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The 298th chapter blood descendants secret castle (1)

Chapter 298: Bloodborn Secret Castle (1)

A completely black Death Starship passed lightly through the narrow space surrounded by hundreds of neutron star clusters.

Hundreds of neutron stars with diameters ranging from hundreds to thousands of kilometers are clustered together like grapes. The huge and invisible gravity is like a python under the abyss densely packed in the void, and this Death Starship is precisely

Following the balanced channel reached between the gravitational forces, it passed through these neutron stars lightly, just like a dexterous moth flying across the water without causing any ripples.

Sometimes, the Death Starship flew almost close to the surface of the neutron star. The huge gravitational pull of the neutron star interacted with the thick energy shield on the surface of the Death Starship, creating a dim band of light in the void.

In the core cabin of the Death Starship, a huge mountain-like divine crystal is shining with a faint black light. Huge and surging energy is continuously input from the divine crystal into various parts of the Death Starship, supporting the Death Starship as it passes through this star field with endless murderous potential.

Surrounding this piece of divine crystal, there are thousands of crystal walls of various sizes shining as thin as cicada wings, with light silver data streams and various pictures flowing rapidly on them. These things are from various places within a three light-year radius of the Death Starship.

data feedback.

A dozen tall and handsome young men and women were suspended in the cabin. Wearing black tights that were as thin as a layer of skin, they flew between the crystal walls lightly, tapping their fingers on the crystal walls, or transferring certain data.

Data is archived, or new commands are entered into various systems within the Death Starship. Everyone is focused on their work, and no one makes a sound. The shining light of the crystal wall shines on the handsome faces of these people, and they

The lifeless face is full of evil.

In the corner of this core cabin, a pair of young men and women were engaged in the most primitive peacemaking exercise between creatures. At this time, they had obviously reached the end. The man grasped the shoulders of the girl under him tightly with both hands, and his muscles bulged.

Thick black blood vessels burst out from under the fair skin, and waves of tyrannical energy swept across the entire cabin.

After a deep groan, the bodies of the two men and women trembled violently for a while, and then they separated as quickly as possible. The sweat stains and remaining body fluids on their bodies were quickly cleaned away by several micro-robots that came up, and a black light emerged from them.

It surged up from under their feet and quickly covered their whole bodies. In just two or three seconds, they put on the extremely thin tights that covered their entire bodies except their faces and palms.

The young man looked at the woman in front of him expressionlessly: "This is our hundredth mating. If you still can't have an offspring with a compatibility of more than 60%, you will be severely punished."

The woman looked at the man with the same expressionless expression, and said coldly: "I understand. According to the probability, this time we have a 90% chance of giving birth to an offspring that meets the standards."

The two looked at each other indifferently, and walked towards the shining crystal walls at the same time. Their bodies flew up lightly, flying between the crystal walls like other young men and women, processing data like tides.

There was no communication between them, not even an eye contact, as if they were just a pair of strangers.

Suddenly, a dazzling red light flashed in the cabin, and a cold and ruthless voice slowly sounded: "If you find a strange creature, destroy it with all your strength!"

The Death Starship had just flown out of the star field surrounded by neutron stars and bypassed a dim star that had entered the end of its life. A huge planet appeared in front of it. In a huge mountain range on the surface of the planet, a circle

A circle of dazzling green light is slowly spreading in all directions. The mountains with a radius of 100,000 miles are faintly collapsing. Huge cracks appear on the ground around them. Large areas of green mist and black gas are constantly spraying out from the cracks. Two huge cannons can be faintly seen.

The arm is reaching toward the sky from the center point of the green light.

About a quarter of an hour later, a zombie with shriveled skin and dark green flesh slowly emerged from under the rock formations of the planet. The zombie was wearing a set of extremely luxurious star-crowned harems, and hung from his belt.

The jade pendant is radiant with precious light, and the stars in the sky can be faintly seen shining on the Xiapei. It is wearing an unparalleled and luxurious fairy robe.

But this zombie has a ferocious face. There are two pairs of pale green bone wings piercing Xiapei's body on the back. The bone wings are flapping heavily, setting off several hurricanes around them. The height of this zombie is at least

Thousands of miles away, as soon as he broke out of the ground, two green fire evil spirits spewed out from his deep-set eyes, and he glanced in all directions.

