation has changed its owner. More than 200 million Vol Federation citizens have either actively or been induced to immigrate to the Yafik Empire, leaving only Earthlings on the planet Vol.

The immigration process only took two months. Two months later, there was no more native-born Vol star on the planet Vol.

Just when the immigration project was in full swing, a small warship sneaked to Vol Star. The third prince of the Hiss Empire, Heilis, paid an informal visit to Vol Star without alerting anyone. When the anxious Hailis

When Lis appeared in front of Gu Xiechen, Gu Xiechen almost didn't recognize the third prince who had lost a lot of weight.

"What's wrong with you? Did you suddenly marry a hundred wives?" Gu Xiechen asked Hailis teasingly. Compared with the Hailis he met two years ago, the third prince in front of him was simply

A reed stick, he almost fell into a state of collapse, both mentally and physically.

Taking the wine glass handed over by Gu Xiechen, Hailis curled up on the large and soft sofa and drank several sips of strong wine.

After coughing violently for a few times, a smile appeared on Hailis' already skinny face: "I heard some embarrassing stupid woman say that it was my people who embarrassed her in Vol Star, so I thought...

You are back. Combined with the information I got earlier, the Yafik Empire... Haha, this name is very pleasant, so I knew it was you who were back."

Gu Xiechen sat in front of Hailis and looked at Hailis in puzzlement. Where did the former high-spirited Hailis go? Six super carriers, dozens of super battleships, plus 100 million cubic meters of starlight silver.

, isn’t it enough to fatten up Hailis? How did he become so thin?

Grabbing the wine bottle in front of Gu Xiechen, Hailis drank several sips of strong liquor for himself, then breathed heavily and recounted everything he had encountered in the past two years.

At first, as they expected, after Heilis returned to the Hiss Empire with six super carriers and a huge amount of starlight silver, he received great praise from the Hiss Emperor Talta Hiss. The princes and ministers

He greatly praised Heilis, seeing that the position of Crown Prince Hiss was about to fall into the hands of Heilis.

Then, a person whom Helis hated to the core appeared - the current leader of the Hook-Breaking Ability Group, who had a strange self-proclaimed Mu Taoist.

The furious Mu Taoren didn't know what he showed to Tarta Hiss. In short, his status in the Hiss Empire immediately became no different from that of the Supreme Emperor. The Mu Daoren went to the Hiss Empire to find out where his daughter Jin had gone.

Hailis, who had dealt with Jin before, was unlucky. He was taken away by the Mu Tao people to the Yafik Kingdom, where he waited patiently for Jin to appear.

While waiting, Hailis was extremely frightened. It seemed that there was another force that was also looking for Jin's whereabouts, and Mu Daoren was obviously not at odds with that force. He witnessed with his own eyes a team of extremely capable and capable people around Mu Daoren.

The leader and the subordinates of that force attacked each other, killing each other and causing rivers of blood to flow.

Not long after, the capable people around Mu Daoren suddenly disappeared. Mu Daoren took him on a super-small battleship and sneaked into the subspace, sneaking behind a strange fleet. The fleet seemed to be following some kind of sign.

After groping in the subspace for several months, I finally determined a certain direction and chased it towards that place.

The Mu Tao people irresponsibly abandoned Heilis aside and left him to fend for himself, while he continued to track the fleet.

Heilis in the rescue cabin finally waited for the rescue team from the Hiss Empire. Helis, who thought he was out of trouble, returned to the Hiss Empire excitedly and prepared to take over the position of crown prince. As a result, he was like a thunderbolt.

Discovered that his second brother, Yuri Hisis, had been accepted as a disciple by the Mu Taoist because he possessed some kind of special 'spiritual vein', and was canonized as the Imperial Crown Prince.

As for Heilis, the six super carriers he controlled have been taken over by Tartar Hiss without any effort, and even his fiefdom has been taken back by the Hiss Empire. Tartar Hiss's external affairs

The excuse was that some of Helis' actions seriously damaged the national security of the Hiss Empire, so Helis was deprived of most of his powers.

That's all. Even Helis's mother was implicated by Helis, and her status in the palace plummeted. His mother's family's power in the empire was also affected by Tartar Hiss and You.