Wherever the green fire evil energy in the zombie's eyes touched, the surface of the planet suddenly collapsed, and all living things on the surface of the planet, from flowers, plants and trees to insects, fish, birds and beasts, were burned to ashes by the green fire, and all living things were alive.

All turned into thin streams of light and flew into the zombie's body, and the skin and flesh under his withered body seemed to gradually become plump. After he had absorbed the life of all the creatures in the hemisphere where he was, the zombie had nothing but

The skin is still light green, but the body shape is no different from that of ordinary people.

Inside the Death Star ship, a young man who had just completed a mating mission looked down at the image of a zombie on a crystal wall, and smiled disdainfully: "Is this the climax of another alien creature outbreak? This guy's energy intensity is

How much? Planetary level, or star level? It is best to be a planetary level, otherwise the energy we will consume this time will be too great!"

The cold and ruthless voice sounded in the cabin: "Pure negative energy walking zombie creature, energy intensity, first-class star level."

The young man's face twitched, and he ordered coldly: "Take 90% of the energy of the divine crystal and destroy it with all your strength!"

The huge mountain-like divine crystal in the cabin suddenly erupted with dazzling black light. The size of the divine crystal was rapidly shrinking. In the blink of an eye, only a ten-meter-wide divine crystal was left floating in the core of the cabin. The huge energy quickly

Influxing into the Death Star ship's weapon system, such a huge amount of energy was extracted in an instant. The Death Star ship trembled violently because it was overwhelmed. The pressure caused by the huge energy shock wave made everyone in the Death Star ship sit down.

It is difficult to stand up from the ground.

In the void less than a million kilometers away from the planet, a kilometer-diameter piece of armor on the surface of the Death Starship swirled around like water waves, and a triangular crystal thorn tens of thousands of meters long slowly

Protruding from the kilometer-diameter muzzle, a dazzling black light shone on the surface of the crystal thorn, bringing out black electric light. Gradually, all the black energy condensed into a ball no more than the size of a thumb at the tip of the crystal thorn.

A black ball of light emerged. In an instant, the ball of light slowly broke away from the crystal thorn, and suddenly brought up a black light that tore through the void.

The green zombie standing on the surface of the planet, absorbing all the vitality and aura around him, was suddenly stunned. He suddenly raised his head and glanced at a certain point in the void, and then roared violently towards the sky. A green light rushed from behind the zombie.

It rose up and turned into a giant lightsaber with a simple shape that was hundreds of miles long and stabbed fiercely into the void.

The extremely thin black light and the lightsaber collided in the void. The green lightsaber instantly disintegrated, and countless metal fragments shot out in all directions with flame tails. These huge fragments were wrapped in strong fire and sprayed out.

Thick green smoke appeared, but it was burned away in the blink of an eye. The thin black light transformed from the black ball of light tore through the void, tore apart the atmosphere on the planet's surface, and hit the zombie's head.

The black light flashed, and the zombie's huge head was shattered into pieces like a pile of sand. The zombie's body stood stiff for a while, and then fell heavily to the ground. The huge body fell, causing the ground around it to shake wildly.

Large tracts of mountains disintegrated and rocks flew into the sky, as if a heavy nuclear bomb had exploded.

The Death Star slowly flew closer to the planet, and the Triangular Crystal Thorn had already retracted the hull. A huge hatch opened, and a dozen young men and women flew out of the Death Star. It was obviously the head of the ship.

The target young man was also inside. He crossed his arms and looked at the zombie with its head destroyed with disdain.

"These alien creatures have caused us so much trouble. But after all, tyrannical power is everything. Alien creatures are just alien creatures."

After sneering a few times, the young man's body was suddenly covered by a black and red light. Following a sharp and high-pitched roar, the young man's body expanded rapidly, and finally slowly transformed into a head with a body length of about 10,000 meters.

, covered with black and red scales, with two dragon heads, one black and one red, and a giant flying dragon with six wings on its back. This huge flying dragon looked around proudly for a while, and snorted softly.

, the six huge wings behind him waved and flew towards the ground quickly.

After the young man's physical transformation was completed, a dozen young men and women behind him shouted loudly, and their bodies were also covered by bright lights of various colors. After a few breaths, these young people also transformed into different colors -

Strange creatures. Among these young people, some transformed into flying dragons like that young man, but they only had one dragon head and no more than four wings behind them; others were shaped like lizards, but had two or three wings.

The dragon head also has a pair of fleshy wings on its back.

The girl who just had sex with the leading young man in the cabin transformed into a strange giant python with a body length of 10,000 meters. It is not certain that it is a giant python. She has four long limbs that are like dragon claws.

, there are coral-like dragon horns on her head, and behind her are twelve pairs of giant black flesh wings lined up in a row. And her transformed head is also 70-80% similar to the dragon head. As she glances at it,

The cold light in the dim red eyes shone hundreds of miles away.

A group of alien beasts with different shapes and sizes pounced on the huge zombie on the ground. They quickly took off the luxurious set of star-crowned robes from the zombie's body, and stripped the zombie naked.

Nothing was left behind. Then they wielded their huge claws and dug up the mountain range where the zombie emerged from like an excavator. They dug out countless broken bones and shining metal fragments from underneath.

and all kinds of weird things.

Suddenly, the giant python transformed by the girl let out a cheer. She raised her front paws high, and her claws clearly held a golden pagoda about ten meters high and divided into thirteen layers. Although this pagoda has a

There are a few cracks, but the whole thing is still intact, and rich golden light is constantly erupting from the pagoda. Obviously, the aura and spirituality of the pagoda are still intact.

The two-headed dragon transformed by the leading young man flew over quickly and snatched away the golden pagoda with one claw. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the pagoda for a while, and praised with satisfaction: "What a good luck.

You have done a great job. This is an ancient artifact with an energy intensity above the third level of a star. Even if you cannot give birth to a qualified descendant this time, it can offset your punishment!" He glared at the giant python that the girl had transformed into.

, the young man opened his mouth and swallowed the pagoda in one gulp.

Not long after, these young people made some discoveries. Some found a few shining swords, some found a few jade talisman tokens, and some even found some medicine bottles with three or five pieces of medicine left in them.

Pills with a strong fragrance. These harvests made the leading young man very happy. He laughed and swallowed all the harvests.

A group of giant beasts toiled on the ground for a full half a month. They dug out the mountains with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and found eighty or ninety magical weapons of various kinds that had not been dissipated. It is obvious that this kind of harvest has been achieved.

It is also rare for these young people. Even if they have transformed into giant beasts, they still have bright smiles on their faces, which are completely different from the cold dead faces they had in the Death Starship.

While they were overjoyed, no one noticed that a group of people on another planet just around the corner were looking at them.

Gu Xiechen and others stood on the top of a mountain, raising their heads and watching the giant beasts transformed by these young people busy on the planet thousands of miles away. Gu Xiechen had good eyesight, and he could clearly see every move of these young people.

Knowing clearly, he shook his head and sighed: "Are these the real elites of the Sect Elders Association? Why do their bloodlines seem so mixed, as if they are a fusion of many different genes?"

The faces of Lasco and other members of the Lieyan Family suddenly became ugly. They were silent for a quarter of an hour before Lasco said dryly: "Continuously integrating the genes of newly discovered species, and constantly stimulating the genes

Potential, constantly nurturing new species, this is originally a task of the Elders Association."

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Lasko pointed at the huge alien beasts with a gloomy expression and sneered: "If your most beloved daughter is forced to become a reserve of the Elders Association, you will have to fight with such monsters every certain period of time.

After mating, one or several such monsters will be produced every once in a while. They even need to continue hybrid mating with each other in order to purify the genes and increase the concentration of the genes to stimulate uncontrollable mutations in the genes. You also have to

Would you willingly become a slave for such an organization?"

Gu Xiechen looked at Lasco in shock, while Lasco and other members of the Lieyan Family had sullen expressions and never spoke again. Including Basin, who had always been crazy and a bit confused, nodded seriously:

"I refuse to admit that these monsters are my grandsons. Even my grandson will not admit them!"

Taking a deep breath, Gu Xiechen said calmly: "I understand! This is also the last teleportation array prepared by the Yanlong Empire, right?"

Lasko nodded and said slowly: "Yes, further ahead is the patrol area of ​​the Elders Association. We have never ventured to explore further."

Narrowing his eyes, Gu Xiechen forcefully patted the giant spirit god who was desperately twisting his butt and scratching his ears and cheeks beside him: "Hide it back, your figure is too conspicuous."