Yuri Hiss suppressed and targeted Yuri Hiss intentionally or unintentionally. His mother clan deeply believed that Helis was a disaster star. His mother clan immediately canceled its support for Helis, and the entire family turned to take photos of Yuri Hiss.

of flattery.

Nowadays, Heilis is already a signboard of the prince of the empire. There is only a small manor with an area of ​​three square kilometers in the empire. There are only dozens of kilograms of starlight silver and hundreds of thousands of Star Alliance gold coins on the bank card, except for a small battleship.

There are no idle personnel from any other forces except the corresponding ship operators.

"My friend, my ally, Gu, this is what happened to me!" Hailis looked at Gu Xiechen with his big, bright eyes because he was too thin, and he hummed feebly:

"Who can tell me why this is happening? Why is this happening to me?"

Gu Xiechen frowned. He could understand the reason for everything Hailis said. Those who clashed with the Mu Tao people must be from the Pole Star Empire. Hailis just suffered from the fish pond disaster.

That's all, it's a good thing that Mu Taoist didn't kill him to silence him.

As for Yuri Xis, for this lucky guy, Gu Xiechen only felt boundless sorrow for him - Mu Taoist claimed that he was the authentic sect of Kunlun and a disciple of the Sanqing sect. This sign worked well for the Star Alliance, but when he encountered the true

The Kunlun sect members of Erba Jing are all members of this group of sects with extremely strong opinions and habits. Yuri Hiss's fate has been destined to have a bad end.

Hailis stared blankly at Gu Xiechen with his godless eyes. He smiled dryly and said, "I have nothing left. Even my lovers, they all married off with my illegitimate children!"

He raised the bottle and drank down a bottle of strong wine. Heilis said with a ferocious smile: "My seven illegitimate children have all become other people's children! Those damn bitches, if one day I can take back my

Power, I want them and their family to look good!"

Gently stroking the fine feathers of the Five Water Dragon Beard Fan with his fingers, Gu Xiechen looked at Hailis and said with a smile: "My prince, is there any other news? Huh? You came all the way here, are you just here?

You just want to tell me this little thing?"

Hailis was silent for a while, and then he said dryly: "Yes, there is another piece of news. The Hiss Empire and three other five-star civilizations will join forces to form an intervention army to intervene against the Yafik Empire. Spiral Star Territory

It is too dangerous to allow the emergence of a five-star civilization. The Yafik Empire is likely to unify the entire spiral star field, and its neighboring countries will feel uneasy."

The Spiral Star Territory spans tens of thousands of light years and contains thousands of civilizations, large and small. If the Yafik Empire really unified the entire Spiral Star Territory, the Yafik Empire would have thousands of administrative stars, millions of resource stars, and

The population and resources will directly catch up with the six-star civilization.

If the Yafik Empire really gradually annexes the Spiral Star Territory, then the advanced civilizations near the Spiral Star Territory will really feel like a thorn on their backs, and they will feel uncomfortable all over.

"Intervention Army!"

Gu Xiechen gently scratched his chin. He looked at Heilis gently: "My friend, do you still want to become the Hiss Emperor?"

Hailis looked at Gu Xiechen in horror: "What do you mean?"

Gu Xiechen shrugged his shoulders and said calmly: "Nothing, I just want to ask if you are willing to become the Hiss Emperor."

He stretched out a hand to Hailis: "If you are willing, hold my hand. In a month at most, I will make your wish come true."

Huge self-confidence poured into Hailis' body from Gu Xiechen's red eyes. He stared blankly into Gu Xiechen's eyes and held Gu Xiechen's palm forcefully.

Gu Xiechen smiled with satisfaction.

He dialed Fuya Ming's communicator.

"Fu Ya, I have something to go out for a few days. I will strengthen my contact with Dukat and prepare my army for war. Maybe we will have a big fight soon."

Gu Xiechen looked at Heilis, whose withered face was glowing red with excitement, and smiled softly: "The Yafik Empire and the Hiss Empire are joining forces to fight against the intervention forces. Keep in touch at any time, I'm going there right away.

The Hiss Empire."

Hailis held Gu Xiechen's hand tightly, as if he was the last straw in his life.

This chapter has been completed!
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