The giant spirit god, who was twisting his body and making bones rattling, looked at Gu Xiechen with a sad face and a sad look on his face. He obediently turned into a ray of purple light and escaped back to Gu Xiechen's sea of ​​consciousness. The giant spirit god's body is now as high as a thousand.

Mi, the joints all over his body are unusually thick. As long as you stand next to him, you can feel an extremely powerful aura pressing down on your head.

Just like the Fire Crow standing on Gu Xiechen's shoulder, Gu Xiechen used the secret method recorded in the Great Wilderness Sutra to seize the bones of the Jueyang Bone Demon and refine them into one with the original bones of the Giant Spirit God. This

The pure physical power of the Giant Spirit God suddenly increased to a shocking level, but because of the sudden increase in power, and a large part of the source of power comes from another universe and belongs to the power rules of another system, so

The Giant Spirit God was unable to control his body freely, and his physical body, which was originally only more than thirty meters tall, expanded to a height of a thousand meters. This was the result of him using magical powers and secret techniques to forcibly compress his body.

Moreover, after fused with the skeleton of the Jueyang Bone Demon, the Giant Spirit God always felt itchy all over his body and always felt uncomfortable. So when he stood next to Gu Xiechen, he always twisted his butt and shook his thigh, never for a moment.

Jing Jing. Coupled with his huge body that was a thousand meters tall, he was too conspicuous. Gu Xiechen could only tell him to hide back in the sea of ​​consciousness.

After packing up the Giant Spirit God, Gu Xiechen took out the Seven Emotions and Six Desires Talisman and distributed it to Lasco and the others. The group activated the Talisman to hide their figure and aura, and secretly raised the Escape Light towards the star in front of them.

The Death Starship flies away.

Perhaps I never expected to meet an outsider like Gu Xiechen here. The hatch of this Death Starship was open, and there was not even a sentry in the empty cabin. Under the leadership of Gu Xiechen, a group of people

He infiltrated into the Death Starship with familiarity and went all the way to the core area of ​​the Death Starship. He found a cabin where spare parts were stored and sat down.

Obviously, the various restrictions and formations arranged in this Death Star are several times more powerful than the Death Star that the elders exchanged for the six-star civilization. But for Gu Xiechen, even the Ten Jue Formation

He has studied the formation diagrams of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation thoroughly, and he has received personal teachings from formation masters like Shi Tianjun. How can he take these formation restrictions seriously?

Sitting cross-legged in the cabin with a large number of spare parts, and placing a few restrictions to hide everyone's figures, Gu Xiechen sat cross-legged on the ground and smiled: "When these people finish patrolling, they will naturally take us

Going to their base will save us a lot of effort."

Lasco and others all said yes, and they also sat down and practiced quietly. They knew that this was a dangerous place, and they tried their best to increase every bit of strength to save their lives. This Death Star

Although none of the young men on the ship have reached the realm of immortals in strength, once they transform, the lethality that their huge bodies can exert is not inferior to that of immortals, and none of them is easy to deal with.

Seeing the powerful strength of these young people after their transformed bodies, Lasko and the others instinctively felt a heavy pressure.

Looking at Lasko and others who were holding the Zackra crystal and entering the state of cultivation, Gu Xiechen couldn't help but smile a little.

This space must have been one of the battlefields between the ancient Heavenly Court and the Innate Great Sages of the Outer Realms. There are not many immortals and Great Sages from the Outer Realms who died here. Along the way, they passed through thousands of teleportation arrays set up by the Yanlong Empire.

After being teleported here, Gu Xiechen's harvest was quite extraordinary. He gained a lot of various wonderful ancient magic techniques, powerful ancient spiritual treasures, and weird and unpredictable things from the outside world.

It's a pity that he has never encountered existences similar to the Immortal Heavenly Lord and the Jueyang Bone Demon again. Gu Xiechen wished he could meet a few similar characters.

It's a pity that when they rushed here, the zombie had been destroyed by the Death Starship. Otherwise, judging from what he was wearing, he must be a certain immortal from the ancient heaven. All he had to do was re-concentrate his corresponding distraction and inject it into

With this body, Gu Xiechen has another powerful subordinate in his hands. It is such a pity. If he had arrived a few days earlier, Gu Xiechen would definitely have rescued this zombie. But now, he can only

It was a bit depressing to have a ride.

With a long sigh, he took out a few ancient treasures harvested on the road, and Gu Xiechen also concentrated on refining them.

After receiving Mao E's experience about the natal magic weapon, Gu Xiechen had a deeper understanding of the magic weapon. Now whenever he has time, he continues to refine various magic weapons for his own use to enhance his combat power. This way

There are hundreds of bits and pieces of various ancient treasures harvested along the way, which are enough for him to use.

After an unknown amount of time, when Gu Xiechen had completed the refining of the seven ancient treasures, those young men finally ended their search for the planet. The Death Starship continued its patrol journey, following a fixed patrol

The track moved forward, and the voyage continued for one year and three months.

Gu Xiechen maintained a ray of spiritual thought on the surface of the Death Starship and silently recorded the patrol track of the Death Starship. Along the way, the Death Starship destroyed more than a dozen so-called alien creatures, but in fact they were all killed in the ancient war.

Those immortals or immortal beasts and birds' bones, mutated zombies, or the undead condensed with resentment left behind, etc. In addition to dealing with these strange creatures, the Death Star ship is also responsible for supplying dozens of fixed outposts along the way, providing supplies to the garrisoned ones.

The guards inside sent various daily necessities and new members of the opposite sex.

There are hundreds to dozens of young people in each fixed outpost. When the Death Starship arrives, all pregnant girls in the outpost will be picked up by the Death Starship. The Death Starship will replenish the number of the outpost.

Girls who are equal. Those girls who are pregnant will have detailed information filed, from the time of their pregnancy to the energy fluctuations and mood states of both parties when they were pregnant, and even the levels of various hormones in the body at that time, etc., the information is

The level of detail amazed even Gu Xiechen.

After the information is registered, these girls will be clearly divided into ten different levels of attention. The girls in the high-ranking attention level will receive meticulous care and have dedicated servants to serve them. Their physiological status will also be monitored around the clock.

Monitor and enjoy delicious food and wine.

And those girls with lower levels of attention also have good enjoyment, and they can also live in separate cabins.

The girls in the two lowest levels of attention were sent to the training chamber. They could only live on nutrient solution every day, and various genetic drugs were constantly injected into their bodies, completely destroying them and their bodies.

The fetuses were treated as guinea pigs.

Regardless of whether it was the person who performed all this or the person who was executed, everyone in the Death Star seemed to take it for granted, including those who were injected with genetic drugs and were struggling and wailing in pain, with injected scales and bone spurs constantly emerging on the surface of their bodies.

, the girls who had strange changes such as sharp angles just accepted it silently, and no one had any objections.

When the consciousness in the starship filled with ancient evil dust discovered that a girl in the training cabin suddenly collapsed and died, the hydra-like fetus in her belly exploded, viciously attacking everything seen in the laboratory.

After everyone was frozen into ice by the restrictions in the defense ship, he no longer bothered to look at these scenes that were contrary to natural principles and human ethics.

"Damn the Elders' Association, what are they doing?"

Gu Xiechen's murderous intention towards the clan elders association has never been stronger. Along the way, he communicated with Lasco and other members of the Lieyan family, and Gu Xiechen also learned that among these young men and women, there is a high probability that there are direct descendants of the Lieyan family.

.There is no need to explain why the Lieyan family, who are free-spirited and even a little bohemian by nature, secretly resist the rule of the clan elders association.

After cursing the perverted behavior of the clan elders, Gu Xiechen concentrated all his attention on refining ancient treasures. His cultivation level also gradually improved unknowingly. The two stars of Taiyin and Sun

Xuanzhu continuously spewed out a large amount of lunar and solar energy in his body, allowing Gu Xiechen's cultivation to advance by leaps and bounds a thousand times faster than Lasco and others.

Unknowingly, when the Death Starship that everyone was aboard was suddenly attacked, Gu Xiechen's magic power had successfully broken through the realm of the third-level immortal, and had the cultivation level of Qingming He Tongtian.

The Death Starship beneath their feet was trembling violently, as if there was some kind of extremely powerful attack that was constantly attacking the Death Starship's body. The trembling was so great that Gu Xiechen and the others were unable to concentrate on their cultivation.

They woke up with a start. The mountains of spare parts around them fell down, the walls of the cabin were twisted, and the alloy ground under their feet was rising and falling like water waves, and it was violently under Gu Xiechen's feet.

, these alloy floors cracked several small holes.

A ray of spiritual thought was released very quickly, and Gu Xiechen saw clearly everything happening outside the Death Star ship.

A black light and a white light were traveling through the void at high speed, flying around the Death Star ship at high speed. The two rays of light were so fast that the main gun of the Death Star ship could not lock on them. Occasionally, the light quickly approached the Death Star ship, and in an instant it was like a ray of light.

A powerful force erupted, causing the Death Starship to continuously shake. The energy shield that was hundreds of meters thick on the surface of the ship's hull had been torn to pieces by the black and white bright light, and the Death Starship's body had been directly attacked.

While Gu Xiechen was watching, the black light suddenly rushed outside the Death Starship's armor, and in an instant, thousands of extremely frequent attacks hit the Death Starship.

There was a loud noise, and a pale golden defensive array suddenly lit up on the surface of the Death Starship, spitting out a faint golden light to block the sudden attack of the black light. However, the attack frequency of the black light was too fast, and the attack frequency was too fast.

The strength was also astonishing, and the power contained in the attack was also extremely weird. Gu Xiechen was actually unable to tell what kind of energy the black light used. The defensive array was destroyed by the black light with almost no effect. The black light's

The attack hit the Death Starship's armor directly.

The Death Star ship trembled violently. The surface main armor, which was nearly a kilometer thick and composed of dozens of alloy plates with different properties, was penetrated by the black light in one fell swoop. Thousands of dense black light spears blasted into the Death Star ship.

In one fell swoop, it penetrated dozens of partition walls inside the Death Starship and penetrated directly into an extremely important cabin in the Death Starship - the biological culture cabin - which was also the cabin where the girls with the lowest level of attention were injected with genetic medicine.

The black light rushed into the cabin at an astonishing speed, and with a sinister laughter, it rushed in front of several young people stationed in the cabin.

The cultivation of these young people who have not transformed is probably only about the strength of the god transformation stage, and the energy pressure given by this black light to Gu Xiechen is at least the fourth level of heavenly immortal, and the power he possesses is so evil and unpredictable, the black light

He just rushed towards those young people, and with a snap of his fingers, tens of thousands of attacks were blasted out densely. There was only a muffled sound, and the stunned young people who had no time to react were blasted to pieces.

The blood mist all over the sky had just been sprayed out, and was completely absorbed by the black light.

The black light suddenly converged, and a young man about two meters tall, extremely feminine and evil, with an almost androgynous appearance, and as beautiful as a demon appeared in the cabin. The naked young man's skin was as white as a glass orb, but he

There are six pairs of dark wings behind him. The thin wings are different from the angel wings behind Siren. The feathers on the wings are more slender, softer, and denser, and there is a faint black-purple streamer on the feathers.

It was elegant, bringing up little bits of black starlight to wrap around the young man.

Then the white light that was circling at high speed outside the Death Star ship also rushed in. This was a man who was just like the black-winged young man, the same feminine and evil man. But the wings behind him were bright white, and the feathers were the same.

There was a faint silver-white stream of light constantly floating out, turning into little starlights entangled around his side.

The two young men smiled at each other, then suddenly stretched out their hands and slapped them hard.

The black-winged young man looked at the thousands of sleeping girls in the training cabin with satisfaction, and laughed a few times with strange sounds. He looked at those girls with almost salivation, and an embarrassing part of his body was already cumming.

He raised his head high. A trace of glistening saliva hung from the corner of the young man's mouth. He rushed to a training cabin with a single punch and smashed the thick transparent alloy hatch cover of the training cabin with one punch, killing a tall, slender and handsome man.

The beautiful girl hugged her out gently.

Before the sticky culture liquid on the girl's body could drip off, the young man was already like a hungry ghost who hadn't had enough to eat for tens of thousands of years, kissing the girl's red lips fiercely and deeply.

The young man with white wings looked straight at the actions of the young man with black wings. His eyes were red, and saliva was dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Licking the corner of his mouth fiercely, the white-winged young man walked gracefully and with the typical steps of a nobleman, walked slowly to a training cabin, and muttered something in an unknown language.

The Chaos Bell Spirit suddenly trembled, transmitting a clear stream of consciousness to Gu Xiechen. Gu Xiechen accepted this stream of consciousness, so he understood the words of the young man in white.

"Dear young lady, do you mind if I have a poignant and touching physical exchange with you?"

The young man with white wings took a deep look at the motionless girl in the training cabin, and suddenly started mumbling again.

"Of course, you may not answer me because of your low self-esteem. It is indeed the case. With such a noble bloodline, such a noble birth, such a noble appearance, such a noble body without any flaws, I have such a sacred relationship with you.

Physical communication, I am at a disadvantage, and you are taking advantage. But, I don’t mind!"

Smiling gracefully, the young man took a deep breath, smashed the training hatch cover with one punch, and slowly took the girl out. Looking at the girl's face tenderly, the young man smiled and said: "Although no matter where you come from,

Personally speaking, you are not worthy of even one of my toes. But considering your appearance, I will reluctantly have a purely physical communication with you! I'm sorry, I can't communicate with you spiritually.

..The level difference between you and me is so big that it is completely impossible for us to have such a high-level communication!"

Lightly licking his lips with his light red tongue, the white-winged youth put the girl on the ground with the most elegant movements, and then pounced on the girl like a vicious dog pouncing on food. Beside him, the black-winged youth

He had been silent for a long time and was sweating like rain, entangled with the girl under him.

The stunned Gu Xiechen glanced at Lasco blankly, and transmitted everything he heard to Lasco through spiritual transmission.

Lasko looked at Gu Xiechen and nodded: "I have never seen such a shameless thing."

After a pause, Lasko smiled and asked: "Kill him?"

Gu Xiechen hesitated for a while, and suddenly a strong black and white light flashed above his head, and the two-foot-tall Chaos Clock slowly emerged. Millions of planets passed by along the way, and the Chaos Clock did not stop.

Knowing how many spiritual veins and rare mineral veins he had swallowed, he finally managed to stabilize his body shape at about two feet. Now that he is offering the Chaos Clock, he doesn't seem too petty.

Qu raised his finger and tapped the Chaos Clock lightly, and a low chime immediately resounded through the entire Death Starship. Those elite descendants of the clan elders who were the strongest in the Void Realm all fell to the sky when they heard the bell.

Even the two weird young men who were having physical communication there froze up and their eyes became dull for a while.

As soon as the bell rang, Gu Xiechen's body disappeared from the cabin and instantly arrived in the training cabin.

Not allowing the two young men to wake up, Gu Xiechen moved his hand, and a plume of black smoke spurted out. A strange black gourd with bumps the size of mung beans flashed out from the black smoke. Gu Xiechen recited a spell, which was only the size of a palm.

A stream of black smoke that was as bright as water waves was quickly swept out of the gourd's mouth, and it instantly shone on the two young men's Tianling Caps.

The two young men screamed, and their bodies twitched. They saw two dim shadows, which were just like them, about to be pulled out of their bodies by the black smoke. But suddenly a bright light flashed across their bodies.

, two strange-shaped long swords that were as high as their bodies rushed out of their bodies with strong black and white lights, and boundless sharp energy rushed towards their faces. The sharp energy contained a strange kind of vitality and death, which firmly protected them.

It destroyed the bodies of the two young men, making it impossible for the black gourd to extract their souls.

With a sneer, Gu Xiechen said lightly: "The qualifications and innate magic weapons of the Shengming Duang God Clan are indeed extraordinary!"

From the consciousness transmitted from the Chaos Bell Spirit, Gu Xiechen recognized the origins of these two young men. They were both members of a powerful race in the new universe called the Holy and Pluto Clan. The people of this race were born

They must be twins. They have mastered the two completely opposite but complementary forces of life and death when they were born, and they will have a natural magic weapon with them. What is even more amazing is that although this natural magic weapon is not powerful, it is real.

As an innate thing, as the owner of the magic weapon gradually becomes stronger, it is not impossible for this natural magic weapon to absorb enough vitality and death force and gradually strengthen, and eventually become a true innate treasure.

The most amazing thing about this race is that unless the laws of heaven are used to completely obliterate the trajectory of their existence, including erasing all projections of their past, present and future, they will not truly die. Even if they are killed.

The original body will turn their bodies into ashes and their spirits into nothingness. Their original life and death will still be entangled together. After gradually absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, they can finally condense into a new form.

Obviously, during the ancient war, a pair of brothers from the Holy and Dark Gods died here, but they were not attacked by the rules of heaven. So after countless years, after absorbing enough power, they finally condensed their bodies again. Newly condensed.

Naturally, their bodies are not as powerful as their own bodies and can participate in the ancient wars, but the power of the fourth-level Celestial Immortal, coupled with their weird magical powers, and the power of rules that do not belong to this space, is enough for them to run rampant.

The Death Starship was beaten so miserably by them just now because their original power and attack mode did not belong to this universe at all. The energy shield and protective formation on the Death Starship could offset at most 30% of their attack power. How could they?

Really defend against their attacks?

Seeing that the twins' natal magic weapons were blocking the soul-eating magic power of the black gourd, Gu Xiechen suddenly laughed cruelly.

The Chaos Clock reappeared, and Gu Xiechen struck the Chaos Clock eighteen times in succession. Eighteen chaotic light patterns visible to the naked eye rushed toward the twins, shattering their natal magic weapons into pieces, and finally turned into faint black and white colors.

The original energy was integrated into their bodies. The two faint souls let out a sigh and were sucked in by the black gourd.

Gu Xiechen waved his hand, and the Chaos Bell sucked the black gourd in. The chaos laws belonging to that space were blasted, shaking the souls of the two brothers in the black gourd to pieces, turning them into two black and white wisps of life and death.

Sealed in the black gourd. This black gourd was left in the Chaos Bell, and was tempered by the energy of chaos in the Chaos Bell day and night. The two strands of life and death energy were continuously tempered and bombarded, making them unable to do anything again forever.


There is no way to completely obliterate the souls of these two brothers using the laws of heaven. Gu Xiechen can only use this method to deal with these two souls. He cannot kill them, and he must make them immortal forever.

Looking at the two tyrannical bodies with perfect structure, Gu Xiechen smiled mysteriously. He turned his palm over, and a black and white relic appeared in Gu Xiechen's hand. A breath of his life energy was blown on the relic.

Gu Xiechen chuckled and said: "Go, Prajna and Maha, these two such good bodies are here, why don't you take them quickly?"

The black and white relics suddenly disintegrated, and two faint spiritual lights spurted out from the relics, one with a slight grayish blood smell, and the other with a light golden color with a hint of Buddhist solemnity. The grayish white airflow merged into the body of the black-winged young man, and the light golden color

The flow of light merged into the white-winged young man's body. The two bodies trembled slightly and let out a soft hum at the same time.

Gu Xiechen nodded and said: "This body comes from the outer realm. It is the body of the innate saint from the outer realm. There is absolutely no problem in terms of quality. However, it is indeed too difficult to control them."

Caressing the Chaos Clock with his palm, the Chaos Clock once again sprayed out streaks of chaotic light that shone on the two young men. Slowly cooperating with Prajna, Maha's soul took over the two bodies. Prajna, Maha's soul came from this universe.

, and the rules for matching these two bodies come from the outer universe, which is like the operating software and computer hardware systems of the two systems, which are completely incompatible.

And with the help of the Chaos Clock, an innate treasure that represents the top rules of the outer universe, it is like a transformer, allowing the souls of Prajna and Maha to fit into their new bodies, allowing them to master their new bodies in the shortest possible time.

Various magical powers and various details of the physical body.

An hour later, White-winged Prajna turned over and stood up from the ground. He immediately put away the six pairs of white wings behind his back and bowed deeply to Gu Xiechen with his hands together: "Boss, thank you very much."

A simple thank you, no need to say anything more. Gu Xiechen heard Prajna's determination, and with a thank you, he had given everything he had to Gu Xiechen.

As for Maha, who was awakened by Prajna, he continued the actions of the white-winged young man in an extremely rogue manner. His body undulated violently, and while moving, he said vaguely: "Boss, wait a moment, this matter

We’re already halfway there, so it’s a pity to stop halfway. I’ll be done in a while.”

While heaving his body up and down violently, Maha hummed and said: "This new physical body is much stronger than ours before, at least tens of thousands of times, right? There's nothing else to fault, it's just that this body is not as strong as mine."

The bones in his body are so majestic, hey, even the model number of a certain part is three times too small, it’s not majestic or powerful enough!”

Gu Xiechen rolled his eyes and just looked at the ceiling. With a gloomy face, Prajna kicked Maha's butt hard, sending him flying.

This chapter has been completed!
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